Trump Wants To Release The Names Of Congress Who Paid Hush Money Out Of Slush Fund

Paybacks are a motherfucker: Trump To Release The Names Of Sexual Predators In Congress! | WUC-News

Trump To Release The Names Of Sexual Predators In Congress!
0 Trump 11:20 PM

Elder Patriot – It’s almost hard to believe that members of Congress had the chutzpah to establish a secret fund, paid for by taxpayers, to silence the victims of their unwanted sexual demands. But they did, once again proving their complete disregard for the people that pay their salaries.

Seventeen and a quarter million dollars were spent to hide the sexual peccadillos – including rape – in 264 reported incidents. How many more attacks went unreported? Payments averaged $65,306 per assault. That’s fairly significant hush money but it gets worse.

In one year the average payment was just under $4oo,000. That was the average. That average had to have been skewed by one or two massive payouts considering the total payout for the 50 settlements in the five years prior to that year was $382,000.
Now journalist Trey Yingst has tweeted that President Trump wants the names of these predators to be made public.
There are at least two good reasons that Trump would want their names to be made public.

First, as we have learned from the establishment’s attack on Roy Moore and their stated intent to block him from being seated if the voters of Alabama are to elect him, they are blowing smoke because the Supreme Court has ruled that as long as the voters are aware of the allegation ahead of time then it is fair to consider they have taken the alleged behavior into account when they cast their votes.
That was the case with DC Mayor Marion Barry who was re-elected after being found in a hotel room smoking crack cocaine while enjoying the company of a prostitute. In fact, a plaque honoring Barry is currently being erected in Washington.
The high court’s ruling also opens the door to what happens when the truth is deliberately kept from voters in these instances and they do not have an opportunity to factor the aberrant behavior into their decision.
Remember, the Congressional violators have admitted their guilt, or been found guilty despite their contentions otherwise. Roy Moore has been afforded nowhere near the same consideration.
If true and he can he should!
He should include his name on that list.

Interesting he's for making records public, but still won't release his tax returns.

The Congressional hush fund used public funds, so those records belong to the public.

Trumps hush funds were private funds and the public has no right to see them. Releasing them is merely a courtesy.
I hope he does do it...

Not sure why any of you dumbasses think somehow this will exonerate the blob but whatever. It reeks of desperation, anger, frustration, and extreme butthurt. So much for "Make America Great Again"....Trump is about one thing and one thing only; sticking it to people. The only thing different about this and our trade wars, the countless people he's insulted, etc... is that the members of congress deserve it.

Let it fly Mr. President..."prove" to all of us you're not the only disgusting pervert in Washington!!!!
Who authorized a taxpayer slush fund to bail out politicians. I don't remember that initiative on any ballot.

It's another chapter of information that was never supposed to go public............they never wanted to let the people know about it................paying to hide the dirt in Washington.

Another exposure to the Status Quo..........Establishment.......Deep State......whatever you want to call it.

So the hush money paid out by Congress is bad; the hush money paid out by the blob was somehow righteous? Is that your spin today? Good luck with that dumb fuck.
You mean all the people on the list 'F***ed" with Trump? Seems more like lashing out and pointing away from himself as a CYA maneuver than anything else. Like the speeder who rails at the cop about other speeders passing while the cop writes his ticket. He is more like one of the 'mean girls' than a president.
Yeah because one billionaire paying a few women to not talk is far worse than hundreds of elected C ongresscritters using tax payer money to hush who knows how many victims and hide it all from the public.

When Trump hits back, he hits back in kind.

One would think that the anti-Trumpers, who live in glass houses, wouldnt throw stones.
Justice’s Liberal Slush Fund

This scandal comes courtesy of the Justice Department, which for 16 months has engaged in a scheme to undermine Congress’s spending authority by independently transferring dollars to President Obama’s political allies. The department is in the process of funneling more than half-a-billion dollars to liberal activist groups, at least some of which will actively support Democrats in the coming election.

This strategy kicked off with the $13 billion J.P. Morgan settlement in late 2013, though in that case the bank was simply offered credit for donations to nonprofits. That changed with the Citigroup and Bank of America settlements, which outright required $150 million in donations. The BofA agreement contains a provision that potentially tees up nonprofit groups for another $490 million. Several smaller settlements follow the same mold.

To further induce companies to go the donation route, Justice considers these handouts to be worth “double credit” against penalty obligations. So while direct forms of victim relief are still counted dollar-for-dollar, a $500,000 donation by BofA to La Raza takes at least $1 million off the company’s bill.

It’s also a classic Obama end run around the law. House Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte, who has spent a year investigating and pushing back against Justice’s slush fund, has noted that the Miscellaneous Receipts Act requires money received by the government from any source to be deposited in the Treasury. Directing banks to give money to third parties is a slippery way of evading that statute.

Another day..............another uncovered abuse of Gov't...............This time the DOJ under Obama handing out half a billion to their buddies.............

Revealed! Secret gov’t slush fund could send Obama to jail
During the Obama administration, justice was the last thing the Justice Department was interested in.

Instead, the DOJ cut a special deal to take money away from people screwed over by big banks and screw them over again — giving taxpayer money to left-wing radicals who supported the Obama administration’s policies on welfare and illegal immigration.

But investigations have revealed that the federal government gave them a sweetheart deal: They could either pay the full amount to their actual victims, or they could pay half as much money to left-wing organizations who are cozy with the Obama administration.

The EPA Stashes BILLIONS In Slush Fund-Like Accounts

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) officials have accumulated at least $6.3 billion in more than 1,300 obscure spending accounts akin to slush funds that are essentially beyond congressional, media and public scrutiny.

The accounts – which were created through EPA’s Superfund program – are not technically secret because the agency officially acknowledges their existence. But getting concrete details about deposits and expenditures is extremely difficult.

The EPA deposited more than $6.3 billion into an estimated 1,308 special accounts between 1990 and 2015, according to the agency’s website, and has spent more than half of the total. The agency doesn’t publicly report individual special account balances or expenses.

TheDCNF investigation also found that funds deposited in special accounts skyrocketed after Congress allowed a tax that primarily financed Superfund activities to expire in 1995. The EPA also began heavily stripping appropriated funds previously promised to Superfund sites and began settling more cases with polluters around the same time.

“Increases in de-obligations reflect maturity of the superfund program,” the EPA spokeswoman told TheDCNF. “Factors such as completion of construction projects and enforcement settlements have allowed the agency to appropriately de-obligate funds so they can be used on other projects.”

“The polluter-pays policy is a long-standing policy for EPA and has no relationship with the lapse of Superfund taxing authority,” she said.

An estimated 80 percent of EPA’s enforcement actions ended in settlements through 2007, according to a 2009 Government Accountability Office report, and lawsuits decreased by nearly 50 percent.

“Some attorneys said their clients tend to settle with EPA because responsible parties are unlikely to succeed in avoiding liability in litigation against the federal government,” the report said.

Overall, the Superfund’s performance record is debatable. The EPA claims cleanup construction has been completed at nearly 1,200 sites and that 752 sites are ready for new uses.

But less than one-quarter of all superfund sites have been completely cleaned over the program’s 35-year history, and dangerous substances that endanger humans could remain at as many as 319 sites, TheDCNF previously reported. (RELATED: Fed Superfund Gets Billions To Clean Up Pollution — Doesn’t Actually Do Much At All)
Trump will have the worst ending of any public figure...he messed with the CIA' FBI and those who rule the world....he is fucked and well deserved.

It's almost as if Trump is attempting to be the next JFK; imagine that
Did JFK expose the hypocrisy of the left, or is that a threat?

JFK made a lot of enemies; Trump looks to be doing the same
Trump didn't make enemies. The only thing he did to them was win and start exposing them. Well, actually they're exposing themselves. They're just acting like the corrupt assholes they've always been.
Trump will have the worst ending of any public figure...he messed with the CIA' FBI and those who rule the world....he is fucked and well deserved.

It's almost as if Trump is attempting to be the next JFK; imagine that
Did JFK expose the hypocrisy of the left, or is that a threat?

JFK made a lot of enemies; Trump looks to be doing the same
Trump didn't make enemies. The only thing he did to them was win and start exposing them. Well, actually they're exposing themselves. They're just acting like the corrupt assholes they've always been.

Trump has made a business of making enemies; he has screwed contractors as a matter of habit for decades, he screwed thousands via Trump University, he screwed porn stars, Trump has screwed everyone he ever knew, and now he has taken on the DOJ, the FBI, the CIA, the U name it, Trump loves him some enemies.

and when Trump Tweets he looks so innocent, LOL
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You mean all the people on the list 'F***ed" with Trump? Seems more like lashing out and pointing away from himself as a CYA maneuver than anything else. Like the speeder who rails at the cop about other speeders passing while the cop writes his ticket. He is more like one of the 'mean girls' than a president.
Yeah because one billionaire paying a few women to not talk is far worse than hundreds of elected C ongresscritters using tax payer money to hush who knows how many victims and hide it all from the public.

Jim, we don't even know if it is true that Congress voted itself a hanky-panky slush fund. Trump lies a lot you know.
You mean all the people on the list 'F***ed" with Trump? Seems more like lashing out and pointing away from himself as a CYA maneuver than anything else. Like the speeder who rails at the cop about other speeders passing while the cop writes his ticket. He is more like one of the 'mean girls' than a president.
Yeah because one billionaire paying a few women to not talk is far worse than hundreds of elected C ongresscritters using tax payer money to hush who knows how many victims and hide it all from the public.

Jim, we don't even know if it is true that Congress voted itself a hanky-panky slush fund. Trump lies a lot you know.

Nov 27, 2017 · Under Congressional Accountability Act, taxpayers pay for secret settlements. ... million to settle scores of workplace claims from a special Treasury Department fund created by the 1995 law.

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