Trump wants blacks to gamble on his "what the hell do you have to lose"

What a moronic way for Trump to solicit support from blacks.....

Blacks MUST always remember not to trust this orange moron who actually FUNDED the birther movement insinuating that a half-black man could NOT legitimately be sitting in the oval office.

...and blacks MUST always remember that Trump called for the reinstatement of the death penalty in New York following a horrific rape case in which five black teenagers were wrongly convicted.

So, my fellow citizen who are black......would you "gamble" that Trump is your would-be "savior"???
Blacks had better employment under the previous President. What says you of 8+ years of disturbing levels of black unemployment? You will blame the previous President but what specific steps and/or milestones has the current President done?
What will trump do?

Obama stopped 7,000,000 jobs a month from leaving the country. They were leaving at the end of the bush era.

Great analogy. The bathtub was almost full but bush pulled the plug. Obama put the plug back and slowly the water is rising but for 8 years Republicans keep pouring water out of the tub and saying, " see, things aren't what they used to be

Praise Obama, Bash Bush to gloss over the high unemployment rate among Blacks under Obama.
Whats moronic is blacks blindly voting for the party of slavery:slap:
If Blacks were blindly voting for the party of slavery that would be moronic. But Blacks aren't voting blindly, their eyes are wide open.
and they know those old democratic slavers in the south are all dead now. They also kow that northern democrats killed a lot of those democrat slavers during the Civil War. Todays democrats behave more like the old Northern Democrats known as WAR Democrats.
Your shackles of soft bigotry of low expectations are more devastating to blacks than any physical chains of slavery you liberals ever used....

The Black community isn't "devastated." And the Democratic Party is the vehicle that drives Black progress and that of everyone else who isn'a a right wing White male bigot.With only two real choices RW White males have aligned themselves on one side and the rest of us have been forced to join the diametrically opposing Party just to get and keep basic CIVIL RIGHTS.

You're on the side that looks down on black people..They're too dumb to vote ...they cant make it without government assistance. Give them a chance. Get them out of those failing schools they are stuck in. Let them choose were they send there kids..You're a funny guy really:slap:

We're choosing whom we want to vote for.

Why do you have a problem with our right to choose who we want to vote for.

The Republican Party is basically all white. who in the Hell believes that we would / could / should vote for an all white political party that's full of racists?
You answered yourself in your post....but the democrat plantation made you too stupid to realize it....

But thanks for proving our point.....
If Blacks were blindly voting for the party of slavery that would be moronic. But Blacks aren't voting blindly, their eyes are wide open.
and they know those old democratic slavers in the south are all dead now. They also kow that northern democrats killed a lot of those democrat slavers during the Civil War. Todays democrats behave more like the old Northern Democrats known as WAR Democrats.
Your shackles of soft bigotry of low expectations are more devastating to blacks than any physical chains of slavery you liberals ever used....

The Black community isn't "devastated." And the Democratic Party is the vehicle that drives Black progress and that of everyone else who isn'a a right wing White male bigot.With only two real choices RW White males have aligned themselves on one side and the rest of us have been forced to join the diametrically opposing Party just to get and keep basic CIVIL RIGHTS.

You're on the side that looks down on black people..They're too dumb to vote ...they cant make it without government assistance. Give them a chance. Get them out of those failing schools they are stuck in. Let them choose were they send there kids..You're a funny guy really:slap:

We're choosing whom we want to vote for.

Why do you have a problem with our right to choose who we want to vote for.

The Republican Party is basically all white. who in the Hell believes that we would / could / should vote for an all white political party that's full of racists?
You answered yourself in your post....but the democrat plantation made you too stupid to realize it....

But thanks for proving our point.....

The ONLY point here is that the Black vote is critical, and 90% of Black voters will vote for Clinton. Trump will top out at about 3% of that vote.

You stupid motherfuckers can talk that 'plantation' bullshit all day long and it won't make one iota of difference .. you're still going to lose.

Republicans NEED our votes .. not going to happen.

Reward our friends, punish our enemies.

Thanks again.
"What a moronic way for Trump to solicit support from blacks....."


Trump is consistent at being moronic.

And blacks have a great deal to lose with Trump as president.

Trump’s appointments to the Federal courts and Supreme Court could jeopardize the right of blacks to vote, with reactionary, conservative ideologues on the bench hostile to voting rights, allowing the states to enact measures that are clearly an undue burden on the right to vote.

Whats moronic is blacks blindly voting for the party of slavery:slap:
What's really moronic is your post. The current day Democratic party is the opposite of what it was during slavery, as is the current Republicn party the opposite of what it was at that time. You are NOT the party of Lincon. He would be rolling over in his grave to think he would be identified as someone who believes in and supports what the current Republican party stands for.

You may try to rewrite history and lie about facts hoping if you say it often enough, it becomes truth. But people with brains are not swayed by such pathetic manipulations.

No. Democrats were the ones that supported slavery then and the ones that support blacks on the "plantation" today. The difference is most blacks didn't want to be slaves then but 95% choose to do so today.
Yes, back in those days, southern white conservative racists were Democrat. These days, they're Republican. Black folks are smarter than you -- they know this while you don't. That's why they've switched from Republican to Democrat.
"What a moronic way for Trump to solicit support from blacks....."


Trump is consistent at being moronic.

And blacks have a great deal to lose with Trump as president.

Trump’s appointments to the Federal courts and Supreme Court could jeopardize the right of blacks to vote, with reactionary, conservative ideologues on the bench hostile to voting rights, allowing the states to enact measures that are clearly an undue burden on the right to vote.

Whats moronic is blacks blindly voting for the party of slavery:slap:
What's really moronic is your post. The current day Democratic party is the opposite of what it was during slavery, as is the current Republicn party the opposite of what it was at that time. You are NOT the party of Lincon. He would be rolling over in his grave to think he would be identified as someone who believes in and supports what the current Republican party stands for.

You may try to rewrite history and lie about facts hoping if you say it often enough, it becomes truth. But people with brains are not swayed by such pathetic manipulations.

No. Democrats were the ones that supported slavery then and the ones that support blacks on the "plantation" today. The difference is most blacks didn't want to be slaves then but 95% choose to do so today.
Yes, back in those days, southern white conservative racists were Democrat. These days, they're Republican. Black folks are smarter than you -- they know this while you don't. That's why they've switched from Republican to Democrat.

Doesn't change the fact that most blacks choose to be slaves to a party that has done so little for them despite promising them the stars.
Your shackles of soft bigotry of low expectations are more devastating to blacks than any physical chains of slavery you liberals ever used....

The Black community isn't "devastated." And the Democratic Party is the vehicle that drives Black progress and that of everyone else who isn'a a right wing White male bigot.With only two real choices RW White males have aligned themselves on one side and the rest of us have been forced to join the diametrically opposing Party just to get and keep basic CIVIL RIGHTS.

You're on the side that looks down on black people..They're too dumb to vote ...they cant make it without government assistance. Give them a chance. Get them out of those failing schools they are stuck in. Let them choose were they send there kids..You're a funny guy really:slap:

We're choosing whom we want to vote for.

Why do you have a problem with our right to choose who we want to vote for.

The Republican Party is basically all white. who in the Hell believes that we would / could / should vote for an all white political party that's full of racists?
You answered yourself in your post....but the democrat plantation made you too stupid to realize it....

But thanks for proving our point.....

The ONLY point here is that the Black vote is critical, and 90% of Black voters will vote for Clinton. Trump will top out at about 3% of that vote.

You stupid motherfuckers can talk that 'plantation' bullshit all day long and it won't make one iota of difference .. you're still going to lose.

Republicans NEED our votes .. not going to happen.

Reward our friends, punish our enemies.

Thanks again.

The sad part is that blacks are being used by the Democrats and blacks choose to be used.

You've been rewarded. Higher unemployment, higher poverty, lower educational attainment, lower IQ, etc. and you consider that a good thing. You must, you continue to vote for the party you say has helped you despite the results saying otherwise. At the same time, you say a party for which you won't vote hasn't done anything for you. That's the mentality of wondering why you didn't win the lottery yet not buying a ticket.
Your shackles of soft bigotry of low expectations are more devastating to blacks than any physical chains of slavery you liberals ever used....

The Black community isn't "devastated." And the Democratic Party is the vehicle that drives Black progress and that of everyone else who isn'a a right wing White male bigot.With only two real choices RW White males have aligned themselves on one side and the rest of us have been forced to join the diametrically opposing Party just to get and keep basic CIVIL RIGHTS.

You're on the side that looks down on black people..They're too dumb to vote ...they cant make it without government assistance. Give them a chance. Get them out of those failing schools they are stuck in. Let them choose were they send there kids..You're a funny guy really:slap:

We're choosing whom we want to vote for.

Why do you have a problem with our right to choose who we want to vote for.

The Republican Party is basically all white. who in the Hell believes that we would / could / should vote for an all white political party that's full of racists?
You answered yourself in your post....but the democrat plantation made you too stupid to realize it....

But thanks for proving our point.....

The ONLY point here is that the Black vote is critical, and 90% of Black voters will vote for Clinton. Trump will top out at about 3% of that vote.

You stupid motherfuckers can talk that 'plantation' bullshit all day long and it won't make one iota of difference .. you're still going to lose.

Republicans NEED our votes .. not going to happen.

Reward our friends, punish our enemies.

Thanks again.
Yes, the plantation is indeed a sad, voiceless place.....

You seem to celebrate your punishment....we just laugh at you, as we opened the gates years ago
What a moronic way for Trump to solicit support from blacks.....

Blacks MUST always remember not to trust this orange moron who actually FUNDED the birther movement insinuating that a half-black man could NOT legitimately be sitting in the oval office.

...and blacks MUST always remember that Trump called for the reinstatement of the death penalty in New York following a horrific rape case in which five black teenagers were wrongly convicted.

So, my fellow citizen who are black......would you "gamble" that Trump is your would-be "savior"???

For the record, it was Hillary Clinton who started the Birther movement back in 2008. And to your other point, Blacks have voted Democrat since 1964 and they are worse off now than ever. In your personal life, how long do you stick with a losing proposition?
The Black community isn't "devastated." And the Democratic Party is the vehicle that drives Black progress and that of everyone else who isn'a a right wing White male bigot.With only two real choices RW White males have aligned themselves on one side and the rest of us have been forced to join the diametrically opposing Party just to get and keep basic CIVIL RIGHTS.

You're on the side that looks down on black people..They're too dumb to vote ...they cant make it without government assistance. Give them a chance. Get them out of those failing schools they are stuck in. Let them choose were they send there kids..You're a funny guy really:slap:

We're choosing whom we want to vote for.

Why do you have a problem with our right to choose who we want to vote for.

The Republican Party is basically all white. who in the Hell believes that we would / could / should vote for an all white political party that's full of racists?
You answered yourself in your post....but the democrat plantation made you too stupid to realize it....

But thanks for proving our point.....

The ONLY point here is that the Black vote is critical, and 90% of Black voters will vote for Clinton. Trump will top out at about 3% of that vote.

You stupid motherfuckers can talk that 'plantation' bullshit all day long and it won't make one iota of difference .. you're still going to lose.

Republicans NEED our votes .. not going to happen.

Reward our friends, punish our enemies.

Thanks again.
Yes, the plantation is indeed a sad, voiceless place.....

You seem to celebrate your punishment....we just laugh at you, as we opened the gates years ago

You laughing .. you're begging .. I'm laughing :lol: You and the rest of the racist morons here are BEGGING Black people to vote for Trump.

Voiceless? Your punk ass is hearing us loud and clear .. which is why you retarded fucks are here BEGGING.

Two months to oblivion for the all white party. :0)
And to your other point, Blacks have voted Democrat since 1964 and they are worse off now than ever. In your personal life, how long do you stick with a losing proposition?

Well, its like abandoning one's "religion" when God has not FULLY answered one's prayers, and opting then to become a Satanist.
What a moronic way for Trump to solicit support from blacks.....

Blacks MUST always remember not to trust this orange moron who actually FUNDED the birther movement insinuating that a half-black man could NOT legitimately be sitting in the oval office.

...and blacks MUST always remember that Trump called for the reinstatement of the death penalty in New York following a horrific rape case in which five black teenagers were wrongly convicted.

So, my fellow citizen who are black......would you "gamble" that Trump is your would-be "savior"???

For the record, it was Hillary Clinton who started the Birther movement back in 2008. And to your other point, Blacks have voted Democrat since 1964 and they are worse off now than ever. In your personal life, how long do you stick with a losing proposition?

That's the point I've been trying to make that falls on either deaf ear or stupid ones.

Those that justify blacks continuing to vote for Democrats say things like what Republicans propose doesn't help blacks and a funny one just today of blacks support their friends (Democrats) and oppose their enemies (Republicans). If those I called my friends produced sub par results like Democrats have for blacks and I continued to be their friends, it would make me an idiot. If blacks choose to continue at such a high rate to vote for "friends" that have used them and done nothing for them, fine. They shouldn't be shocked when people point it out.
And to your other point, Blacks have voted Democrat since 1964 and they are worse off now than ever. In your personal life, how long do you stick with a losing proposition?

Well, its like abandoning one's "religion" when God has not FULLY answered one's prayers, and opting then to become a Satanist.
Why gamble when they have houses, leased BMWs, welfare and food stamps?
What a moronic way for Trump to solicit support from blacks.....

Blacks MUST always remember not to trust this orange moron who actually FUNDED the birther movement insinuating that a half-black man could NOT legitimately be sitting in the oval office.

...and blacks MUST always remember that Trump called for the reinstatement of the death penalty in New York following a horrific rape case in which five black teenagers were wrongly convicted.

So, my fellow citizen who are black......would you "gamble" that Trump is your would-be "savior"???

For the record, it was Hillary Clinton who started the Birther movement back in 2008. And to your other point, Blacks have voted Democrat since 1964 and they are worse off now than ever. In your personal life, how long do you stick with a losing proposition?

Would you like to compare what Blacks have accomplished under democrats compared to what was accomplished when the majority of us were voting for republicans? :0) Be my guest.

We didn't even have basic human rights under republicans .. but don't let that stop you from comparing.
You're on the side that looks down on black people..They're too dumb to vote ...they cant make it without government assistance. Give them a chance. Get them out of those failing schools they are stuck in. Let them choose were they send there kids..You're a funny guy really:slap:

We're choosing whom we want to vote for.

Why do you have a problem with our right to choose who we want to vote for.

The Republican Party is basically all white. who in the Hell believes that we would / could / should vote for an all white political party that's full of racists?
You answered yourself in your post....but the democrat plantation made you too stupid to realize it....

But thanks for proving our point.....

The ONLY point here is that the Black vote is critical, and 90% of Black voters will vote for Clinton. Trump will top out at about 3% of that vote.

You stupid motherfuckers can talk that 'plantation' bullshit all day long and it won't make one iota of difference .. you're still going to lose.

Republicans NEED our votes .. not going to happen.

Reward our friends, punish our enemies.

Thanks again.
Yes, the plantation is indeed a sad, voiceless place.....

You seem to celebrate your punishment....we just laugh at you, as we opened the gates years ago

You laughing .. you're begging .. I'm laughing :lol: You and the rest of the racist morons here are BEGGING Black people to vote for Trump.

Voiceless? Your punk ass is hearing us loud and clear .. which is why you retarded fucks are here BEGGING.

Two months to oblivion for the all white party. :0)

Continued sub par results for a bunch of morons (95% of them) that continue to vote for a party that has done so much for them. If so many blacks want to continue to live and perform sub part to everyone else, go for it. You'll always have the slavery EXCUSE to make yourselves feel better while 1 in 3 1/2 of you using food stamp live off the taxes paid by the white people you chastise. How sad it must be to know those you hate are the ONLY reason almost 1/3 of your people can eat.
What a moronic way for Trump to solicit support from blacks.....

Blacks MUST always remember not to trust this orange moron who actually FUNDED the birther movement insinuating that a half-black man could NOT legitimately be sitting in the oval office.

...and blacks MUST always remember that Trump called for the reinstatement of the death penalty in New York following a horrific rape case in which five black teenagers were wrongly convicted.

So, my fellow citizen who are black......would you "gamble" that Trump is your would-be "savior"???

For the record, it was Hillary Clinton who started the Birther movement back in 2008. And to your other point, Blacks have voted Democrat since 1964 and they are worse off now than ever. In your personal life, how long do you stick with a losing proposition?

Would you like to compare what Blacks have accomplished under democrats compared to what was accomplished when the majority of us were voting for republicans? :0) Be my guest.

We didn't even have basic human rights under republicans .. but don't let that stop you from comparing.
Which simply indicates the corruption of both parties.
What a moronic way for Trump to solicit support from blacks.....

Blacks MUST always remember not to trust this orange moron who actually FUNDED the birther movement insinuating that a half-black man could NOT legitimately be sitting in the oval office.

...and blacks MUST always remember that Trump called for the reinstatement of the death penalty in New York following a horrific rape case in which five black teenagers were wrongly convicted.

So, my fellow citizen who are black......would you "gamble" that Trump is your would-be "savior"???

For the record, it was Hillary Clinton who started the Birther movement back in 2008. And to your other point, Blacks have voted Democrat since 1964 and they are worse off now than ever. In your personal life, how long do you stick with a losing proposition?

Would you like to compare what Blacks have accomplished under democrats compared to what was accomplished when the majority of us were voting for republicans? :0) Be my guest.

We didn't even have basic human rights under republicans .. but don't let that stop you from comparing.
Which simply indicates the corruption of both parties.

Wrong .. it indicates what republicans did not do for their black constituents. RW gumpies love to ask what have democrats done for black people .. but when you ask what have republicans done .. crickets.

SHORTLY after the majority of Black people started voting for democrats .. Civil Rights legislation was authored and passed.

Both parties have corruption .. it's the American way of governance .. but one party is FAR better at inclusion of non-white Americans than the other.
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