Trump wants to control government health experts messaging re; Coronavirus!


Comfortably Moderate
Oct 19, 2010
After last night’s news conference regarding Coronavirus, when all the heath are experts stated one thing and Trump claimed the polar opposite. What followed from the WH? Trump now wants to control what the American population is informed of regarding the factual situation of the status of America and Coronavirus.
What kind of messaging are we going to get?
Trump’s absolutely first statement was about the stock market’s decline, he was outraged! He showed no concern about America’s citizen’s health risk. No, he was more concerned about getting re-elected. If the Coronavirus epidemic reaches a point that is close to what healthcare and scientist project, the economy will slow down even more than it has been the last few quarters.
With that in mind and based on his lone wolf messaging he repeated last night. Will Trump massage the message with solely his re-election in mind or will get the straight and accurate message?

Pence Will Control All Coronavirus Messaging
Trump has and is doing the right thing...Pence can take action that the CDC chief can' appoint the state departments expert on infectious disease to this pandemic...the same guy that is in charge of AIDS research and control...Trump knows how to get shit day you libtards will realize that....
After last night’s news conference regarding Coronavirus, when all the heath are experts stated one thing and Trump claimed the polar opposite. What followed from the WH? Trump now wants to control what the American population is informed of regarding the factual situation of the status of America and Coronavirus.
What kind of messaging are we going to get?
Trump’s absolutely first statement was about the stock market’s decline, he was outraged! He showed no concern about America’s citizen’s health risk. No, he was more concerned about getting re-elected. If the Coronavirus epidemic reaches a point that is close to what healthcare and scientist project, the economy will slow down even more than it has been the last few quarters.
With that in mind and based on his lone wolf messaging he repeated last night. Will Trump massage the message with solely his re-election in mind or will get the straight and accurate message?

Pence Will Control All Coronavirus Messaging

Exactly! He doesn't want a bunch of swamp dwelling bureaucrats pumping smoke up America's ass.
Trump has and is doing the right thing...Pence can take action that the CDC chief can' appoint the state departments expert on infectious disease to this pandemic...the same guy that is in charge of AIDS research and control...Trump knows how to get shit day you libtards will realize that....

Trump’s messaging mirrors the message the President of South Korea used.
South Korean Leader Said Coronavirus Would ‘Disappear.’ It Was a Costly Error.
After last night’s news conference regarding Coronavirus, when all the heath are experts stated one thing and Trump claimed the polar opposite. What followed from the WH? Trump now wants to control what the American population is informed of regarding the factual situation of the status of America and Coronavirus.
What kind of messaging are we going to get?
Trump’s absolutely first statement was about the stock market’s decline, he was outraged! He showed no concern about America’s citizen’s health risk. No, he was more concerned about getting re-elected. If the Coronavirus epidemic reaches a point that is close to what healthcare and scientist project, the economy will slow down even more than it has been the last few quarters.
With that in mind and based on his lone wolf messaging he repeated last night. Will Trump massage the message with solely his re-election in mind or will get the straight and accurate message?

Pence Will Control All Coronavirus Messaging

Pure delusion
After last night’s news conference regarding Coronavirus, when all the heath are experts stated one thing and Trump claimed the polar opposite. What followed from the WH? Trump now wants to control what the American population is informed of regarding the factual situation of the status of America and Coronavirus.
What kind of messaging are we going to get?
Trump’s absolutely first statement was about the stock market’s decline, he was outraged! He showed no concern about America’s citizen’s health risk. No, he was more concerned about getting re-elected. If the Coronavirus epidemic reaches a point that is close to what healthcare and scientist project, the economy will slow down even more than it has been the last few quarters.
With that in mind and based on his lone wolf messaging he repeated last night. Will Trump massage the message with solely his re-election in mind or will get the straight and accurate message?

Pence Will Control All Coronavirus Messaging

Exactly! He doesn't want a bunch of swamp dwelling bureaucrats pumping smoke up America's ass.

Like Trump has a clue? He showed how clueless he is about Coronavirus last night during the presser.
Man, Little Trumpsters are really naive. I would dare to bet that 99.99% healthcare experts and scientists disagreed heartedly on what Trump states last night.
Little Trumpsters are so delusional.
And by the way, Pence’s leadership during Indiana’s HIV crises drew him much criticism. He didn’t listen to the experts and his approach bombed. Once he finally got a clue that his method was a failure, he finally gave in to the experts. The results was a resounding success.
Pence put his ideology over science and he lost. Science took over and solution to the problem reversed Pence’s failure.
After last night’s news conference regarding Coronavirus, when all the heath are experts stated one thing and Trump claimed the polar opposite. What followed from the WH? Trump now wants to control what the American population is informed of regarding the factual situation of the status of America and Coronavirus.
What kind of messaging are we going to get?
Trump’s absolutely first statement was about the stock market’s decline, he was outraged! He showed no concern about America’s citizen’s health risk. No, he was more concerned about getting re-elected. If the Coronavirus epidemic reaches a point that is close to what healthcare and scientist project, the economy will slow down even more than it has been the last few quarters.
With that in mind and based on his lone wolf messaging he repeated last night. Will Trump massage the message with solely his re-election in mind or will get the straight and accurate message?

Pence Will Control All Coronavirus Messaging

Exactly! He doesn't want a bunch of swamp dwelling bureaucrats pumping smoke up America's ass.

Like Trump has a clue? He showed how clueless he is about Coronavirus last night during the presser.
Man, Little Trumpsters are really naive. I would dare to bet that 99.99% healthcare experts and scientists disagreed heartedly on what Trump states last night.
Little Trumpsters are so delusional.
And by the way, Pence’s leadership during Indiana’s HIV crises drew him much criticism. He didn’t listen to the experts and his approach bombed. Once he finally got a clue that his method was a failure, he finally gave in to the experts. The results was a resounding success.
Pence put his ideology over science and he lost. Science took over and solution to the problem reversed Pence’s failure.
Do you see it spreading in our nation like other nations?....Trump is handling it....
Trumpsters, based on their responses to this thread, show what complete fools they really are. Of course, what else is new. You folks think he knows more about diseases than PHDs. What in the hell do you folks base that on, other than having your head buried in Trump’s enormous posterior?
Trumpsters, based on their responses to this thread, show what complete fools they really are. Of course, what else is new. You folks think he knows more about diseases than PHDs. What in the hell do you folks base that on, other than having your head buried in Trump’s enormous posterior?

You folks think he knows more about diseases than PHDs

Why do you think that?
After this faux-HEALTH EMERGENCY!!! that CNN/MSNBC are so delighted to promote is over the LIB's response will be: "Trump dodged a bullet. He got lucky. He had no clue what he and his experts were doing. We have to remove Trump b/c next time we won't be so lucky".
After last night’s news conference regarding Coronavirus, when all the heath are experts stated one thing and Trump claimed the polar opposite. What followed from the WH? Trump now wants to control what the American population is informed of regarding the factual situation of the status of America and Coronavirus.
What kind of messaging are we going to get?
Trump’s absolutely first statement was about the stock market’s decline, he was outraged! He showed no concern about America’s citizen’s health risk. No, he was more concerned about getting re-elected. If the Coronavirus epidemic reaches a point that is close to what healthcare and scientist project, the economy will slow down even more than it has been the last few quarters.
With that in mind and based on his lone wolf messaging he repeated last night. Will Trump massage the message with solely his re-election in mind or will get the straight and accurate message?

Pence Will Control All Coronavirus Messaging

The entirety of the economic damage is occurring because of fear and uncertainty. If we completely ignored the virus, it would run its course much the same way the flu does. The flu can kill over 500,000 people per year, but it never causes any financial panic. This stock market needed a reason to reset, and coronavirus will do just fine.

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