Trump warns of 'problems' like 'we've never seen' if he's indicted

Damn..the dumb is just rolling off of you this morning.
Lessee...Totalitarian police state--uh no.

Look asshole, maybe you have your head buried up your ass and are fine with the FBI going around harrassing innocent people for no good reason unnecessarily because they don't represent YOUR political persuasion, but many in the government AREN'T fine with it, and that is THEIR position of what Biden has been pulling and the shit is going to hit the fan next year.
Look asshole, maybe you have your head buried up your ass and are fine with the FBI going around harrassing innocent people for no good reason unnecessarily because they don't represent YOUR political persuasion, but many in the government AREN'T fine with it, and that is THEIR position of what Biden has been pulling and the shit is going to hit the fan next year.
The FBI follows the law. You follow Trump.

There's the difference.
Look asshole, maybe you have your head buried up your ass and are fine with the FBI going around harrassing innocent people for no good reason unnecessarily because they don't represent YOUR political persuasion, but many in the government AREN'T fine with it, and that is THEIR position of what Biden has been pulling and the shit is going to hit the fan next year.
You me..your post reads like fiction. I simply do not buy 'harassing' Nor 'innocent people' nor 'no good reason', nor 'unnecessarily'.
It is not because of some political vendetta. Not that it does not factor in..but the crimes alleged do not exist in a vacuum. They are not ginned up..nor a bunch of hot air.
Are the Dems in full battle they are. But it is Trumps actions and misdeeds that are at the root of this. If you give your enemy not be surprised if they use it.
Your sense of victimhood is working overtime..IMO.

It is not Trump's political position that is bringing him's the fact that he recognizes no law as affecting him.

He is are you.
Look asshole, maybe you have your head buried up your ass and are fine with the FBI going around harrassing innocent people for no good reason
Given how many years your fascist cult has been training you to lie, you really have no excuse for sucking so badly at it.

And I don't see why you're so hysterical. Sure, your favorite source of the fascist azzjelly that you crave will be gone, but new fascist leaders will step up and provide it to you.
It is up to the Judges. How many were Republicans who would not take it at all?
Not once..did Trump's lawyers allege election fraud in court. Why? Because they could not present cause.
Most cases were seen as what they were..attempts to gum up the process..make headlines...and bootstrap Trump's attempted election steal~
Well..a threat eh? Somehow I'm not worried...although I do want to re-up my popcorn supply! Trump's faction simply doesn't have the horses...and the Govt. is just aching to make an example or two.

Protests are cool...and speech, and non-violent civil disobedience. But violence will lead to a smashing..and rather than the spark to ignite a civil will see a fizzle.

I note with interest that the threat is about Trump simply being indicted..not convicted or anything. Which is to say..Trump's position is that the law cannot even have the temerity to call him to account--never mind convict him. I believe that this is because Trump knows he is guilty and he knows that a trial would convict him. So for him, an indictment signals 'the end'.

I laughed at the obvious 'dog whistle' that the last sentence is~

Florida Flies 2 Planeloads of Migrants to Martha’s Vineyard
Former President Donald Trump said Thursday the nation would face "problems ... the likes of which perhaps we’ve never seen" if he is indicted over his handling of classified documents after leaving office, an apparent suggestion that such a move by the Justice Department could spark violence from Trump's supporters.
“If a thing like that happened, I would have no prohibition against running,” former President Donald Trump said.
The former president said an indictment wouldn’t stop him from running for the White House again and repeatedly said Americans “would not stand” for his prosecution.
“If a thing like that happened, I would have no prohibition against running,” Trump said in an interview with conservative talk radio host Hugh Hewitt. “I think if it happened, I think you’d have problems in this country the likes of which perhaps we’ve never seen before. I don’t think the people of the United States would stand for it.”
Hewitt asked Trump what he meant by “problems.”
“I think they’d have big problems. Big problems. I just don’t think they’d stand for it. They will not sit still and stand for this ultimate of hoaxes,” Trump said.
It’s not the first time Republicans have hinted at potential civil unrest if the DOJ indicts Trump. Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham made headlines last month when he said there would be “riots in the street” if “there is a prosecution of Donald Trump for mishandling classified information.” Graham’s comments were slammed as “irresponsible” and “shameful.” White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, without naming the South Carolina senator, said these comments from “extreme Republicans” were “dangerous.”
Hewitt appeared to see Trump’s comments as a nod toward potential unrest, asking the former president how he would respond when the “legacy media” accuses him of inciting violence.

“That’s not inciting. I’m just saying what my opinion is,” Trump said. “I don’t think the people of this country would stand for it.”
Make no mistake about it, there will be hell to pay if he is indicted. That doesnt mean riots in the streets, but it does mean that heads will roll if at any point the FBI indicts him over some stupid fucking documents.
Make no mistake about it, there will be hell to pay if he is indicted. That doesnt mean riots in the streets, but it does mean that heads will roll if at any point the FBI indicts him over some stupid fucking documents.
I agree that heads will roll---but don't be surprised when those heads turn out to be Trump and his cronies.

BTW..the FBI indicts nobody. That's the Justice Dept....working with the Judiciary. Usually a Grand Jury indicts, in these cases. I'm sure you are aware that there are a number of Grand juries considering Trump and his cronies, right now.
Here is a reality check, if you ever come to read it. It is all there, from first to last law suit.

First, a protest to have fraud investigated is not overturning an election. Second, you are a truly stupid traitor.

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