Trump wants blacks to gamble on his "what the hell do you have to lose"

What a moronic way for Trump to solicit support from blacks.....

Blacks MUST always remember not to trust this orange moron who actually FUNDED the birther movement insinuating that a half-black man could NOT legitimately be sitting in the oval office.

...and blacks MUST always remember that Trump called for the reinstatement of the death penalty in New York following a horrific rape case in which five black teenagers were wrongly convicted.

So, my fellow citizen who are black......would you "gamble" that Trump is your would-be "savior"???

For the record, it was Hillary Clinton who started the Birther movement back in 2008. And to your other point, Blacks have voted Democrat since 1964 and they are worse off now than ever. In your personal life, how long do you stick with a losing proposition?

Would you like to compare what Blacks have accomplished under democrats compared to what was accomplished when the majority of us were voting for republicans? :0) Be my guest.

We didn't even have basic human rights under republicans .. but don't let that stop you from comparing.

You've accomplished a bastard birth rate almost 7 times higher than it was 75 years ago. The poverty rate for blacks is 2 1/2 times that of whites. Your educational attainment is lower than whites. Your use of social welfare as a proportion to your race in society is much higher than whites.

You guys damn sure have benefited under Democrats. You must be proud.
You've accomplished a bastard birth rate almost 7 times higher than it was 75 years ago. The poverty rate for blacks is 2 1/2 times that of whites. Your educational attainment is lower than whites. Your use of social welfare as a proportion to your race in society is much higher than whites.

You guys damn sure have benefited under Democrats. You must be proud.

I'm sure that you can come up with at least ONE policy concerning the betterment of black citizens that was WHOLLY introduced and enacted by conservatives......Just ONE......Thanks !!!
Wrong .. it indicates what republicans did not do for their black constituents. RW gumpies love to ask what have democrats done for black people .. but when you ask what have republicans done .. crickets.

SHORTLY after the majority of Black people started voting for democrats .. Civil Rights legislation was authored and passed.

Both parties have corruption .. it's the American way of governance .. but one party is FAR better at inclusion of non-white Americans than the other.

What right wingers REFUSE to acknowledge is that black voters have rewarded the party that HAS tried (and sometime succeeded and sometimes failed) to enact legislation that would help blacks.....While REJECTING the party that has done NOTHING for them Trump has stated......."what the hell do you have to lose".
You've accomplished a bastard birth rate almost 7 times higher than it was 75 years ago. The poverty rate for blacks is 2 1/2 times that of whites. Your educational attainment is lower than whites. Your use of social welfare as a proportion to your race in society is much higher than whites.

You guys damn sure have benefited under Democrats. You must be proud.

I'm sure that you can come up with at least ONE policy concerning the betterment of black citizens that was WHOLLY introduced and enacted by conservatives......Just ONE......Thanks !!!

I'm sure you can find one statistic where blacks are doing equally well or better than other groups having voted Democrat for 50 years. One?

You can't yet you continue to vote for the people that say they help you. Tells me you either want to be lower than others or you're too stupid to realize what's happening. You tell me.
Wrong .. it indicates what republicans did not do for their black constituents. RW gumpies love to ask what have democrats done for black people .. but when you ask what have republicans done .. crickets.

SHORTLY after the majority of Black people started voting for democrats .. Civil Rights legislation was authored and passed.

Both parties have corruption .. it's the American way of governance .. but one party is FAR better at inclusion of non-white Americans than the other.

What right wingers REFUSE to acknowledge is that black voters have rewarded the party that HAS tried (and sometime succeeded and sometimes failed) to enact legislation that would help blacks.....While REJECTING the party that has done NOTHING for them Trump has stated......."what the hell do you have to lose".

The only thing the Democrats have succeeded in doing is convincing blacks they care. The results say otherwise yet blacks continue to vote for Democrats.
Wrong .. it indicates what republicans did not do for their black constituents. RW gumpies love to ask what have democrats done for black people .. but when you ask what have republicans done .. crickets.

SHORTLY after the majority of Black people started voting for democrats .. Civil Rights legislation was authored and passed.

Both parties have corruption .. it's the American way of governance .. but one party is FAR better at inclusion of non-white Americans than the other.

What right wingers REFUSE to acknowledge is that black voters have rewarded the party that HAS tried (and sometime succeeded and sometimes failed) to enact legislation that would help blacks.....While REJECTING the party that has done NOTHING for them Trump has stated......."what the hell do you have to lose".

Couldn't agree with you more good brother.
You're on the side that looks down on black people..They're too dumb to vote ...they cant make it without government assistance. Give them a chance. Get them out of those failing schools they are stuck in. Let them choose were they send there kids..You're a funny guy really:slap:

We're choosing whom we want to vote for.

Why do you have a problem with our right to choose who we want to vote for.

The Republican Party is basically all white. who in the Hell believes that we would / could / should vote for an all white political party that's full of racists?
You answered yourself in your post....but the democrat plantation made you too stupid to realize it....

But thanks for proving our point.....

The ONLY point here is that the Black vote is critical, and 90% of Black voters will vote for Clinton. Trump will top out at about 3% of that vote.

You stupid motherfuckers can talk that 'plantation' bullshit all day long and it won't make one iota of difference .. you're still going to lose.

Republicans NEED our votes .. not going to happen.

Reward our friends, punish our enemies.

Thanks again.
Yes, the plantation is indeed a sad, voiceless place.....

You seem to celebrate your punishment....we just laugh at you, as we opened the gates years ago

You laughing .. you're begging .. I'm laughing :lol: You and the rest of the racist morons here are BEGGING Black people to vote for Trump.

Voiceless? Your punk ass is hearing us loud and clear .. which is why you retarded fucks are here BEGGING.

Two months to oblivion for the all white party. :0)
We do hold out a lot of hope many blacks will walk off the democrat plantation....

America really doesn't want you racist morons to ever leave but, that is a small amount of voiceless people....
What a moronic way for Trump to solicit support from blacks.....

Blacks MUST always remember not to trust this orange moron who actually FUNDED the birther movement insinuating that a half-black man could NOT legitimately be sitting in the oval office.

...and blacks MUST always remember that Trump called for the reinstatement of the death penalty in New York following a horrific rape case in which five black teenagers were wrongly convicted.

So, my fellow citizen who are black......would you "gamble" that Trump is your would-be "savior"???

Trump has no interest in attempting to attract black support, which would be a lost cause after he spent 7 years calling our first black potus a foreigner and a muslim. What he's trying to do is appeal to white voters who don't want to vote for Hillary but who also will never vote for an outright racist. He's trying to assure us that he is not so racist to be unacceptable to decency and civility. For me, it ain't gonna work. I ain't voted for the Clinton Foundation Fundraising Machine, but I'm not voting for the big fat lying Racist either.
We're choosing whom we want to vote for.

Why do you have a problem with our right to choose who we want to vote for.

The Republican Party is basically all white. who in the Hell believes that we would / could / should vote for an all white political party that's full of racists?
You answered yourself in your post....but the democrat plantation made you too stupid to realize it....

But thanks for proving our point.....

The ONLY point here is that the Black vote is critical, and 90% of Black voters will vote for Clinton. Trump will top out at about 3% of that vote.

You stupid motherfuckers can talk that 'plantation' bullshit all day long and it won't make one iota of difference .. you're still going to lose.

Republicans NEED our votes .. not going to happen.

Reward our friends, punish our enemies.

Thanks again.
Yes, the plantation is indeed a sad, voiceless place.....

You seem to celebrate your punishment....we just laugh at you, as we opened the gates years ago

You laughing .. you're begging .. I'm laughing :lol: You and the rest of the racist morons here are BEGGING Black people to vote for Trump.

Voiceless? Your punk ass is hearing us loud and clear .. which is why you retarded fucks are here BEGGING.

Two months to oblivion for the all white party. :0)
We do hold out a lot of hope many blacks will walk off the democrat plantation....

America really doesn't want you racist morons to ever leave but, that is a small amount of voiceless people....

Black president .. thousands of black democratic legislators all over the country.

Your turn .. please try to keep up because I'm not done yet.

Don't tell me what democrats haven't done, tell me what republicans have done .. and please try to stay in this century.
Blacks just need to stay on the plantation.....its easier and simple to live in shit.......

Thanks .. you help make the argument that the Republican Party is full of racists just like you .. which makes all this whining about who Black people vote for quite silly.

Thanks again.

Sure thing.....keep voting for that and living in Detroit......way to go!
There's nothing good about dumbasses voting. Democracy is a con, and the last thing this country needs is a bunch of gullible suckers making decisions for us.

It's their right to do so unfortunately, but nowhere does it state we have to make it ultimately convenient for them to vote. Voting on one or two days, and that's it. If that's too inconvenient, too bad. Stand in line with the people that actually care about voting. It's all equal.

Convenient???? :lol:

:In 2012, Blacks voted in higher percentages than whites .. in spite of racist voter-id laws and all the impediments to voting that republicans could dream up.

Blacks will never vote for republicans in numbers higher than 8%.

Romney got 6% .. Trump will get less.

So how are voter ID laws racist...thank you for disproving that bullshit!
Blacks just need to stay on the plantation.....its easier and simple to live in shit.......

Thanks .. you help make the argument that the Republican Party is full of racists just like you .. which makes all this whining about who Black people vote for quite silly.

Thanks again.
We don't whine.....just ask a question...blacks whine all the time about government's all you care about. And keep voting for a party that keeps you in poverty since they brought you here......and you think you should be taken seriously?
Blacks just need to stay on the plantation.....its easier and simple to live in shit.......

Thanks .. you help make the argument that the Republican Party is full of racists just like you .. which makes all this whining about who Black people vote for quite silly.

Thanks again.

Sure thing.....keep voting for that and living in Detroit......way to go!

I live in a city that will has hosted 3 Super Bowls, including the 2019 game, multi NCAA Final Fours, both men and women, THE OLYMPICS, multi-NBA All-Star games, multi MLB All Star games, and most major commercial and business conferences in this nation .. AND .. it has black democratic mayors, majority black democratic city councils, majority black residents who are decidedly democrats, and black democratic administrations .. AND, it is a world-class city that's prospering and BOOMING in one of the many poorest states in the country under republican Governors.

How many American cities have that resume?

Next time some asshole asks you why black people vote for democrats .. educate that motherfucker just like I just educated you.
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What a moronic way for Trump to solicit support from blacks.....

Blacks MUST always remember not to trust this orange moron who actually FUNDED the birther movement insinuating that a half-black man could NOT legitimately be sitting in the oval office.

...and blacks MUST always remember that Trump called for the reinstatement of the death penalty in New York following a horrific rape case in which five black teenagers were wrongly convicted.

So, my fellow citizen who are black......would you "gamble" that Trump is your would-be "savior"???

Democrats haven't helped blacks, look at Detroit, Baltimore and Chicago, just three cities, we all could name dozens more.

What is to lose? Hillary is strictly for the 1%, she is going to offer crumbs.

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It was a great speech. Trump is Spot On. All you have to do is look at Democrat-run Black Communities all across the country. Their worse off now than ever before. African American Unemployment is shockingly high. They really don't have anything to lose by choosing an alternative.
Blacks just need to stay on the plantation.....its easier and simple to live in shit.......

Thanks .. you help make the argument that the Republican Party is full of racists just like you .. which makes all this whining about who Black people vote for quite silly.

Thanks again.
We don't whine.....just ask a question...blacks whine all the time about government's all you care about. And keep voting for a party that keeps you in poverty since they brought you here......and you think you should be taken seriously?

:0) Who gives a fuck about what a moron takes seriously? You must be joking.

Your dumb ass isn't even smart enough to know that Trump is playing you for a fool .. :0) just another business opportunity. You're too dumb to know that even though most republicans know that.

Have you seen me asking you RW idiots for anything on this board in all the years I've been here?

Start from here .. you don't have shit I want or need. Don't need you politically. Again, you don't have shit .. just an increasingly powerless all white party full of racists just like you.

You dummies can't even help yourselves .. how are you going to help Black people? :lol: you must be joking.
What a moronic way for Trump to solicit support from blacks.....

Blacks MUST always remember not to trust this orange moron who actually FUNDED the birther movement insinuating that a half-black man could NOT legitimately be sitting in the oval office.

...and blacks MUST always remember that Trump called for the reinstatement of the death penalty in New York following a horrific rape case in which five black teenagers were wrongly convicted.

So, my fellow citizen who are black......would you "gamble" that Trump is your would-be "savior"???

Democrats haven't helped blacks, look at Detroit, Baltimore and Chicago, just three cities, we all could name dozens more.

What is to lose? Hillary is strictly for the 1%, she is going to offer crumbs.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

I guess you missed the post about Atlanta .. and how about you explaining exactly what republicans have done to help urban cities .. particularly affected by loss of the auto industry and Reagan's abandonment of American cities.

How about you tell me what republicans have done, not what democrats haven't done .. particularly in light of the fact that republicans didn't do shit for Black people even when the majority of us was voting for them.
Look, right wingers, simply state what is REALLY in your heart-of-hearts.....

You are basically calling blacks "stupid" and "Ignorant" for sticking with democrats over several decades...

Instead, you want blacks to "trust" both the party that has donw NOTHING, and the orange clown whose promises boil down to "trust me".......

NONE of you have come up with ONE...just one viable policy to help the black communities......and if one were to ask WHY, the answer is rather simple: The GOP's MAIN base is filled with older white, sometime racist, selfish and scared nitwits, and for ANY republican to even hint at a policy that would help blacks, is tantamount to political suicide.

There is a reason why white-racist groups favor the GOP, and blacks are far, far from "stupid" and "ignorant" and they recognize and reward the party that at LEAST tries to help rather than bullshit with slogans like "what do you have to lose."

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