Trump White House adviser Peter Navarro Indicted On Contempt Charges For Defying Jan. 6 Panel, 2nd Trump aide to suffer this fate after Steve Bannon

All of them B/A.....they all involve legislation involved around 1/6.....
Nonsense. The investigation has to do with the violence and the failure of adequate security and shit of that nature. I previously posted the relevant excerpts and a link to the committeeā€™s ā€˜charter.ā€™

Not a blessed thing that they are supposedly ā€œinvestigatingā€ has anything to do with those other topics. Not one.
The Guardian reports, "Peter Navarro, a top former White House adviser to Donald Trump, was taken into custody after being indicted by a federal grand jury on Friday on two counts of contempt of Congress for defying a subpoena issued by the House select committee investigating the January 6 Capitol attack.

"The indictment against Navarro marks the first time that the justice department has pursued charges against a Trump White House official who worked in the administration on January 6 and participated in efforts to overturn the 2020 election results.

"Navarro is facing one count of contempt of Congress for his refusal to appear at a deposition and a second count for his refusal to turn over documents as demanded by the select committeeā€™s subpoena, the justice department announced in a news release.

"The former Trump White House adviser, who was involved in the former presidentā€™s unlawful scheme to have the then-vice president, Mike Pence, refuse to certify Joe Bidenā€™s election win on January 6, was taken into custody at the airport."

"The former presidentā€™s unlawful scheme?" That brings up an interesting question. Trump is heard cheering on his mob, urging them to enter Congress and do the "right thing" by not allowing the certification of the Presidential election. His associates are doing his bidding. A number of Trump's close associates have been indicted or will be indicted, and some have gone to prison.

Yet nothing ever happens to the mastermind behind the coup attempt on Jan. 6, 2021. Donald Trump has never been charged with a crime. Why is that?
"The former presidentā€™s unlawful scheme?" That brings up an interesting question. Trump is heard cheering on his mob, urging them to enter Congress and do the "right thing" by not allowing the certification of the Presidential election. His associates are doing his bidding. A number of Trump's close associates have been indicted or will be indicted, and some have gone to prison.

Yet nothing ever happens to the mastermind behind the coup attempt on Jan. 6, 2021. Donald Trump has never been charged with a crime. Why is that?
Donald Trump is the leader of the Republican Party, the king maker. Nearly every Republican running for office in November and the primaries before that ae seeking his endorsement.

And the Republicans are expected to win Congress in the November mid-terms.

On a related topic, Dean Obeidallah writes, "'Top Gun: Maverickā€ is summerā€™s first blockbuster, boasting breathless reviews and what will likely be the biggest box office in Tom Cruiseā€™s storied, 35-plus-year Hollywood career.

"But thereā€™s another potential blockbuster coming that I hope eclipses the audience for ā€œTop Gunā€: Iā€™m talking about the January 6 committee public hearings, set to premiere on June 9. Just look at the advance buzz:

"And while ā€œTop Gunā€ was just one film, the January 6 committee hearings are expected to be an eight-episode extravaganza. Some installments are even scheduled to air in prime time."

ā€œThe story of the worst presidential political offense against the Union in American history,ā€ US Rep. Jamie Raskin.

How is it possible that this man is the leader of a major American political party? The answer lies in the current make-up of the GOP.

The Republican Party has captured the minds of those who live in the rural counties of America. Those voters are mostly farmers and rural shopkeepers. They lack education and they are not well-informed. Most of what they know about politics is by word of mouth, otherwise known as gossip.

At the heart of their rudimentary political beliefs -- for some reason they are unaware of -- Donald Trump is their savior. How that occurred is a mystery, and Republicans are unable to tell us because of their limited awareness. Moreover, they lack communication skills. The proof is their posts or lack thereof when it comes to defending their party's actions.
The Republican Party has captured the minds of those who live in the rural counties of America. Those voters are mostly farmers and rural shopkeepers. They lack education and they are not well-informed. Most of what they know about politics is by word of mouth, otherwise known as gossip.

And they beat Hillary, the most qualified candidate in history.
A speedy trial and jail.

Trump's time is coming too!

Way to go, dumbasses, pulling the same stupid shit as when perpetrating Hillary's Russian Collusion hoax years ago.

How'd that work out....but, hey, YOU'VE GOT HIM THIS TIME!

Bwuhahahahaha. :p

So when is Pelosi going to testify about when the FBI warned her about potential violence at the Capitol before 6 Jan, exactly who in tbe FBI warned her, who she talked to afterwards, why she and the Sergeants-at-arms of the House and Senate refused to call in the National Guard as was recommended to them, why the Capitol Police were almost min-manned despite the warning, why they repoetedly moved barricades / held doors open for people to walk in and acted as 'tour guides' leading people through the Capitol. etc...?

She should have been the 1st person to testify...if this wasn't another one of her BS show trials / fishing expeditions...
Yawn. And you clowns said Bannon was going to rot in jail for telling Cheney and the rest of the clowns to fuck off. This illegitimate ā€œcommitteeā€ has none of the power they think they do. Still nothing but fishing after all this time.
So Bannon telling Cheney etc to "fuck off" is commendable to you?

Bannon is a criminal conman & a thug & the only reason his ass isn't sitting in prison is because that racketeer dirtbag Trump pardoned his stupid ass.

The fact that you admire those two lowlifes speaks volumes.
Way to go, dumbasses, pulling the same stupid shit as when perpetrating Hillary's Russian Collusion hoax years ago.

How'd that work out....but, hey, YOU'VE GOT HIM THIS TIME!

Bwuhahahahaha. :p

So when is Pelosi going to testify about when the FBI warned her about potential violence at the Capitol before 6 Jan, exactly who in tbe FBI warned her, who she talked to afterwards, why she and the Sergeants-at-arms of the House and Senate refused to call in the National Guard as was recommended to them, why the Capitol Police were almost min-manned despite the warning, why they repoetedly moved barricades / held doors open for people to walk in and acted as 'tour guides' leading people through the Capitol. etc...?

She should have been the 1st person to testify...if this wasn't another one of her BS show trials / fishing expeditions...
Clown, who needed the NG when you Bozos were just tourists & the protest was peaceful, Clown?
Clown, who needed the NG when you Bozos were just tourists & the protest was peaceful, Clown?




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Navarro has stated he's willing to do the year in jail if it means protecting the presidential right of confidence in his advisors. Just recall that next January, those subpoenas will be aimed at others and it will be THEIR TURN to decide how much they're willing to pay for privilege.
Good for him. Bad for America.
My guess will be that the corporate media will turn 180 and start leveling charges of hate against the Republicans while offering dozens of justifications on why the Republican committee has no authority to force subpoenas.
I believe the Republican Party has become the party of hate:

The GOP hates:
  • Democracy
  • Immigrants
  • Medicare
  • Medicaid
  • CHIP
  • A Minimum Wage Raise
  • A Women's right to choose
  • Social Justice
  • Electric Cars
  • NPR
  • PBS
  • ABC
  • CBS
  • NBC
  • The New York Times
  • The Washington Post
  • Labor Unions
  • Gun Control

Feel free to add to the list.
No, it's not....McCarthy didn't set up shit.
Yes, he did! You don't know McCarthy very well Oddball, cuz if you wouldn't like him! He's just the kind of insider slime in D.C. that you've bitched about the past ten p!us years!
Yes, he did! You don't know McCarthy very well Oddball, cuz if you wouldn't like him! He's just the kind of insider slime in D.C. that you've bitched about the past ten p!us years!
That may be true, but you didn't prove he set it up.
I believe the Republican Party has become the party of hate:

The GOP hates:
  • Democracy
  • Immigrants
  • Medicare
  • Medicaid
  • CHIP
  • A Minimum Wage Raise
  • A Women's right to choose
  • Social Justice
  • Electric Cars
  • NPR
  • PBS
  • ABC
  • CBS
  • NBC
  • The New York Times
  • The Washington Post
  • Labor Unions
  • Gun Control

Feel free to add to the list.

  • Democracy - yes
  • Immigrants - no, but I don't want them here.
  • Medicare - yes
  • Medicaid - yes
  • CHIP - yes
  • A Minimum Wage Raise - yes
  • A Women's right to choose
  • Social Justice - any qualifier before justice means injustice.
  • Electric Cars - yes
  • NPR - yes
  • PBS - yes
  • ABC - yes
  • CBS - yes
  • NBC - yes
  • The New York Times - yes
  • The Washington Post - yes
  • Labor Unions - yes
  • Gun Control - yes
The indictment will fail since the committee has yet to show probable cause just more fishing expeditions is all I see here.

Ok. For things like subpoenas you have to provide the documents requested. You canā€™t hide them. You canā€™t ignore the subpoena. You can ask a Judge to quash it. But eventually you have to produce the documents.

For testimony. You show up and refuse to answer questions. Itā€™s called the Fifth Amendment. You donā€™t get to declare it invalid. You donā€™t get to denounce it as a witch hunt and refuse to comply. You show up and say that you are not answering any questions on the advice of council. That is your right under the Constitution.

The only way to compel your testimony is to grant you immunity from prosecution.

Peter didnā€™t do what he had to under the law. So he gets to explain it to a Judge and Jury. His choice.
So Bannon telling Cheney etc to "fuck off" is commendable to you?

Bannon is a criminal conman & a thug & the only reason his ass isn't sitting in prison is because that racketeer dirtbag Trump pardoned his stupid ass.

The fact that you admire those two lowlifes speaks volumes.
Oh look, the whiny little faggot is here to white knight Cheney. Yes it is commendable to tell that hack to fuck off. I now tell you to fuck off too. Take your bottom feeding scumbag ass and STFU moron.

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