Trump was right again...New York Attorney General files lawsuit to dissolve NRA

LaPierre, in charge of the NRA’s day-to-day operations for nearly three decades, stands accused of spending millions of dollars on luxury black car services and private jet trips, including eight visits to the Bahamas, as well as accepting expensive gifts such as African safaris, hair and makeup for his wife and use of a 107-foot yacht. He also engineered a $17m post-employment contract for himself, according to the lawsuit.

All of this suggests an organisation that thinks it is above the law. Contributions are meant to promote Gun ownership and not Yachts and safaris. It all suggests a culture where top execs enrich themselves at the expense of the members. Those members should be pleased that their interests are being protected and the pigs are being removed from the trough.

They belong in prison for their crimes of theft and fraud.

They have violated both state and federal laws.

We need to start putting all real criminals in prison. Yet time and time again criminals are just fined then walk away to restart committing crimes again.

I have no sympathy for the brain dead people who have no problem with all the theft and fraud from the nra. If they want people to steal from them they have that right. No one can fix stupid.

I have a problem with all of it being tax deductible resulting in the taxpayer paying for all of it.

LaPierre, in charge of the NRA’s day-to-day operations for nearly three decades, stands accused of spending millions of dollars on luxury black car services and private jet trips, including eight visits to the Bahamas, as well as accepting expensive gifts such as African safaris, hair and makeup for his wife and use of a 107-foot yacht. He also engineered a $17m post-employment contract for himself, according to the lawsuit.

All of this suggests an organisation that thinks it is above the law. Contributions are meant to promote Gun ownership and not Yachts and safaris. It all suggests a culture where top execs enrich themselves at the expense of the members. Those members should be pleased that their interests are being protected and the pigs are being removed from the trough.
It's not for you to know or say. The NRA is an American concern and so is American business. So stick to your wanking, limey.

LaPierre, in charge of the NRA’s day-to-day operations for nearly three decades, stands accused of spending millions of dollars on luxury black car services and private jet trips, including eight visits to the Bahamas, as well as accepting expensive gifts such as African safaris, hair and makeup for his wife and use of a 107-foot yacht. He also engineered a $17m post-employment contract for himself, according to the lawsuit.

All of this suggests an organisation that thinks it is above the law. Contributions are meant to promote Gun ownership and not Yachts and safaris. It all suggests a culture where top execs enrich themselves at the expense of the members. Those members should be pleased that their interests are being protected and the pigs are being removed from the trough.

It's original mission was NOT to promote gun ownership. It was to promote firearm safety and training. It's lost its way a lot more than even you realize. It went from a public service to selling guns for Gun Manufacturers. The Yahts and such is just the next logical step.
It also lost its way when it became a partisan mouthpiece for the GOP.

The complaint details several of these private flights, including one which cost $15,000 to get his niece’s husband from a convention for the hunting group the Safari Club in Las Vegas to Nebraska.

LaPierre testified to the attorney general’s office that his niece was working at the convention, so he flew her husband out to help with childcare, but then her husband had to return to Nebraska for work before the convention ended. “t’s really almost very hard to get commercial flights back,” LaPierre testified.

This is not a political action. The complaints came from NRA staff and whistleblowers. This happens a lot where organisations do not have strong controls and officers have a job for life.

It's purely political as the AG's timing is more than suspect.
As Tucker Carlson pointed out last nite, the NRA spent $70 million in the 2016 election to get out the vote for Trump. Now, they have to spend the money for attorney fees instead for this election.
Pure politics!!
the politicians in washington and the NRA are lying to us about mass shootings, and it seems us Parkland kids are the only ones who have noticed. WE CALL BS! They live in their gilded House and Senate seats, telling us nothing could be done to prevent this. WE CALL BS! they say tougher gun laws do not decrease gun violence. WE CALL BS! They say a good guy with a gun stops a bad guy with a gun. WE CALL BS! they say guns are tools like knives and are as dangerous as cars. WE CALL BS! They say no laws could have prevented the senseless tragedies that have happened. WE CALL BS!

Bullshit, guns have been flying off the shelves for the last 4 months.
The non trump cultists aren't irrational freaks like you, though. They aren't going to look at this as a threat to take away their guns. They are buying guns because of the right wing freaks.
am i next? is my son next? protect kids, not guns! children shouldn't die for your "hobby"...NRA, THERE'S BLOOD ON YOUR HANDS!
I have no idea what any of this is about. I heard one remark concerning the NRA but I have no idea what it is concerning. What are we supposed to take from this?

This is a better source:

New York AG seeks to dissolve NRA in new lawsuit

New York Attorney General Letitia James announced Thursday that her office has filed a lawsuit against the National Rifle Association and its leadership, including Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre, looking to dissolve the organization.

James accused the organization of having "a culture of self-dealing," taking millions of dollars for personal use and granting contracts that benefited leaders' family and associates.

"The NRA's influence has been so powerful that the organization went unchecked for decades while top executives funneled millions into their own pockets," James said in a statement. "The NRA is fraught with fraud and abuse, which is why, today, we seek to dissolve the NRA, because no organization is above the law."

Thank you. This helps. She is wasting the taxpayers money. If they are taking millions for personal use (which I agree they do) that is an internal and member issue.
You need to read statements like this with a jaundiced eye! James accuses top executives at the NRA of funneling millions of dollars into their own pockets over "decades"? How many executives are we talking about? Dozens? Hundreds? So what would the salaries for all of these executives be over the course of at least twenty years? It would be shocking quite frankly if those salaries DIDN'T add up to "millions"! So what James is attempting to do is retroactively attack the NRA for doing what every OTHER group like them has been doing for that same amount of time! The executives at MOST political action groups get paid just like the ones at the NRA! So why is James targeting them? It's obviously political. The NRA spends millions on ads against liberal candidates. THAT is their crime in James' eyes!
I have no idea what any of this is about. I heard one remark concerning the NRA but I have no idea what it is concerning. What are we supposed to take from this?

This is a better source:

New York AG seeks to dissolve NRA in new lawsuit

New York Attorney General Letitia James announced Thursday that her office has filed a lawsuit against the National Rifle Association and its leadership, including Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre, looking to dissolve the organization.

James accused the organization of having "a culture of self-dealing," taking millions of dollars for personal use and granting contracts that benefited leaders' family and associates.

"The NRA's influence has been so powerful that the organization went unchecked for decades while top executives funneled millions into their own pockets," James said in a statement. "The NRA is fraught with fraud and abuse, which is why, today, we seek to dissolve the NRA, because no organization is above the law."

Thank you. This helps. She is wasting the taxpayers money. If they are taking millions for personal use (which I agree they do) that is an internal and member issue.
You need to read statements like this with a jaundiced eye! James accuses top executives at the NRA of funneling millions of dollars into their own pockets over "decades"? How many executives are we talking about? Dozens? Hundreds? So what would the salaries for all of these executives be over the course of at least twenty years? It would be shocking quite frankly if those salaries DIDN'T add up to "millions"! So what James is attempting to do is retroactively attack the NRA for doing what every OTHER group like them has been doing for that same amount of time! The executives at MOST political action groups get paid just like the ones at the NRA! So why is James targeting them? It's obviously political. The NRA spends millions on ads against liberal candidates. THAT is their crime in James' eyes!

You (nor I) have any idea what she has.
I have no idea what any of this is about. I heard one remark concerning the NRA but I have no idea what it is concerning. What are we supposed to take from this?

This is a better source:

New York AG seeks to dissolve NRA in new lawsuit

New York Attorney General Letitia James announced Thursday that her office has filed a lawsuit against the National Rifle Association and its leadership, including Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre, looking to dissolve the organization.

James accused the organization of having "a culture of self-dealing," taking millions of dollars for personal use and granting contracts that benefited leaders' family and associates.

"The NRA's influence has been so powerful that the organization went unchecked for decades while top executives funneled millions into their own pockets," James said in a statement. "The NRA is fraught with fraud and abuse, which is why, today, we seek to dissolve the NRA, because no organization is above the law."

Thank you. This helps. She is wasting the taxpayers money. If they are taking millions for personal use (which I agree they do) that is an internal and member issue.
You need to read statements like this with a jaundiced eye! James accuses top executives at the NRA of funneling millions of dollars into their own pockets over "decades"? How many executives are we talking about? Dozens? Hundreds? So what would the salaries for all of these executives be over the course of at least twenty years? It would be shocking quite frankly if those salaries DIDN'T add up to "millions"! So what James is attempting to do is retroactively attack the NRA for doing what every OTHER group like them has been doing for that same amount of time! The executives at MOST political action groups get paid just like the ones at the NRA! So why is James targeting them? It's obviously political. The NRA spends millions on ads against liberal candidates. THAT is their crime in James' eyes!

You (nor I) have any idea what she has.
I'm simply going by HER statement, PK! If she has more than that then by all means let's hear it! Accusing the NRS of wrongdoing because they paid their executives millions of dollars over several decades is laughable yet that's what she appears to be basing her complaint on!
Is she going to move to dissolve Planned Parenthood? The teacher's unions? They pay THEIR executives as well and I'm rather certain that if you added up their salaries that they TOO would amount to millions of dollars over several decades! So why is she going after the NRA?
I have no idea what any of this is about. I heard one remark concerning the NRA but I have no idea what it is concerning. What are we supposed to take from this?

This is a better source:

New York AG seeks to dissolve NRA in new lawsuit

New York Attorney General Letitia James announced Thursday that her office has filed a lawsuit against the National Rifle Association and its leadership, including Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre, looking to dissolve the organization.

James accused the organization of having "a culture of self-dealing," taking millions of dollars for personal use and granting contracts that benefited leaders' family and associates.

"The NRA's influence has been so powerful that the organization went unchecked for decades while top executives funneled millions into their own pockets," James said in a statement. "The NRA is fraught with fraud and abuse, which is why, today, we seek to dissolve the NRA, because no organization is above the law."

Thank you. This helps. She is wasting the taxpayers money. If they are taking millions for personal use (which I agree they do) that is an internal and member issue.
You need to read statements like this with a jaundiced eye! James accuses top executives at the NRA of funneling millions of dollars into their own pockets over "decades"? How many executives are we talking about? Dozens? Hundreds? So what would the salaries for all of these executives be over the course of at least twenty years? It would be shocking quite frankly if those salaries DIDN'T add up to "millions"! So what James is attempting to do is retroactively attack the NRA for doing what every OTHER group like them has been doing for that same amount of time! The executives at MOST political action groups get paid just like the ones at the NRA! So why is James targeting them? It's obviously political. The NRA spends millions on ads against liberal candidates. THAT is their crime in James' eyes!

You (nor I) have any idea what she has.
I'm simply going by HER statement, PK! If she has more than that then by all means let's hear it! Accusing the NRS of wrongdoing because they paid their executives millions of dollars over several decades is laughable yet that's what she appears to be basing her complaint on!

Her complaint I noted was them diverting funds from the non profit education arm.
The 2nd amendment is as strong as ever. My hunting rifles and shotguns are still safe in my house. I don't need to find their vacations.
/——/ I don't need to find their vacations, either. And you libtards are chipping away at the 2nd Amendment every day. Just go to a Blue State and try and buy a gun.

If I want a gun, I can walk into any gunsshop or pawnshop, pick out the one I want, pay for it and after the background check, walk out with it with 5 boxes of ammo for it. Before Covid, I could buy a gun faster than I could buy a loaf of bread. The breakdown now is that the background checks are backlogged and you can't take the gun out of the "Shop" until it passes. It's taking 1 to 3 days. When things get back to normal, we'll go back to the 10 minute gun buy IN A BLUE STATE. Please stop lying.
No "They" aren't. If they were trying as hard as you bleet, it would have been done long ago.
Dems have certainly tried

but so far too many voters disagree

I know you couldn't tell me who "They" are. I know a number of Democrats with guns and not once have they tried to take someone else's guns. Okay, I will admit I have "Coveted" a few guns in my time but never taken without permission. You are using the word "Dem" in the place of "They" and you still haven't given a concrete answer who "They " are.
Its not necessary for you to agree with me

I know the democrates represent a threat to the 2nd amendment whether yo7 admit it or not

And who are "They"? The Dems in this blue state have more guns than the Reds do considering there are more Dems than Reps. And we have made sure that our Firearms are safe. Could it be that basement that you and Rump are hiding in needs more guns?
The 2nd amendment is as strong as ever. My hunting rifles and shotguns are still safe in my house. I don't need to find their vacations.
/——/ I don't need to find their vacations, either. And you libtards are chipping away at the 2nd Amendment every day. Just go to a Blue State and try and buy a gun.

If I want a gun, I can walk into any gunsshop or pawnshop, pick out the one I want, pay for it and after the background check, walk out with it with 5 boxes of ammo for it. Before Covid, I could buy a gun faster than I could buy a loaf of bread. The breakdown now is that the background checks are backlogged and you can't take the gun out of the "Shop" until it passes. It's taking 1 to 3 days. When things get back to normal, we'll go back to the 10 minute gun buy IN A BLUE STATE. Please stop lying.
What happened that gun incidents have become what they are? Maybe you can figure it out. Anyway trust comes into the equation.
And who are "They"? The Dems in this blue state have more guns than the Reds do considering there are more Dems than Reps. And we have made sure that our Firearms are safe. Could it be that basement that you and Rump are hiding in needs more guns?
As I keep reminding you, your denials mean nothing to me

I am reacting to the threat that I perceive, not what you choose to believe

LaPierre, in charge of the NRA’s day-to-day operations for nearly three decades, stands accused of spending millions of dollars on luxury black car services and private jet trips, including eight visits to the Bahamas, as well as accepting expensive gifts such as African safaris, hair and makeup for his wife and use of a 107-foot yacht. He also engineered a $17m post-employment contract for himself, according to the lawsuit.

All of this suggests an organisation that thinks it is above the law. Contributions are meant to promote Gun ownership and not Yachts and safaris. It all suggests a culture where top execs enrich themselves at the expense of the members. Those members should be pleased that their interests are being protected and the pigs are being removed from the trough.

This isn't about getting corrupt officials.....this is all about the democrat party targeting a group that was about to spend millions of dollars in political ads in battleground states........

It also reveals the that the democrats are going to do everything they can to take power in the United States...which should worry you tommy......once they wrech the U.S. there won't be anyone to support your welfare state....
It sounds like they have a lot of evidence. No doubt "wayne" has receipts for everything and will be able to clear up the confusion.

The same evidence they used to get the illegal FISA warrants to spy on Trump.......

and again, this is all about the NRA buying political ads, and it should make everyone afraid of what the democrats will do if they win in november.

LaPierre, in charge of the NRA’s day-to-day operations for nearly three decades, stands accused of spending millions of dollars on luxury black car services and private jet trips, including eight visits to the Bahamas, as well as accepting expensive gifts such as African safaris, hair and makeup for his wife and use of a 107-foot yacht. He also engineered a $17m post-employment contract for himself, according to the lawsuit.

All of this suggests an organisation that thinks it is above the law. Contributions are meant to promote Gun ownership and not Yachts and safaris. It all suggests a culture where top execs enrich themselves at the expense of the members. Those members should be pleased that their interests are being protected and the pigs are being removed from the trough.

This isn't about getting corrupt officials.....this is all about the democrat party targeting a group that was about to spend millions of dollars in political ads in battleground states........

It also reveals the that the democrats are going to do everything they can to take power in the United States...which should worry you tommy......once they wrech the U.S. there won't be anyone to support your welfare state.... alternative theory...and hear me that it's about getting corrupt officials.
That's plausible right?

Nope, cause if it was they would have gone after planned parenthood......selling dead baby parts...
The 2nd amendment is as strong as ever. My hunting rifles and shotguns are still safe in my house. I don't need to find their vacations.

Your hunting rifles and shotguns are actual military weapons...which joe biden stated he is going to ban.
I recall the American Red Cross being caught in a similar situation and nobody called for the agency to be disbanded. In fact it's still around being subsidized by taxpayers.

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