Trump wants blacks to gamble on his "what the hell do you have to lose"

Not as my savior, but as somebody with common sense about opportunity and prosperity.

........FINE, then point out ONE.....just ONE....policy by your right wingers to lead blacks into "opportunity" and "prosperity"...I mean, you have the majority in Congress for the last 6 years or so......and blacks are asking for that ONE policy.....
For everyone on this thread, ask yourself if you were a black voter trying to decide which party to endorse:

One party proposes and enacts policies on improving job opportunities, better education, better housing, etc. Do these policies always work? Hell no.

the "other" party offers.....well, offers NOTHING except derision as to why blacks have lower economic status....

So, OBJECTIVELY, which party should that black voter endorse???
4 blacks and one Hispanic.
So how many were there? 5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15?

Can we at least decide how many rapists we're talking about? Innocent little cherubs just minding their own business in Central Park at night. Or was it daytime? Was it 5 or 15 innocent children looking to buy candy at the grocery store and were set upon by an evil woman looking for sex? Jogging!!

Yeah she deserved to be beaten so badly she was in a coma for 12 days.

Bitch had it coming if you ask me. Yeah.....that's the ticket.

Central Park jogger case - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You MORONS are missing the whole point as to WHY I pointed that case out.......Trump wanted to reinstate the death penalty in NYS.......conceivably, then, those 5 teenagers could have been executed BEFORE they were exonerated .....with Trump and the rest of the idiots then muttering, OOOops !!!

You right wingers expect blacks to forget these little Trump-Stunts...but damn it, they do NOT.
Judging by the evidence they were guilty as shit. The crime was horrible to say the least.

I don't give a flying fuck if it pisses blacks off when the guilty are punished.
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The difference is most blacks didn't want to be slaves then but 95% choose to do so today.

So, in your "expert" and "unbiased" opinion, you're stating that today's blacks are a bunch of dummies who actually WANT to be enslaved.........

Oh, you sweet talker, you......Now you have found the charming way to entice blacks to vote for your ilk, don't you think?

Christ, I can't wait to get past this election. The gop actually has some fresh ideas on fighting poverty that would be healthy for a national debate. Trump's had moments of low comedy, but the act is wearing out.
4 blacks and one Hispanic.
So how many were there? 5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15?

Can we at least decide how many rapists we're talking about? Innocent little cherubs just minding their own business in Central Park at night. Or was it daytime? Was it 5 or 15 innocent children looking to buy candy at the grocery store and were set upon by an evil woman looking for sex? Jogging!!

Yeah she deserved to be beaten so badly she was in a coma for 12 days.

Bitch had it coming if you ask me. Yeah.....that's the ticket.

Central Park jogger case - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You MORONS are missing the whole point as to WHY I pointed that case out.......Trump wanted to reinstate the death penalty in NYS.......conceivably, then, those 5 teenagers could have been executed BEFORE they were exonerated .....with Trump and the rest of the idiots then muttering, OOOops !!!

You right wingers expect blacks to forget these little Trump-Stunts...but damn it, they do NOT.

Those rapists were guilty as fuck and besides rape is not a capital crime.
What a moronic way for Trump to solicit support from blacks.....

Blacks MUST always remember not to trust this orange moron who actually FUNDED the birther movement insinuating that a half-black man could NOT legitimately be sitting in the oval office.

...and blacks MUST always remember that Trump called for the reinstatement of the death penalty in New York following a horrific rape case in which five black teenagers were wrongly convicted.

So, my fellow citizen who are black......would you "gamble" that Trump is your would-be "savior"???

The gamble is staying with a losing hand until your bankroll is gone.

That's exactly what hand the black community has been dealt by the Dems
For everyone on this thread, ask yourself if you were a black voter trying to decide which party to endorse:

One party proposes and enacts policies on improving job opportunities, better education, better housing, etc. Do these policies always work? Hell no.

the "other" party offers.....well, offers NOTHING except derision as to why blacks have lower economic status....

So, OBJECTIVELY, which party should that black voter endorse???

Trump's trade and immigration policy could be of great benefit to the US working class, including black working class voters.
For everyone on this thread, ask yourself if you were a black voter trying to decide which party to endorse:

One party proposes and enacts policies on improving job opportunities, better education, better housing, etc. Do these policies always work? Hell no.

the "other" party offers.....well, offers NOTHING except derision as to why blacks have lower economic status....

So, OBJECTIVELY, which party should that black voter endorse???

It's not mockery, it's explaining what you admitted. Democrat policies didn't work. At some point when the facts have been presented and denial still exists, one has to wonder why blacks continue to support a party that you say isn't getting the job done.

It's the difference between ignorance and stupidity. Initially, if someone isn't aware of the situation, it can be chalked up to not knowing. However, when the facts are presented time after time after time and people still don't listen, it's hard to accept it being ignorance any more.
For everyone on this thread, ask yourself if you were a black voter trying to decide which party to endorse:

One party proposes and enacts policies on improving job opportunities, better education, better housing, etc. Do these policies always work? Hell no.

the "other" party offers.....well, offers NOTHING except derision as to why blacks have lower economic status....

So, OBJECTIVELY, which party should that black voter endorse???

It's not mockery, it's explaining what you admitted. Democrat policies didn't work. At some point when the facts have been presented and denial still exists, one has to wonder why blacks continue to support a party that you say isn't getting the job done.

It's the difference between ignorance and stupidity. Initially, if someone isn't aware of the situation, it can be chalked up to not knowing. However, when the facts are presented time after time after time and people still don't listen, it's hard to accept it being ignorance any more.
They've been indoctrinated.
For everyone on this thread, ask yourself if you were a black voter trying to decide which party to endorse:

One party proposes and enacts policies on improving job opportunities, better education, better housing, etc. Do these policies always work? Hell no.

the "other" party offers.....well, offers NOTHING except derision as to why blacks have lower economic status....

So, OBJECTIVELY, which party should that black voter endorse???

It's not mockery, it's explaining what you admitted. Democrat policies didn't work. At some point when the facts have been presented and denial still exists, one has to wonder why blacks continue to support a party that you say isn't getting the job done.

It's the difference between ignorance and stupidity. Initially, if someone isn't aware of the situation, it can be chalked up to not knowing. However, when the facts are presented time after time after time and people still don't listen, it's hard to accept it being ignorance any more.
They've been indoctrinated.

Even nat4900 admits Democrat programs designed to help blacks have not done the job but claims blacks should still vote for Democrats.
For everyone on this thread, ask yourself if you were a black voter trying to decide which party to endorse:

One party proposes and enacts policies on improving job opportunities, better education, better housing, etc. Do these policies always work? Hell no.

the "other" party offers.....well, offers NOTHING except derision as to why blacks have lower economic status....

So, OBJECTIVELY, which party should that black voter endorse???

It's not mockery, it's explaining what you admitted. Democrat policies didn't work. At some point when the facts have been presented and denial still exists, one has to wonder why blacks continue to support a party that you say isn't getting the job done.

It's the difference between ignorance and stupidity. Initially, if someone isn't aware of the situation, it can be chalked up to not knowing. However, when the facts are presented time after time after time and people still don't listen, it's hard to accept it being ignorance any more.
They've been indoctrinated.

Even nat4900 admits Democrat programs designed to help blacks have not done the job but claims blacks should still vote for Democrats.
Judge them by their intentions, not their constant lack of results.
For everyone on this thread, ask yourself if you were a black voter trying to decide which party to endorse:

One party proposes and enacts policies on improving job opportunities, better education, better housing, etc. Do these policies always work? Hell no.

the "other" party offers.....well, offers NOTHING except derision as to why blacks have lower economic status....

So, OBJECTIVELY, which party should that black voter endorse???

It's not mockery, it's explaining what you admitted. Democrat policies didn't work. At some point when the facts have been presented and denial still exists, one has to wonder why blacks continue to support a party that you say isn't getting the job done.

It's the difference between ignorance and stupidity. Initially, if someone isn't aware of the situation, it can be chalked up to not knowing. However, when the facts are presented time after time after time and people still don't listen, it's hard to accept it being ignorance any more.
They've been indoctrinated.

Even nat4900 admits Democrat programs designed to help blacks have not done the job but claims blacks should still vote for Democrats.
Judge them by their intentions, not their constant lack of results.

In many ways, the intentions and the results are the same thing. If the intention is to keep people dependent on you so they'll support you and you get those results, aren't they the same?
I thought when he first said that.....that Trump was just riffing and he'd walk it back. That is how tone deaf and stupid it is.

The fact are as follows:

The vast majority of black Americans are hard working people with normal lives. They are educated and they are civic minded...and they
vote democrat for very good reasons. They know which party holds their best interests at heart.

The minority of black Americans who live in squalor and feel hopeless......are not typically going to go to the polls. And if they do...they aren't going to vote
for the guy who tells them that they suck.

Trump made a severe miscalculation with this approach. He has no hope of getting any significant portion of the black vote.
For everyone on this thread, ask yourself if you were a black voter trying to decide which party to endorse:

One party proposes and enacts policies on improving job opportunities, better education, better housing, etc. Do these policies always work? Hell no.

the "other" party offers.....well, offers NOTHING except derision as to why blacks have lower economic status....

So, OBJECTIVELY, which party should that black voter endorse???

It's not mockery, it's explaining what you admitted. Democrat policies didn't work. At some point when the facts have been presented and denial still exists, one has to wonder why blacks continue to support a party that you say isn't getting the job done.

It's the difference between ignorance and stupidity. Initially, if someone isn't aware of the situation, it can be chalked up to not knowing. However, when the facts are presented time after time after time and people still don't listen, it's hard to accept it being ignorance any more.
They've been indoctrinated.

Even nat4900 admits Democrat programs designed to help blacks have not done the job but claims blacks should still vote for Democrats.
Judge them by their intentions, not their constant lack of results.

In many ways, the intentions and the results are the same thing. If the intention is to keep people dependent on you so they'll support you and you get those results, aren't they the same?
Their stated intentions, not their real intentions.
For everyone on this thread, ask yourself if you were a black voter trying to decide which party to endorse:

One party proposes and enacts policies on improving job opportunities, better education, better housing, etc. Do these policies always work? Hell no.

the "other" party offers.....well, offers NOTHING except derision as to why blacks have lower economic status....

So, OBJECTIVELY, which party should that black voter endorse???

It's not mockery, it's explaining what you admitted. Democrat policies didn't work. At some point when the facts have been presented and denial still exists, one has to wonder why blacks continue to support a party that you say isn't getting the job done.

It's the difference between ignorance and stupidity. Initially, if someone isn't aware of the situation, it can be chalked up to not knowing. However, when the facts are presented time after time after time and people still don't listen, it's hard to accept it being ignorance any more.

No it is deliberate dishonesty Sort of like introducing an anecdote that they know will derail the thread because it works. Those usually identified as Progressive will not discuss or even look at the argument that Democratic--make that progressive--policies have been more destructive than helpful to black people. They would rather keep racism alive and well for whatever reason. And that makes defending the Democrats, etc. no matter how flimsy that defense might be.
Not as my savior, but as somebody with common sense about opportunity and prosperity.

........FINE, then point out ONE.....just ONE....policy by your right wingers to lead blacks into "opportunity" and "prosperity"...I mean, you have the majority in Congress for the last 6 years or so......and blacks are asking for that ONE policy.....

I'm not defending feckless and gutless Republicans who blame their impotence on a threatened Presidential veto.

But modern American conservatives offer a completely different approach than what the left has offered and is offering. Trump has signed on to most if not all of this:

1. Vouchers/school choice
2. Secure the borders and measures to make illegal immigration unattractive.
3. Removing barriers that have been a factor in a sluggish and uninspired economy so that all who want work can find good jobs.
4. Appointing judges who will rule to enforce the law instead of doing their own social engineering.
5. Enforcing the law so that businesses and jobs will return to areas of highest unemployment.
6. Discouraging the political correctness crap that demands that black people be seen as inferior and incapable and victimized.
7. Policies and social pressure that encourage fathers to stay in the home and help raise the children--this is the No. 1 factor that would help reduce poverty.
8. Lowering taxes for individuals and families so that there is financial incentive to get off government subsidies.
9. Trade and regulation policies that encourage American companies to stay in America.
10. Hiring and appointing people on merit instead of principles of diversity.

In short, elect Trump and, if the GOP is still in power, they won't have ANY excuse to sit on their hands any longer.
Not as my savior, but as somebody with common sense about opportunity and prosperity.

........FINE, then point out ONE.....just ONE....policy by your right wingers to lead blacks into "opportunity" and "prosperity"...I mean, you have the majority in Congress for the last 6 years or so......and blacks are asking for that ONE policy.....

You can't pass a law requiring black men to stay in family units with there children.

God Dems are stupid
What a moronic way for Trump to solicit support from blacks.....

Blacks MUST always remember not to trust this orange moron who actually FUNDED the birther movement insinuating that a half-black man could NOT legitimately be sitting in the oval office.

...and blacks MUST always remember that Trump called for the reinstatement of the death penalty in New York following a horrific rape case in which five black teenagers were wrongly convicted.

So, my fellow citizen who are black......would you "gamble" that Trump is your would-be "savior"???

Those teenagers were not "wrongly convicted." They were guilty as hell.

What are blacks risking by voting Republican? Nothing that I can see.
Not as my savior, but as somebody with common sense about opportunity and prosperity.

........FINE, then point out ONE.....just ONE....policy by your right wingers to lead blacks into "opportunity" and "prosperity"...I mean, you have the majority in Congress for the last 6 years or so......and blacks are asking for that ONE policy.....

You can't pass a law requiring black men to stay in family units with there children.

God Dems are stupid

I agree.

You can't pass that law any more than you can force them to Support their baby's momma and their kids.

We taxpayers, however, can be forced to support that mans woman and kids.
Trump's trade and immigration policy could be of great benefit to the US working class, including black working class voters.

Sure, trump's immigration policy would allow unemployed blacks the enviable, high paying jobs of picking tomatoes and landscaping and other charming opportunities.....maybe even picking cotton, right Correll?

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