Trump wants to see Biden impeached

About the two impeachments of Donald "take down the metal detectors" Trump**

** impeached
good trumper
and you will scream to high heaven if/when Biden is impeached on similar 'evidence'.
About the two impeachments of Donald "take down the metal detectors" Trump**

** impeached
We have to believe it. When joe is impeached, if the Republicans at least follow the Pro model, you will not believe it.
We have to believe it. When joe is impeached, if the Republicans at least follow the Pro model, you will not believe it.
I believe that Comer is a filthy RINO and that's the reason for the holdup
Shokin escaped to Russia. Giuliani had a corrupt oligarch hiding out in Vienna from US extradition, Firtash, locate Shokin in Russia and paid for his flight to Austria to get the deposition Giuliani and repubs in congress are using with Shokin now saying he had an active investigation in to Burisma when he was prosecutor general, yet he did not. The corrupt oligarch Firtash, is represented by Joe DiGenova and wife Victoria T, who also are lawyers for John Solomon, (along with being Trump lawyers for a bit) and Jon Solomon has been writing all the Giuliani Ukrainian stories pushing the Biden conspiracies back when Trump was impeached for it, , and still is reporting on it with his own new blog pretending to be news.

Shokin is back in Russia. Can not arrest him there, that's why he and Burisma owner, went there after troubles in the Ukraine.
Shokin doesn't need to be in the Ukraine for charges to be brought against him. So your screed proves nothing.
Shokin doesn't need to be in the Ukraine for charges to be brought against him. So your screed proves nothing.
I guess that would be true, but why bother? Did any charges come against all the other corrupt prosecutor Generals prior to Shokin? It seems to be... or was, a pretty darn corrupt justice system....
Biden should be impeached for all his wrongdoing. Might be something to consider right before the election. Probably won't happen because we have too many RINOs.

---Trump wants to see Biden impeached, and other Republicans are quick to pile on---​

That's a waste of time and money. He should tried for treason.
Post of the month? It was bullshit. Biden was sent to the Ukraine to fire the prosecutor. He didn’t go on his own and he didn’t do it for his own reasons.

Just the fact that you believe that post chose you to be a gullible fool.
Liar SEZ what?
LIAR. Why don't you worry about the forest fires in CANADA instead of typing lies on this US forum?
The Bidens both got $5,000,000 to fire Shokin. Follow the money.

It was in every newspaper and on TV when it happened. You have to be willfully, deaf, dumb, and blind, to think that it didn’t happen.

There was no money to follow, but this leads me to question who’s paying you post lies to undermine the Biden practice presidency, and the American government.


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