Trump wants to see Biden impeached

Post of the month? It was bullshit. Biden was sent to the Ukraine to fire the prosecutor. He didn’t go on his own and he didn’t do it for his own reasons.

Just the fact that you believe that post chose you to be a gullible fool.
You are the gullible foil. And you sure are pure bullshit...
If you're too stupid to use google to see the evidence, that's your problem.

There is no evidence to see, at least not the kind that supports anything that Trump said. Even Giuliani now admits he made it all up. Fox News paid out $875 million because everything they said was a lie and they knew it.

I had a good laugh this morning sitting reading Donald Trump’s statement that the Biden DOJ isn’t going after the election cheats, they’re going after HIM for complaining about the cheating.

In point of fact, Jack Smith, and the state AG’s for Michigan, Nevada, and Georgia are going after the “fake electors“ and those who directed their efforts, for their attempt to steal the election from Biden. So the Biden DOJ as well as the state’s AG’s really are going out after the election cheaters. Trump has it backwards again.
You can keep denying all of the evidence presented. That doesn't matter. What matters is that there is enough evidence to impeach Joe Biden.
You can't deny the shell companies used to launder the Biden Crime Family cash.
The IRS and FBI whistleblowers, along with Archer and Bobulinsky are formidable evidence. Do not dismiss Hunter's laptop evidence either.
My post shows that Impeachment is totally justified, you can deny all you want.
Voters will see that they really were deceived by the FBI and the hi-tech oligarchs in 2020. They elected a crook as president.
-Hunter Biden's actions are not Joe Biden's actions.

-You have no proof Joe Biden was paid $5 million by Mykola Zlochvesky to fire General Prosecutor Shokin. There is no quid pro quo, no bribery....there is a made up story by the corrupt Burisma owner, that was told to one of the FBI informants who 3 years later, reported it and record made on an FD 1023 form. That is in no way, shape, or form, evidence of any thing.... Surely you KNOW this....

Long before Giuliani and Trump and Russian Ukrainian Oligarchs and a Ukrainian disgruntled Parliament member got their dirty hands in to this Giuliani initiated conspiracy, with the new Shokin deposition stating he was actively investigating Burisma, which he was not, according to his asst prosecutor,

Shokin was corrupt, and a focus by Us Ambassadors and diplomats, and UK Ambassadors and state dept officials, and the IMF, etc etc along with Ukrainian Anti Corruption groups all, I mean ALL wanted the corrupt Shokin fired.

Here is an article from 2015, months before VP Biden spoke with the Ukrainian president....

Please read the entire article, this is deeper than pie!

Bottom line, there was no quid pro quo with Zlochvesky, Burisma's owner, to fire Shokin for him, so he'd stop investigating him....that's just plain malarkey! It was U.S. policy, enjoined with allies, policy.


Here is a just a bit of it, please read the rest if you want to be better informed.


U.S. officials criticize Ukraine’s prosecutors for failure of reforms​

By Zenon Zawada

October 16, 2015​

KYIV – High-ranking U.S. officials have targeted the Procurator General’s Office of Ukraine for criticism in recent weeks for actively obstructing government reform efforts.

Most recently, U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland called for an overhaul of the body, more than a year after Petro Poroshenko assumed the presidency and vowed to support reforms. He has since appointed two procurator generals who have strongly disappointed the public.

Most of the top officials of the Yanukovych administration remain at large, while few of their subordinates have been brought to trial, let alone convicted. Corrupt businessmen and politicians remain active in Ukraine, even those widely suspected of supporting the Russian-backed terrorists in Donbas.

“Like Ukraine’s police force, the Prosecutor General’s Office (PGO) has to be reinvented as an institution that serves the citizens of Ukraine, rather than ripping them off,” Ms. Nuland said in her October 8 testimony to the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee. “That means it must investigate and successfully prosecute corruption and asset recovery cases, including locking up dirty personnel in the PGO itself.”

The newly created Inspector General’s Office, within the Procurator General’s Office, will have to be able to work independently and effectively, without political or judicial interference, she said in the same testimony.

[Unlike the U.S., where prosecutors are employed by a particular court, Ukraine’s prosecutors are organized under a national government body, the Procurator General’s Office, whose head is appointed by the president and approved by Parliament. “Procurator” is a term for prosecutor.]
Ms. Nuland also recommended that the National Anti-Corruption Bureau’s specially designated anti-corruption prosecutor be appointed as soon as possible in order to start investigating crimes. The process of approving this special prosecutor has been marred by accusations of delays and accusations of corruption against Procurator General Viktor Shokin.


Not only did the Prosecutor General’s Office not support investigations into corruption, but it undermined prosecutors working on legitimate corruption cases, said Mr. Pyatt. Though not directly referring to the “diamond prosecutors,” he cited the case of former Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources Mykola Zlochevsky, who served in the Yanukovych administration.

U.K. law enforcement authorities seized $23 million in illicit assets that Mr. Zlochevsky allegedly stole from the Ukrainian government and they asked Ukrainian prosecutors to send documents supporting their seizure. These Ukrainian prosecutors instead sent letters to Mr. Zlochevsky’s attorneys attesting that there was no criminal case against him, Mr. Pyatt said.
There is no evidence to see, at least not the kind that supports anything that Trump said. Even Giuliani now admits he made it all up. Fox News paid out $875 million because everything they said was a lie and they knew it.

I had a good laugh this morning sitting reading Donald Trump’s statement that the Biden DOJ isn’t going after the election cheats, they’re going after HIM for complaining about the cheating.

In point of fact, Jack Smith, and the state AG’s for Michigan, Nevada, and Georgia are going after the “fake electors“ and those who directed their efforts, for their attempt to steal the election from Biden. So the Biden DOJ as well as the state’s AG’s really are going out after the election cheaters. Trump has it backwards again.
You replied on post #31. This is what you replied to:
1. Republicans have real live first hand whistleblowers. Dems do not.
2. Republicans have a network of shell companies to launder Biden cash. Dems do not.
3. Republicans have an incriminating FBI 1023 Form against Biden. Dems do not.
4. Republicans have Joe Biden on video bragging about firing Burisma investigator Shokin. Dems do not.
5. Republicans have Hunter's position on the Burisma board getting $83,000 a month for a no-show job. Dems do not.

I then replied to you on post #36. Your post #44 is non-sequitur?!

I think you have me confused with some other poster?? Bad drugs?
-Hunter Biden's actions are not Joe Biden's actions.

-You have no proof Joe Biden was paid $5 million by Mykola Zlochvesky to fire General Prosecutor Shokin. There is no quid pro quo, no bribery....there is a made up story by the corrupt Burisma owner, that was told to one of the FBI informants who 3 years later, reported it and record made on an FD 1023 form. That is in no way, shape, or form, evidence of any thing.... Surely you KNOW this....

Long before Giuliani and Trump and Russian Ukrainian Oligarchs and a Ukrainian disgruntled Parliament member got their dirty hands in to this Giuliani initiated conspiracy, with the new Shokin deposition stating he was actively investigating Burisma, which he was not, according to his asst prosecutor,

Shokin was corrupt, and a focus by Us Ambassadors and diplomats, and UK Ambassadors and state dept officials, and the IMF, etc etc along with Ukrainian Anti Corruption groups all, I mean ALL wanted the corrupt Shokin fired.

Here is an article from 2015, months before VP Biden spoke with the Ukrainian president....

Please read the entire article, this is deeper than pie!

Bottom line, there was no quid pro quo with Zlochvesky, Burisma's owner, to fire Shokin for him, so he'd stop investigating him....that's just plain malarkey! It was U.S. policy, enjoined with allies, policy.


Here is a just a bit of it, please read the rest if you want to be better informed.


U.S. officials criticize Ukraine’s prosecutors for failure of reforms​

By Zenon Zawada

October 16, 2015​

KYIV – High-ranking U.S. officials have targeted the Procurator General’s Office of Ukraine for criticism in recent weeks for actively obstructing government reform efforts.

Most recently, U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland called for an overhaul of the body, more than a year after Petro Poroshenko assumed the presidency and vowed to support reforms. He has since appointed two procurator generals who have strongly disappointed the public.

Most of the top officials of the Yanukovych administration remain at large, while few of their subordinates have been brought to trial, let alone convicted. Corrupt businessmen and politicians remain active in Ukraine, even those widely suspected of supporting the Russian-backed terrorists in Donbas.

“Like Ukraine’s police force, the Prosecutor General’s Office (PGO) has to be reinvented as an institution that serves the citizens of Ukraine, rather than ripping them off,” Ms. Nuland said in her October 8 testimony to the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee. “That means it must investigate and successfully prosecute corruption and asset recovery cases, including locking up dirty personnel in the PGO itself.”

The newly created Inspector General’s Office, within the Procurator General’s Office, will have to be able to work independently and effectively, without political or judicial interference, she said in the same testimony.

[Unlike the U.S., where prosecutors are employed by a particular court, Ukraine’s prosecutors are organized under a national government body, the Procurator General’s Office, whose head is appointed by the president and approved by Parliament. “Procurator” is a term for prosecutor.]
Ms. Nuland also recommended that the National Anti-Corruption Bureau’s specially designated anti-corruption prosecutor be appointed as soon as possible in order to start investigating crimes. The process of approving this special prosecutor has been marred by accusations of delays and accusations of corruption against Procurator General Viktor Shokin.


Not only did the Prosecutor General’s Office not support investigations into corruption, but it undermined prosecutors working on legitimate corruption cases, said Mr. Pyatt. Though not directly referring to the “diamond prosecutors,” he cited the case of former Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources Mykola Zlochevsky, who served in the Yanukovych administration.

U.K. law enforcement authorities seized $23 million in illicit assets that Mr. Zlochevsky allegedly stole from the Ukrainian government and they asked Ukrainian prosecutors to send documents supporting their seizure. These Ukrainian prosecutors instead sent letters to Mr. Zlochevsky’s attorneys attesting that there was no criminal case against him, Mr. Pyatt said.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, good responses. We debated all that before. The $5m each is new. Archer is new. Whistleblowers are new.
An Impeachment Inquiry is an investigation on steroids. Stay tuned. I'm sure the stupid democrats will still deny, deny, deny, deny. That won't matter. The voters will see the truth. That will matter.
I want Joe Biden (right after being impeached) to have a corn cob stuck in his mouth and stick him in the middle of the prison yard and let all the prisoners touch him (like he did to Tara Reid) and all the kids names mentioned that he fondled through his entire life as every Liberal parent looked away.
People lets be honest, the GOP doesn't have the stones. Most of them are too worried about getting re-elected to their taxpayer mooch jobs.

Trump wants to see Biden impeached​

He isn’t alone in this.
I'm not sure I care one way or the other.

If it's a way for the evidence to get out in public then I'm for it, but if it turns into another dog and pony show then I'm against it.

I want these fucking idiots to FIX THE PROBLEMS, not keep pointing out to me that they still exist.
I want Joe Biden (right after being impeached) to have a corn cob stuck in his mouth and stick him in the middle of the prison yard and let all the prisoners touch him (like he did to Tara Reid)
Liberals are such hypocrites. They say Trump was immoral for having an affair with Stormy Daniels, but they totally ignore Biden's affair with Tara Reid.
Shokin was so corrupt that after he was fired no charges were filed against him. And then his successor got fired for investigating Burisma.
Shokin escaped to Russia. Giuliani had a corrupt oligarch hiding out in Vienna from US extradition, Firtash, locate Shokin in Russia and paid for his flight to Austria to get the deposition Giuliani and repubs in congress are using with Shokin now saying he had an active investigation in to Burisma when he was prosecutor general, yet he did not. The corrupt oligarch Firtash, is represented by Joe DiGenova and wife Victoria T, who also are lawyers for John Solomon, (along with being Trump lawyers for a bit) and Jon Solomon has been writing all the Giuliani Ukrainian stories pushing the Biden conspiracies back when Trump was impeached for it, , and still is reporting on it with his own new blog pretending to be news.

Shokin is back in Russia. Can not arrest him there, that's why he and Burisma owner, went there after troubles in the Ukraine.
Biden should be impeached for all his wrongdoing. Might be something to consider right before the election. Probably won't happen because we have too many RINOs.

---Trump wants to see Biden impeached, and other Republicans are quick to pile on---​

How original. Blame the RINOs. If Comer had one piece of credible evidence against Biden, he would be impeached already.
In the meantime Grifty** is getting exposed as a thief, a liar and a traitor just in time for the next election .

** impeached
How original. Blame the RINOs. If Comer had one piece of credible evidence against Biden, he would be impeached already.
In the meantime Grifty** is getting exposed as a thief, a liar and a traitor just in time for the next election .
RINOs are basically Democrats.
How original. Blame the RINOs. If Comer had one piece of credible evidence against Biden, he would be impeached already.
In the meantime Grifty** is getting exposed as a thief, a liar and a traitor just in time for the next election .

** impeached
If Comer had one piece of credible evidence against Biden,
You would still deny it.

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