Trump White House adviser Peter Navarro Indicted On Contempt Charges For Defying Jan. 6 Panel, 2nd Trump aide to suffer this fate after Steve Bannon

Selective enforcement. The Democrat US Attorney in DC never went after Eric Holder who was found in contempt of Congress.
No, that was not it.

What happened is Republicans sued for the information Holder held back on presidential privilege claims.

It went to court. The final court ruled that Holder had to turn over the information, which he immediately did, upon the court ruling.

The judge in the case refused to charge Holder in contempt and said Congress critters jumped the gun on it, because the judge had not finished hearing the court case and a judicial decision had not been made Holder could legally sit on the info the critters wanted, until the court ruling was made.
When Republicans were blocked from picking their members the committee it immediately became illegitimate.
They weren't blocked. Three republicans were accepted, and two had a conflict of interest and should have recused themselves, so Pelosi, used the rules already established by Republicans in the last session of congress for Select Committees, which allows the Speaker, to reject member selection under certain rules.

SHE FOLLOWED THE same RULES, that republicans put in place when the House Select Committee on Benghazi/Hillary was chosen and formed.

McCarthy under the rules could pick 2 other Republicans for the two being rejected for their conflict of interest.

The committee is legit, and a court also ruled it was legit, and the DOJ has indicted those denying evidence or testimony as contempt of Congress, ignoring a legit committee's subpoenaes.
Did you read the Eastman memo. It laid out the VP using a power the Constitution doesn't grant, that would make the electoral count act unconstitutional.

Based on the memo (strategy) is why the insurrectionists chanted "Hang Mike Pence" to intimidate him into invoking the Eastman memo (page 3)
The Eastman memo contemplated a scenario also not in envisioned by the Constitution. An electoral theft. It would be rather absurd to claim that a theft should be allowed to succeed merely because the Framers had not contemplated every such possible scenario.

I believe my position has been stated many times. Maybe not to you. But again: I think the Vice President did the right thing in conformity with his oath. Absent ample proof of such an electoral theft, he did what he should have done.

But that doesn’t change the nature of Eastman’s memo. A legal analysis of possible actions needed to prevent the subversion of an election.
Laws to secure the capital in better ways, laws or rules to clarify the vice president's duties with counting the electoral votes, laws clarifying government employees not working on a campaign during working hours, protocols of when to put up the fence, or laws or rules to clarify who in law enforcement is in charge, and procedures for calling in the National guard quicker....
None of which address the subject matter or grant of investigatory power.
this pundit on CNN correctly predicted Peter was gonna be indicted

Yawn. And you clowns said Bannon was going to rot in jail for telling Cheney and the rest of the clowns to fuck off. This illegitimate “committee” has none of the power they think they do. Still nothing but fishing after all this time.
Sure it is!

McCarthy set it up, so he could make claims that it wasn't a legit committee, but we've been on to him and his machinations, from the get go of him calling off the bipartisan 9/11 type investigation committee, after he had gotten all the requests he equal members on the committee and equal subpoena power.....

Then McCarthy purposely sabotaged the House investigative committee by submitting Rep Jordan as a member when he KNEW that Jordan had a conflict of interest and would be called as a witness by the investigators....McCarthy KNEW Pelosi would reject Jordan and the other guy from the get go, before he submitted them for the committee, which would give him his second chance at pulling out, from a second investigation on what happened on 1/6.....

He planned all along, to call any investigation in to 1/6, illegitimate..... It's a Trumper M/O!

I said so on a post back in June of 2021 when McCarthy called off his participation....that THIS claim of calling the investigation a hoax, illegitimate was his plan!

And sure enough, it was....
And your actual proof of any of your wild imaginings is where?
The USSC granted cert, and then upheld the decision 8-1 of the DC Circuit.
Not exactly what happened. Do you really not know and are just making assumptions?

Here is a relevant piece of info:

Of the nine justices, only Clarence Thomas would have granted Trump's application for an injunction blocking the release of the records to the select committee, at least temporarily until the court could hear arguments in the case.
Wednesday's ruling by the Supreme Court did not determine the ultimate questions of whether and when a former president can obtain a court order blocking the release of records, despite an incumbent president saying they can be released.

The ruling noted that those questions are "unprecedented and raise serious and substantial concerns."
See, Supreme Court rejects Trump request to block release of records to January 6 committee

So, yet again, you distort what was done, meager. The decision allowed a lower court order to temporarily (at least) stand since I it declined to grant a requested restraining order. It did not make any ruling on the ultimate question.
I know. Trump and his Trumpsters all always the victim. He didn't do nuffin'.

Gosh. I feel so bad now!
Well moron, you and your fellow no education parrots have accused Trump of a lot of things over the last 6 years and utterly FAILED to prove any of your bullshit.
They weren't blocked. Three republicans were accepted, and two had a conflict of interest and should have recused themselves, so Pelosi, used the rules already established by Republicans in the last session of congress for Select Committees, which allows the Speaker, to reject member selection under certain rules.

SHE FOLLOWED THE same RULES, that republicans put in place when the House Select Committee on Benghazi/Hillary was chosen and formed.

McCarthy under the rules could pick 2 other Republicans for the two being rejected for their conflict of interest.

The committee is legit, and a court also ruled it was legit, and the DOJ has indicted those denying evidence or testimony as contempt of Congress, ignoring a legit committee's subpoenaes.
They weren't blocked.

You fucking idiot. Yes they were, by Piglosi

Piglosi is First on the list of having to recuse, and yet she hand picked every hack on this "Committee".
He got 3 months home detention and 3 years probation.
He broke no law. And if he did, then so has Maxine Waters, Chuckie Schumer and a whole host of other democrats to a far greater degree, which means he was discriminated against just for his political views, the very thing most valued and defended by the founders of this country to be protected!

It was because he was outside the capitol encouraging others to enter.
BS. He wasn't even on the side of the building where the action was.

They wanted to charge him with a felony, but negotiated it to a misdemeanor.
Yes, I've heard what really happened straight from him in a live interview. They framed him showing they were prepared to have a bunch of capitol police lie that he assaulted them knowing the DC-crowd would never question their testimony in order to cop a misdemeanor against him by pleading guilty to a lesser charge so the prosecutor can claim he "got one" for the bitch in the capitol, Nancy. Common legal tactic used by crooked lawyers.

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