Trump Will be Impeached

Apparently you don't know the republicans. They drew up articles of impeachment including:
Washington Establishment pieces of shite are not 'Republicans'.

Washington Establishment politicians have hated Trump from Day 1 because he represented a THREAT to them:
Trump was / is a non-Career Political Washington Establishment Insider - NOT one of them, NOT a member of 'the club'.

Trump was someone hand-picked by THE PEOPLE instead of by THEM, and the last thing they wanted was the American People thinking THEY could actually pick their candidates / representatives instead of having hand-picked GOP clowns marched in front of them and be told once again, 'Hold your nose and vote for this guy or the Democrat will win.'

The thought of losing control, of no longer being able to do to their base what the Democrats did to theirs in 2016 does not sit well with them....

...and the idea that a President picked by the PEOPLE succeeds and does better than any President in DECADES frightens them, the idea that people might think THEY are better at picking candidates than THEY are.... :p

NONE of it is about what is best for this COUNTRY! democrats / Washington Establishment's all self-party-serving BS!
The big news is that trump has the men on his side

And bigger news is this is increasing as people have time to think

And the more bigger news is that white males are increasing on trumps side

This proves trump had the real power to stop the treason that the media and democrats are doing

This will bring a wisdom test for voters so that the crooks cannot influence wrongly the voters
Apparently some Americans are not interested in making America great again?
This message is brought to you by the same people that said Trump would never be president
Trump could never turn the economy around. Obama said it would take a magic wand.
Manufacturing jobs are never coming back to the US.
China will never negotiate a new trade deal with us.
NAFTA will never be renegotiated.
The economy will never approach 3% GDP again.
1-2% is the new norm.
The Dirty Clinton-Putin-Russian Dossier was REAL!
Hillary in a Landslide!
So what is a high crime? It is something from England. Impeachment is not a criminal trial but a political process.

You would think a 'High CRIME' must include some CRIMINAL committing fraud, attempting to deceive a Judge / Jury with false testimony resulting in being stripped of your license to practice law, not beating a political opponent in an election.

That is, you would think that if you had forgotten completely about the Democrats.

Democrats have been fantasizing / having wet dreams about 'evening the score' with Republicans since the day Bill Clinton was Impeached. They know he will never be 'IMPEACHED' because it will not make it through the Senate - it's all about Impeaching him in the house, being willing to tear the nation apart to do that much even when they know it will go no further...and will NOT be based on any criminal activity involving non-existent illegal collusion with Russians.

This is about 'revenge' and 'hate', pure and simple.
On first hearing the phrase "high crimes and misdemeanors", many people probably think that it is just an 18th century way of saying “felonies and misdemeanors.” If this interpretation were correct, “high crimes and misdemeanors” would simply mean any crime. But this interpretation is mistaken.

The term today is rarely used except when referencing impeachment. However, the founders were well aware of what it meant. The convention adopted “high crimes and misdemeanors” with little discussion because most of the framers knew the phrase quite well. It had been used in the colonies for impeachment of judges and government officials and had been in use in England for hundreds of years.

Since 1386, the English parliament had used “high crimes and misdemeanors” as one of the grounds to impeach officials of the crown. Officials accused of “high crimes and misdemeanors” were accused of offenses as varied as misappropriating government funds, appointing unfit subordinates, not prosecuting cases, not spending money allocated by Parliament, promoting themselves ahead of more deserving candidates, threatening a grand jury, disobeying an order from Parliament, arresting a man to keep him from running for Parliament, losing a ship by neglecting to moor it, helping “suppress petitions to the King to call a Parliament,” granting warrants without cause, and bribery. Some of these charges were crimes. Others were not. The one common denominator in all these accusations was that the official had somehow abused the power of his office and was unfit to serve.

High Crimes and Misdemeanors - Constitutional Rights Foundation
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Apparently some Americans are not interested in making America great again?
That's because they know it's the greatest country on earth and they are certainly not going support a fascist that seeks to turn the clock back to a time that never actually existed.
Apparently some Americans are not interested in making America great again?
That's because they know it's the greatest country on earth and they are certainly not going support a fascist that seeks to turn the clock back to a time that never actually existed.
We finally have a strong President who isn't a mealy mouthed PC Globalist and that makes him a "Fascist"? No I don't think so.
Jury trials now will fall apart because of different sets of laws Juries will now try to correct this unequal Justice that the deep stste have brought

The illegal cover up of democrat and clintons crimes will make all the dominoes to fall to make wisdom tests for voters

Some of the dominoes that will fall will be jury trials. Juries will now say not guilty to many crimes since the elite has not been charged with treason

This then will bring chaos and the wise leaving the unwise voters bringing destruction to the democrat areas
So what is a high crime? It is something from England. Impeachment is not a criminal trial but a political process.

You would think a 'High CRIME' must include some CRIMINAL committing fraud, attempting to deceive a Judge / Jury with false testimony resulting in being stripped of your license to practice law, not beating a political opponent in an election.

That is, you would think that if you had forgotten completely about the Democrats.

Democrats have been fantasizing / having wet dreams about 'evening the score' with Republicans since the day Bill Clinton was Impeached. They know he will never be 'IMPEACHED' because it will not make it through the Senate - it's all about Impeaching him in the house, being willing to tear the nation apart to do that much even when they know it will go no further...and will NOT be based on any criminal activity involving non-existent illegal collusion with Russians.

This is about 'revenge' and 'hate', pure and simple.
On first hearing the phrase "high crimes and misdemeanors", many people probably think that it is just an 18th century way of saying “felonies and misdemeanors.” If this interpretation were correct, “high crimes and misdemeanors” would simply mean any crime. But this interpretation is mistaken.

The term today is rarely used except when referencing impeachment. However, the founders were well aware of what it meant. The convention adopted “high crimes and misdemeanors” with little discussion because most of the framers knew the phrase quite well. It had been used in the colonies for impeachment of judges and government officials and had been in use in England for hundreds of years.

Since 1386, the English parliament had used “high crimes and misdemeanors” as one of the grounds to impeach officials of the crown. Officials accused of “high crimes and misdemeanors” were accused of offenses as varied as misappropriating government funds, appointing unfit subordinates, not prosecuting cases, not spending money allocated by Parliament, promoting themselves ahead of more deserving candidates, threatening a grand jury, disobeying an order from Parliament, arresting a man to keep him from running for Parliament, losing a ship by neglecting to moor it, helping “suppress petitions to the King to call a Parliament,” granting warrants without cause, and bribery. Some of these charges were crimes. Others were not. The one common denominator in all these accusations was that the official had somehow abused the power of his office and was unfit to serve.

High Crimes and Misdemeanors - Constitutional Rights Foundation
So in other words, 44 should have been impeached a long time ago, Comey desereved to be fired, so did McCabe, and most of The Obama administration, DOJ and FBI appointees should have been fired and brought up on charges, and many of them should be prosecuted for criminal offenses.

BTW, Obama can still be impeached and should be. He should then face trial for all the things he did.








I've been asking you for an example of democratic hyper-partisanship and lying propaganda all day now and you just keep bullshiting.... Meanwhile, GOP voters believe all kinds of garbage about criminal Hillary and lying Obama without any actual evidence or any respected media or law enforcement agree ing. California is the victim of too much success too many people, GOP National immigration policy, and global warming. GOP voters live in a imaginary world of garbage propaganda the last 30 years.
I've been asking you for an example of democratic hyper-partisanship
and i gave you 2 monster examples didnt i?....look franco i get are not allowed to criticize the democrats i thought you were not that absorbed,guess i was wrong.....and if you believe California has no hyper-partisan also live in an imaginary world franco.....
How about a goddamn example? 70% of California representatives are democratic means absolutely nothing, just like your arguments...
do you know what hyper partisan means franco?...
Of course. Do you have an example of it from the Democrats? Like impeaching Clinton for a b******* after 5 years of witch Hunt? Pure obstruction of Obama even when he was trying Republican ideas?How about having a propaganda machine that is total garbage? Phony scandals pro Rich a****** lies etc etc. I get the feeling you don't know much about politics.
like i thought,you dont know what it means.....and you are doing everything you can to not adhere too what me and you were talking about...
Of course it means extremely partisan, to the point of lying and fighting everything the other party wants even when it's the same thing as you want, like Republicans do and Democrats don't, not to mention having a gigantic hate and character assassination propaganda machine, which the Republicans have and the Democrats don't.
Impeached for what exactly?

For not locking up Hillary like he promised for laundering money with her charity and for not locking up Hillary for using illegal e-mails that gave away top secret information about the government.
So what is a high crime? It is something from England. Impeachment is not a criminal trial but a political process.

You would think a 'High CRIME' must include some CRIMINAL committing fraud, attempting to deceive a Judge / Jury with false testimony resulting in being stripped of your license to practice law, not beating a political opponent in an election.

That is, you would think that if you had forgotten completely about the Democrats.

Democrats have been fantasizing / having wet dreams about 'evening the score' with Republicans since the day Bill Clinton was Impeached. They know he will never be 'IMPEACHED' because it will not make it through the Senate - it's all about Impeaching him in the house, being willing to tear the nation apart to do that much even when they know it will go no further...and will NOT be based on any criminal activity involving non-existent illegal collusion with Russians.

This is about 'revenge' and 'hate', pure and simple.
On first hearing the phrase "high crimes and misdemeanors", many people probably think that it is just an 18th century way of saying “felonies and misdemeanors.” If this interpretation were correct, “high crimes and misdemeanors” would simply mean any crime. But this interpretation is mistaken.

The term today is rarely used except when referencing impeachment. However, the founders were well aware of what it meant. The convention adopted “high crimes and misdemeanors” with little discussion because most of the framers knew the phrase quite well. It had been used in the colonies for impeachment of judges and government officials and had been in use in England for hundreds of years.

Since 1386, the English parliament had used “high crimes and misdemeanors” as one of the grounds to impeach officials of the crown. Officials accused of “high crimes and misdemeanors” were accused of offenses as varied as misappropriating government funds, appointing unfit subordinates, not prosecuting cases, not spending money allocated by Parliament, promoting themselves ahead of more deserving candidates, threatening a grand jury, disobeying an order from Parliament, arresting a man to keep him from running for Parliament, losing a ship by neglecting to moor it, helping “suppress petitions to the King to call a Parliament,” granting warrants without cause, and bribery. Some of these charges were crimes. Others were not. The one common denominator in all these accusations was that the official had somehow abused the power of his office and was unfit to serve.

High Crimes and Misdemeanors - Constitutional Rights Foundation
So in other words, 44 should have been impeached a long time ago, Comey desereved to be fired, so did McCabe, and most of The Obama administration, DOJ and FBI appointees should have been fired and brought up on charges, and many of them should be prosecuted for criminal offenses.

BTW, Obama can still be impeached and should be. He should then face trial for all the things he did.








everything Hillary the foundation and Obama etc etc ever did has been investigated and all they find is garbage GOP propaganda, super dupe. Questioning the integrity of our finest institutions is close to treason, conspiracy Nut Job. Bring back the fairness doctrine, Fox News primetime and Rush Limbaugh etc etc spew incredible garbage that wouldn't last a minute with five minutes of debate an hour.
So what is a high crime? It is something from England. Impeachment is not a criminal trial but a political process.

You would think a 'High CRIME' must include some CRIMINAL committing fraud, attempting to deceive a Judge / Jury with false testimony resulting in being stripped of your license to practice law, not beating a political opponent in an election.

That is, you would think that if you had forgotten completely about the Democrats.

Democrats have been fantasizing / having wet dreams about 'evening the score' with Republicans since the day Bill Clinton was Impeached. They know he will never be 'IMPEACHED' because it will not make it through the Senate - it's all about Impeaching him in the house, being willing to tear the nation apart to do that much even when they know it will go no further...and will NOT be based on any criminal activity involving non-existent illegal collusion with Russians.

This is about 'revenge' and 'hate', pure and simple.
On first hearing the phrase "high crimes and misdemeanors", many people probably think that it is just an 18th century way of saying “felonies and misdemeanors.” If this interpretation were correct, “high crimes and misdemeanors” would simply mean any crime. But this interpretation is mistaken.

The term today is rarely used except when referencing impeachment. However, the founders were well aware of what it meant. The convention adopted “high crimes and misdemeanors” with little discussion because most of the framers knew the phrase quite well. It had been used in the colonies for impeachment of judges and government officials and had been in use in England for hundreds of years.

Since 1386, the English parliament had used “high crimes and misdemeanors” as one of the grounds to impeach officials of the crown. Officials accused of “high crimes and misdemeanors” were accused of offenses as varied as misappropriating government funds, appointing unfit subordinates, not prosecuting cases, not spending money allocated by Parliament, promoting themselves ahead of more deserving candidates, threatening a grand jury, disobeying an order from Parliament, arresting a man to keep him from running for Parliament, losing a ship by neglecting to moor it, helping “suppress petitions to the King to call a Parliament,” granting warrants without cause, and bribery. Some of these charges were crimes. Others were not. The one common denominator in all these accusations was that the official had somehow abused the power of his office and was unfit to serve.

High Crimes and Misdemeanors - Constitutional Rights Foundation
So in other words, 44 should have been impeached a long time ago, Comey desereved to be fired, so did McCabe, and most of The Obama administration, DOJ and FBI appointees should have been fired and brought up on charges, and many of them should be prosecuted for criminal offenses.

BTW, Obama can still be impeached and should be. He should then face trial for all the things he did.








Your political spectrum is pure garbage propaganda and never existed before the book liberal fascism, which every respected media in the world says is pure drivel.
I've been asking you for an example of democratic hyper-partisanship
and i gave you 2 monster examples didnt i?....look franco i get are not allowed to criticize the democrats i thought you were not that absorbed,guess i was wrong.....and if you believe California has no hyper-partisan also live in an imaginary world franco.....
How about a goddamn example? 70% of California representatives are democratic means absolutely nothing, just like your arguments...
do you know what hyper partisan means franco?...
Of course. Do you have an example of it from the Democrats? Like impeaching Clinton for a b******* after 5 years of witch Hunt? Pure obstruction of Obama even when he was trying Republican ideas?How about having a propaganda machine that is total garbage? Phony scandals pro Rich a****** lies etc etc. I get the feeling you don't know much about politics.
like i thought,you dont know what it means.....and you are doing everything you can to not adhere too what me and you were talking about...
Of course it means extremely partisan, to the point of lying and fighting everything the other party wants even when it's the same thing as you want, like Republicans do and Democrats don't, not to mention having a gigantic hate and character assassination propaganda machine, which the Republicans have and the Democrats don't.
just as i to late....sorry franco i couldnt save you...they stuck a flag in your now have a butt flag..........
How about a goddamn example? 70% of California representatives are democratic means absolutely nothing, just like your arguments...
do you know what hyper partisan means franco?...
Of course. Do you have an example of it from the Democrats? Like impeaching Clinton for a b******* after 5 years of witch Hunt? Pure obstruction of Obama even when he was trying Republican ideas?How about having a propaganda machine that is total garbage? Phony scandals pro Rich a****** lies etc etc. I get the feeling you don't know much about politics.
like i thought,you dont know what it means.....and you are doing everything you can to not adhere too what me and you were talking about...
Of course it means extremely partisan, to the point of lying and fighting everything the other party wants even when it's the same thing as you want, like Republicans do and Democrats don't, not to mention having a gigantic hate and character assassination propaganda machine, which the Republicans have and the Democrats don't.
just as i to late....sorry franco i couldnt save you...they stuck a flag in your now have a butt flag..........
I'll be here if you want to discuss truth and facts... That's three days of total b******* and stupid insults from you.
Since trump has the men on his side he may do as president Andrew Jackson did. To ignore the Supreme Court and declare the govt broken and set up a new government where there is a wisdom test for voters

Without a wisdom test for voters crooks would be elected to destroy the nation

Trump has the men on his side and the white men in a landslide on his side. The group that has won all the wars
do you know what hyper partisan means franco?...
Of course. Do you have an example of it from the Democrats? Like impeaching Clinton for a b******* after 5 years of witch Hunt? Pure obstruction of Obama even when he was trying Republican ideas?How about having a propaganda machine that is total garbage? Phony scandals pro Rich a****** lies etc etc. I get the feeling you don't know much about politics.
like i thought,you dont know what it means.....and you are doing everything you can to not adhere too what me and you were talking about...
Of course it means extremely partisan, to the point of lying and fighting everything the other party wants even when it's the same thing as you want, like Republicans do and Democrats don't, not to mention having a gigantic hate and character assassination propaganda machine, which the Republicans have and the Democrats don't.
just as i to late....sorry franco i couldnt save you...they stuck a flag in your now have a butt flag..........
I'll be here if you want to discuss truth and facts... That's three days of total b******* and stupid insults from you.
franco the stupidest thing you have said democrats are hyper partisan...geezus....
Democrats (Leftists) seem to have a real problem with the process for criminal prosecution.

First, there has to be a "crime" (...high crimes and misdemeanors...), THEN you can start to think about prosecuting it.

It's not that complicated.

You do not have to prove a crime has been committed in order to impeach a President.

All you need is the political will to do so.

As for breaking laws, the best Mueller will be able to do is try to catch Trump in a lie of some sort.

Proving Russian collusion was never the goal.

As for the GOP in the Senate, I would not put it past them to go along with the House.
There is no legal definition of high crimes and misdemeanors. In other impeachments, high crimes and misdemeanors covered allegations of misconduct by officials, such as perjury under oath, abuse of authority, bribery, intimidation, misuse of assets, failure to supervise, dereliction of duty, unbecoming conduct, refusal to obey a lawful order, chronic intoxication, and tax evasion. In an impeachment trial there are no precedents as what is admissible or what constitutes sufficient proof. This is because an impeachment trial is a political process, not a legal process. Charges do not have to specify any federal statue but they often do. What constitutes abuse of authority, unbecoming conduct, misconduct, intimidation, etc is up to the Senators. Senators are the jury but Senators can give evidence or speeches in support or opposition to the accused. In an impeachment trial, you throw the law books out window and the only rules of importance are the Senate impeachment trial rules.

I dont think there will be much deliberation required if there is criminality.
What constitutes high crimes and misdemeanors will be what the Senate has to wrestle with if Mueller does not come up with evidence of violation of federal statutes.
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Of course. Do you have an example of it from the Democrats? Like impeaching Clinton for a b******* after 5 years of witch Hunt? Pure obstruction of Obama even when he was trying Republican ideas?How about having a propaganda machine that is total garbage? Phony scandals pro Rich a****** lies etc etc. I get the feeling you don't know much about politics.
like i thought,you dont know what it means.....and you are doing everything you can to not adhere too what me and you were talking about...
Of course it means extremely partisan, to the point of lying and fighting everything the other party wants even when it's the same thing as you want, like Republicans do and Democrats don't, not to mention having a gigantic hate and character assassination propaganda machine, which the Republicans have and the Democrats don't.
just as i to late....sorry franco i couldnt save you...they stuck a flag in your now have a butt flag..........
I'll be here if you want to discuss truth and facts... That's three days of total b******* and stupid insults from you.
franco the stupidest thing you have said democrats are hyper partisan...geezus....
And over three days you have not given a single example. It takes a democratic lie or propaganda meme to do it like I have given you so many republican ones. Pure obstruction under Obama, a million phony scandals about Hillary the foundation Obama the FBI holder Lerner, none of which go anywhere in the real world, never retracted and all still in the dupes memory as true. No one in any respected media around the world believes anything they do.... Certainly the fact that 70% of California Representatives are democratic doesn't show any such thing. Just stupid. And the Democrats went along with Republican Schwarzenegger when he was in. Ditto with w, HW, and Reagan. GOP has hasn't supported anyting the Democrats want since Reagan. They have their ridiculously low tax rates on the richest and that's all they care about as far as what needs to be voted on. reconciliation is a bad GOP joke.

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