Trump wants to see Biden impeached

Biden should be impeached for all his wrongdoing.
And someday, maybe you'll be able to show evidence for some wrongdoing by Biden. But since you can't, everyone is correctly classifying you all as butthurt fascist liars.

Remember, Trump cult traitors, you can't fool anyone who isn't a Chinese asset like you all are.

Yeah, sucks to be you all. The whole planet thinks you're sore-loser trash. The laughter directed at you never ends. But you brought it on yourselves by being such garbage humans, so no one is crying for you.
And someday, maybe you'll be able to show evidence for some wrongdoing by Biden. But since you can't, everyone is correctly classifying you all as fascist dogshit.

Remember, Trump cult traitors, you can't fool anyone who isn't a Chinese asset like you all are.

Yeah, sucks to be you all. The whole planet thinks you're shit. The laughter directed at you never ends. But you brought it on yourselves by being such garbage humans, so no one is crying for you.
a quote for the (ma)mouth,

You're ignorant of US foreign policy in Ukraine..
You're projecting.
So is Trump.
See above.
Ukraine needs foreign investment.
They need people other than criminals in power.
They have to clean up corruption to do that.
AH - we agree! :eek:
Shokin refused to prosecute corruption.
Zelenskyyyyyyyy is a craven mobster.
Good God, Americans are stupid.
More projection.
Trump was impeached for what Biden actually did in Ukraine, except that what Biden actually did was 100 times worse.

And he admitted it - bragged about it - on video.

Oh, and of course he's going along with the mass murder there as well.

Biden should face a firing squad.
Perhaps you should compete next time.
LOL!! You didn't disprove any of my "evidence" dumbass. Here is the list again:
We have mountains of credible and corroborated evidence against Biden and no credible evidence against Trump.
1. Republicans have real live first hand whistleblowers. Dems do not.
2. Republicans have a network of shell companies to launder Biden cash. Dems do not.
3. Republicans have an incriminating FBI 1023 Form against Biden. Dems do not.
4. Republicans have Joe Biden on video bragging about firing Burisma investigator Shokin. Dems do not.
5. Republicans have Hunter's position on the Burisma board getting $83,000 a month for a no-show job. Dems do not.

You can google any of the above to see that they are real.
LOL!! You didn't disprove any of my "evidence" dumbass. Here is the list again:
We have mountains of credible and corroborated evidence against Biden and no credible evidence against Trump.
1. Republicans have real live first hand whistleblowers. Dems do not.
2. Republicans have a network of shell companies to launder Biden cash. Dems do not.
3. Republicans have an incriminating FBI 1023 Form against Biden. Dems do not.
4. Republicans have Joe Biden on video bragging about firing Burisma investigator Shokin. Dems do not.
5. Republicans have Hunter's position on the Burisma board getting $83,000 a month for a no-show job. Dems do not.

You can google any of the above to see that they are real.
You presented zero evidence.
1. We have mountains of credible and corroborated evidence against Biden and no credible evidence against Trump.
2. Republicans have real live first hand whistleblowers. Dems do not.
3. Republicans have a network of shell companies to launder Biden cash. Dems do not.
4. Republicans have an incriminating FBI 1023 Form against Biden. Dems do not.
5. Republicans have Joe Biden on video bragging about firing Burisma investigator Shokin. Dems do not.
6. Republicans have Hunter's position on the Burisma board getting $83,000 a month for a no-show job. Dems do not.

I could keep going, but your typed lies have no validity. I can't wait for the Impeachment Trial of Joe Biden.

1. You have nothing. 5 years of investigations and you have nothing. Even the judge yesterday questioned the massive resources used for the past 5 years to go after HB and all you have are a couple of misdemeanours.

2. You have no whistleblowers at all not one. You have a bunch of disgruntled, incompetent partisans looking to bitch about Democrats. The IRS guys were complaining about the DOJ under Trump stonewalling. Biden hadn’t even been elected.

3. Republicans have NOTHING, but a bunch of criminals trying and failing to protect their criminal ex-President. Democrats have Trump’s ass in a sling.

He’s publically admitted to everything he’s been charged with and yet you’re still claiming he did nothing wrong. I didn’t hear Hillary Clinton constantly whining about how “unfairly” she was treated. 25 plus investigations without a single charge. That’s the very definition of a “witch hunt”.

4. The Trump DOJ investigated that FBI form and found it had no credibility and there was no supporting evidence to back it up. When even trumps people can’t find a “there” there, there is absolutely nothing to this report.

All you have is a bunch of stuff that “looks like”, “could be”, or “appears to be”. What you don’t have, and have NEVER had since Nixon, is evidence, tying ANY top Democrat to criminal wrongdoing of any kind. And it’s not for lack of trying.

5. You have Joe Biden on video bragging about completing the work that the IMF, NATO, and the Obama administration sent him to the Ukraine to complete. He was told to fire the prosecutor and he did it. The very people who are now claiming that Biden acted on his own signed a letter, telling the Ukraine to get rid of their corrupt prosecutor. Both Mitch McConnell, and Sen. Kennedy signed that letter and now Kennedy is claiming that Biden did something illegal. Maybe you should have Kennedy investigated for dementia if he can’t remember.

6. An appointment to the board of directors is a “no-show job”. Directors are hired to oversee and ratify the actions of the officers. It’s a prestige job and little more. They don’t work directly for the company. Your abject ignorance of corporate governance is noted.

Your post reveals your abject ignorance of all matters regarding the law, corporate governance and international business.
1. You have nothing. 5 years of investigations and you have nothing. Even the judge yesterday questioned the massive resources used for the past 5 years to go after HB and all you have are a couple of misdemeanors.
2. You have no whistleblowers at all not one. You have a bunch of disgruntled, incompetent partisans looking to bitch about Democrats. The IRS guys were complaining about the DOJ under Trump stonewalling. Biden hadn’t even been elected.
3. Republicans have NOTHING, but a bunch of criminals trying and failing to protect their criminal ex-President. Democrats have Trump’s ass in a sling.
He’s publicly admitted to everything he’s been charged with and yet you’re still claiming he did nothing wrong. I didn’t hear Hillary Clinton constantly whining about how “unfairly” she was treated. 25 plus investigations without a single charge. That’s the very definition of a “witch hunt”.
4. The Trump DOJ investigated that FBI form and found it had no credibility and there was no supporting evidence to back it up. When even trumps people can’t find a “there” there, there is absolutely nothing to this report.
All you have is a bunch of stuff that “looks like”, “could be”, or “appears to be”. What you don’t have, and have NEVER had since Nixon, is evidence, tying ANY top Democrat to criminal wrongdoing of any kind. And it’s not for lack of trying.
5. You have Joe Biden on video bragging about completing the work that the IMF, NATO, and the Obama administration sent him to the Ukraine to complete. He was told to fire the prosecutor and he did it. The very people who are now claiming that Biden acted on his own signed a letter, telling the Ukraine to get rid of their corrupt prosecutor. Both Mitch McConnell, and Sen. Kennedy signed that letter and now Kennedy is claiming that Biden did something illegal. Maybe you should have Kennedy investigated for dementia if he can’t remember.
6. An appointment to the board of directors is a “no-show job”. Directors are hired to oversee and ratify the actions of the officers. It’s a prestige job and little more. They don’t work directly for the company. Your abject ignorance of corporate governance is noted. Your post reveals your abject ignorance of all matters regarding the law, corporate governance and international business.
You can keep denying all of the evidence presented. That doesn't matter. What matters is that there is enough evidence to impeach Joe Biden.
You can't deny the shell companies used to launder the Biden Crime Family cash.
The IRS and FBI whistleblowers, along with Archer and Bobulinsky are formidable evidence. Do not dismiss Hunter's laptop evidence either.
My post shows that Impeachment is totally justified, you can deny all you want.
Voters will see that they really were deceived by the FBI and the hi-tech oligarchs in 2020. They elected a crook as president.
You can keep denying all of the evidence presented. That doesn't matter. What matters is that there is enough evidence to impeach Joe Biden.
You can't deny the shell companies used to launder the Biden Crime Family cash.
The IRS and FBI whistleblowers, along with Archer and Bobulinsky are formidable evidence. Do not dismiss Hunter's laptop evidence either.
My post shows that Impeachment is totally justified, you can deny all you want.
Voters will see that they really were deceived by the FBI and the hi-tech oligarchs in 2020. They elected a crook as president.

Until it is presented in a court of law or during an Impeachment proceeding, none of it means a damn thing.
You're ignorant of US foreign policy in Ukraine.. So is Trump. Ukraine needs foreign investment. They have to clean up corruption to do that. Shokin refused to prosecute corruption. Good God, Americans are stupid.

You're not an American?

Freudian slip?

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