Trump wants blacks to gamble on his "what the hell do you have to lose"

t's not mockery, it's explaining what you admitted. Democrat policies didn't work.

No,NO....I stated that they did not ALWAYS work.....which (for the English language-challenged) many of those policies HAVE worked.
Not as my savior, but as somebody with common sense about opportunity and prosperity.

........FINE, then point out ONE.....just ONE....policy by your right wingers to lead blacks into "opportunity" and "prosperity"...I mean, you have the majority in Congress for the last 6 years or so......and blacks are asking for that ONE policy.....

You can't pass a law requiring black men to stay in family units with there children.

God Dems are stupid

But you can have a system that doesn't punish families when the father stay to support, assist, and provide a positive role model for their children. That encourages marriage and a job before having kids. Even though there are single parents who do an amazing and exemplary job of raising their kids, children are doubly blessed when they have positive male and female role models in the home. And when they see Dad and/or Mom getting up in the morning, getting cleaned up, dressing appropriately, and going out to earn a paycheck and thereby commanding self respect and making more opportunity for themselves. Children should never have to grow up thinking the government will be their mom and dad forever if they don't bother to succeed on their own. Or that rioting and violence and lawlessness is the way to get their way.
Those teenagers were not "wrongly convicted." They were guilty as hell.

What are blacks risking by voting Republican? Nothing that I can see.

Of course, you "can't see"...after all you are a moron.....
(BTW, those 5 were "guilty as hell"??? isn't that when your ilk reverts to lynchings???
Trump's trade and immigration policy could be of great benefit to the US working class, including black working class voters.

Sure, trump's immigration policy would allow unemployed blacks the enviable, high paying jobs of picking tomatoes and landscaping and other charming opportunities.....maybe even picking cotton, right Correll?

11 million illegals are NOT all picking tomatoes.

Landscaping, in the absence of unlimited Third World Labor can be a lucrative working class career.

Not to mention EVERY OTHER JOB that will be effected by the drop in labor supply.

NOT TO MENTION the effect of manufacturing jobs returning, which are generally Middle Class jobs.

Oh, and fuck you.

Just for education sake.....Lets review the old, and long aspired conservative policy on SCHOOL VOUCHERS....

Such vouchers offer an amount that will NOT be enough to send your kid to a private school...
Now, wealthier parents could, use the vouchers and supplement the tuition cost to private schools.
Most black families do NOT have the funds to supplement the tuition even with the voucher.

1. Conservatives have enriched their donors, private schools
2. Black families have no choice but to keep their kids in public schools
3. Public schools would then have mostly black children only
4. De facto segregation is once again, alive and well.
Just for education sake.....Lets review the old, and long aspired conservative policy on SCHOOL VOUCHERS....

Such vouchers offer an amount that will NOT be enough to send your kid to a private school...
Now, wealthier parents could, use the vouchers and supplement the tuition cost to private schools.
Most black families do NOT have the funds to supplement the tuition even with the voucher.

1. Conservatives have enriched their donors, private schools
2. Black families have no choice but to keep their kids in public schools
3. Public schools would then have mostly black children only
4. De facto segregation is once again, alive and well.

Many public schools are already mostly black/brown, and they suck.

With vouchers and thus the power in the hands of parents, the better public schools would get the students and the funding.
NOT TO MENTION the effect of manufacturing jobs returning, which are generally Middle Class jobs.

Sure, pay blacks what a Chinese worker is earning in China...and then YES, we would get those manufacturing jobs back into the U.S........Why hasn't anyone else thought of this "brilliant" policiy?
Blacks had better employment under the previous President.

..The president that left office in the middle of Great Recession that exploded unemployment among blacks (and whites and everybody else)? Seriously? THAT President? :bs1:
With vouchers and thus the power in the hands of parents, the better public schools would get the students and the funding.

Were you a strong advocate of busing kids to those "better' public schools?
NOT TO MENTION the effect of manufacturing jobs returning, which are generally Middle Class jobs.

Sure, pay blacks what a Chinese worker is earning in China...and then YES, we would get those manufacturing jobs back into the U.S........Why hasn't anyone else thought of this "brilliant" policiy?

Reducing the US minimum wage to Chinese levels has never been part of Trump's platform.

Manufacturing jobs have traditionally been the kind of jobs that really encourage upward mobility for the Working and even Middle Classes.

This would be a reason for blacks to vote for Trump, as you requested.

Do you dare respond seriously and honestly?

Rhetorical question. I know that answer is no.
Reducing the US minimum wage to Chinese levels has never been part of Trump's platform.

Manufacturing jobs have traditionally been the kind of jobs that really encourage upward mobility for the Working and even Middle Classes

So, according to Trump....manufacturing jobs would repatriate to the States by.........wait for MAGIC.
Doesnt Trump realize they just need more welfare, handouts, affirmative action, reparations, and pandering for their votes ?
Reducing the US minimum wage to Chinese levels has never been part of Trump's platform.

Manufacturing jobs have traditionally been the kind of jobs that really encourage upward mobility for the Working and even Middle Classes

So, according to Trump....manufacturing jobs would repatriate to the States by.........wait for MAGIC.

So, in your mind, Trade Policy consists of TWO variables, wages and magic?

Try to be less silly.
We have a new charter school law down here. Three have opened in Jackson, where 99% of the students are black. Any one in Jackson who cannot afford private school has moved, black and white. The public schools in the city are a disaster. I hope charter schools can make it better. They seem to have helped New Orleans a little, and THAT was a bad place.
t's not mockery, it's explaining what you admitted. Democrat policies didn't work.

No,NO....I stated that they did not ALWAYS work.....which (for the English language-challenged) many of those policies HAVE worked.

Many policies/laws passed by Congress have worked, at least to some extent, short term. But could you provide an example of any policies the Democrats have promoted, without GOP support and consent, that have worked long term without significant unintended negative consequences? Most especially those related to black people?
Apparently they did. The Liberal federal judges have ruled Blacks too stupid and too backwards to even be expected to be able to obtain a photo voter ID like everyone else can easily do.

Atta boy, alligator-wrestler.......that's they way to "lure" blacks to your party......LOL

I'm not trying to lure Blacks to the Republican Party. I am all for their continued self-destruction.
Isn't this what trump said to the small contractors he stiffed and didn't pay when he hired them? "What do you have to lose".

Some of them lost their business.
What you deduce is of little concern to me. jUst worry about your own shackles put on you by your wealthy overseers.
I'm good, look funny standing there on the plantation though...:lol:

Yeah, how do you like my Botany 500 suit, silk shirt and tie? Would you care to take a spin in my new Chrysler 300C?
Did you think you said something? Yell louder, you seem pretty far away from the inside of the plantation fence....

Speaking to my hot maid:

"Rita, close the blinds… there is a strange fellow peeking through the front window."
You putting on that cheap Botany suit? :lol:
My Botany outshines your JC Penny's special!

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