Trump Will be Impeached

At any rate Democrats will only impeach if there is actual high crime and misdemeanor. They do not play nasty politics and pure character assassination propaganda.
Democrats (Leftists) seem to have a real problem with the process for criminal prosecution.

First, there has to be a "crime" (...high crimes and misdemeanors...), THEN you can start to think about prosecuting it.

It's not that complicated.
Democrats don’t care about the truth. Look what they did to Kavanaugh. They will impeach Trump because he beat Hillary and they hate him
Ford seemed to have a beef with him.already more evidence than you people have against Soros Hillary Obama holder all Democrats. No one in respected media or law enforcement agrees with any of it. You people are absolutely ridiculous.

You're becoming incoherent. Put the bong down.

Ford presented nothing that could be verified and those she said were witnesses wouldn't back her story, but the democrats went hyper-partisan anyway.
The witnesses were not called by GOP rules. How did they go hyper-partisan? And I am not talking about women, I'm talking about Democrat politicians.

I am too. They went hyper partisan when they freaked out and wouldn't apply any of the rules of justice to the case. They went all self righteous, then forgot it all when one of theirs was accused.

The witnesses signed depositions. You think they would have contradicted those? Face it, there just wasn't enough there to destroy Kavanaugh.
At any rate Democrats will only impeach if there is actual high crime and misdemeanor. They do not play nasty politics and pure character assassination propaganda.

Bwahahaha! Oh wait, you were being serious. Sorry, I didn't notice the short bus. is he a threat exactly?
The list is long and illustrious, but we can start with this...

This may be the scariest thing Donald Trump has said as president
Analysis by Chris Cillizza, CNN Editor-at-large
Updated 2:50 PM ET, Mon March 5, 2018

...Speaking about China's President Xi Jinping, who led the charge to repeal the country's term limits law last month, Trump said this:

"He's now president for life. President for life. No, he's great. And look, he was able to do that. I think it's great. Maybe we'll have to give that a shot some day."...
it's the same thing Obammy thought. they all think it. you're surprised? too fking funny. we have a congress dumb ass.
franco when was the last time you were in california?......AND you said...Republicans are ridiculously hyper-partisan...thats what i was commenting on...just as i dont know about the local politicians were you live,you know shit about the ones were i lived you dumb dupe....California did not get into some of the shit they have been going through because of good governance....
I've been asking you for an example of democratic hyper-partisanship and lying propaganda all day now and you just keep bullshiting.... Meanwhile, GOP voters believe all kinds of garbage about criminal Hillary and lying Obama without any actual evidence or any respected media or law enforcement agree ing. California is the victim of too much success too many people, GOP National immigration policy, and global warming. GOP voters live in a imaginary world of garbage propaganda the last 30 years.
I've been asking you for an example of democratic hyper-partisanship
and i gave you 2 monster examples didnt i?....look franco i get are not allowed to criticize the democrats i thought you were not that absorbed,guess i was wrong.....and if you believe California has no hyper-partisan also live in an imaginary world franco.....
How about a goddamn example? 70% of California representatives are democratic means absolutely nothing, just like your arguments...
do you know what hyper partisan means franco?...
Of course. Do you have an example of it from the Democrats? Like impeaching Clinton for a b******* after 5 years of witch Hunt? Pure obstruction of Obama even when he was trying Republican ideas?How about having a propaganda machine that is total garbage? Phony scandals pro Rich a****** lies etc etc. I get the feeling you don't know much about politics.
like i thought,you dont know what it means.....and you are doing everything you can to not adhere too what me and you were talking about...
In order to smear him for history...
In order to smear him for history remove a threat and embarrassment to The People and their Republic and their Constitution.

Evidence shows that President Barak Obama discovered in 2014 that the Russians were successfully running Counter-Intelligence Operations in the US using social media, were paying willing liberal groups to spread racial hatred and violence, were trying to hack the US power grid, and were trying to hack senior government official e-mails and did nothing about it, allowing it to continue for 2 years.

Evidence shows Barak Obama's criminal administration protected Hillary Clinton from being Indicted and charged with crimes that included Mishandling classified, Obstruction, and even Espionage while simultaneously running a treasonous conspiracy / coup against Donald Trump to prevent him from winning the election and to remove him from power if he did win.

Evidence shows In 2016 Hillary Clinton rigged primaries, cheated in debates, organized election fraud, and stole the earned Democratic party nomination - that she could not win - from Bernie Sanders...that she paid thugs to beat and bloody Americans - Trump supporters at Trump rallies...that she violated both Election and Campaign Finance laws...that she illegally colluded with and paid foreign spies and Russians for their help in trying to win the Presidential election....

The actions of the Democratic party, it's leaders, it's President, his Agency Directors, and the DNC's hand-picked felon candidate made the United States resemble some 3rd World Dictator Shthole country....

...and you accuse President Trump for 'embarrassing' the United States?

So what is a high crime? It is something from England. Impeachment is not a criminal trial but a political process.

You would think a 'High CRIME' must include some CRIMINAL committing fraud, attempting to deceive a Judge / Jury with false testimony resulting in being stripped of your license to practice law, not beating a political opponent in an election.

That is, you would think that if you had forgotten completely about the Democrats.

Democrats have been fantasizing / having wet dreams about 'evening the score' with Republicans since the day Bill Clinton was Impeached. They know he will never be 'IMPEACHED' because it will not make it through the Senate - it's all about Impeaching him in the house, being willing to tear the nation apart to do that much even when they know it will go no further...and will NOT be based on any criminal activity involving non-existent illegal collusion with Russians.

This is about 'revenge' and 'hate', pure and simple.
In any case the people of the United States should not have to tolerate a president like Trump. The founders gave America relief for our Trumps.
Remember who is on trumps side??

He has the men that means he has the power. And the men are increasingly moving to trumps side

The men will rise up and stop the unwise and crooked liberals before the nation is destroyed by them

I'm not sure if I should ridicule you. You seem like you might be special needs.

Maybe we just call you "Short bus".
Democrats (Leftists) seem to have a real problem with the process for criminal prosecution.

First, there has to be a "crime" (...high crimes and misdemeanors...), THEN you can start to think about prosecuting it.

It's not that complicated.

You do not have to prove a crime has been committed in order to impeach a President.

All you need is the political will to do so.

As for breaking laws, the best Mueller will be able to do is try to catch Trump in a lie of some sort.

Proving Russian collusion was never the goal.

As for the GOP in the Senate, I would not put it past them to go along with the House.
There is no legal definition of high crimes and misdemeanors. In other impeachments, high crimes and misdemeanors covered allegations of misconduct by officials, such as perjury under oath, abuse of authority, bribery, intimidation, misuse of assets, failure to supervise, dereliction of duty, unbecoming conduct, refusal to obey a lawful order, chronic intoxication, and tax evasion. In an impeachment trial there are no precedents as what is admissible or what constitutes sufficient proof. This is because an impeachment trial is a political process, not a legal process. Charges do not have to specify any federal statue but they often do. What constitutes abuse of authority, unbecoming conduct, misconduct, intimidation, etc is up to the Senators. Senators are the jury but Senators can give evidence or speeches in support or opposition to the accused. In an impeachment trial, you throw the law books out window and the only rules of importance are the Senate impeachment trial rules.

I dont think there will be much deliberation required if there is criminality.
In any case the people of the United States should not have to tolerate a president like Trump.
Nice Socialist, Dictatorial OPINION, snowflake.

I am heartbroken that you do not agree with or support our democratic process established within the Constitution, that the conspiracy / coup Obama / Hillary / Democrats attempted to prevent Trump from beating Hillary to become President did not work, and that you did not get the felon you preferred in the WH.

I would say, "In the immortal words of Barak Obama, 'If you don't like things the way they are WIN SOME ELECTIONS'", BUT your opportunity to still UNDO the 2016 election, to carry out the soft coup and replace the current legal President is not over yet.

The Democrats have the House and no doubt they will seek to Impeach the President based on the GUARANTEEED political hack job / assassination the Co-Conspirator head witch hunter will write (based off of zero evidence of criminal collusion with the Russians).

Buck up, little camper, your traitors still have a slim chance at succeeding in their treason / conspiracy.
You would think a 'High CRIME' must include some CRIMINAL committing fraud, attempting to deceive a Judge / Jury with false testimony resulting in being stripped of your license to practice law, not beating a political opponent in an election.

Apparently you don't know the republicans. They drew up articles of impeachment including:

  1. Making three speeches with intent to "attempt to bring into disgrace, ridicule, hatred, contempt and reproach, the Congress of the United States".
  2. Bringing disgrace and ridicule to the presidency by his aforementioned words and actions.
One of the charges against Johnson was that he yelled at the Congress. I think it was number 10?

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