*Trump Was Indeed A Great President*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. But what Trump has done will echo in the halls of time.
2. And future generations will know just how Great he was INDEED.
3. The Democrats will never be able to stop history on Trump, even thou they will try.
4. Trump will in the end remain victorious.
5. He left office on his own accord, he stood aside for the greater good.
6. And an inferior man has stolen the office behind him, with the blessing of the SC and several governors, tarnishing the electoral votes, and the FBI caused the stink in DC on the 6th, and he stepped down for peace.
7. These words will be referred to historically year to come.

The Democrats are already fucking things up. After four years of this, if Trump runs he may very well win, something the Democrats have already admitted.

That's why they're puttting on this junior-high "trial".
Sorry bout that,

1. But what Trump has done will echo in the halls of time.
2. And future generations will know just how Great he was INDEED.
3. The Democrats will never be able to stop history on Trump, even thou they will try.
4. Trump will in the end remain victorious.
5. He left office on his own accord, he stood aside for the greater good.
6. And an inferior man has stolen the office behind him, with the blessing of the SC and several governors, tarnishing the electoral votes, and the FBI caused the stink in DC on the 6th, and he stepped down for peace.
7. These words will be referred to historically year to come.


He will be known in the history books as the worst President this country ever elected. Incompetent, inept, corrupt, lacking both compassion and basic intelligence.
A man who backed into the Presidency due to a once in a lifetime confluence of events and then proceeded to be just as big of disaster as we thought he would be.
Wasn't interested in the job. Only in the adoration and attention it brought him. Finally, when his lack of competence is laid bare due to a complete blunder of a response
to the virus, after he lost his re-election bid, after dozens of frivolous court cases and media circus events, he whips a protesting crowd up into a fury to storm the Capitol
to overturn the results of the election and have himself re-installed as President. This man will spend the rest of his life dodging the myriad of legal issues that are coming
his way...fast. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.

Sorry bout that.
Sorry bout that,

1. In a nightmare your imagination will come true.
2. But your nightmares are your own.
3. Good luck with that.
4. What is indeed coming you are not prepared for.

Sorry bout that,

1. Its entertaining how many states are already designating President Trump with some honorary days or weeks or months as Trumps!
2. No state every did that before.
3. Trigger on grasshoppers.
4. But do stay calm, we don't want you to hurt yourself.

..Mr Trump wasn't like these typical jackasses like Biden...Mr Trump tried to fix what was wrong--the BIG -REAL problems like China fking us over/stopping the PROBLEM of illegals--etc....
..Biden has proven to be a jackass TYPICAL politician in only a few days because he is trying to get votes by concentrating on NON-problem dumbass shit like:
white supremacy --that's nowhere close to being a problem

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