Trump we will guard our border with our military

Shoot, ask questions later


That's a bit much. We aren't communist East Germany.
in East Germany they shot their own Citizens going over the wall to LEAVE their country. We just want to shoot people who are trying to get in OUR country illegally...Only way to end this unwanted, everlasting invasion..

We should shoot people like you and Trump if we were to shoot anyone.

Careful. Leftist say we should report you. You seem unstable


You are the one who is unstable as well as Trump. Trump supporters are talking about shooting people.
Rushing into our country uninvited? What do you want? A welcome wagon?
As much as you'd like to conflate the two, a caravan of a thousand refugees is not a "war".
In the last decade in Mexico over 177 k have died in a drug War....................That is a War..............A War Mexico is LOSING.

"Wars" on drugs, or terrorism, or whatever aren't "wars".

Don't confuse rhetoric with reality.

Would you please contact a lawyer and sue your school district for educational malpractice?

No one deserves to go through life being as big a dumbass as you are!


I'm sure that in your head, that sounded like a great comeback.
I'm sure your expert knowledge on what is a War might be accepted by people as dumb as you are ..........LOL

I guess that many deaths is nothing but a skirmish ...........Your an IDIOT.

I never get tired of pointing and laughing when someone types "your an idiot" or a similar phrase. :lol:

It doesn't matter if it's a typo, it's still funny. :D
I have as well, and been told by people from both sides that it is not legal

Sent from my iPhone using
what's not legal??

Depending on what part of the military is used, those people might be talking about Posse Comitatus. :dunno:
Not even close. The military is not being used in law enforcement activity. It is being used to repel an invasion much like the coast guard does at sea. do know that the Coast Guard is actually attached to the Department of Transportation, which is why they can patrol our borders, right?

The only time the Coast Guard becomes part of the military is in times of a declared war.

Wrong, dumbass! The Coast Guard is part of Homeland Security.

The Coast Guard is a maritime, military, multi-mission service unique among the U.S. military branches for having a maritime law enforcement mission (with jurisdiction in both domestic and international waters) and a federal regulatory agency mission as part of its mission set. It operates under the U.S. Department of Homeland Security during peacetime, and can be transferred to the U.S. Department of the Navy by the U.S. President at any time, or by the U.S. Congress during times of war.

United States Coast Guard - Wikipedia

Well, in his defense they were part of the DOT prior to the creation of the DHS
Trump: We Will Guard Our Border With Our Military
View attachment 186107
President Donald Trump said Tuesday that the US military will be used to guard the US-Mexico border.

“We are going to be guarding our border with our military. That’s a big step,” Trump told reporters gathered at the White House. “We cannot have people flowing into our country illegally, disappearing, and by the way never showing

Thank God he won't let the UN PLAN go through!! YES!

The military is going to be watching people go across the border. If they try to stop it then they are enforcing civilian law. That is illegal.

You need to read up on border law.

Border law as written by civilians. Tell me where military law even mentions border kaws.

can you set that up along 2,000 some odd miles of border?
Sure, most military jobs are done by contract workers. Not the loser in the armed force sucking off gobmint dimes doing nothang.

Hopefully you will get ripped a new asshole for that statement cowardly fkn ............, I bet your p ass never even served before huh little wuss lol

Most in Border Patrol were former military you asshole. Just like cops, just like many areas of positions you sure in the hell couldn't fill. AND MOST CONTRACTORS ARE FKN MILITARY GAWD U ARE FKN BIGGER ASSHOLE THAN THE AVERAGE LIBERAL
This isn't about what I think, or what you think.

This is about what the law says.

"Securing the border" in times of peace has never been a mission of the US military.

You have no idea what you're talking about....check out what went on at the Tejas border when Pancho Villa was on the loose. My great uncle was part of a group who chased one of Villa's generals back into Mexico. Just admit you want every beaner who can run, walk, or crawl into the US to vote for your fellow travelers.
I guess he's never heard of the Alamo eh?

The Alamo doesn't count because that was not the United States. Sorry!
We need to shoot these starving kids who are fleeing gangs! It's a moral obligation!
Those governments need to deal with those gangs. The USA doesn’t do this stuff anymore.

It’s like Muslims in Europe. They go thru turkey into Greece. Why doesn’t Turkey deal with them? Same with Mexico. Deal with South America and your own screwed up system.
Oh yeah ? What part of the constitution are your referring too?

Article IV. Section 4. You know you're on the Internet too ...

This is what you are hanging your hat on?

The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.

Geez. We are not being “invaded” . We have commerce with Mexico . Tourists and legal immigration by both countries every day .
1500 people illegally trying to enter at once is an invasion. i don't see what else you would call it. I'm open, give me an idea.

None of these people are armed nor are they under the direction of a foreign power. If you say they are illegal then they are breaking civilian laws.
A technicality. If they lose a few due to hostile fire, it'll discourage them. Personally, I'm in favor of land mines. After a few blow up, the rest will crawl back, minus legs, to their own nations.

You remind me of a mad dog. Mad dogs have to be put down. Try it and the Republicans will lose everything.
Trump: We Will Guard Our Border With Our Military
View attachment 186107
President Donald Trump said Tuesday that the US military will be used to guard the US-Mexico border.

“We are going to be guarding our border with our military. That’s a big step,” Trump told reporters gathered at the White House. “We cannot have people flowing into our country illegally, disappearing, and by the way never showing

Thank God he won't let the UN PLAN go through!! YES!

The military is going to be watching people go across the border. If they try to stop it then they are enforcing civilian law. That is illegal.

You need to read up on border law.

Border law as written by civilians. Tell me where military law even mentions border kaws.


The Problem
  • The Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution protects Americans from random and arbitrary stops and searches.
  • According to the government, however, these basic constitutional principles do not apply fully at our borders. For example, at border crossings (also called "ports of entry"), federal authorities do not need a warrant or even suspicion of wrongdoing to justify conducting what courts have called a "routine search," such as searching luggage or a vehicle.
  • Even in places far removed from the border, deep into the interior of the .................

The Constitution in the 100-Mile Border Zone
Good. If Trump can't have his wall, the Military is the next best thing.

But let's just be clear, if the Chinese could build a 5,500 mile border wall 2,300 years ago to defend itself from Mongolian nomadic armies, then we can build one that's 3,500 miles shorter, with vastly superior technology and ethics.

But yeah. Let's keep snorting condoms and scarfing down Tide pods.

The Great Wall was built in stages over a period of over 2000 years, by hundreds of thousands, if not millions of workers.

Perhaps I should have been more precise, I'm only referring to the final product built during the Ming Dynasty. And today, we may not even need that many workers to build it. Remember, we have technology that is quantum leaps and bounds above what the ancient Chinese had.

Even the portion built by the Ming Dynasty took 200 years to build.
Stop with the wall. We just move our base to the southern border. Problem solved.
I really don't think they're going to call on someone who was too scared to go to a USO.

Which is why Trump will not have to worry about it.
Trump was never in the military and has likely never gone to a USO. Gaybiker on the other hand wouldn't get off his ship on shore leave even to go to a USO. A regular profile in courage. Meanwhile civilian employees like my mother worked there.

The wrong stuff I guess.

Actually, what I told you was that when Reagan was in office, we had to keep our heads on a swivel because USO's were being bombed. Yeah, I think checking for things like that is just prudent. Especially when there were bombings happening in all sorts of places US troops liked to frequent.

How many years did you serve again Meathead? I did a full 20 in 4 war zones.

Oh just like to troll people.

You forgot the word "hiding" after the "20". I was in during the same time titless. Stop bullshitting you coward.
Looks like it may happen.

BREAKING: Trump Says Military Will Be Used To Protect Border

I like it. Whatever it takes.

They can sit on the border and watch people cross the border. If they take any action they will be enforcing civilian law. That is illegal.

Nonsense. Border control is national security.

Who determines who is legal and illegal. It is civilians. That means we are talking about civilian law which the military is forbidden to enforce.
It’s amazing . Cons always fear big government, but now you want to activate the military act WITHIN our borders ? !

Did you bawl when Obama did it?

Did you bawl when Obama did it?

Oh you mean the military excersies in Texas that were a front for an obama armed take over?

Isn’t that what you rubes believed ?

No I mean when he sent military to help with the drug war.

Now don't you feel foolish, fucking clown shoes

Obama didn't send in the military. He sent in the National Guard, which has different rules than the military does for deployment and who can send them.

Obama orders 1,200 Guard troops to border

So Trump sends the guard, still military ...sit down and shush I don't give two shits about your ramblings

Actually, the National Guard is more of a militia than it is a military. They aren't full time, and they are governed by different rules. But, if you knew anything about the military that wasn't bullshit, you would have known that and not looked so stupid.

This from the guy who didn't know the Coast Guard is not in the Department of Transportation!
Looks like it may happen.

BREAKING: Trump Says Military Will Be Used To Protect Border

I like it. Whatever it takes.

They can sit on the border and watch people cross the border. If they take any action they will be enforcing civilian law. That is illegal.

Nonsense. Border control is national security.

Who determines who is legal and illegal. It is civilians. That means we are talking about civilian law which the military is forbidden to enforce.
Refugees aren't "illegal combatants".

Again, words have meanings.

Words sure do.....why are you calling them "refugees"????? They are an invasion force who has stated their intention to cross our southern border illegally. Guess what? This group just got the WALL and see.

They have stated their intention to cross our southern borders and apply for political asylum.

We can say "no."
Looks like it may happen.

BREAKING: Trump Says Military Will Be Used To Protect Border

I like it. Whatever it takes.

They can sit on the border and watch people cross the border. If they take any action they will be enforcing civilian law. That is illegal.

Nonsense. Border control is national security.

Who determines who is legal and illegal. It is civilians. That means we are talking about civilian law which the military is forbidden to enforce.

Idiotic. Press on.
Refugees aren't "illegal combatants".

Again, words have meanings.

Words sure do.....why are you calling them "refugees"????? They are an invasion force who has stated their intention to cross our southern border illegally. Guess what? This group just got the WALL and see.

They have stated their intention to cross our southern borders and apply for political asylum.

We can say "no."

Indeed. We have no obligation to say anything else.

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