Trump White House adviser Peter Navarro Indicted On Contempt Charges For Defying Jan. 6 Panel, 2nd Trump aide to suffer this fate after Steve Bannon

(1) To investigate and report upon the facts, circumstances, and causes relating to the January 6, 2021, domestic terrorist attack upon the United States Capitol Complex the influencing factors that fomented such an attack on American representative democracy while engaged in a constitutional process.

If the cause of the attack was to stop the count. The reason for stopping of the count is within Section 3 authority.

Sorry Charlie.
You certainly are sorry. If you imagine that our constitutionally prescribed procedure for certifying that electoral vote (and any enabling laws associated with it) are in any way a possible cause of the criminal behavior of the minority or protestors, you’re either deluded or dishonest.

We all know yours is not even a reasonable interpretation of the committee’s charter.
Nope. And after we stomp your asses in November, then impeach Biddum out of office, look for a whole boatload of you commies to go down, starting with the Biddum Crime Family, Hillary, and hopefully many more.
Go ahead and add a pony to your wish list. If you are able to get all that other silly shit on your wish list, a pony shouldn't be any problem at all.
Actually the decision of the DC Circuit said the committee was legitimate (specifically ruled that their purpose was legitimate)

Legitimate Legislative Purpose

The first big problem for Trump is that the D.C. Circuit panel ruled unequivocally that the Jan. 6 committee has a legitimate legislative purpose. This is a big deal beyond the scope of executive privilege claims specifically. Trump and his allies have been using the claim that investigating committees lack legitimate legislative purposes as a basis for resistance to investigative demands since the Democrats took control of the House in 2019. That argument is no longer available in the D.C. Circuit with respect to the Jan. 6 Committee.
You shared the views that it was the SCOTUS who claimed that the committee was legitimate. You were wrong. It wasn’t SCOTUS.

Peter Navarro Indicted On Contempt Charges For Defying Jan. 6 Panel, 2nd Trump aide to suffer this fate after Steve Bannon​

Peter and Steve are doing just fine. They will not submit to Nancy's staged witch-hunts.

A speedy trial and jail. Trump's time is coming too!
Guess again, bonehead. Don't hold yer breath waiting.
The Trumpsters are in charge of deciding which facts, elections, committees, court rulings, election audits and subpoenas are "legitimate".

So those pesky old rules and laws just don't apply any more, if they don't like them.

This is what it looks like when a democracy breaks down.
THIS^ is the kind of toxic, inflammatory rhetoric that will precede a kinetic conflict among Americans. It is a LIE and you lot refuse to stop pushing this tone and tenor. America is divided, not because of Trump but due to YOUR reaction - programmed by a toxic media - to an "outsider" managing to acquire power in DC.
Had you fools simply played by the same rules we're all expected to play by, the country would not be in the shape it's in today.

In case you hadn't noticed, one HELL OF A LOT of Americans still support that outsider, and if he chooses to run, he WILL be re-elected. Your leaders in DC have fired all of their ammo at him and lost every time. They'll be LOSING their minds when he annouces he's running again.
The Trumpsters are in charge of deciding which facts, elections, committees, court rulings, election audits and subpoenas are "legitimate".

So those pesky old rules and laws just don't apply any more, if they don't like them.

This is what it looks like when a democracy breaks down.
If republicans convened such a kangaroo "committee", and the only democrats seated on it were a couple of sellouts who were sympathetic to the cause of said committee, you'd squeal like the little fucking girl you are, and we all know it.
Here is a better link:

Navarro has stated he's willing to do the year in jail if it means protecting the presidential right of confidence in his advisors. Just recall that next January, those subpoenas will be aimed at others and it will be THEIR TURN to decide how much they're willing to pay for privilege.
The January 6 panel is all about partisan politics.

My favorite: videographer Brandon Straka was shooting video outside the building on J6 from the east wing far removed from the actual violence, never even went into the building; they tracked him down, arrested him, kept him in jail for over a year, then told him to plead guilty to a misdemeanor to make the prosecution look good or face trumped up bogus felony charges then they brought in six crooked capitol police he never even saw before who under pressure from Nancy lied and claimed that Straka had "assaulted" all of them, knowing full well he'd never receive anything close to a fair hearing in Washington.

The best part? Straka USED to be a democrat! But like so many, he got sickened by where the far left have taken the party. The Biddum/Pelosi Regime are literally trying to CRIMINALIZE support to any opposition to their being in power like petty dictators.

There will be hell to pay for these gross violations of justice once Biddum is impeached out of office and integrity is restored to both our law and media again.
Go shine your knob, creep.

Let me hit you over the head. What happened on January 6th was the counting of the electoral votes.
That's what they're investigating. How the count was delayed, who was behind the delay, and how to make laws that would protect the integrity of the process.

They're grandstanding at taxpayer expense.
Navarro has stated he's willing to do the year in jail if it means protecting the presidential right of confidence in his advisors. Just recall that next January, those subpoenas will be aimed at others and it will be THEIR TURN to decide how much they're willing to pay for privilege.
My guess will be that the corporate media will turn 180 and start leveling charges of hate against the Republicans while offering dozens of justifications on why the Republican committee has no authority to force subpoenas.

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