Trump White House adviser Peter Navarro Indicted On Contempt Charges For Defying Jan. 6 Panel, 2nd Trump aide to suffer this fate after Steve Bannon

ex-White House adviser Stephanie Grisham: Navarro was a pain in the butt, i'm glad he got indicted

Who should he take advice from, NAZI Pisslosi?

He hired how many Chiefs of Staff? He refused to listen to the people from CDC and USAMRIID.

I lost count of how often Sanders would make a statement on the Trump position in the Press Room to have Trump counter it on Twitter. I felt sorry for the poor woman.

It was a fundamental failure to understand his job. It was a fundamental failure to adapt.

Trumps biggest problem was that he never understood the purpose of the White House Lawyers. He believed that Lawyers were supposed to get him out of trouble. The White House Lawyers were supposed to keep him from getting into trouble.
"they're treating me like i'm an Al Qaeda terrorist. it took me until 72 to understand Kafka"

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Trump doesn’t take advice from anyone. That’s his biggest problem.
Biden seems to be the opposite. Unifier....bwhahhaaaaa! He will be remembered as one of the worst leaders not just in American History, but World History.
Biden seems to be the opposite. Unifier....bwhahhaaaaa! He will be remembered as one of the worst leaders not just in American History, but World History.

So far I’d say Biden is looking Mediocre. Not great. Not terrible. The nearest comparison in modern history would be Carter. But that is unfair.

Carter had little opportunity to address the energy shortage that was already in full swing when he took office. Carter is blamed for the failure of Desert One despite that being grossly unfair. Instead of getting the credit for a risky but daring rescue attempt. He is blamed for it being overly complicated.

Carter gets no credit for standing on Three Mile Island during the emergency to reassure everyone. He gets no credit for leading by example. He gets no credit for tossing the perks of the Presidency to save money. Taxpayer money.

Biden will go down as mediocre if we are being honest. But honesty isn’t the purview of the Right or Left. The Right claims Trump was the greatest ever. And he isn’t even in the top ten. Reagan towered over him. H. W. Bush was better. Hell W and Obama were better than Trump. Trumps saving grace was he appeared a less bad choice than Hillary. But that isn’t saying much.

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