Trump warns McCain: 'Be careful because at some point I fight back

Democrats were so nice to McCain in 2008 and voted for him overwhelmingly.

We treat McCain better than Republicans do
We never mocked him for being captured
Traitor, warmonger, moron. All loving terms used by the left in 08.
they made fun of his age and his cancer too.

The left questioned McCains age
You will have to provide an example where they made fun of his cancer
Any more proof that Trump is a thug and mentally unstable. It also shows that Trump supporters are crazy members of a cult just like Jim Jones was.
Borowitz: Obama Begins Calling American People to Console Them About Trump Being President
Obama Begins Calling American People to Console Them About Trump Being President

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Former President Barack Obama has started calling every person in America to offer consolation about Donald Trump being President, Obama has confirmed.

“It’s something I meant to do right after the Inauguration,” Obama said, during a brief break from the phone calls. “I feel terrible that I didn’t get to it sooner.”

The former President said that, although the phone calls are a small gesture, he felt that he had to do whatever he could to extend his sympathy about Trump being President.

“There’s a lot of pain out there that a phone call from me can never fix,” he said. “Still, I want people to know that I care.”
LOL. Like McCain doesn't know what Trump's fighting back is like.
Does anyone remember "I like people who weren't captured?"
Wonder if the moron likes people who had lol heel spurs,,,,fn coward in our wh a bully and a punk
Popovitch for president
Trump held a press conference on Monday during which he claimed that many past presidents have not made phone calls to the families of military members killed in action. Whether he was just being astoundingly ignorant or was telling a massive lie, the comments made Popovich—an Air Force veteran—irate.
Spurs head coach Gregg Popovich -> "This man in the Oval Office is a soulless coward who thinks that he can only become large by belittling others. This has of course been a common practice of his, but to do it in this manner—and to lie about how previous Presidents responded to the deaths of soldiers—is as low as it gets. We have a pathological liar in the White House: unfit intellectually, emotionally, and psychologically to hold this office and the whole world knows it, especially those around him every day. The people who work with this President should be ashamed because they know it better than anyone just how unfit he is, and yet they choose to do nothing about it. This is their shame most of all."
Of course this is just his "opinion"...but...
McCain send this to the Orangegutan ....

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