Trump: "We're close to a deal on amnesty. The wall will come later."

Amnesty Don has been completely compromised by Javanka and/or the establishment! all hope is lost!

Build the wall. No amnesty. Nonnegotiable!
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Trump supporters were spat on, beaten, harassed, received death threats and were called Nazis for two years, only to get amnesty.
What kind of retard thought there was actually going to be a 50 foot wall between the filthy brown nation of Mexico and the beautiful USA. All that is needed is intense drone coverage with heavy weapons to put the invading savages to sleep before they can continue raping and murdering after they work they way to the USA and take advantage of the zionists-inspired anti-White programs that support illegal alien invaders over American citizens.
i want President Pence if there's gonna be no wall

Never trust Pelosi or Schumer, ever

Trump says he's 'fairly close' to deal with lawmakers on DACA

"Wow, pres. candidate Ben Carson, who is very weak on illegal Immigration, just said he likes amnesty and a pathway to citizenship." - Hypocrite Donald on Nov 2015

And the promised Reagan they would cut spending later. Just keep spending!

Reagan, deficits don't matter.

Thanks for that Dick Cheney
I haven't seen Rubio fans this excited since he finished third in Iowa.

Quite funny and that could well describe me. If this comes about I think Trump is doing the right thing for those that have kept out of trouble since the time their parents brought them into the country. If he gets this done along with avoiding a government shut down and signing tax reform it will shine a whole new positive light on his presidency.
Before the 1986 amnesty California was like Ohio, a right-leaning swing state. Now, it's a Mexican Colony. Yes, texas goes blue with amnesty
Amnesty Don annihilated 16 rivals by putting America 1st on immgration. What promise do you think they want him to break?
Doncha just know it? Mexico had already written the check, and now, they are tearing it up.

Now, it is on to Trump's failure at tax reform......

Problem is that Trump's entire agenda will be shredded before the end of his first term, and there won't be anything left of it to run on for a second term.
i want President Pence if there's gonna be no wall

Never trust Pelosi or Schumer, ever

Trump says he's 'fairly close' to deal with lawmakers on DACA

"Wow, pres. candidate Ben Carson, who is very weak on illegal Immigration, just said he likes amnesty and a pathway to citizenship." - Hypocrite Donald on Nov 2015

Ya know it's gonna be a fucked up thread when the OP finds it necessary to lie in the title. Please proved a credible source for the portion you place in quotes.

Or you can admit you're nothing but a dishonest fuck and a total liar.

i want President Pence if there's gonna be no wall

Never trust Pelosi or Schumer, ever

Trump says he's 'fairly close' to deal with lawmakers on DACA

"Wow, pres. candidate Ben Carson, who is very weak on illegal Immigration, just said he likes amnesty and a pathway to citizenship." - Hypocrite Donald on Nov 2015

The buyers remorse will be setting in here soon. Amnesty is coming in a matter of weeks. Trump is having his "read my lips" moment right now. I can't wait to rub the trumpkins noses in this.

got no use for people rubbing noses in shit.

I don't blame you. Hearing "I told you so" sucks
Don't it? So if Trump is squishy on this, his hallmark issue alongside repealing ACA, which was the first "I told you so" leaves really only one other issue most folks voted for him on and that would be the second amendment.
This could be one of the most interesting moments in American politics. If Trump slights the base... While the Dems may cheer; their party is in shambles, and the base who voted for Trump voted on the agenda, and they aren't going anywhere. Nor are they going to change their mind. Lots of interesting possibilities here. Not the least of which is a new third party... We'll have to see what develops out of this...

I don't think the voters care at all about Trump's agenda. I think they voted for jobs, the wall, deporting illegals, and "lock her up". They also voted for Trump to piss off leftists.

He's not delivering jobs, the wall isn't being built, deportations are down not up, and Hillary isn't being prosecuted. Even worse, he's cosying up to Democrats and there's a revolving door on White House staff. Trump is hard pressed to find anyone willing to work for him.

Added to which, the Republican Coalition is totally fractured and can't even agree on what they want, much less pass it.

Chuck and Nancy will only stay on board if Donald continues to give them everything they want. They have everything to gain and nothing to lose. They get what they want and Trump pisses off his base. It's a win/win for Democrats. If he doesn't give them what they want, they don't go along and their base is happy they didn't cave. Either way they look good.
i want President Pence if there's gonna be no wall

Never trust Pelosi or Schumer, ever

Trump says he's 'fairly close' to deal with lawmakers on DACA

"Wow, pres. candidate Ben Carson, who is very weak on illegal Immigration, just said he likes amnesty and a pathway to citizenship." - Hypocrite Donald on Nov 2015

The buyers remorse will be setting in here soon. Amnesty is coming in a matter of weeks. Trump is having his "read my lips" moment right now. I can't wait to rub the trumpkins noses in this.

got no use for people rubbing noses in shit.

I don't blame you. Hearing "I told you so" sucks
Don't it? So if Trump is squishy on this, his hallmark issue alongside repealing ACA, which was the first "I told you so" leaves really only one other issue most folks voted for him on and that would be the second amendment.
This could be one of the most interesting moments in American politics. If Trump slights the base... While the Dems may cheer; their party is in shambles, and the base who voted for Trump voted on the agenda, and they aren't going anywhere. Nor are they going to change their mind. Lots of interesting possibilities here. Not the least of which is a new third party... We'll have to see what develops out of this...

I don't think the voters care at all about Trump's agenda. I think they voted for jobs, the wall, deporting illegals, and "lock her up". They also voted for Trump to piss off leftists.

He's not delivering jobs, the wall isn't being built, deportations are down not up, and Hillary isn't being prosecuted. Even worse, he's cosying up to Democrats and there's a revolving door on White House staff. Trump is hard pressed to find anyone willing to work for him.

Added to which, the Republican Coalition is totally fractured and can't even agree on what they want, much less pass it.

Chuck and Nancy will only stay on board if Donald continues to give them everything they want. They have everything to gain and nothing to lose. They get what they want and Trump pisses off his base. It's a win/win for Democrats. If he doesn't give them what they want, they don't go along and their base is happy they didn't cave. Either way they look good.

Honestly, I don't think Trump has modified his position at all. I'm thinking Amnesty has been on his mind from the start.
Reagan made the same deal and look what happened. Trump is a failure.

It hasn't happened yet.

If it does? Look, Trump has demonstrated many times as presidents that he will blink if pushed. Amnesty is a given out the gate. Trump is a typical political in that he will lie to your face to get a vote instead of just telling the public " hey guys, if you want a wall, we may have to do some amnesty. It's not perfect, but it's a place to starte". Trump over promised.
Reagan made the same deal and look what happened. Trump is a failure.

It hasn't happened yet.

If it does? Look, Trump has demonstrated many times as presidents that he will blink if pushed. Amnesty is a given out the gate. Trump is a typical political in that he will lie to your face to get a vote instead of just telling the public " hey guys, if you want a wall, we may have to do some amnesty. It's not perfect, but it's a place to starte". Trump over promised.

If it does then I can no longer support him, but it hasn't happened yet and I don't believe you for a second.

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