Trump: we could use a bit of Global Warming that US was going to pay TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS to fight

hahaha Trump can use the winter news of these next 3 months to laff at these liberals who got on his case for not believing that the south pole was melting !!!!!

If you ever need snow, just bring in Al Gore to make a global warming speech. He could make it snow in August down in Florida.
so will al gore be taking any interviews next week?
The only scientific certainty is there WILL be another ice age. When that happens liberal NY will be ground to bedrock by a mile thick glacier, like during the last ice age.
The only scientific certainty is there WILL be another ice age. When that happens liberal NY will be ground to bedrock by a mile thick glacier, like during the last ice age.
i remember the ice age of 1977? it was so cold that even polar bears were begging to come into my house
The only scientific certainty is there WILL be another ice age. When that happens liberal NY will be ground to bedrock by a mile thick glacier, like during the last ice age.

wait a minute, are you sure we had an ice age?

was it because the dinosaurs refused to quit driving cars without low emission standards and kept using too much hair spray :dunno:

oh well, I am not worried

because I know all we have to do is put the United States at a competitive disadvantage & everything will get better!
The only scientific certainty is there WILL be another ice age. When that happens liberal NY will be ground to bedrock by a mile thick glacier, like during the last ice age.

wait a minute, are you sure we had an ice age?

was it because the dinosaurs refused to quit driving cars without low emission standards and kept using too much hair spray :dunno:

oh well, I am not worried

because I know all we have to do is put the United States at a competitive disadvantage & everything will get better!

Better global warming than an ice age. You can at least grow food if it gets too hot outside and we would survive.
The only scientific certainty is there WILL be another ice age. When that happens liberal NY will be ground to bedrock by a mile thick glacier, like during the last ice age.
i remember the ice age of 1977? it was so cold that even polar bears were begging to come into my house

I'm not surprised that bears would want to come to your house.
What even is “severe weather”? By whose definition are we operating? We’ve dealt with several ice ages and an extinction level event. Not to mention daily volcanic eruptions. But somehow we’re supposed to believe burning fossil fuels is causing earthquakes and tornadoes.
"I’m going to say something really crazy: I believe in science. Climate change is real and we have a moral obligation to protect this Earth for our children and grandchildren." - Goofy Elizabeth 'Pocahontas' Warren
"I think climate change is more complex than global warming will make it hotter. It has to do with disruptions of atmospheric conditions,ocean patterns, jet streams and shit like that" - Eloquent Vinny from MTV's the Jersey Shore responds to Trump's tweet

I just love how Trump yanks the media's chain on climate change. Climate change is the media's religion, it's not to be laughed at, and the media expects us all to bow before it. Not Trump. I love it.
What even is “severe weather”? By whose definition are we operating? We’ve dealt with several ice ages and an extinction level event. Not to mention daily volcanic eruptions. But somehow we’re supposed to believe burning fossil fuels is causing earthquakes and tornadoes.

"Trump: we could use a bit of Global Warming that US was going to pay TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS to fight"

Trump Mocking The Global Warming worshippers...I love it.

Drudge Report: 'Climate' Explainers Race to Justify Cold...

You just have to know how to shut these people up is all. The way I do it is question them. What is your goal, how is it measured, and how much is it going to cost? What would we have to do to shut you people up and never be heard from again?

It's funny to watch them stumble around trying to avoid answering it. Even they know that there is no end to their global warming nonsense. It's a bottomless pit and all the money in the country won't fill it.

There is no such thing as a happy environmentalist. They were angry 50 years ago, and in spite of the trillions we spent (and are still spending) to make them happy, they are madder today than they were then. You can't make an environmentalist happy, it just isn't possible.
Trump is having FUN as President. This is an example of him MOCKING the Al Gore worshippers, the people who believed that the polar ice caps would melt, coastal cities would be under water by now, polar bears would be extinct, the world's worst hurricane seasons would have destroyed half the United States years ago, etc...
"Hey dumbass, global warming doesn’t only mean extreme heat; it means extreme weather. Hot and cold. Maybe buy a thermometer and shove it up your ass." - Wacky Chelsea Handler

"Nobody can recall a Christmas Eve where the temperature was 65 degrees. Why is it that we're not effectively addressing climate change?" - Crazy Bernie

weather is not climate!
Remember kids, hot weather proves global warming. Cold weather also proves global warming. Any weather proves global warming & enables us to fleece people through obscure taxes & higher energy bills while enjoying endless new grants. How convenient.
It is truly great that we finally have a President who notices the truly obvious....

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