Trump warns of 'problems' like 'we've never seen' if he's indicted

Idiot, we're clearly living in a totalitarian police state now, with an installed administration vilifying and criminalizing half the country while sending out a weaponized federal police force to harass and intimidate all of his political opponents.

You LYING piece of shit, you do NOT live in these United States, do NOT say "We", because YOU are not part of US.

Any questions?
Doesn't really matter what you think. You're an idiot in a sea of idiots. Part of the reason why we are in the mess we are in. Democrats can pull anything and you'll not notice nor care.
What mess are YOU in?

Tell us all of your problems?

Had covid?
Lost your job?
Cannot pay for your medicines?
Etc, etc

Or are you simply generalizing everything as if the country was actually falling apart, when it is not.

Stop demonizing the administration which is actually doing more for the country then you would like to admit, for the simple reason that you keep yourself ignorant as to what Biden and his administration are doing, so that you keep attacking it.

You are basically bringing the end of days, the sky is falling ideas, where none of them actually apply.
How about you prove anything I said wrong? Good luck.

The other things are obvious.
Your post says "unrestrained" border crossings. Yet people arrested at the border has reached record levels.

Arrest is the top matching definition of restraint.
Can't prove calculus to a clam, neither. I bet you think the Sun rises in the west, too. Shut up and just read yer posts.
You ask your average republican to solve a first order linear differential equation, and their eyes just glaze over.
Yet they'll claim they understand enough to disqualify the science behind global warming.
Any document is safe in the presidents home. Its guarded by the Secret Service for Christ sake. Trump isnt "mishandling information".
Actually that's completely FALSE. The secret service guards people, not documents. Guests, the staff, the Trump family and friends were allowed to freely visit the "45" office.
I think Trump is threatening to release all the classified materials he stole from the white house if he's indicted. All those TS/SCI documents were Trumps "insurance policy",.
Then he will buy his ticket to prison, no stopover.
He hired lawyers he could bully. He had no standing. Trump knows more about the law than the lawyers.
That has nothing to do with being denied an evidentiary hearing. A corrupt judiciary is responsible for that.
Stop demonizing the administration You are basically bringing the end of days, the sky is falling ideas, where none of them actually apply.

Suck ASS, creep. That is all you did for the whole four years Trump was in office. You idiots used to threaten to leave the country or commit suicide. Now we find out that Bedpan Joe is like 1000X worse with millions now unable to afford to pay their electric bills, mortgage or rent.
Suck ASS, creep. That is all you did for the whole four years Trump was in office. You idiots used to threaten to leave the country or commit suicide. Now we find out that Bedpan Joe is like 1000X worse with millions now unable to afford to pay their electric bills, mortgage or rent.
Nice exaggeration in everything you said.
You must have been living under a rock. Q are crazy people.
He's doing it on purpose, pretending to not know what 'Q' is as a way to minimize while running away from it.

Many other dishonest USMB far rightwing posters have done the same.
Conservatives are willing to resort to violence, 1/6 was just the beginning.
Violence is one of the key characteristics of Fascism.

Violence is one of the key characteristics of Fascism.

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