Trump & Weinstein Sittin' In A Tree: Doin' M-O-O-R-E!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Since it is widely noted that Disgraced Trump Advisor, Bannon, set up and promoted the GOP Senate Candidate in Alabama: Then it should be noted further that others in the news have a lot in common with that candidate. Trump and Weinstein both were unsuccessful in their attempts to disgrace the Washington Post allegations of sexual misconduct.

It being Fox Fantasy News: Even Hannity Condoning it didn't play it out too well, himself.

Something about doing Hollywood at this time(?)!

All that really not aside(?): Then even Steve, "Mel Gibson" Bannon wants Senators Schumer and Sanders, Feinstein and others to covert(?)! People interested in the topic seem to have noted that being reported all over.

Bannon appeals to US Jewish community to join war on GOP establishment | Net News

Conservative Christians appear to have lost their luster completely: At any RNC that Bannon ever heard of(?)! And then there is Trump, and dressing room bus locker rooms!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Chinese leader, at the Communist Palace(?), accused of Deuteronomy 23:19-20, (and the accuser with a Red Tie On(?)): Still likely doesn't look the part to billions. The Vatican may concede that he even has two lungs(?)!), and so doesn't really look like one of those kind, either(?)! (Those people actually banned smokes at the duty-free gift shop!(?)))
So this is the level of intellectual discourse that you liberals are at? Making a thread title based on a chant that only 5-year-olds find amusing? And since Weinstein is a Trump-Derangement-Syndrome Hollywood leftist, that just shows how garbled you are and simply don't know what you're talking about.
Suing Washington Post is about Trump and Weinstein--without any consequence--and the Alabama Republican Senator candidate, judge Moore. Many can say that Moore's lawsuit allegation already supports the veracity of the WP reporting. The former judge is of the same brand as Trump and Weinstein--and so maybe more like Trump: of the complete contempt of human rights and liberties. The great exception is China stealing from all the world's nations. . .we noted!

When it comes to quantity, in fact: So Far Weinstein is really about Moore. . .and even than Trump(?)!

Then going further, when it comes to lapses of memory. . .There is another former Alabama office-holder, anyone can think of.

It seems to be another one of those regional passports, kind of like the drawl, maybe(?). There seem to be a lot of their passports, going around right now!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Better to call Chinese leader a Jew--a follower of Deut 23:19-20--than to discuss the grabbing of the. . . .furry stuff(?).. .and right out in public(?)! The Jew you can at least put back into a Country Club round kind of historical context! "Never Again!" of the throwback kind of brand. . .when Locker Rooms were king. . . and In Alabama!)

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