Trump wants to replace SNAP (food stamps) with boxes of nutritious food.


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Blacks and illegals are gonna howl. They love to spend YOUR money on junk food and other luxuries.

Trump Budget Would Swap Food Stamps for ‘100% American’ Food Packages

fab 12 2018 In what would be one of the biggest shakeups of the U.S. food-stamp program in its five-decade history, President Donald Trump is proposing to slash cash payments and substitute them with "100 percent American grown food" given to recipients.

The changes, outlined Monday in Trump’s budget proposal, would reshape the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP, which supports roughly one in eight Americans, by reducing cash spending by about one-third from current levels.

The plan is part of an effort to reform SNAP and save a projected $214 billion over a decade. It would give all households receiving more than $90 a month in cash a food-aid package that would "include items such as shelf-stable milk, ready to eat cereals, pasta, peanut butter, beans and canned fruit, vegetables, and meat, poultry or fish," according to the proposal.
Why not replace SNAP with a time card?

You get time on the card at your job, and you get to eat with your own funds.
It's bad enough that the government requires food labels that promote an unhealthy diet.

The last thing the US needs is the government deciding what people eat.
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Shoot, being his racist self again.

Other than that, I actually think, on first glance, it is a good idea. If you don’t like it, go to work. No more trading ebt for drugs, etc.
Yeah, not a great idea in my opinion. He figures it's a win/win for government. You can give people healthier food and also save money by accepting aggressive cost savings by giving out contracts for food suppliers.

In the end though I believe you either give people assistance and let them choose how to use that assistance, or you don't give it to them at all.

I've given a homeless guy a couple of bucks and someone has told me "hes just going to use it on booze.". So? Why should I care? If a man is homeless, I should be worried about how he tries to experience joy? I may not agree with it, but why should I lecture someone else on how they use their money or live their life?

Let's see where this goes. I wouldn't be opposed to food stamps identifiable for KIDS that force parents to buy real food for their kids, as that is protecting the vulnerable from bad parenting. For all I know they do this already.
This is a stupid idea. It would be a logistical nightmare and incredibly expensive.
Because we, the tax payer, are footing that bill.
Yeah, not a great idea in my opinion. He figures it's a win/win for government. You can give people healthier food and also save money by accepting aggressive cost savings by giving out contracts for food suppliers.

In the end though I believe you either give people assistance and let them choose how to use that assistance, or you don't give it to them at all.

I've given a homeless guy a couple of bucks and someone has told me "hes just going to use it on booze.". So? Why should I care? If a man is homeless, I should be worried about how he tries to experience joy? I may not agree with it, but why should I lecture someone else on how they use their money or live their life?

Let's see where this goes. I wouldn't be opposed to food stamps identifiable for KIDS that force parents to buy real food for their kids, as that is protecting the vulnerable from bad parenting. For all I know they do this already.
OK TX Mike: Maybe this brave new plan would give me a new, better job. It would be like working for Amazon- oh yeah- Amazon now owns Whole Foods- so if Trump is thinking we all get weekly delivery from Whole Foods to our doorsteps then maybe this is a grreeaatt idea and I could get a great job delivering USDA food boxes. OR MAYBE the REALITY will be banged up boxes of stale carbohydrates and dented canned foods just like what some food banks already give out.
Something has to be done to stop the recipients from selling their food cards for drug money bad food or beer and wine which we all know happens...a healthy box of food every two weeks is a great idea...the people receiving the food aid can even go and pick it up to get them off the couch and reduce Oprah's ratings a bit...
OK TX Mike: Maybe this brave new plan would give me a new, better job. It would be like working for Amazon- oh yeah- Amazon now owns Whole Foods- so if Trump is thinking we all get weekly delivery from Whole Foods to our doorsteps then maybe this is a grreeaatt idea and I could get a great job delivering USDA food boxes. OR MAYBE the REALITY will be banged up boxes of stale carbohydrates and dented canned foods just like what some food banks already give out.
Or more likely you don't have any idea what will happen and just want to bitch about Trump trying to stop our slow trip to hell!
That is the way it was for decades. No one got money to buy food.

People go to pantries now for free food. I did it when I lived in Nevada. I got fresh produce twice a week.

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