Trump White House adviser Peter Navarro Indicted On Contempt Charges For Defying Jan. 6 Panel, 2nd Trump aide to suffer this fate after Steve Bannon

You're just another retarded leftist asshole.

You fuckers are a dime a dozen these days.

You don't give a rat's ass about other human beings, you just use them for political posturing.

You progtards are fucked up.

The other progtard in the other thread thinks he's going to turn my world upside down with his bullshit.

Maybe I have news for you progtards: I don't turn easily. Better men than you have tried and failed.

The other half is, you dumb deluded fools don't even realize how badly you're being used and abused, BY YOUR OWN LEADERSHIP. They'd throw you under the bus in a heartbeat if it meant more power. You serve a bunch of corrupt lying EVIL assholes.
My favorite: videographer Brandon Straka was shooting video outside the building on J6 from the east wing far removed from the actual violence, never even went into the building; they tracked him down, arrested him, kept him in jail for over a year, then told him to plead guilty to a misdemeanor to make the prosecution look good or face trumped up bogus felony charges then they brought in six crooked capitol police he never even saw before who under pressure from Nancy lied and claimed that Straka had "assaulted" all of them, knowing full well he'd never receive anything close to a fair hearing in Washington.

The best part? Straka USED to be a democrat! But like so many, he got sickened by where the far left have taken the party. The Biddum/Pelosi Regime are literally trying to CRIMINALIZE support to any opposition to their being in power like petty dictators.

There will be hell to pay for these gross violations of justice once Biddum is impeached out of office and integrity is restored to both our law and media again.
Brandon Straka was never in jail.
He got 3 months home detention and 3 years probation.
It was because he was outside the capitol encouraging others to enter.
They wanted to charge him with a felony, but negotiated it to a misdemeanor.

You certainly are sorry. If you imagine that our constitutionally prescribed procedure for certifying that electoral vote (and any enabling laws associated with it) are in any way a possible cause of the criminal behavior of the minority or protestors, you’re either deluded or dishonest.

We all know yours is not even a reasonable interpretation of the committee’s charter.
Did you read the Eastman memo. It laid out the VP using a power the Constitution doesn't grant, that would make the electoral count act unconstitutional.

Based on the memo (strategy) is why the insurrectionists chanted "Hang Mike Pence" to intimidate him into invoking the Eastman memo (page 3)
It may not matter, but a congressional investigation is supposedly designed to enable poor befuddled Congress critters to find facts upon which to base laws. What law are these partisan assholes seeking to craft?

Is there some need to create any new laws to deal with mass protests over an election? Are laws needed to criminalize alleged conduct which is obviously already criminal (such as trespass, property damage and assaults)? Obviously not.

What’s left? A show. That’s what the completely partisan congressional investigatory committee is doing. They’re putting on a show.

It’s not a good show. It’s not informative. It’s fiction. It won’t win any awards. It is already a poor plot and badly scripted. It serves no purpose other than the partisan committee members’ political agenda: “news” cycles and their endlessly dishonest drumbeat.
Laws to secure the capital in better ways, laws or rules to clarify the vice president's duties with counting the electoral votes, laws clarifying government employees not working on a campaign during working hours, protocols of when to put up the fence, or laws or rules to clarify who in law enforcement is in charge, and procedures for calling in the National guard quicker....
When Republicans were blocked from picking their members the committee it immediately became illegitimate.

In total violation of House rules.

When Republicans take back the House, and that dummy McCarthy becomes Speaker, he had better fix this and hold Democrats still remaining who willingly violated House rules guilty and expel them. Make them squirm.
The indictment will fail since the committee has yet to show probable cause just more fishing expeditions is all I see here.
What do you mean "probable cause"? He was issued a lawfull supeona & he refused to appear.

Navarro is a thug but he'll play the pld martyr routine as you mouth breather's parrot his bullshit.

Have a good time with it.
That's because the contempt charge was referred to the DOJ, and the attorney general made the decision there wasn't enough to the charge to indict.
No, that was not it.

What happened is Republicans sued for the information Holder held back on presidential privilege claims.

It went to court. The final court ruled that Holder had to turn over the information, which he immediately did, upon the court ruling.

The judge in the case refused to charge Holder in contempt and said Congress critters jumped the gun on it, because the judge had not finished hearing the court case and a judicial decision had not been made Holder could legally sit on the info the critters wanted, until the court ruling was made.
In total violation of House rules.

When Republicans take back the House, and that dummy McCarthy becomes Speaker, he had better fix this and hold Democrats still remaining who willingly violated House rules guilty and expel them. Make them squirm.
Article I section 5 gives congress total and absolute control of its own rules.
And to expel one of it's members, requires a 2/3rds vote (292 votes)
What do you mean "probable cause"? He was issued a lawfull supeona & he refused to appear.

Navarro is a thug but he'll play the pld martyr routine as you mouth breather's parrot his bullshit.

Have a good time with it.

Didn't parrot anything you liar, it is clear that after 1,000 plus interviews already on the books they continue to harass more people because the PROCESS is the Punishment.

Never disputed the Subpoena itself either I am objecting to lawfare bullshit which he is resisting for reasons he has decided to run on it is his decision to resist which will be played out but the Committee will now be forced to justify that subpoena action too.

After nearly a year and 1,000 plus interview based investigation they still need to get more interviews?

A speedy trial and jail.

Trump's time is coming too!

speedy trial is code for: unjust trial

The Gestapo are out in force

some people too damn stupid and ignorant of history to realize that the latter really is repeating itself

Nuremberg was not the end of Nazism... When human nature is changed, we will have the end of it..

Catholicism is the only antidote to human nature
. Jesus knew what He was doing when He established the Church
Article I section 5 gives congress total and absolute control of its own rules.
And to expel one of it's members, requires a 2/3rds vote (292 votes)

Pelosi is in violation of existing House rules.

Then censor the slimes.
Didn't parrot anything you liar, it is clear that after 1,000 plus interviews already on the books they continue to harass more people because the PROCESS is the Punishment.

Never disputed the Subpoena itself either I am objecting to lawfare bullshit which he is resisting for reasons he has decided to run on it is his decision to resist which will be played out but the Committee will now be forced to justify that subpoena action too.

After nearly a year and 1,000 plus interview based investigation they still need to get more interviews?

The committee interviewing 1,000 people has nothing to do with it. I hope Navarro uses that defense because it will be quite a sight when the Judge laughs in his face.

You better come up with a better Navarro martyr routine.

That should be fun.
Republican white-wingers are not fond of those who enforce the law.

Selective enforcement. The Democrat US Attorney in DC never went after Eric Holder who was found in contempt of Congress.

Hunter Biden has clearly violated FARA. Have they charged him? They charged Manafort and Gates for violating FARA.

A Flynn associate, Bijan Rafiekian, was charged with violating FARA.

And many more examples.
After nearly a year and 1,000 plus interview based investigation they still need to get more interviews?

Apparently when they talk to one person, that person tells them the information they're looking for, is more properly addressed to another potential witness. Usually it is required under the hearsay rule of evidence.

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