Trump wants to get rid of the US asylum program

What made you think that Jews got asylum here? Roosevelt turned them away.
The Jewish refugees the US turned away
Canada turned them away too.

The invaders claiming asylum aren't entitled to asylum. They aren't fleeing anything. They just want money. They are coached and taught what to say. The claims are actually fraudulent.
You are repeating the embarrassment of Americans turning Jews away who were fleeing Nazis. We ultimately let in hundred's of thousands Jews either directly or indirectly.

We need to be able to identify those who are fleeing for their lives.
What made you think that Jews got asylum here? Roosevelt turned them away.
The Jewish refugees the US turned away
Canada turned them away too.

The invaders claiming asylum aren't entitled to asylum. They aren't fleeing anything. They just want money. They are coached and taught what to say. The claims are actually fraudulent.
You are repeating the embarrassment of Americans turning Jews away who were fleeing Nazis. We ultimately let in hundred's of thousands Jews either directly or indirectly.

We need to be able to identify those who are fleeing for their lives.
MEN don't flee shit. They fight.
He has my full support on this. Most of them arent really seeking asylum anyways. They just want us to give them free shit. Thats why they cross through multiple jurisdictions and even countries.
I saw one caravan last year that went right through a town in mexico that had a lower crime rate than san diego where they were seeking asylum!!!
Fuck em and fuck all illegals.

I don't support doing away with it completely, but I do think it needs more scrutiny for the reasons you point out. Many of these migrants could have gotten asylum in Mexico, but some insisted on pushing through all the way here for our welfare state. Others, of course, may also have family or friends here who can assist them if they get in, which can also explain why they didn't stay in Mexico.
Economic refugees should have no claim to asylum. They've figured out how to game the system and are running for the border before the system is changed.

I'd normally say 'let's look at the issue and figure out a way to plug the gaps', but at this point I'm with him 100%.

There is no bipartisanship or common sense left in congress and there is absolutely no way the dems will give him a win on this going into 2020 which means nothing will happen.

Shut it down, blow it up and maybe then we can talk about something more sensible.
He has my full support on this. Most of them arent really seeking asylum anyways. They just want us to give them free shit. Thats why they cross through multiple jurisdictions and even countries.
I saw one caravan last year that went right through a town in mexico that had a lower crime rate than san diego where they were seeking asylum!!!
Fuck em and fuck all illegals.

I don't support doing away with it completely, but I do think it needs more scrutiny for the reasons you point out. Many of these migrants could have gotten asylum in Mexico, but some insisted on pushing through all the way here for our welfare state. Others, of course, may also have family or friends here who can assist them if they get in, which can also explain why they didn't stay in Mexico.

The problem is that the refugees and asylum seekers from the Shithole countries really aren't "refugees" at all. They are just people coming here for economic reasons- they think they can make a lot more scratch in America from SNAP, EBT, Food Stamps, you name it that they could living and working in El Salvador or wherever.

The problem is that we have enough Americans already who are public charges. Further, if an El Salvadorite man were to work in this country, he's unskilled. America has enough people already to do unskilled labor
Yet it was the liberal icon FDR who was President during that time when he along with the State Department claimed that Jewish immigrants could threaten national security fearing they were Nazi spies among them.
Do we want to repeat that mistake?
How about we take in one ignorant mexican and send two fucking commie tards to mexico?
Yet it was the liberal icon FDR who was President during that time when he along with the State Department claimed that Jewish immigrants could threaten national security fearing they were Nazi spies among them.
Do we want to repeat that mistake?

The next time the boat of supposed refugees might actually be spies. Its been known to happen. Then historians will think we were fools when they discuss the defunct Western Civilization. Of libs would like that- I remember Jesse Jackson chanting with a mob of liberals "hey ho hey ho, western civ has got to go"
He has my full support on this. Most of them arent really seeking asylum anyways. They just want us to give them free shit. Thats why they cross through multiple jurisdictions and even countries.
I saw one caravan last year that went right through a town in mexico that had a lower crime rate than san diego where they were seeking asylum!!!
Fuck em and fuck all illegals.

I don't support doing away with it completely, but I do think it needs more scrutiny for the reasons you point out. Many of these migrants could have gotten asylum in Mexico, but some insisted on pushing through all the way here for our welfare state. Others, of course, may also have family or friends here who can assist them if they get in, which can also explain why they didn't stay in Mexico.

The problem is that the refugees and asylum seekers from the Shithole countries really aren't "refugees" at all. They are just people coming here for economic reasons- they think they can make a lot more scratch in America from SNAP, EBT, Food Stamps, you name it that they could living and working in El Salvador or wherever.

The problem is that we have enough Americans already who are public charges. Further, if an El Salvadorite man were to work in this country, he's unskilled. America has enough people already to do unskilled labor
The problem is too many unskilled laborers who are US citizens will not take the unskilled jobs. They don't pay enough. We call these people Trump supporters. Trump promised these people, he will bring back high paying jobs for those who do not have skills in demand in the 21st century.
He has my full support on this. Most of them arent really seeking asylum anyways. They just want us to give them free shit. Thats why they cross through multiple jurisdictions and even countries.
I saw one caravan last year that went right through a town in mexico that had a lower crime rate than san diego where they were seeking asylum!!!
Fuck em and fuck all illegals.

I don't support doing away with it completely, but I do think it needs more scrutiny for the reasons you point out. Many of these migrants could have gotten asylum in Mexico, but some insisted on pushing through all the way here for our welfare state. Others, of course, may also have family or friends here who can assist them if they get in, which can also explain why they didn't stay in Mexico.
If they have family or friends we should identify them and deport them.
What made you think that Jews got asylum here? Roosevelt turned them away.
The Jewish refugees the US turned away
Canada turned them away too.

The invaders claiming asylum aren't entitled to asylum. They aren't fleeing anything. They just want money. They are coached and taught what to say. The claims are actually fraudulent.
You are repeating the embarrassment of Americans turning Jews away who were fleeing Nazis. We ultimately let in hundred's of thousands Jews either directly or indirectly.

We need to be able to identify those who are fleeing for their lives.
MEN don't flee shit. They fight.
You are saying the men who were Christians in Iraq or Jews in Nazi Germany, and fled, were not men. You do not know what a man is.

I tell you who is not a man is one who votes for Trump to bring back jobs that are from the last century because they are too lazy to get the skills that are in demand in the 21st century. A man does not blame their misfortune on immigrants, non-whites, Muslims, women, anyone who is not like them.
He has my full support on this. Most of them arent really seeking asylum anyways. They just want us to give them free shit. Thats why they cross through multiple jurisdictions and even countries.
I saw one caravan last year that went right through a town in mexico that had a lower crime rate than san diego where they were seeking asylum!!!
Fuck em and fuck all illegals.

I don't support doing away with it completely, but I do think it needs more scrutiny for the reasons you point out. Many of these migrants could have gotten asylum in Mexico, but some insisted on pushing through all the way here for our welfare state. Others, of course, may also have family or friends here who can assist them if they get in, which can also explain why they didn't stay in Mexico.

The problem is that the refugees and asylum seekers from the Shithole countries really aren't "refugees" at all. They are just people coming here for economic reasons- they think they can make a lot more scratch in America from SNAP, EBT, Food Stamps, you name it that they could living and working in El Salvador or wherever.

The problem is that we have enough Americans already who are public charges. Further, if an El Salvadorite man were to work in this country, he's unskilled. America has enough people already to do unskilled labor
Economic reasons are legit asylum, imo
He has my full support on this. Most of them arent really seeking asylum anyways. They just want us to give them free shit. Thats why they cross through multiple jurisdictions and even countries.
I saw one caravan last year that went right through a town in mexico that had a lower crime rate than san diego where they were seeking asylum!!!
Fuck em and fuck all illegals.

I don't support doing away with it completely, but I do think it needs more scrutiny for the reasons you point out. Many of these migrants could have gotten asylum in Mexico, but some insisted on pushing through all the way here for our welfare state. Others, of course, may also have family or friends here who can assist them if they get in, which can also explain why they didn't stay in Mexico.

The problem is that the refugees and asylum seekers from the Shithole countries really aren't "refugees" at all. They are just people coming here for economic reasons- they think they can make a lot more scratch in America from SNAP, EBT, Food Stamps, you name it that they could living and working in El Salvador or wherever.

The problem is that we have enough Americans already who are public charges. Further, if an El Salvadorite man were to work in this country, he's unskilled. America has enough people already to do unskilled labor
Economic reasons are legit asylum, imo

Is there room in your neighborhood for a billion or so low-skilled asylum seekers?
He has my full support on this. Most of them arent really seeking asylum anyways. They just want us to give them free shit. Thats why they cross through multiple jurisdictions and even countries.
I saw one caravan last year that went right through a town in mexico that had a lower crime rate than san diego where they were seeking asylum!!!
Fuck em and fuck all illegals.

I don't support doing away with it completely, but I do think it needs more scrutiny for the reasons you point out. Many of these migrants could have gotten asylum in Mexico, but some insisted on pushing through all the way here for our welfare state. Others, of course, may also have family or friends here who can assist them if they get in, which can also explain why they didn't stay in Mexico.

The problem is that the refugees and asylum seekers from the Shithole countries really aren't "refugees" at all. They are just people coming here for economic reasons- they think they can make a lot more scratch in America from SNAP, EBT, Food Stamps, you name it that they could living and working in El Salvador or wherever.

The problem is that we have enough Americans already who are public charges. Further, if an El Salvadorite man were to work in this country, he's unskilled. America has enough people already to do unskilled labor
The problem is too many unskilled laborers who are US citizens will not take the unskilled jobs. They don't pay enough. We call these people Trump supporters. Trump promised these people, he will bring back high paying jobs for those who do not have skills in demand in the 21st century.

You are promoting a fallacy. People will do ANY KIND OF WORK, if the price is right!

The reason the price is not right?

Because ILLEGALS will do the job cheaper! Ask the construction industry, just ask them!

Now, your retort will undoubtedly be------------>so that means you want to pay more.

No we don't! But the fact is--------------->we are getting hosed either way! We can pay LESS, then pay MORE in social benefits, or PAY MORE up front, and pay less at the back end!

Not to mention-----------> Which person is going to buy the new car, the new computer, the new washing machine and dryer? The person now MAKING MORE MONEY living in America supporting their family; or the person sending money out of the country to support their extended relatives?

It is a no brainer, econ 101. Your stance is untenable. Our government is elected by US, for OUR best interest, not the best interest of illegal aliens, which then makes our positions less comfortable. ANYONE who wants to help these people should just send them some of YOUR money, NOT give away another American citizens job because it makes you feel good!
Economic reasons are legit asylum, imo

No, I don’t agree with that at all. If that were criteria we have the entire Third World storming our borders. If you are referring to economic crises brought on by a despotic political system like in Cuba or Venezuela, perhaps, but not just poverty in general
Trump wants to get rid of the US asylum program.

If Trump's request was in effect in the 1930's into the 1940's, many more Jews would have died because they would not have been given asylum in the US.

Your knowledge of History is lacking. FDR sent Jews back

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