Trump warns of 'problems' like 'we've never seen' if he's indicted

The FBI follows the law. You follow Trump.

Spare us all the burden of suffering through another one of your idiotic, grade-school braindead posts and please don't tell us your assessment on things you don't know the first thing about.

Kind of curious here..Just what problems are we experiencing now that we have never seen before?

Inflation? I guess you don't remember the 1970's eh?

Violence? I guess you don't remember the 1960's either?

I guess one could make a case for the frequency of mass shootings..but not sure what Biden has to do with it.

The current cultural kerfuffle? Not really is it?

The southern border is completely broken. MILLIONS of illegals flowing into the country bringing disease, crime and drugs with them.

Are you aware that 300 people a day are dying from fentanyl coming across the southern border?

We've never had Russia invade Ukraine. Now we have.

We never had a complete debacle of pulling out of Afghanistan. Now we have.

We've never had a molester n chief that couldn't compose a sentence, sniffed and molested little girls and the media turn a blind eye. Now we have.

Should I go on?
I think we all know now who the idiot is.

Well..a threat eh? Somehow I'm not worried...although I do want to re-up my popcorn supply! Trump's faction simply doesn't have the horses...and the Govt. is just aching to make an example or two.

Protests are cool...and speech, and non-violent civil disobedience. But violence will lead to a smashing..and rather than the spark to ignite a civil will see a fizzle.

I think Trump is threatening to release all the classified materials he stole from the white house if he's indicted. All those TS/SCI documents were Trumps "insurance policy",.
Make no mistake about it, there will be hell to pay if he is indicted. That doesnt mean riots in the streets, but it does mean that heads will roll if at any point the FBI indicts him over some stupid fucking documents.
It is about obstruction of Justice. He played games with the DOJ and FBI about not having any more documents at MAL, and even have a lawyer (who does not represent him anymore and has gotten a lawyer for herself over the issue )lie, on purpose or not, that there were no more documents at the resort only for the FBI to find out otherwise later. That is when there was a request for the search warrant .

The documents are Government classified documents and other very important ones which keep people who keep the USA safe.

Trump's obstruction to return all of those documents is what got him in problem, when he returned without any issues 15 boxes back in January.

Think about it.
Spare us all the burden of suffering through another one of your idiotic, grade-school braindead posts and please don't tell us your assessment on things you don't know the first thing about.

The FBI did not break the law this time.

Trump Obstructed returning government documents when he was asked to do so.

You will never prove otherwise.
Actually yes. Maybe you'll post something with an ounce of truth if you try hard enough.

How about you prove anything I said wrong? Good luck.

The other things are obvious.
Idiot, we're clearly living in a totalitarian police state now, with an installed administration vilifying and criminalizing half the country while sending out a weaponized federal police force to harass and intimidate all of his political opponents.
This is a lie.

A totalitarian police state is what those who participated in the 1/6 rightwing terrorist attack on America's democracy sought to create.
Trump's obstruction to return all of those documents is what got him in problem, when he returned without any issues 15 boxes back in January.

Think about it.
You could stretch the imagination and say that the documents in the first 15 boxes, were packed up by mistake.

After that, despite assurances to the contrary. The other boxes found with classified materials, along with documents in the "45" office, in which guests frequently visited.
It is about obstruction of Justice. He played games with the DOJ and FBI about not having any more documents at MAL, and even have a lawyer (who does not represent him anymore and has gotten a lawyer for herself over the issue )lie, on purpose or not, that there were no more documents at the resort only for the FBI to find out otherwise later. That is when there was a request for the search warrant .

The documents are Government classified documents and other very important ones which keep people who keep the USA safe.

Trump's obstruction to return all of those documents is what got him in problem, when he returned without any issues 15 boxes back in January.

Think about it.
Any document is safe in the presidents home. Its guarded by the Secret Service for Christ sake. Trump isnt "mishandling information".

Any attempt to indict Trump for this will ultimately lead to prison time for numerous democrats. It will invite ALL the investigations from a GOP led Congress, and during ALL the investigations they are going to catch multiple people doing illegal shit, as all polticians do. Some of that shit wont even have anything to do with the investigation. It will simply happen because of the microscope that will be on MANY people on the left.

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