Trump Wants To Release The Names Of Congress Who Paid Hush Money Out Of Slush Fund

Trump will have the worst ending of any public figure...he messed with the CIA' FBI and those who rule the world....he is fucked and well deserved.

It's almost as if Trump is attempting to be the next JFK; imagine that
Did JFK expose the hypocrisy of the left, or is that a threat?

JFK made a lot of enemies; Trump looks to be doing the same
Trump didn't make enemies. The only thing he did to them was win and start exposing them. Well, actually they're exposing themselves. They're just acting like the corrupt assholes they've always been.

Trump has made a business of making enemies; he has screwed contractors as a matter of habit for decades, he screwed thousands via Trump University, he screwed porn stars, Trump has screwed everyone he ever knew, and now he has taken on the DOJ, the FBI, the CIA, the U name it, Trump loves him some enemies.

and when Trump Tweets he looks so innocent, LOL
I admit, Trump isn't perfect.
But he's never raped anyone in college.
He's not responsible for the deaths of 18 soldiers in Mogadishu and 4 in Benghazi.
He's never used the NSA, FBI, CIA, and foreign intelligence operatives to spy on his political opponents.
He's never exchanged Top Secret information on a private server.
He's never destroyed his cell phones and servers to cover this up.
He's never sent billions to our enemies.
He's never used the IRS to destroy the lives of critics.
He's never put critics in jail on trumped up charges.
Trump has never made deals with Twitter, Facebook, and Youtube CEOs to censor social media.
It's almost as if Trump is attempting to be the next JFK; imagine that
Did JFK expose the hypocrisy of the left, or is that a threat?

JFK made a lot of enemies; Trump looks to be doing the same
Trump didn't make enemies. The only thing he did to them was win and start exposing them. Well, actually they're exposing themselves. They're just acting like the corrupt assholes they've always been.

Trump has made a business of making enemies; he has screwed contractors as a matter of habit for decades, he screwed thousands via Trump University, he screwed porn stars, Trump has screwed everyone he ever knew, and now he has taken on the DOJ, the FBI, the CIA, the U name it, Trump loves him some enemies.

and when Trump Tweets he looks so innocent, LOL
I admit, Trump isn't perfect.
But he's never raped anyone in college.
He's not responsible for the deaths of 18 soldiers in Mogadishu and 4 in Benghazi.
He's never used the NSA, FBI, CIA, and foreign intelligence operatives to spy on his political opponents.
He's never exchanged Top Secret information on a private server.
He's never destroyed his cell phones and servers to cover this up.
He's never sent billions to our enemies.
He's never used the IRS to destroy the lives of critics.
He's never put critics in jail on trumped up charges.
Trump has never made deals with Twitter, Facebook, and Youtube CEOs to censor social media.

That is facinating
It sure seems like the folks in D.C. have a hard time keeping out of each other's pants. Is it something in the water?
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Paybacks are a motherfucker: Trump To Release The Names Of Sexual Predators In Congress! | WUC-News

Trump To Release The Names Of Sexual Predators In Congress!
0 Trump 11:20 PM

Elder Patriot – It’s almost hard to believe that members of Congress had the chutzpah to establish a secret fund, paid for by taxpayers, to silence the victims of their unwanted sexual demands. But they did, once again proving their complete disregard for the people that pay their salaries.

Seventeen and a quarter million dollars were spent to hide the sexual peccadillos – including rape – in 264 reported incidents. How many more attacks went unreported? Payments averaged $65,306 per assault. That’s fairly significant hush money but it gets worse.

In one year the average payment was just under $4oo,000. That was the average. That average had to have been skewed by one or two massive payouts considering the total payout for the 50 settlements in the five years prior to that year was $382,000.
Now journalist Trey Yingst has tweeted that President Trump wants the names of these predators to be made public.
There are at least two good reasons that Trump would want their names to be made public.

First, as we have learned from the establishment’s attack on Roy Moore and their stated intent to block him from being seated if the voters of Alabama are to elect him, they are blowing smoke because the Supreme Court has ruled that as long as the voters are aware of the allegation ahead of time then it is fair to consider they have taken the alleged behavior into account when they cast their votes.
That was the case with DC Mayor Marion Barry who was re-elected after being found in a hotel room smoking crack cocaine while enjoying the company of a prostitute. In fact, a plaque honoring Barry is currently being erected in Washington.
The high court’s ruling also opens the door to what happens when the truth is deliberately kept from voters in these instances and they do not have an opportunity to factor the aberrant behavior into their decision.
Remember, the Congressional violators have admitted their guilt, or been found guilty despite their contentions otherwise. Roy Moore has been afforded nowhere near the same consideration.

I'm sure the great Douche wants this list out before ITS 40 year plus of records of abuse and payoff are exposed.

You mean all the people on the list 'F***ed" with Trump? Seems more like lashing out and pointing away from himself as a CYA maneuver than anything else. Like the speeder who rails at the cop about other speeders passing while the cop writes his ticket. He is more like one of the 'mean girls' than a president.
Yeah because one billionaire paying a few women to not talk is far worse than hundreds of elected C ongresscritters using tax payer money to hush who knows how many victims and hide it all from the public.

Jim, we don't even know if it is true that Congress voted itself a hanky-panky slush fund. Trump lies a lot you know.

Nov 27, 2017 · Under Congressional Accountability Act, taxpayers pay for secret settlements. ... million to settle scores of workplace claims from a special Treasury Department fund created by the 1995 law.
You mean this is a slush fund for paying off sexual favors?
The Congressional Accountability Act (CAA), enacted in 1995, was one of the first pieces of legislation
passed by the 104th Congress. The Act requires Congress and legislative branch entities to follow many
of the same employment and workplace safety laws applied to private business and the rest of the Federal
Government. The CAA also established a dispute resolution procedure for legislative branch entities that
emphasizes counseling and mediation for the early resolution of disputes.
The thirteen civil rights, labor, and workplace safety laws applied by the CAA include the Occupational
Safety and Health Act of 1970; the Federal Labor Relations Act; Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; the
Americans with Disabilities Act; the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; the Family and Medical Leave Act; the Fair
Labor Standards Act; the Age Discrimination in Employment Act; the Worker Adjustment and Retraining Act;
the Employee Polygraph Protection Act; and veterans’ employment and reemployment rights under Chapter
43 of Title 38 of the U.S. Code. The Veterans Employment Opportunities Act, passed in 1998, applied the
rights and protections to covered employees as defined in section 101 of the CAA. In 2010, Congress approved
regulations that implemented the VEOA. Passed in 2008, the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act also
includes covered employees and employing offices as defined in section 101 of the CAA.
The CAA protects over 30,000 employees of the legislative branch, including employees of the House
of Representatives and the Senate (both Washington, D.C. and state district office staff); the Office of the
Architect of the Capitol; the U.S. Capitol Police; the Office of Congressional Accessibility Services; the
Congressional Budget Office; the Office of the Attending Physician; and the Office of Compliance. Certain
provisions of the CAA also apply to the Government Accountability Office (GAO, formerly the General
Accounting Office) and to the Library of Congress.
The CAA established the Office of Compliance as an independent office to administer and enforce the
Act. The Office operates an administrative dispute resolution system to resolve disputes and complaints
arising under the Act; carries out an education and training program for the regulated community on the
rights and responsibilities under the Act; and advises Congress on needed changes and amendments to the
Act. The General Counsel of the Office of Compliance conducts independent investigations and enforces
certain provisions of the Act.
You mean all the people on the list 'F***ed" with Trump? Seems more like lashing out and pointing away from himself as a CYA maneuver than anything else. Like the speeder who rails at the cop about other speeders passing while the cop writes his ticket. He is more like one of the 'mean girls' than a president.
Yeah because one billionaire paying a few women to not talk is far worse than hundreds of elected C ongresscritters using tax payer money to hush who knows how many victims and hide it all from the public.

Jim, we don't even know if it is true that Congress voted itself a hanky-panky slush fund. Trump lies a lot you know.

Nov 27, 2017 · Under Congressional Accountability Act, taxpayers pay for secret settlements. ... million to settle scores of workplace claims from a special Treasury Department fund created by the 1995 law.
You mean this is a slush fund for paying off sexual favors?
The Congressional Accountability Act (CAA), enacted in 1995, was one of the first pieces of legislation
passed by the 104th Congress. The Act requires Congress and legislative branch entities to follow many
of the same employment and workplace safety laws applied to private business and the rest of the Federal
Government. The CAA also established a dispute resolution procedure for legislative branch entities that
emphasizes counseling and mediation for the early resolution of disputes.
The thirteen civil rights, labor, and workplace safety laws applied by the CAA include the Occupational
Safety and Health Act of 1970; the Federal Labor Relations Act; Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; the
Americans with Disabilities Act; the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; the Family and Medical Leave Act; the Fair
Labor Standards Act; the Age Discrimination in Employment Act; the Worker Adjustment and Retraining Act;
the Employee Polygraph Protection Act; and veterans’ employment and reemployment rights under Chapter
43 of Title 38 of the U.S. Code. The Veterans Employment Opportunities Act, passed in 1998, applied the
rights and protections to covered employees as defined in section 101 of the CAA. In 2010, Congress approved
regulations that implemented the VEOA. Passed in 2008, the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act also
includes covered employees and employing offices as defined in section 101 of the CAA.
The CAA protects over 30,000 employees of the legislative branch, including employees of the House
of Representatives and the Senate (both Washington, D.C. and state district office staff); the Office of the
Architect of the Capitol; the U.S. Capitol Police; the Office of Congressional Accessibility Services; the
Congressional Budget Office; the Office of the Attending Physician; and the Office of Compliance. Certain
provisions of the CAA also apply to the Government Accountability Office (GAO, formerly the General
Accounting Office) and to the Library of Congress.
The CAA established the Office of Compliance as an independent office to administer and enforce the
Act. The Office operates an administrative dispute resolution system to resolve disputes and complaints
arising under the Act; carries out an education and training program for the regulated community on the
rights and responsibilities under the Act; and advises Congress on needed changes and amendments to the
Act. The General Counsel of the Office of Compliance conducts independent investigations and enforces
certain provisions of the Act.
Or this update which does NOT describe the settlements except generally such as overtime and family leave-type complaints. Were you counting on nobody reading the act? Naturally it wouldn't be explicit about sexual abuse payments, but you are equating the Trump business ethic philosophy to prior government. Of course he would bury his girlie payoffs as something else, but up to his election, I really doubt the government custom existed in this form. From the 2017 update: Awards And Settlements Appropriation.pdf
You mean all the people on the list 'F***ed" with Trump? Seems more like lashing out and pointing away from himself as a CYA maneuver than anything else. Like the speeder who rails at the cop about other speeders passing while the cop writes his ticket. He is more like one of the 'mean girls' than a president.
Yeah because one billionaire paying a few women to not talk is far worse than hundreds of elected C ongresscritters using tax payer money to hush who knows how many victims and hide it all from the public.

Jim, we don't even know if it is true that Congress voted itself a hanky-panky slush fund. Trump lies a lot you know.

Nov 27, 2017 · Under Congressional Accountability Act, taxpayers pay for secret settlements. ... million to settle scores of workplace claims from a special Treasury Department fund created by the 1995 law.
You mean this is a slush fund for paying off sexual favors?
The Congressional Accountability Act (CAA), enacted in 1995, was one of the first pieces of legislation
passed by the 104th Congress. The Act requires Congress and legislative branch entities to follow many
of the same employment and workplace safety laws applied to private business and the rest of the Federal
Government. The CAA also established a dispute resolution procedure for legislative branch entities that
emphasizes counseling and mediation for the early resolution of disputes.
The thirteen civil rights, labor, and workplace safety laws applied by the CAA include the Occupational
Safety and Health Act of 1970; the Federal Labor Relations Act; Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; the
Americans with Disabilities Act; the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; the Family and Medical Leave Act; the Fair
Labor Standards Act; the Age Discrimination in Employment Act; the Worker Adjustment and Retraining Act;
the Employee Polygraph Protection Act; and veterans’ employment and reemployment rights under Chapter
43 of Title 38 of the U.S. Code. The Veterans Employment Opportunities Act, passed in 1998, applied the
rights and protections to covered employees as defined in section 101 of the CAA. In 2010, Congress approved
regulations that implemented the VEOA. Passed in 2008, the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act also
includes covered employees and employing offices as defined in section 101 of the CAA.
The CAA protects over 30,000 employees of the legislative branch, including employees of the House
of Representatives and the Senate (both Washington, D.C. and state district office staff); the Office of the
Architect of the Capitol; the U.S. Capitol Police; the Office of Congressional Accessibility Services; the
Congressional Budget Office; the Office of the Attending Physician; and the Office of Compliance. Certain
provisions of the CAA also apply to the Government Accountability Office (GAO, formerly the General
Accounting Office) and to the Library of Congress.
The CAA established the Office of Compliance as an independent office to administer and enforce the
Act. The Office operates an administrative dispute resolution system to resolve disputes and complaints
arising under the Act; carries out an education and training program for the regulated community on the
rights and responsibilities under the Act; and advises Congress on needed changes and amendments to the
Act. The General Counsel of the Office of Compliance conducts independent investigations and enforces
certain provisions of the Act.

That is interesting: BOTH the House & the Senate of the 104th US Congress were majority Republican
Well, there. Something the President has done that I agree with. I realize that all HR departments do this kind of thing and keep it quiet, but being elected officials and taxpayer money does make it different, imo.
You mean all the people on the list 'F***ed" with Trump? Seems more like lashing out and pointing away from himself as a CYA maneuver than anything else. Like the speeder who rails at the cop about other speeders passing while the cop writes his ticket. He is more like one of the 'mean girls' than a president.
Yeah because one billionaire paying a few women to not talk is far worse than hundreds of elected C ongresscritters using tax payer money to hush who knows how many victims and hide it all from the public.

Jim, we don't even know if it is true that Congress voted itself a hanky-panky slush fund. Trump lies a lot you know.

Nov 27, 2017 · Under Congressional Accountability Act, taxpayers pay for secret settlements. ... million to settle scores of workplace claims from a special Treasury Department fund created by the 1995 law.
You mean this is a slush fund for paying off sexual favors?
The CAA established the Office of Compliance as an independent office to administer and enforce the
Act. The Office operates an administrative dispute resolution system to resolve disputes and complaints
arising under the Act;.

Yep, that would be the fund paid for by you and me and I want to know who has been bad or good, so we can see just who the blazing hypocrits are, thank you/

Surely you dont think that these Congresscritters feel obliged to be fair and honest, do you?
That is interesting: BOTH the House & the Senate of the 104th US Congress were majority Republican
Yeah, and the only difference is that probably most of the Republican targets were young women, while the Dim targets were animals and corpses.


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I do love the calculation from the right wing folks that somehow liberals would be scared of Trump trying to intimidate people with this list of his fellow perverts.

Please release the lists.

The one caveat of course is that they should be accurate and given Trump's 100% failure rate when it comes to accuracy; he's probably leaving himself open for libel suits.
So many morons...that forgot they are on some list where people were paid to hush. Yep.

This is why Trump is where he is. Fuck with him..he fucks back.

I can't understand why they keep those people's names hidden. After all it's taxpayers money that paid the hush money.

Yup and we tax payer should know how they are wasting our hard earned money to cover up their stupidity.

A slush fund using tax dollars?? What kind of supposed public servants do something like that???
He should include his name on that list.

Interesting he's for making records public, but still won't release his tax returns.
Because private life and public life(tax payer funds) are comparable..
Do you even logic? Seriously?
Oh, gee, the lefties are against it simply because it’s Trump and nothing good comes from him.

However, if the list is made public and there’s more Republicans than Dimocrats on it they’ll be quick to make political hay out of it.
Oh, gee, the lefties are against it simply because it’s Trump and nothing good comes from him.

However, if the list is made public and there’s more Republicans than Dimocrats on it they’ll be quick to make political hay out of it.

It's a matter of them covering their own butts. They do eveverything they can to elevate themselves above the Common Man. Notice how they always exempt themselves from the laws they pass?

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