Trump we will guard our border with our military

You're such a fucken tard.

Answer the question! Oh wait , you rubes don’t think past any of Trumps dumb ass tweets .

Shut up timmy. You know nothing about our southern border.

I’ve been there. And Canada too. How about you?

Ya limp wrist shit head!
I've lived most of my life in South Texas.
On top of that I've been to Switzerland,Greece,Hollande,Canada,Mexico,Jamaica and a host of other countries.
Oh....and I have family members who work in the healthcare industry in canada that say it totally sucks.

Then you should realize the folly of a stupid giant wall.

How your dumbass came to that conclusion i'll never know.
Not if he used NG's on the border, backed up by regular troops.
That didn't work well last time they tried it....killed an American citizen out watching his family's sheep.


I think she might be talking about this:

After Marine on Patrol Kills a Teen-Ager, a Texas Border Village Wonders Why

Yeah, over 20 years ago! Who was President? Oh, that would be Bubba Clinton!

Dumbass! You are absolutely worthless and provide nothing to this forum except trolling your idiocy to see who bites!
Again, we are a nation of laws, not emotions.

Border security is law enforcement.

Yeah, we sent the local police to repel the British in the War of 1812!

We sent the local police to repel the Mexicans in the Mexican-American War.

The Hawaiian police departments did a bang-up job against the Japanese attack on Pearl harbor.


As much as you'd like to conflate the two, a caravan of a thousand refugees is not a "war".
353 Japs hit pearl harbor, 17 muslims hit the world trade center. What exactly is the number of attackers you would consider a war?

"War" is not defined by the number of "attackers", but if it was, there are 0 "attackers" in that caravan.
They are illegal in Mexico and illegal here except for the liberal laws passed for asylum.....................

They haven't broken any US laws yet, and even if they did, that doesn't make them an enemy army.
That didn't work well last time they tried it....killed an American citizen out watching his family's sheep.


I think she might be talking about this:

After Marine on Patrol Kills a Teen-Ager, a Texas Border Village Wonders Why

Yeah, over 20 years ago! Who was President? Oh, that would be Bubba Clinton!

Dumbass! You are absolutely worthless and provide nothing to this forum except trolling your idiocy to see who bites!

Yeah, we sent the local police to repel the British in the War of 1812!

We sent the local police to repel the Mexicans in the Mexican-American War.

The Hawaiian police departments did a bang-up job against the Japanese attack on Pearl harbor.


As much as you'd like to conflate the two, a caravan of a thousand refugees is not a "war".
In the last decade in Mexico over 177 k have died in a drug War....................That is a War..............A War Mexico is LOSING.

"Wars" on drugs, or terrorism, or whatever aren't "wars".

Don't confuse rhetoric with reality.

Would you please contact a lawyer and sue your school district for educational malpractice?

No one deserves to go through life being as big a dumbass as you are!


I'm sure that in your head, that sounded like a great comeback.
I'm sure your expert knowledge on what is a War might be accepted by people as dumb as you are ..........LOL

I guess that many deaths is nothing but a skirmish ...........Your an IDIOT.
Answer the question! Oh wait , you rubes don’t think past any of Trumps dumb ass tweets .

Shut up timmy. You know nothing about our southern border.

I’ve been there. And Canada too. How about you?

Ya limp wrist shit head!
I've lived most of my life in South Texas.
On top of that I've been to Switzerland,Greece,Hollande,Canada,Mexico,Jamaica and a host of other countries.
Oh....and I have family members who work in the healthcare industry in canada that say it totally sucks.

Then you should realize the folly of a stupid giant wall.

How your dumbass came to that conclusion i'll never know.

My bad. I had faith in you for a 1/2 second .
Yeah, we sent the local police to repel the British in the War of 1812!

We sent the local police to repel the Mexicans in the Mexican-American War.

The Hawaiian police departments did a bang-up job against the Japanese attack on Pearl harbor.


As much as you'd like to conflate the two, a caravan of a thousand refugees is not a "war".
353 Japs hit pearl harbor, 17 muslims hit the world trade center. What exactly is the number of attackers you would consider a war?

"War" is not defined by the number of "attackers", but if it was, there are 0 "attackers" in that caravan.
They are illegal in Mexico and illegal here except for the liberal laws passed for asylum.....................

They haven't broken any US laws yet, and even if they did, that doesn't make them an enemy army.
You changed the dang argument we were having....................You said the 177k deaths wasn't a War ...With your pompus reply...............

It is a dang War to those who are dying down there.
As much as you'd like to conflate the two, a caravan of a thousand refugees is not a "war".
In the last decade in Mexico over 177 k have died in a drug War....................That is a War..............A War Mexico is LOSING.

"Wars" on drugs, or terrorism, or whatever aren't "wars".

Don't confuse rhetoric with reality.

Would you please contact a lawyer and sue your school district for educational malpractice?

No one deserves to go through life being as big a dumbass as you are!


I'm sure that in your head, that sounded like a great comeback.
I'm sure your expert knowledge on what is a War might be accepted by people as dumb as you are ..........LOL

I guess that many deaths is nothing but a skirmish ...........Your an IDIOT.

War isn't defined by a number of deaths.
Applies to using American Forces to police US citizens. Doesn't apply to stopping a foreign invasion ...


Again, we are a nation of laws, not emotions.

Border security is law enforcement.

Yeah, we sent the local police to repel the British in the War of 1812!

We sent the local police to repel the Mexicans in the Mexican-American War.

The Hawaiian police departments did a bang-up job against the Japanese attack on Pearl harbor.


As much as you'd like to conflate the two, a caravan of a thousand refugees is not a "war".
353 Japs hit pearl harbor, 17 muslims hit the world trade center. What exactly is the number of attackers you would consider a war?

"War" is not defined by the number of "attackers", but if it was, there are 0 "attackers" in that caravan.
Well shit, we could have saved how many lives during WWII if we just let the Japs come here illegally and demand welfare and voting rights?
I've been saying this for years
bring some of the overseas troops home
this is a triple win!
1. no overseas transportation/logistics/ housing/etc cost
..a. save to-and-from transportation costs = double cost
2. use #1 $$$$ in the US, not overseas
3. those troops will spend their $$$ in the US, not overseas
etc etc

I have as well, and been told by people from both sides that it is not legal

Sent from my iPhone using
what's not legal??

Depending on what part of the military is used, those people might be talking about Posse Comitatus. :dunno:
Not even close. The military is not being used in law enforcement activity. It is being used to repel an invasion much like the coast guard does at sea. do know that the Coast Guard is actually attached to the Department of Transportation, which is why they can patrol our borders, right?

The only time the Coast Guard becomes part of the military is in times of a declared war.

Wrong, dumbass! The Coast Guard is part of Homeland Security.

The Coast Guard is a maritime, military, multi-mission service unique among the U.S. military branches for having a maritime law enforcement mission (with jurisdiction in both domestic and international waters) and a federal regulatory agency mission as part of its mission set. It operates under the U.S. Department of Homeland Security during peacetime, and can be transferred to the U.S. Department of the Navy by the U.S. President at any time, or by the U.S. Congress during times of war.

United States Coast Guard - Wikipedia
As much as you'd like to conflate the two, a caravan of a thousand refugees is not a "war".
353 Japs hit pearl harbor, 17 muslims hit the world trade center. What exactly is the number of attackers you would consider a war?

"War" is not defined by the number of "attackers", but if it was, there are 0 "attackers" in that caravan.
They are illegal in Mexico and illegal here except for the liberal laws passed for asylum.....................

They haven't broken any US laws yet, and even if they did, that doesn't make them an enemy army.
You changed the dang argument we were having....................You said the 177k deaths wasn't a War ...With your pompus reply...............

It is a dang War to those who are dying down there.

The word "war" has a definition, and cartel violence doesn't meet that definition, no matter how hard you try to parse it.
Again, we are a nation of laws, not emotions.

Border security is law enforcement.

Yeah, we sent the local police to repel the British in the War of 1812!

We sent the local police to repel the Mexicans in the Mexican-American War.

The Hawaiian police departments did a bang-up job against the Japanese attack on Pearl harbor.


As much as you'd like to conflate the two, a caravan of a thousand refugees is not a "war".
353 Japs hit pearl harbor, 17 muslims hit the world trade center. What exactly is the number of attackers you would consider a war?

"War" is not defined by the number of "attackers", but if it was, there are 0 "attackers" in that caravan.
Well shit, we could have saved how many lives during WWII if we just let the Japs come here illegally and demand welfare and voting rights?


I'm sure that made sense in your head before you typed it out, but...
First of all, "invading horde" is a silly characterization. Secondly, I am pretty sure ICE is a law enforcement agency. Third, if this is an invasion, who is it an invasion by? Fourth, why would the only bodies be south of the border? Do you think no illegals enter the country through the Canadian border? Fifth, I'd say there is no realistic chance that the federal government will authorize using lethal force on someone simply because they enter the country illegally (ignoring whether such an order would be deemed legal/Constitutional). Finally, I did not say that Posse Comitatus was necessarily the argument being made, merely that is might be.

On the use of lethal force, here's the dilemma, If you shoot at them BEFORE they cross the border, you are shooting Mexican citizens on Mexican soil, which can be deemed an act of war. If you wait until they cross the border, they are entitled to the full protection of the Constitution and American Law, therefore it becomes a LE mission and you can't shoot them.
They aren't Mexican citizens. They are Honduran citizens. Shoot them on the Mexican side and let mex bellyache over it.

If we kill people on the Mexican side of the border, it can be considered an act of war. If they cross over the border, all the military will be able to do is point and say "there they are". They don't have the authority to arrest, detain, or shoot anyone on US soil. Only BP and LE can do that.

Remember when Jr. tried to do it and it failed? If Trump tries to do it, he's gonna fail as well.
I would guard the border but I have these damned heel spurs

I can't help. I've already been transferred to the Fleet Reserve and can no longer be called back up.

Thank God!
353 Japs hit pearl harbor, 17 muslims hit the world trade center. What exactly is the number of attackers you would consider a war?

"War" is not defined by the number of "attackers", but if it was, there are 0 "attackers" in that caravan.
They are illegal in Mexico and illegal here except for the liberal laws passed for asylum.....................

They haven't broken any US laws yet, and even if they did, that doesn't make them an enemy army.
You changed the dang argument we were having....................You said the 177k deaths wasn't a War ...With your pompus reply...............

It is a dang War to those who are dying down there.

The word "war" has a definition, and cartel violence doesn't meet that definition, no matter how hard you try to parse it.
What would you consider a war? Or an invasion?
353 Japs hit pearl harbor, 17 muslims hit the world trade center. What exactly is the number of attackers you would consider a war?

"War" is not defined by the number of "attackers", but if it was, there are 0 "attackers" in that caravan.
They are illegal in Mexico and illegal here except for the liberal laws passed for asylum.....................

They haven't broken any US laws yet, and even if they did, that doesn't make them an enemy army.
You changed the dang argument we were having....................You said the 177k deaths wasn't a War ...With your pompus reply...............

It is a dang War to those who are dying down there.

The word "war" has a definition, and cartel violence doesn't meet that definition, no matter how hard you try to parse it.
Tell that to the DEAD...................I'm sure they'd think your and idiot too............if they could talk from their graves.
Shoot, ask questions later


That's a bit much. We aren't communist East Germany.
in East Germany they shot their own Citizens going over the wall to LEAVE their country. We just want to shoot people who are trying to get in OUR country illegally...Only way to end this unwanted, everlasting invasion..

We should shoot people like you and Trump if we were to shoot anyone.

Careful. Leftist say we should report you. You seem unstable


You are the one who is unstable as well as Trump. Trump supporters are talking about shooting people.
Yeah, we sent the local police to repel the British in the War of 1812!

We sent the local police to repel the Mexicans in the Mexican-American War.

The Hawaiian police departments did a bang-up job against the Japanese attack on Pearl harbor.


As much as you'd like to conflate the two, a caravan of a thousand refugees is not a "war".
353 Japs hit pearl harbor, 17 muslims hit the world trade center. What exactly is the number of attackers you would consider a war?

"War" is not defined by the number of "attackers", but if it was, there are 0 "attackers" in that caravan.
Well shit, we could have saved how many lives during WWII if we just let the Japs come here illegally and demand welfare and voting rights?


I'm sure that made sense in your head before you typed it out, but...
It made perfect sense if your head actually was functioning.
You know, this will never work. If we put military on the border, and they kill people before they cross, that could be considered an act of war, or at the very least, murder, because they aren't breaking any of our laws when they are on the Mexican side of the border.

But, if the people do cross, then all the military can do is point at them and say "there they are". They don't have the authority to arrest, detain, or shoot anyone on this side of the border.

If you say get around it by using the NG? Well, now you have the problem of having to ask the governor of the state for them, because the NG is under the control of the state. The governors could refuse to allow their NG troops to go to the border.

Besides.........................Jr. tried that little stunt and it failed. Trump is going to find out that he can't do it either.

Why don't you just sit your dumb ass down on the sideline of this thread? You can't get a damn thing right!

You must have been hitting the bong or bottle pretty hard!
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