Trump White House adviser Peter Navarro Indicted On Contempt Charges For Defying Jan. 6 Panel, 2nd Trump aide to suffer this fate after Steve Bannon

He broke no law. And if he did, then so has Maxine Waters, Chuckie Schumer and a whole host of other democrats to a far greater degree, which means he was discriminated against just for his political views, the very thing most valued and defended by the founders of this country to be protected!

BS. He wasn't even on the side of the building where the action was.

Yes, I've heard what really happened straight from him in a live interview. They framed him showing they were prepared to have a bunch of capitol police lie that he assaulted them knowing the DC-crowd would never question their testimony in order to cop a misdemeanor against him by pleading guilty to a lesser charge so the prosecuttor can claim he "got one" for the bitch in the capitol, Nancy. Common legal tactic used by crooked lawyers.
Straka had urged other rioters to go into the building and take a shield away from a police officer
there is video evidence of this interfering with law enforcement during a civil disorder. Straka admitted to it also, and expressed remorse later, so it was reduced to misdemeanor.

pay attention: A MAGA Influencer Was Sentenced To Probation For Joining The Jan. 6 Insurrection
Piglosi has a huge conflict of interest, but she got to chose the entire committee.

Illegitimate sham.
Someone had to do it.

McCarthy was told by Trump not to participate in an investigation in to 1/6.....

After he had negotiated and agreed to all the terms on a bipartisan outside commission to investigate the 1/6 attack on our capital, he visited Trump in Mara Lago and the next day he told his republican colleagues that negotiated the terms he (McCarthy) wanted for the commission, that he changed his mind and was against an and lobbied both the house and senate republicans, to vote it down. He kissed the Mara Lago ring.... What a weasel! Senate didn't pass it.

So then after that kick in the gut, Pelosi created a Select House Committee to investigate the Capital attack, and how it came to be..... There is no way, that day, should not be investigated or just brushed under the rug, like McCarthy was then calling for.... So, to sabotage the committee, McCarthy picked Jordan and Banks who had direct conflict of interests, and 3 others to be on it....knowing that Nancy would reject Jordan and Banks for their conflict....

Then, instead of replacing the two rejected, McCarthy did what he was directed to do all along by the man in Mara Lago, and pulled out, altogether.... Giving the opportunity to do what Trump does with everything, like clockwork, claim the investigation is not legitimate, a hoax etc etc etc....

God almighty, y'all can't be that dumb and blind to the man's modus operandi?
Oh look, the whiny little faggot is here to white knight Cheney. Yes it is commendable to tell that hack to fuck off. I now tell you to fuck off too. Take your bottom feeding scumbag ass and STFU moron.
Same to you, buddy boy.

While you're at it, got any more criminal thugs & conmen you want to hold up for praise? You seem to admire those types, idiot.
Straka had urged other rioters to go into the building and take a shield away from a police officer
there is video evidence of this interfering with law enforcement during a civil disorder. Straka admitted to it also, and expressed remorse later, so it was reduced to misdemeanor.

pay attention: A MAGA Influencer Was Sentenced To Probation For Joining The Jan. 6 Insurrection
Do you want to see people interfering with law enforcement?


Someone had to do it.

McCarthy was told by Trump not to participate in an investigation in to 1/6.....

After he had negotiated and agreed to all the terms on a bipartisan outside commission to investigate the 1/6 attack on our capital, he visited Trump in Mara Lago and the next day he told his republican colleagues that negotiated the terms he (McCarthy) wanted for the commission, that he changed his mind and was against an and lobbied both the house and senate republicans, to vote it down. He kissed the Mara Lago ring.... What a weasel! Senate didn't pass it.

So then after that kick in the gut, Pelosi created a Select House Committee to investigate the Capital attack, and how it came to be..... There is no way, that day, should not be investigated or just brushed under the rug, like McCarthy was then calling for.... So, to sabotage the committee, McCarthy picked Jordan and Banks who had direct conflict of interests, and 3 others to be on it....knowing that Nancy would reject Jordan and Banks for their conflict....

Then, instead of replacing the two rejected, McCarthy did what he was directed to do all along by the man in Mara Lago, and pulled out, altogether.... Giving the opportunity to do what Trump does with everything, like clockwork, claim the investigation is not legitimate, a hoax etc etc etc....

God almighty, y'all can't be that dumb and blind to the man's modus operandi?
McCarthy is the world's biggest sucker and Pisslosi is a douchebag. It doesn't matter who McCarthy picked. He was supposed to get his choice, and pisslosi was not supposed to have veto power of it. No such condition is compatible with a "bi-partisan" commission. That's a setup for a sham.
I believe the Republican Party has become the party of hate:

The GOP hates:
  • Democracy
  • Immigrants
  • Medicare
  • Medicaid
  • CHIP
  • A Minimum Wage Raise
  • A Women's right to choose
  • Social Justice
  • Electric Cars
  • NPR
  • PBS
  • ABC
  • CBS
  • NBC
  • The New York Times
  • The Washington Post
  • Labor Unions
  • Gun Control

Feel free to add to the list.
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Ok. For things like subpoenas you have to provide the documents requested. You can’t hide them. You can’t ignore the subpoena. You can ask a Judge to quash it. But eventually you have to produce the documents.

For testimony. You show up and refuse to answer questions. It’s called the Fifth Amendment. You don’t get to declare it invalid. You don’t get to denounce it as a witch hunt and refuse to comply. You show up and say that you are not answering any questions on the advice of council. That is your right under the Constitution.

The only way to compel your testimony is to grant you immunity from prosecution.

Peter didn’t do what he had to under the law. So he gets to explain it to a Judge and Jury. His choice.

What you write is quite reasonable but this is an obvious fishing expedition since they have over 1,000 interviews and have been supplemented by the DOJ and FBI investigations for the last two years.

If they subpoenaed Navarro early on last year then it would have been the time to do it since it is well known he is a close confidant of trump working in his administration.

The J6 committee has been ongoing since July of last year it would have been OBVIOUS to subpoena Navarro then as he is an obvious choice being close to his TRADE ADVISOR during the Trump administration that ended over two years ago what took them so long to compel him to come?
What you write is quite reasonable but this is an obvious fishing expedition since they have over 1,000 interviews and have been supplemented by the DOJ and FBI investigations for the last two years.

If they subpoenaed Navarro early on last year then it would have been the time to do it since it is well known he is a close confidant of trump working in his administration.

The J6 committee has been ongoing since July of last year it would have been OBVIOUS to subpoena Navarro then as he is an obvious choice being close to his TRADE ADVISOR during the Trump administration that ended over two years ago what took them so long to compel him to come?

Sadly. It doesn’t matter. A Subpoena is pretty much absolute. I just read an article yesterday. The ACLU is suing Johnny Depp for expenses in complying with a Subpoena he issued for the trial that just ended. They want $85,000 and some for the expenses they incurred while complying with the Subpoena. For a case they say they were not a party to and were not involved in.

But the ACLU complied and provided 2,000 documents to his legal team.

If anyone could fight a Subpoena and win it would be the ACLU. And they didn’t.

That is the way the legal system works. Right or wrong isn’t up for discussion. That discussion is a political question. Not a legal one.

Now when you choose to thumb your nose at the Subpoena. You might get away with it. You probably won’t. So Navarro knew what the risks were. He could have turned over the documents. He could have done what he was supposed to. Required to.

But people get busted ignoring subpoenas and warrants all the time. A Sheriff. The actual elected Sheriff was busted for it.

Navarro could have walked in. Smiled and stated his name for the record. And then start replying to every question with refuse to answer on advice of council.

Jan 6 was a shit show. The idiots who were there should be neutered to insure they don’t procreate. Those morons have done more damage to Conservatives than Trump Co did and I voted for Trump in 2016.

And before you start screaming I am a Liberal. Think of this. I often Credit Reagan as being a Conservative Icon. I give him a lot of credit where I think it is due. I also take him to task for failures.

But today Reagan would be a limp wrist Liberal according to the powers behind Jan 6. The Proud Boys and the rest of the morons.

And no Reagan didn’t have it easy. He was opposed by Congress. All three networks. And every newspaper in the land. He had Tip O’Neil as Speaker of the House and Nancy Pelosi couldn’t stand in his shadow.

But Reagan could talk to people. He took his case for Tax Cuts described as Dead on Arrival to the people. He got them behind it and got it rammed through Congress. He got Star Wars through Congress. Also dead on arrival.

I could go on. But Reagan was smart and a true President. He acted Presidential and listened to the advisors. He had a loyal staff because he didn’t belittle them. Even when he didn’t do what they suggested, they knew that he heard them and considered their arguments.

Don’t tell me it’s different now. The problem is our leaders are not even the equivalent of a pimple on the ass of those Greats. They are shallow and too self centered to even consider learning.
Sadly. It doesn’t matter. A Subpoena is pretty much absolute. I just read an article yesterday. The ACLU is suing Johnny Depp for expenses in complying with a Subpoena he issued for the trial that just ended. They want $85,000 and some for the expenses they incurred while complying with the Subpoena. For a case they say they were not a party to and were not involved in.

But the ACLU complied and provided 2,000 documents to his legal team.

If anyone could fight a Subpoena and win it would be the ACLU. And they didn’t.

That is the way the legal system works. Right or wrong isn’t up for discussion. That discussion is a political question. Not a legal one.

Now when you choose to thumb your nose at the Subpoena. You might get away with it. You probably won’t. So Navarro knew what the risks were. He could have turned over the documents. He could have done what he was supposed to. Required to.

But people get busted ignoring subpoenas and warrants all the time. A Sheriff. The actual elected Sheriff was busted for it.

Navarro could have walked in. Smiled and stated his name for the record. And then start replying to every question with refuse to answer on advice of council.

Jan 6 was a shit show. The idiots who were there should be neutered to insure they don’t procreate. Those morons have done more damage to Conservatives than Trump Co did and I voted for Trump in 2016.

And before you start screaming I am a Liberal. Think of this. I often Credit Reagan as being a Conservative Icon. I give him a lot of credit where I think it is due. I also take him to task for failures.

But today Reagan would be a limp wrist Liberal according to the powers behind Jan 6. The Proud Boys and the rest of the morons.

And no Reagan didn’t have it easy. He was opposed by Congress. All three networks. And every newspaper in the land. He had Tip O’Neil as Speaker of the House and Nancy Pelosi couldn’t stand in his shadow.

But Reagan could talk to people. He took his case for Tax Cuts described as Dead on Arrival to the people. He got them behind it and got it rammed through Congress. He got Star Wars through Congress. Also dead on arrival.

I could go on. But Reagan was smart and a true President. He acted Presidential and listened to the advisors. He had a loyal staff because he didn’t belittle them. Even when he didn’t do what they suggested, they knew that he heard them and considered their arguments.

Don’t tell me it’s different now. The problem is our leaders are not even the equivalent of a pimple on the ass of those Greats. They are shallow and too self centered to even consider learning.

You didn't have to explain yourself to me as I stated already your argument is reasonable, never disputed Subpoena is a legal document it is the TIMING issuing it is why I think the committee is desperately looking for stuff since the 1,000 testimonies coupled with the DOJ and FBI investigations don't appear to be enough which is telling me they don't have what they are looking for just as Mueller after 2 1/2 years of looking found NOTHING on Trump because it was never there in the first place which I discovered within 6 months after the bogus investigation began.

They are trying hard to destroy Trump is the real objective, partisan and fakery is what they are.
You didn't have to explain yourself to me as I stated already your argument is reasonable, never disputed Subpoena is a legal document it is the TIMING issuing it is why I think the committee is desperately looking for stuff since the 1,000 testimonies coupled with the DOJ and FBI investigations don't appear to be enough which is telling me they don't have what they are looking for just as Mueller after 2 1/2 years of looking found NOTHING on Trump because it was never there in the first place which I discovered within 6 months after the bogus investigation began.

They are trying hard to destroy Trump is the real objective, partisan and fakery is what they are.

I’m old enough I’ve watched it all unfold. I can even tell you when we started down this path. Where revenge is all that matters.

It is why I don’t vote anymore. Both sides are wrong.
You know who wasn't put in handcuffs and leg irons after being held in contempt of Congress?

Eric holder.

I myself and millions of America have contempt for congress, but not in a criminal way!
So Bannon telling Cheney etc to "fuck off" is commendable to you?

Bannon is a criminal conman & a thug & the only reason his ass isn't sitting in prison is because that racketeer dirtbag Trump pardoned his stupid ass.

The fact that you admire those two lowlifes speaks volumes.
And your Vegetable Messiah is a Chicom stooge.
And your Vegetable Messiah is a Chicom stooge.
Nothing sane to add, mouth breather?

Bout time for you to start a bonfire in your backyard for all your Trump memorabelia, including your collection of MAGA hats.

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