Trump Will be Impeached

He's broken election laws by directing his lawyer to give hush money to Stormy Daniels weeks before the election

He was informed back in 2015 about the Russian willingness to establish "political synergy"

The Moscow Project

Flynn letting the Russians know that Trump would ease sanctions after the election

And that's just the quick cliff notes.

He's not gonna make it to 2020
He's broken election laws by directing his lawyer to give hush money to Stormy Daniels weeks before the election

He was informed back in 2015 about the Russian willingness to establish "political synergy"

The Moscow Project

Flynn letting the Russians know that Trump would ease sanctions after the election

And that's just the quick cliff notes.

He's not gonna make it to 2020
What is “political synergy?” Where are the legal crimes? You have none. Therefore it is a politically hack job. What are you waiting for? Quick cliff notes? I get it..your waiting for MSNBC and CNN to tell you what to think or say.
He's broken election laws by directing his lawyer to give hush money to Stormy Daniels weeks before the election

He was informed back in 2015 about the Russian willingness to establish "political synergy"

The Moscow Project

Flynn letting the Russians know that Trump would ease sanctions after the election

And that's just the quick cliff notes.

He's not gonna make it to 2020
He will be re-elected in 2020.
In order to smear him for history. Democrats have the House. Priority number one...get Trump! Glad they have their priorities straight. Budget process will come to a halt when they try to defund the Wall and ICE. Enjoy your two years in charge of House liberals.
What will happen if Democrats retake the House?
Senate holds the trial after House indictment. Trump is safe.

I don’t think so.

As much as you Trumpies want to huff and puff about the democrats priorities and your Senate majority..... Trump must be impeached. If this doesn’t happen, it sets a precedent that the President of the United States is above the law. Even you Trumpies can see the danger that sets and how un-American it is to have a criminal as a setting president. We’re not a banana republic and I don’t think the American people.... even Trump supporters, will stand having a criminal as president.

I think when push comes to shove.... and faced with incontrovertible evidence that is corroborated by numerous sources.....Senate republicans will shove his ass under a bus and vote to impeach.
He's broken election laws by directing his lawyer to give hush money to Stormy Daniels weeks before the election

He was informed back in 2015 about the Russian willingness to establish "political synergy"

The Moscow Project

Flynn letting the Russians know that Trump would ease sanctions after the election

And that's just the quick cliff notes.

He's not gonna make it to 2020
He will be re-elected in 2020.

He’ll be lucky if he avoids prison.
He's broken election laws by directing his lawyer to give hush money to Stormy Daniels weeks before the election

He was informed back in 2015 about the Russian willingness to establish "political synergy"

The Moscow Project

Flynn letting the Russians know that Trump would ease sanctions after the election

And that's just the quick cliff notes.

He's not gonna make it to 2020
What evidence do you have that he directed his lawyer to give hush money to cover-up Russian connections? He had his lawyer pay a whore (a woman who has sex for $$$) to shut her mouth about their sexcapades. Is that illegal? He paid for it out of his pocket...not campaign funds. Is that illegal? Nope and nope. Mueller balloon is coming to earth in a ball of flames and liberals are panicking.
Because your side loses a democratically held constitutional election does not give you the right to dash my vote and overturn it.

It is not our fault that you voted for a criminal
In order to smear him for history. Democrats have the House. Priority number one...get Trump! Glad they have their priorities straight. Budget process will come to a halt when they try to defund the Wall and ICE. Enjoy your two years in charge of House liberals.
What will happen if Democrats retake the House?
Senate holds the trial after House indictment. Trump is safe.

I don’t think so.

As much as you Trumpies want to huff and puff about the democrats priorities and your Senate majority..... Trump must be impeached. If this doesn’t happen, it sets a precedent that the President of the United States is above the law. Even you Trumpies can see the danger that sets and how un-American it is to have a criminal as a setting president. We’re not a banana republic and I don’t think the American people.... even Trump supporters, will stand having a criminal as president.

I think when push comes to shove.... and faced with incontrovertible evidence that is corroborated by numerous sources.....Senate republicans will shove his ass under a bus and vote to impeach.
How? How has he broke the law? Evidence? Put up or shut-up.

I wouldn’t worry about it.



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