Trump Wants To Release The Names Of Congress Who Paid Hush Money Out Of Slush Fund

Trump will have the worst ending of any public figure...he messed with the CIA' FBI and those who rule the world....he is fucked and well deserved.

And you are supporting that. Incredible.
This is a good thing if it really happens....but I'm afraid it's just another empty promise.

Yep, might be Captain Chaos lashing out again like a cornered rat.

I admit, Trump isn't perfect.
But he's never raped anyone in college.
He's not responsible for the deaths of 18 soldiers in Mogadishu and 4 in Benghazi.
He's never used the NSA, FBI, CIA, and foreign intelligence operatives to spy on his political opponents.
He's never exchanged Top Secret information on a private server.
He's never destroyed his cell phones and servers to cover this up.
He's never sent billions to our enemies.
He's never used the IRS to destroy the lives of critics.
He's never put critics in jail on trumped up charges.
Trump has never made deals with Twitter, Facebook, and Youtube CEOs to censor social media.

Nobody has done those things - But even if they had, your Orange Dunce has done far worse.
I admit, Trump isn't perfect.
But he's never raped anyone in college.
He's not responsible for the deaths of 18 soldiers in Mogadishu and 4 in Benghazi.
He's never used the NSA, FBI, CIA, and foreign intelligence operatives to spy on his political opponents.
He's never exchanged Top Secret information on a private server.
He's never destroyed his cell phones and servers to cover this up.
He's never sent billions to our enemies.
He's never used the IRS to destroy the lives of critics.
He's never put critics in jail on trumped up charges.
Trump has never made deals with Twitter, Facebook, and Youtube CEOs to censor social media.

Nobody has done those things - But even if they had, your Orange Dunce has done far worse.

Prove it! Links.
I admit, Trump isn't perfect.
But he's never raped anyone in college.

He's never used the NSA, FBI, CIA, and foreign intelligence operatives to spy on his political opponents.
He's never exchanged Top Secret information on a private server.
He's never destroyed his cell phones and servers to cover this up.
He's never sent billions to our enemies.
He's never used the IRS to destroy the lives of critics.
He's never put critics in jail on trumped up charges.
Trump has never made deals with Twitter, Facebook, and Youtube CEOs to censor social media.

Nobody has done those things - But even if they had, your Orange Dunce has done far worse.

Prove it! Links.
Ha!"But he's never raped anyone in college." Paid them off, ya think?
"He's not responsible for the deaths of 18 soldiers in Mogadishu and 4 in Benghazi." No, ISIS is. Nor is he responsible for the deaths during his admin in Yemen, Syria, and Niger.
"He's never used the NSA, FBI, CIA, and foreign intelligence operatives to spy on his political opponents." Right, and it pisses him off no end! He tweets daily about how they must be antifa because they wont be his personal Praetorians. BTW, excepting Nixon and maybe Johnson, neither did anybody else use them for personal vengence.
"He's never destroyed his cell phones and servers to cover this up." I dunno bout dat! Seems like Don Jr called a blocked number after the infamous June Russia meet, and it is rumored he was reporting to Daddy.
"He's never sent billions to our enemies." Certainly not with HIS money. Actually, he has a history of taking billions from enemies, if you consider Russians enemies. Cohen knows more about that.
"He's never used the IRS to destroy the lives of critics." Because they resist. But he's pretty good at rallys and on twitter. It's why you love him so. He, and evidently you, think if he puts others down it makes him look better.
"He's never put critics in jail on trumped up charges." Double HA! remember Lock her up? So far America still doesn't incarcerate on a cult leader's whim....yet! But tell me, who else has tried it?
Paybacks are a motherfucker: Trump To Release The Names Of Sexual Predators In Congress! | WUC-News

Trump To Release The Names Of Sexual Predators In Congress!
0 Trump 11:20 PM

Elder Patriot – It’s almost hard to believe that members of Congress had the chutzpah to establish a secret fund, paid for by taxpayers, to silence the victims of their unwanted sexual demands. But they did, once again proving their complete disregard for the people that pay their salaries.

Seventeen and a quarter million dollars were spent to hide the sexual peccadillos – including rape – in 264 reported incidents. How many more attacks went unreported? Payments averaged $65,306 per assault. That’s fairly significant hush money but it gets worse.

In one year the average payment was just under $4oo,000. That was the average. That average had to have been skewed by one or two massive payouts considering the total payout for the 50 settlements in the five years prior to that year was $382,000.
Now journalist Trey Yingst has tweeted that President Trump wants the names of these predators to be made public.
There are at least two good reasons that Trump would want their names to be made public.

First, as we have learned from the establishment’s attack on Roy Moore and their stated intent to block him from being seated if the voters of Alabama are to elect him, they are blowing smoke because the Supreme Court has ruled that as long as the voters are aware of the allegation ahead of time then it is fair to consider they have taken the alleged behavior into account when they cast their votes.
That was the case with DC Mayor Marion Barry who was re-elected after being found in a hotel room smoking crack cocaine while enjoying the company of a prostitute. In fact, a plaque honoring Barry is currently being erected in Washington.
The high court’s ruling also opens the door to what happens when the truth is deliberately kept from voters in these instances and they do not have an opportunity to factor the aberrant behavior into their decision.
Remember, the Congressional violators have admitted their guilt, or been found guilty despite their contentions otherwise. Roy Moore has been afforded nowhere near the same consideration.

We know Obama was one of them no doubt.
I admit, Trump isn't perfect.
But he's never raped anyone in college.

He's never used the NSA, FBI, CIA, and foreign intelligence operatives to spy on his political opponents.
He's never exchanged Top Secret information on a private server.
He's never destroyed his cell phones and servers to cover this up.
He's never sent billions to our enemies.
He's never used the IRS to destroy the lives of critics.
He's never put critics in jail on trumped up charges.
Trump has never made deals with Twitter, Facebook, and Youtube CEOs to censor social media.

Nobody has done those things - But even if they had, your Orange Dunce has done far worse.

Prove it! Links.
Ha!"But he's never raped anyone in college." Paid them off, ya think?
"He's not responsible for the deaths of 18 soldiers in Mogadishu and 4 in Benghazi." No, ISIS is. Nor is he responsible for the deaths during his admin in Yemen, Syria, and Niger.
"He's never used the NSA, FBI, CIA, and foreign intelligence operatives to spy on his political opponents." Right, and it pisses him off no end! He tweets daily about how they must be antifa because they wont be his personal Praetorians. BTW, excepting Nixon and maybe Johnson, neither did anybody else use them for personal vengence.
"He's never destroyed his cell phones and servers to cover this up." I dunno bout dat! Seems like Don Jr called a blocked number after the infamous June Russia meet, and it is rumored he was reporting to Daddy.
"He's never sent billions to our enemies." Certainly not with HIS money. Actually, he has a history of taking billions from enemies, if you consider Russians enemies. Cohen knows more about that.
"He's never used the IRS to destroy the lives of critics." Because they resist. But he's pretty good at rallys and on twitter. It's why you love him so. He, and evidently you, think if he puts others down it makes him look better.
"He's never put critics in jail on trumped up charges." Double HA! remember Lock her up? So far America still doesn't incarcerate on a cult leader's whim....yet! But tell me, who else has tried it?

I didn't have the patience for a point by point ass-whooping for longknife - Well done sir!
What you wanna bet Donnie purges the list of all currently serving Republicans?
The ones on the list will purge themselves when it's made public. Everyone of the sonsabitches needs to be impeached regardless of party.
Trump will have the worst ending of any public figure...he messed with the CIA' FBI and those who rule the world....he is fucked and well deserved.
You can always hope, but I don't think so. The swamp is being drained

The moral is, . . .

"If you live in a glass house... "
Trump is a mobster and was always a friend of all the swamp, dont be a fool.
You don’t know what a mobster is.
I admit, Trump isn't perfect.
But he's never raped anyone in college.

He's never used the NSA, FBI, CIA, and foreign intelligence operatives to spy on his political opponents.
He's never exchanged Top Secret information on a private server.
He's never destroyed his cell phones and servers to cover this up.
He's never sent billions to our enemies.
He's never used the IRS to destroy the lives of critics.
He's never put critics in jail on trumped up charges.
Trump has never made deals with Twitter, Facebook, and Youtube CEOs to censor social media.

Nobody has done those things - But even if they had, your Orange Dunce has done far worse.

Prove it! Links.
Ha!"But he's never raped anyone in college." Paid them off, ya think?
"He's not responsible for the deaths of 18 soldiers in Mogadishu and 4 in Benghazi." No, ISIS is. Nor is he responsible for the deaths during his admin in Yemen, Syria, and Niger.
"He's never used the NSA, FBI, CIA, and foreign intelligence operatives to spy on his political opponents." Right, and it pisses him off no end! He tweets daily about how they must be antifa because they wont be his personal Praetorians. BTW, excepting Nixon and maybe Johnson, neither did anybody else use them for personal vengence.
"He's never destroyed his cell phones and servers to cover this up." I dunno bout dat! Seems like Don Jr called a blocked number after the infamous June Russia meet, and it is rumored he was reporting to Daddy.
"He's never sent billions to our enemies." Certainly not with HIS money. Actually, he has a history of taking billions from enemies, if you consider Russians enemies. Cohen knows more about that.
"He's never used the IRS to destroy the lives of critics." Because they resist. But he's pretty good at rallys and on twitter. It's why you love him so. He, and evidently you, think if he puts others down it makes him look better.
"He's never put critics in jail on trumped up charges." Double HA! remember Lock her up? So far America still doesn't incarcerate on a cult leader's whim....yet! But tell me, who else has tried it?

I didn't have the patience for a point by point ass-whooping for longknife - Well done sir!
Thanks, Dr Love. BTW, do you happen to remember a couple months back when Trump pressured the Postmaster General of the United States to raise shipping rates on Amazon because he was pissed off at Jeff Bezos for some personal reason. Evidently Bezos didn't say nice things about Trump so Trump tried to get Amazon off the bulk rate list. Can you imagine if anyone else tried that?
I admit, Trump isn't perfect.
But he's never raped anyone in college.

He's never used the NSA, FBI, CIA, and foreign intelligence operatives to spy on his political opponents.
He's never exchanged Top Secret information on a private server.
He's never destroyed his cell phones and servers to cover this up.
He's never sent billions to our enemies.
He's never used the IRS to destroy the lives of critics.
He's never put critics in jail on trumped up charges.
Trump has never made deals with Twitter, Facebook, and Youtube CEOs to censor social media.

Nobody has done those things - But even if they had, your Orange Dunce has done far worse.

Prove it! Links.
Ha!"But he's never raped anyone in college." Paid them off, ya think?
"He's not responsible for the deaths of 18 soldiers in Mogadishu and 4 in Benghazi." No, ISIS is. Nor is he responsible for the deaths during his admin in Yemen, Syria, and Niger.
"He's never used the NSA, FBI, CIA, and foreign intelligence operatives to spy on his political opponents." Right, and it pisses him off no end! He tweets daily about how they must be antifa because they wont be his personal Praetorians. BTW, excepting Nixon and maybe Johnson, neither did anybody else use them for personal vengence.
"He's never destroyed his cell phones and servers to cover this up." I dunno bout dat! Seems like Don Jr called a blocked number after the infamous June Russia meet, and it is rumored he was reporting to Daddy.
"He's never sent billions to our enemies." Certainly not with HIS money. Actually, he has a history of taking billions from enemies, if you consider Russians enemies. Cohen knows more about that.
"He's never used the IRS to destroy the lives of critics." Because they resist. But he's pretty good at rallys and on twitter. It's why you love him so. He, and evidently you, think if he puts others down it makes him look better.
"He's never put critics in jail on trumped up charges." Double HA! remember Lock her up? So far America still doesn't incarcerate on a cult leader's whim....yet! But tell me, who else has tried it?

I didn't have the patience for a point by point ass-whooping for longknife - Well done sir!
Thanks, Dr Love. BTW, do you happen to remember a couple months back when Trump pressured the Postmaster General of the United States to raise shipping rates on Amazon because he was pissed off at Jeff Bezos for some personal reason. Evidently Bezos didn't say nice things about Trump so Trump tried to get Amazon off the bulk rate list. Can you imagine if anyone else tried that?
Amazon’s sweetheart deal with the USPS

2 sides to every story.............At the same time......snail mail is dying ............and they need the bulk shipping to stay afloat......

Other groups were upset that it was basically a subsidy to give them unfair market advantage against the others...............

Gov't picking winners and losers..........but the Catch.........snail mail is dying......can't shoot yourself in something that's keeping you treading water....

It is not as so simple minded as you try to present with your TDS.
Nobody has done those things - But even if they had, your Orange Dunce has done far worse.

Prove it! Links.
Ha!"But he's never raped anyone in college." Paid them off, ya think?
"He's not responsible for the deaths of 18 soldiers in Mogadishu and 4 in Benghazi." No, ISIS is. Nor is he responsible for the deaths during his admin in Yemen, Syria, and Niger.
"He's never used the NSA, FBI, CIA, and foreign intelligence operatives to spy on his political opponents." Right, and it pisses him off no end! He tweets daily about how they must be antifa because they wont be his personal Praetorians. BTW, excepting Nixon and maybe Johnson, neither did anybody else use them for personal vengence.
"He's never destroyed his cell phones and servers to cover this up." I dunno bout dat! Seems like Don Jr called a blocked number after the infamous June Russia meet, and it is rumored he was reporting to Daddy.
"He's never sent billions to our enemies." Certainly not with HIS money. Actually, he has a history of taking billions from enemies, if you consider Russians enemies. Cohen knows more about that.
"He's never used the IRS to destroy the lives of critics." Because they resist. But he's pretty good at rallys and on twitter. It's why you love him so. He, and evidently you, think if he puts others down it makes him look better.
"He's never put critics in jail on trumped up charges." Double HA! remember Lock her up? So far America still doesn't incarcerate on a cult leader's whim....yet! But tell me, who else has tried it?

I didn't have the patience for a point by point ass-whooping for longknife - Well done sir!
Thanks, Dr Love. BTW, do you happen to remember a couple months back when Trump pressured the Postmaster General of the United States to raise shipping rates on Amazon because he was pissed off at Jeff Bezos for some personal reason. Evidently Bezos didn't say nice things about Trump so Trump tried to get Amazon off the bulk rate list. Can you imagine if anyone else tried that?
Amazon’s sweetheart deal with the USPS

2 sides to every story.............At the same time......snail mail is dying ............and they need the bulk shipping to stay afloat......

Other groups were upset that it was basically a subsidy to give them unfair market advantage against the others...............

Gov't picking winners and losers..........but the Catch.........snail mail is dying......can't shoot yourself in something that's keeping you treading water....

It is not as so simple minded as you try to present with your TDS.
Anybody else and I may believe you, but I read those vindictive tweets. However, I'll read up to check out those 'other' groups that were upset and let you know what I find.
Nobody has done those things - But even if they had, your Orange Dunce has done far worse.

Prove it! Links.
Ha!"But he's never raped anyone in college." Paid them off, ya think?
"He's not responsible for the deaths of 18 soldiers in Mogadishu and 4 in Benghazi." No, ISIS is. Nor is he responsible for the deaths during his admin in Yemen, Syria, and Niger.
"He's never used the NSA, FBI, CIA, and foreign intelligence operatives to spy on his political opponents." Right, and it pisses him off no end! He tweets daily about how they must be antifa because they wont be his personal Praetorians. BTW, excepting Nixon and maybe Johnson, neither did anybody else use them for personal vengence.
"He's never destroyed his cell phones and servers to cover this up." I dunno bout dat! Seems like Don Jr called a blocked number after the infamous June Russia meet, and it is rumored he was reporting to Daddy.
"He's never sent billions to our enemies." Certainly not with HIS money. Actually, he has a history of taking billions from enemies, if you consider Russians enemies. Cohen knows more about that.
"He's never used the IRS to destroy the lives of critics." Because they resist. But he's pretty good at rallys and on twitter. It's why you love him so. He, and evidently you, think if he puts others down it makes him look better.
"He's never put critics in jail on trumped up charges." Double HA! remember Lock her up? So far America still doesn't incarcerate on a cult leader's whim....yet! But tell me, who else has tried it?

I didn't have the patience for a point by point ass-whooping for longknife - Well done sir!
Thanks, Dr Love. BTW, do you happen to remember a couple months back when Trump pressured the Postmaster General of the United States to raise shipping rates on Amazon because he was pissed off at Jeff Bezos for some personal reason. Evidently Bezos didn't say nice things about Trump so Trump tried to get Amazon off the bulk rate list. Can you imagine if anyone else tried that?
Amazon’s sweetheart deal with the USPS

2 sides to every story.............At the same time......snail mail is dying ............and they need the bulk shipping to stay afloat......

Other groups were upset that it was basically a subsidy to give them unfair market advantage against the others...............

Gov't picking winners and losers..........but the Catch.........snail mail is dying......can't shoot yourself in something that's keeping you treading water....

It is not as so simple minded as you try to present with your TDS.
Trump wants Postal Service to charge 'much more' for Amazon shipments

Trump's Campaign Chief Pushes to Raise Amazon Shipping Rates

I've tried to pick the most unbiased. Offhand, does it not strike you as a tad confusing that Trump authored tax cuts that enrich the rich while wringing his hands in dismay over Amazon shipping costs and that a cost rise would be passed to the customer? And I accept your intended insult of TDS too, since I think of you as suffering TDS too, Trump Divinity Syndrome that is. That's where all the gripes you had in other Presidents are now Saintly in Trump.
Paybacks are a motherfucker: Trump To Release The Names Of Sexual Predators In Congress! | WUC-News

Trump To Release The Names Of Sexual Predators In Congress!
0 Trump 11:20 PM

Elder Patriot – It’s almost hard to believe that members of Congress had the chutzpah to establish a secret fund, paid for by taxpayers, to silence the victims of their unwanted sexual demands. But they did, once again proving their complete disregard for the people that pay their salaries.

Seventeen and a quarter million dollars were spent to hide the sexual peccadillos – including rape – in 264 reported incidents. How many more attacks went unreported? Payments averaged $65,306 per assault. That’s fairly significant hush money but it gets worse.

In one year the average payment was just under $4oo,000. That was the average. That average had to have been skewed by one or two massive payouts considering the total payout for the 50 settlements in the five years prior to that year was $382,000.
Now journalist Trey Yingst has tweeted that President Trump wants the names of these predators to be made public.
There are at least two good reasons that Trump would want their names to be made public.

First, as we have learned from the establishment’s attack on Roy Moore and their stated intent to block him from being seated if the voters of Alabama are to elect him, they are blowing smoke because the Supreme Court has ruled that as long as the voters are aware of the allegation ahead of time then it is fair to consider they have taken the alleged behavior into account when they cast their votes.
That was the case with DC Mayor Marion Barry who was re-elected after being found in a hotel room smoking crack cocaine while enjoying the company of a prostitute. In fact, a plaque honoring Barry is currently being erected in Washington.
The high court’s ruling also opens the door to what happens when the truth is deliberately kept from voters in these instances and they do not have an opportunity to factor the aberrant behavior into their decision.
Remember, the Congressional violators have admitted their guilt, or been found guilty despite their contentions otherwise. Roy Moore has been afforded nowhere near the same consideration.
Real cute. The post mixes sexual harassment and sexual predators as if they were one and the same The fact is sex harassment is not a crime. It is a civil offense. The offenses of a sexual predator are almost always a criminal felonies.

The fund was setup to pay various legal claims against congressmen. It exist because of the Congressional Accountability Act. The law mandates that settlements be secret and requires that taxpayers pick up the tab which represents the opposite of accountability. It's no secret the law needs to change. Congress has target this law for change but so far has done nothing.

Although the post leads the reader to believe the fund simply pays the cost of claims against congressmen for sexual indiscretions, the fund pays for discrimination claims and a variety of other claims. The cost reports are presumed to be for sexual harassment claims but in reality they are for all claim types.

The purpose of Trump's interest is of course to distract the public from his history of promiscuity and infidelity which keeps popping up. The idea being every one else is just as immoral as Trump and thus it excuses his behavior.

Sexual harassment fund exposes Congress
Last edited:
Prove it! Links.
Ha!"But he's never raped anyone in college." Paid them off, ya think?
"He's not responsible for the deaths of 18 soldiers in Mogadishu and 4 in Benghazi." No, ISIS is. Nor is he responsible for the deaths during his admin in Yemen, Syria, and Niger.
"He's never used the NSA, FBI, CIA, and foreign intelligence operatives to spy on his political opponents." Right, and it pisses him off no end! He tweets daily about how they must be antifa because they wont be his personal Praetorians. BTW, excepting Nixon and maybe Johnson, neither did anybody else use them for personal vengence.
"He's never destroyed his cell phones and servers to cover this up." I dunno bout dat! Seems like Don Jr called a blocked number after the infamous June Russia meet, and it is rumored he was reporting to Daddy.
"He's never sent billions to our enemies." Certainly not with HIS money. Actually, he has a history of taking billions from enemies, if you consider Russians enemies. Cohen knows more about that.
"He's never used the IRS to destroy the lives of critics." Because they resist. But he's pretty good at rallys and on twitter. It's why you love him so. He, and evidently you, think if he puts others down it makes him look better.
"He's never put critics in jail on trumped up charges." Double HA! remember Lock her up? So far America still doesn't incarcerate on a cult leader's whim....yet! But tell me, who else has tried it?

I didn't have the patience for a point by point ass-whooping for longknife - Well done sir!
Thanks, Dr Love. BTW, do you happen to remember a couple months back when Trump pressured the Postmaster General of the United States to raise shipping rates on Amazon because he was pissed off at Jeff Bezos for some personal reason. Evidently Bezos didn't say nice things about Trump so Trump tried to get Amazon off the bulk rate list. Can you imagine if anyone else tried that?
Amazon’s sweetheart deal with the USPS

2 sides to every story.............At the same time......snail mail is dying ............and they need the bulk shipping to stay afloat......

Other groups were upset that it was basically a subsidy to give them unfair market advantage against the others...............

Gov't picking winners and losers..........but the Catch.........snail mail is dying......can't shoot yourself in something that's keeping you treading water....

It is not as so simple minded as you try to present with your TDS.
Trump wants Postal Service to charge 'much more' for Amazon shipments

Trump's Campaign Chief Pushes to Raise Amazon Shipping Rates

I've tried to pick the most unbiased. Offhand, does it not strike you as a tad confusing that Trump authored tax cuts that enrich the rich while wringing his hands in dismay over Amazon shipping costs and that a cost rise would be passed to the customer? And I accept your intended insult of TDS too, since I think of you as suffering TDS too, Trump Divinity Syndrome that is. That's where all the gripes you had in other Presidents are now Saintly in Trump.
Could it be that Trump's attack on Amazon is because Jeff Bezos is anti-Trump and purchased the Washington Post to give him hell. No, Trump would never use the presidency for personal attacks:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

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