Trump Wants To Release The Names Of Congress Who Paid Hush Money Out Of Slush Fund

So many morons...that forgot they are on some list where people were paid to hush. Yep.

This is why Trump is where he is. Fuck with him..he fucks back.

I can't understand why they keep those people's names hidden. After all it's taxpayers money that paid the hush money.
----------------------------------------------------- seems to me that its the same as a GANG that takes the best for themselves . Always been that way i am sorry to think Hoss . Trump might be the exception as at 73 years of age and already a Billionaire he doesn't need any more of anything Hoss .
I can imagine the quakes of many if he did release all that info. Oh my. Ohmyohmyohmy.l
Trump needs to release ALL dirt on every one of them. He also needs to start firing (and prosecuting) people in the intelligence community who have leaked classified information.
Please add telling the truth to that list
It's probably a good idea though it's against the law.
Is it against the law to name philanderers, sexual predators and rapists who are our elected leaders and who are supposed to set the example and lead pristine lives? I don't think so.
And if it's against the law then they should leave Trump alone.
Paybacks are a motherfucker: Trump To Release The Names Of Sexual Predators In Congress! | WUC-News

Trump To Release The Names Of Sexual Predators In Congress!
0 Trump 11:20 PM

Elder Patriot – It’s almost hard to believe that members of Congress had the chutzpah to establish a secret fund, paid for by taxpayers, to silence the victims of their unwanted sexual demands. But they did, once again proving their complete disregard for the people that pay their salaries.

Seventeen and a quarter million dollars were spent to hide the sexual peccadillos – including rape – in 264 reported incidents. How many more attacks went unreported? Payments averaged $65,306 per assault. That’s fairly significant hush money but it gets worse.

In one year the average payment was just under $4oo,000. That was the average. That average had to have been skewed by one or two massive payouts considering the total payout for the 50 settlements in the five years prior to that year was $382,000.
Now journalist Trey Yingst has tweeted that President Trump wants the names of these predators to be made public.
There are at least two good reasons that Trump would want their names to be made public.

First, as we have learned from the establishment’s attack on Roy Moore and their stated intent to block him from being seated if the voters of Alabama are to elect him, they are blowing smoke because the Supreme Court has ruled that as long as the voters are aware of the allegation ahead of time then it is fair to consider they have taken the alleged behavior into account when they cast their votes.
That was the case with DC Mayor Marion Barry who was re-elected after being found in a hotel room smoking crack cocaine while enjoying the company of a prostitute. In fact, a plaque honoring Barry is currently being erected in Washington.
The high court’s ruling also opens the door to what happens when the truth is deliberately kept from voters in these instances and they do not have an opportunity to factor the aberrant behavior into their decision.
Remember, the Congressional violators have admitted their guilt, or been found guilty despite their contentions otherwise. Roy Moore has been afforded nowhere near the same consideration.
This is a good thing if it really happens....but I'm afraid it's just another empty promise.
Yeah, like closing GITMO was.
Trump will have the worst ending of any public figure...he messed with the CIA' FBI and those who rule the world....he is fucked and well deserved.
You can always hope, but I don't think so. The swamp is being drained

The moral is, . . .

"If you live in a glass house... "
Trump is a mobster and was always a friend of all the swamp, dont be a fool.
Are running it or not I dont know....but the orange is an idiot...who pokes a bear ? They gonna leak his dirt a little by a little till he sinks....and its enjoyable to watch a bully to down to be an example to the rest of bullies.

So you have established you think like a three year old, awesome. The bigger bully is the CIA or FBI by what you say,but you will give them a pass, because you think Trump is worse. Why is that? It seems it is because you believe the CIA and FBI. Interesting.
Simple....Trump the bully found his match.
Paybacks are a motherfucker: Trump To Release The Names Of Sexual Predators In Congress! | WUC-News

Trump To Release The Names Of Sexual Predators In Congress!
0 Trump 11:20 PM

Elder Patriot – It’s almost hard to believe that members of Congress had the chutzpah to establish a secret fund, paid for by taxpayers, to silence the victims of their unwanted sexual demands. But they did, once again proving their complete disregard for the people that pay their salaries.

Seventeen and a quarter million dollars were spent to hide the sexual peccadillos – including rape – in 264 reported incidents. How many more attacks went unreported? Payments averaged $65,306 per assault. That’s fairly significant hush money but it gets worse.

In one year the average payment was just under $4oo,000. That was the average. That average had to have been skewed by one or two massive payouts considering the total payout for the 50 settlements in the five years prior to that year was $382,000.
Now journalist Trey Yingst has tweeted that President Trump wants the names of these predators to be made public.
There are at least two good reasons that Trump would want their names to be made public.

First, as we have learned from the establishment’s attack on Roy Moore and their stated intent to block him from being seated if the voters of Alabama are to elect him, they are blowing smoke because the Supreme Court has ruled that as long as the voters are aware of the allegation ahead of time then it is fair to consider they have taken the alleged behavior into account when they cast their votes.
That was the case with DC Mayor Marion Barry who was re-elected after being found in a hotel room smoking crack cocaine while enjoying the company of a prostitute. In fact, a plaque honoring Barry is currently being erected in Washington.
The high court’s ruling also opens the door to what happens when the truth is deliberately kept from voters in these instances and they do not have an opportunity to factor the aberrant behavior into their decision.
Remember, the Congressional violators have admitted their guilt, or been found guilty despite their contentions otherwise. Roy Moore has been afforded nowhere near the same consideration.

Just Do It!

He should include his name on that list.

Interesting he's for making records public, but still won't release his tax returns.
Paybacks are a motherfucker: Trump To Release The Names Of Sexual Predators In Congress! | WUC-News

Trump To Release The Names Of Sexual Predators In Congress!
0 Trump 11:20 PM

Elder Patriot – It’s almost hard to believe that members of Congress had the chutzpah to establish a secret fund, paid for by taxpayers, to silence the victims of their unwanted sexual demands. But they did, once again proving their complete disregard for the people that pay their salaries.

Seventeen and a quarter million dollars were spent to hide the sexual peccadillos – including rape – in 264 reported incidents. How many more attacks went unreported? Payments averaged $65,306 per assault. That’s fairly significant hush money but it gets worse.

In one year the average payment was just under $4oo,000. That was the average. That average had to have been skewed by one or two massive payouts considering the total payout for the 50 settlements in the five years prior to that year was $382,000.
Now journalist Trey Yingst has tweeted that President Trump wants the names of these predators to be made public.
There are at least two good reasons that Trump would want their names to be made public.

First, as we have learned from the establishment’s attack on Roy Moore and their stated intent to block him from being seated if the voters of Alabama are to elect him, they are blowing smoke because the Supreme Court has ruled that as long as the voters are aware of the allegation ahead of time then it is fair to consider they have taken the alleged behavior into account when they cast their votes.
That was the case with DC Mayor Marion Barry who was re-elected after being found in a hotel room smoking crack cocaine while enjoying the company of a prostitute. In fact, a plaque honoring Barry is currently being erected in Washington.
The high court’s ruling also opens the door to what happens when the truth is deliberately kept from voters in these instances and they do not have an opportunity to factor the aberrant behavior into their decision.
Remember, the Congressional violators have admitted their guilt, or been found guilty despite their contentions otherwise. Roy Moore has been afforded nowhere near the same consideration.
If true that is awesome. LOL
Trump will have the worst ending of any public figure...he messed with the CIA' FBI and those who rule the world....he is fucked and well deserved.

So you are of the opinion the CIA and FBI are running the country or some sort of anarchist or idiot?
Are running it or not I dont know....but the orange is an idiot...who pokes a bear ? They gonna leak his dirt a little by a little till he sinks....and its enjoyable to watch a bully to down to be an example to the rest of bullies.
So the bear isn't the bully?
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So many morons...that forgot they are on some list where people were paid to hush. Yep.

This is why Trump is where he is. Fuck with him..he fucks back.
You mean all the people on the list 'F***ed" with Trump? Seems more like lashing out and pointing away from himself as a CYA maneuver than anything else. Like the speeder who rails at the cop about other speeders passing while the cop writes his ticket. He is more like one of the 'mean girls' than a president.
My only problem with this is - how can he release the names? This is a congressional matter and I cannot see how the president has access to it. Unless a GOP insider leaks it to him.
My only problem with this is - how can he release the names? This is a congressional matter and I cannot see how the president has access to it. Unless a GOP insider leaks it to him.
Just play by the DNC mob rules for once............a 5th tier anonymous source leaked this to the press..........

Works for them.........then fabricate evidence for a cover up.............Get a FISA warrant on fake evidence .....then start a special council on the leaks............that threaten the security of America........then give unlimited resources and all the Federal Agencies access to everything Dems did from birth to now and look for a crime.....

That's how it's done now............Dems have shown us the way.
Who authorized a taxpayer slush fund to bail out politicians. I don't remember that initiative on any ballot.

It's another chapter of information that was never supposed to go public............they never wanted to let the people know about it................paying to hide the dirt in Washington.

Another exposure to the Status Quo..........Establishment.......Deep State......whatever you want to call it.

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