Trump Weakened Hamas ; Biden Strengthened Them

No they are dying…rather sick you find that amusing
I find the complete reliance of conservatives on conspiracy theories to be quite amusing. That they have transferred it from one topic to the next to the next to the next and now to the unprovoked, blood thirsty, and murderous invasion by Hamas is something you should be chastising your own side for there skippy. Where does it end? Here is a sneak peak...the conspiracy theories that are now the life blood of the GOP will never end. It can’t. Its all you have left when it comes to rhetoric.
I find the complete reliance of conservatives on conspiracy theories to be quite amusing. That they have transferred it from one topic to the next to the next to the next and now to the unprovoked, blood thirsty, and murderous invasion by Hamas is something you should be chastising your own side for there skippy. Where does it end? Here is a sneak peak...the conspiracy theories that are now the life blood of the GOP will never end. It can’t. Its all you have left when it comes to rhetoric.
Haha yes yes it’s all a conspiracy theory that Hamas is killing Israelites thing you know he may sign an agreement with them. Oh wait; that was Trump who signed the surrender papers with a terrorist organization. He also told a domestic terrorist group to "stand by" if memory serves.
hahaha trump didn't sign any surrender papers....the lying is just silly. Xiden surrendered to terrorist...your deflection, is noted.
I find the complete reliance of conservatives on conspiracy theories to be quite amusing. That they have transferred it from one topic to the next to the next to the next and now to the unprovoked, blood thirsty, and murderous invasion by Hamas is something you should be chastising your own side for there skippy. Where does it end? Here is a sneak peak...the conspiracy theories that are now the life blood of the GOP will never end. It can’t. Its all you have left when it comes to rhetoric.
WHAT is it that you are calling a "conspiracy theory" ?

(whenever conservatives speak, liberals call it a "conspiracy theory" - they dont seem to know this catchphrase was played out 5 years ago) :rolleyes:
Blaming Biden for it is just the latest in the long line of conspiracy theories you guys trot out hourly.
:rolleyes: :puhleeze:This is mind boggling >> OF COURSE Biden is to blame. Try reading the OP. Looks like we need to revisit it, as some people just jump in here clueless of the facts of the topic.

On 23 March 2018, Trump signed the Taylor Force Act into law, which cut about a third of US foreign aid payments to the PA,[79] until the PA ceases making payment of stipends to terrorists and their surviving families.[80][81]

Soon afterward, Australia followed Trump's example, and also cut aid to Palestine, as did some European countries, all on the premise tht funds intended for humanitarian aid, get funneled into weapons, used for attacks against Israel.

In August 2018, the US cut its annual contribution of $360 Million to (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East), citing many complaints, including the number of Palestinians UNWRA recognizes as refugees.
Then, On 24 August, the Trump administration cut more than $200 Million in direct aid to the PA.[83] The administration had previously cut aid to several UN bodies devoted to the Palestinian cause, including cutting $300 Million off the contribution to United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA),[20] and the UN Human Rights Council.[83]
In February 2019, the US stopped all USAID to Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza. The US stopped providing more than $60m in annual funds for the Palestinian security services.

Fast foward now to April 2021 >>
the Biden administration, reversing the Trump cuts, in April 2021, contributed $150 Million to UNRWA,[22] (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East) on condition that the funds are not used to assist any refugee receiving military training or has participated in any terrorist act.[23]


In a country that VOTED for Hamas to run its affairs, you can bet every dime going into Palestine is going to Hamas for military equipment, and in particular, rockets to be fired at Israel.
There was no surrender under Trump, that was Biden who cut and ran, leaving $85b of US military equipment for the Taliban.
Just stop. The entire US expenditure in Afghanistan was just over 83 billion , spent since 2001. A lot of that money was spent on OTHER than military hardware and most of that hardware has been destroyed or simply rusted away.

So stop saying that.
:rolleyes: :puhleeze:This is mind boggling >> OF COURSE Biden is to blame. Try reading the OP. Looks like we need to revisit it, as some people just jump in here clueless of the facts of the topic.

On 23 March 2018, Trump signed the Taylor Force Act into law, which cut about a third of US foreign aid payments to the PA,[79] until the PA ceases making payment of stipends to terrorists and their surviving families.[80][81]

Soon afterward, Australia followed Trump's example, and also cut aid to Palestine, as did some European countries, all on the premise tht funds intended for humanitarian aid, get funneled into weapons, used for attacks against Israel.

In August 2018, the US cut its annual contribution of $360 Million to (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East), citing many complaints, including the number of Palestinians UNWRA recognizes as refugees.
Then, On 24 August, the Trump administration cut more than $200 Million in direct aid to the PA.[83] The administration had previously cut aid to several UN bodies devoted to the Palestinian cause, including cutting $300 Million off the contribution to United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA),[20] and the UN Human Rights Council.[83]
In February 2019, the US stopped all USAID to Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza. The US stopped providing more than $60m in annual funds for the Palestinian security services.

Fast foward now to April 2021 >>
the Biden administration, reversing the Trump cuts, in April 2021, contributed $150 Million to UNRWA,[22] (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East) on condition that the funds are not used to assist any refugee receiving military training or has participated in any terrorist act.[23]

View attachment 842341

In a country that VOTED for Hamas to run its affairs, you can bet every dime going into Palestine is going to Hamas for military equipment, and in particular, rockets to be fired at Israel.
Tl;dr; dc.
Just stop. The entire US expenditure in Afghanistan was just over 83 billion , spent since 2001. A lot of that money was spent on OTHER than military hardware and most of that hardware has been destroyed or simply rusted away. So stop saying that.
read this and add the total
I don't believe a word you say. No source, no link, nothing but propaganda you heard on leftwing media. I've seen a number of these accusations against Trump. They turn out to be loose talk jibberish.

For all the leftist idiots who are blabbering tht the $6 Billion of frozen Iranian $$ being held in Qatar, can't go to Iran, this thread is especially for you.

Are the current attacks against Israel due to the actions of the Biden administration ? The answer is a clear cut YES.

After 2 years of Trump CUTTING aid to the Palestinian authority (aka Hamas), Biden reversed that, and increased aid to the Palestinians. And lots of it. Enough to buy all the military hardware Biden inexpicably (until now) left behind in Afghanistan, twice over.

On 23 March 2018, Trump signed the Taylor Force Act into law, which cut about a third of US foreign aid payments to the PA,[79] until the PA ceases making payment of stipends to terrorists and their surviving families.[80][81]

Soon afterward, Australia followed Trump's example, and also cut aid to the Palestinian Authority.

In August 2018, the US cut its annual contribution of $360 Million to (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East), citing many complaints, including the number of Palestinians UNWRA recognizes as refugees.
Then, On 24 August, the Trump administration cut more than $200 Million in direct aid to the PA.[83] The administration had previously cut aid to several UN bodies devoted to the Palestinian cause, including cutting $300 Million off the contribution to United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA),[20] and the UN Human Rights Council.[83]
In February 2019, the US stopped all USAID to Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza. The US stopped providing more than $60m in annual funds for the Palestinian security services.

Fast foward now to April 2021 >>
the Biden administration, reversing the Trump cuts, In April 2021, contributed $150 Million to UNRWA,[22] (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East) on condition that the funds are not used to assist any refugee receiving military training or has participated in any terrorist act.[23]
Oh YEAH, :right:

In a country that VOTED for Hamas to run its affairs, you can bet every dime going into Palestine is going to Hamas for military equipment, and in particular, rockets to be fired at Israel.

This is extremely stupid. Every Arab family in Palestine has suffered some manner of loss to the Zionists... Family, friends, property, farms, homes, orchards etc.
For all the leftist idiots who are blabbering tht the $6 Billion of frozen Iranian $$ being held in Qatar, can't go to Iran, this thread is especially for you.

Are the current attacks against Israel due to the actions of the Biden administration ? The answer is a clear cut YES.

After 2 years of Trump CUTTING aid to the Palestinian authority (aka Hamas), Biden reversed that, and increased aid to the Palestinians. And lots of it. Enough to buy all the military hardware Biden inexpicably (until now) left behind in Afghanistan, twice over.

On 23 March 2018, Trump signed the Taylor Force Act into law, which cut about a third of US foreign aid payments to the PA,[79] until the PA ceases making payment of stipends to terrorists and their surviving families.[80][81]

Soon afterward, Australia followed Trump's example, and also cut aid to the Palestinian Authority.

In August 2018, the US cut its annual contribution of $360 Million to (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East), citing many complaints, including the number of Palestinians UNWRA recognizes as refugees.
Then, On 24 August, the Trump administration cut more than $200 Million in direct aid to the PA.[83] The administration had previously cut aid to several UN bodies devoted to the Palestinian cause, including cutting $300 Million off the contribution to United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA),[20] and the UN Human Rights Council.[83]
In February 2019, the US stopped all USAID to Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza. The US stopped providing more than $60m in annual funds for the Palestinian security services.

Fast foward now to April 2021 >>
the Biden administration, reversing the Trump cuts, In April 2021, contributed $150 Million to UNRWA,[22] (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East) on condition that the funds are not used to assist any refugee receiving military training or has participated in any terrorist act.[23]
Oh YEAH, :right:

In a country that VOTED for Hamas to run its affairs, you can bet every dime going into Palestine is going to Hamas for military equipment, and in particular, rockets to be fired at Israel.

Great post

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