Trump we will guard our border with our military

There are ways around Posse Comitatus.

Not the least of which would be to declare Martial Law on the Southern Border, from the borderline itself, back 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 miles, at DOD-DHS field-command discretion, variably and locally, as indicated by conditions required to fulfill the mission, including broad authority to use deadly force against intruders from across the Southern Border.

So you are for martial law against Americans. You realize it’s a busy border wh Americans going back and forth . Or land owners, farmers , ranchers . We confiscating that property ?

A tard extraordinaire.....

Another question you won’t answer . Simple minded Trunp-tard.

Have you ever crossed the US border ? You rubes act as if it’s some free for all.
President Donald Trump said Tuesday that the US military will be used to guard the US-Mexico border.

“We are going to be guarding our border with our military. That’s a big step,” Trump told reporters gathered at the White House. “We cannot have people flowing into our country illegally, disappearing, and by the way never showing

Thank God he won't let the UN PLAN go through!! YES!

I hate to tell you this but..... What do you expect the soldiers should do when they get to the border?
The same thing as the ICE will be doing for years.
Perry tried that when he was governor.

You cannot blame the democrats either because even if you remove the democrats to this equation these people will still come in.

Look at the influx of refugees entering Europe.

They do what any good soldier does.

What they're told

Not your call what they do, or don't do

There are ways around Posse Comitatus.

Not the least of which would be to declare Martial Law on the Southern Border, from the borderline itself, back 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 miles, at DOD-DHS field-command discretion, variably and locally, as indicated by conditions required to fulfill the mission, including broad authority to use deadly force against intruders from across the Southern Border.

So you are for martial law against Americans. You realize it’s a busy border wh Americans going back and forth . Or land owners, farmers , ranchers . We confiscating that property ?

A tard extraordinaire.....

Another question you won’t answer . Simple minded Trunp-tard.

Have you ever crossed the US border ? You rubes act as if it’s some free for all.

Ya stupid fuck....
I lived on the border and called ICE many a times.
Let’s go with this .

What happens to Americans living or crossing the border? Drone strikes?

What happens if you are at the border and confronted by a military person? Do you no longer have constitutional rights in trumps martial law ?
Poor little Timmy... doesn't know that only legal Americans have constitutional rights, and illegal aliens have none.

How do you know who’s legal or not ? Bar codes on are necks ?

Soldier comes up to you and says “show me your papers “. You tell them to fuck off . Then what ?

You're such a fucken tard.

Answer the question! Oh wait , you rubes don’t think past any of Trumps dumb ass tweets .

Shut up timmy. You know nothing about our southern border.
I seem to recall Uncle Bill Clinton sending marines in and snatching a child from the family home and sending him back to Cuba. What's a few angry Honduran women.
Good. If Trump can't have his wall, the Military is the next best thing.

But let's just be clear, if the Chinese could build a 5,500 mile border wall 2,300 years ago to defend itself from Mongolian nomadic armies, then we can build one that's 3,500 miles shorter, with vastly superior technology and ethics.

But yeah. Let's keep snorting condoms and scarfing down Tide pods.

The Great Wall was built in stages over a period of over 2000 years, by hundreds of thousands, if not millions of workers.

That's why we have construction equipment.
I seem to recall Uncle Bill Clinton sending marines in and snatching a child from the family home and sending him back to Cuba. What's a few angry Honduran women.

I recall the righties wanting that dreamer kid to stay in America.
Let’s go with this .

What happens to Americans living or crossing the border? Drone strikes?

What happens if you are at the border and confronted by a military person? Do you no longer have constitutional rights in trumps martial law ?
Poor little Timmy... doesn't know that only legal Americans have constitutional rights, and illegal aliens have none.

How do you know who’s legal or not ? Bar codes on are necks ?

Soldier comes up to you and says “show me your papers “. You tell them to fuck off . Then what ?

You're such a fucken tard.

Answer the question! Oh wait , you rubes don’t think past any of Trumps dumb ass tweets .

Shut up timmy. You know nothing about our southern border.

I’ve been there. And Canada too. How about you?
Looks like it may happen.

BREAKING: Trump Says Military Will Be Used To Protect Border

I like it. Whatever it takes.

They can sit on the border and watch people cross the border. If they take any action they will be enforcing civilian law. That is illegal.

I wonder if any of those on the right know how expensive it will be to have them do that? Yes, he can use NG troops if he has the state's permission, or he can federalize them.

But the thing nobody is talking about is their pay. When they are activated, they immediately start drawing pay for whatever their rank is, and they continue to receive full pay until they are sent home. That is money we wouldn't normally be spending.
And let's not forget to ask what the ROE will be? Shoot down women and children? I know some here would enjoy that.

Well, when Jr. did it, all the troops could do was point and say "there they are". They had no authority to arrest, detain, or even shoot them. The only thing they were allowed was to defend themselves if they were attacked first.

Under Bush and Obama, yes. We don't yet know the terms of endearment that will be issued to the troops.

There are several non-lethal means at our disposal to disperse crowds. Sonic weapons, microwave emitters, etc. Believe me, they'll move.
Even the portion built by the Ming Dynasty took 200 years to build.

And you think it will take us 200 years to build this one? Come on Aaron.

At this rate we won't have enough funding approved in 200 years, let alone a 2000 mile wall built.

Hmm, if you only knew the power of American industry. How else do you think we managed to win World War II? By lending moral support?

During World War 2 we were fighting an enemy on two fronts, and millions needed jobs due to the Great Depression. Today we have a decent economy and relatively low unemployment. Many American's aren't looking for "moral support". Despite what some Trump supporters may believe a lot of people really don't care about the wall one way or another. It's a band-aid. A very expensive band-aid.
big difference between WW2 and today-----the HUGE debt!!!!

Do you have any idea what our debt was in WWII?
Looks like it may happen.

BREAKING: Trump Says Military Will Be Used To Protect Border

I like it. Whatever it takes.

They can sit on the border and watch people cross the border. If they take any action they will be enforcing civilian law. That is illegal.

I wonder if any of those on the right know how expensive it will be to have them do that? Yes, he can use NG troops if he has the state's permission, or he can federalize them.

But the thing nobody is talking about is their pay. When they are activated, they immediately start drawing pay for whatever their rank is, and they continue to receive full pay until they are sent home. That is money we wouldn't normally be spending.
And let's not forget to ask what the ROE will be? Shoot down women and children? I know some here would enjoy that.

Well, when Jr. did it, all the troops could do was point and say "there they are". They had no authority to arrest, detain, or even shoot them. The only thing they were allowed was to defend themselves if they were attacked first.

Under Bush and Obama, yes. We don't yet know the terms of endearment that will be issued to the troops.

There are several non-lethal means at our disposal to disperse crowds. Sonic weapons, microwave emitters, etc. Believe me, they'll move.

Endearment? Now THAT's a funny autocorrect I'll bet!
And you think it will take us 200 years to build this one? Come on Aaron.

At this rate we won't have enough funding approved in 200 years, let alone a 2000 mile wall built.

Hmm, if you only knew the power of American industry. How else do you think we managed to win World War II? By lending moral support?

During World War 2 we were fighting an enemy on two fronts, and millions needed jobs due to the Great Depression. Today we have a decent economy and relatively low unemployment. Many American's aren't looking for "moral support". Despite what some Trump supporters may believe a lot of people really don't care about the wall one way or another. It's a band-aid. A very expensive band-aid.

I don't like the defeatism here. Like I told g5, if we can't take steps to enforce our borders, we should dispense with our national sovereignty and get it over with. We are clearly not interested in maintaining it.

Where is the defeatism? There are a lot of ways to protect our borders other than a wall. Bringing troops back from overseas to protect our borders would not only cost less, but probably strengthen our economy.

Let me ask you this! Would you want to live on the border in August?

What about our commitments overseas?
They can sit on the border and watch people cross the border. If they take any action they will be enforcing civilian law. That is illegal.

I wonder if any of those on the right know how expensive it will be to have them do that? Yes, he can use NG troops if he has the state's permission, or he can federalize them.

But the thing nobody is talking about is their pay. When they are activated, they immediately start drawing pay for whatever their rank is, and they continue to receive full pay until they are sent home. That is money we wouldn't normally be spending.
And let's not forget to ask what the ROE will be? Shoot down women and children? I know some here would enjoy that.

Well, when Jr. did it, all the troops could do was point and say "there they are". They had no authority to arrest, detain, or even shoot them. The only thing they were allowed was to defend themselves if they were attacked first.

Under Bush and Obama, yes. We don't yet know the terms of endearment that will be issued to the troops.

There are several non-lethal means at our disposal to disperse crowds. Sonic weapons, microwave emitters, etc. Believe me, they'll move.

Endearment? Now THAT's a funny autocorrect I'll bet!

No! I get in trouble with autocorrect.

"Rules of Engagement" = "Terms of Endearment". :lmao:
Looks like it may happen.

BREAKING: Trump Says Military Will Be Used To Protect Border

I like it. Whatever it takes.

They can sit on the border and watch people cross the border. If they take any action they will be enforcing civilian law. That is illegal.

Nonsense. Border control is national security.
These fucking idiots. Did you know defending our borders is simply civilian law? By this line of thinking Hawaii should have fought WWII all by itself. With it's police department.
Trump: We Will Guard Our Border With Our Military
View attachment 186107
President Donald Trump said Tuesday that the US military will be used to guard the US-Mexico border.

“We are going to be guarding our border with our military. That’s a big step,” Trump told reporters gathered at the White House. “We cannot have people flowing into our country illegally, disappearing, and by the way never showing

Thank God he won't let the UN PLAN go through!! YES!

good about damn time
The Posse Comitatus Act would be a difficult hurdle to overcome.

Applies to using American Forces to police US citizens. Doesn't apply to stopping a foreign invasion ...


Again, we are a nation of laws, not emotions.

Border security is law enforcement.

Yeah, we sent the local police to repel the British in the War of 1812!

We sent the local police to repel the Mexicans in the Mexican-American War.

The Hawaiian police departments did a bang-up job against the Japanese attack on Pearl harbor.


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