Trump Will be Impeached

I don't think the House will take it up. I'm beginning to think though that Mueller may have so much in emails that he will actually indict not just Trump's campaign staff and kid, but Trump himself, and just let the courts decide if a potus can be indicted.

You are going to be crying when Mueller indicts half of Hillary's staff instead!

I'm just wondering is Mueller is actually been investigating that whole crew.

Sure hope so.

I am somewhat skeptical about that, but I do think Hillary and the Dems oughta be investigated over their conduct during the 2016 election just as vigorously as Trump has been. With particular attention to the Clinton Foundation and the dossier thing.

I tend to agree.

The Clinton Foundation is under investigatin right now and one indictment has already been handed down.

The dossier?? That was a completely fabricated bunch of crap that Hitlery and the DNC paid Steele for.

I'd also like to know why Obama's security and cyber people didn't report the hacking as they were aware of it and did nothing about it.

Its been suggested that McConell asked them to do nothing but I find that hard to believe. Barry was POTUS and he far outranked McConnell and something should have been done about the hacking.

Hell. The FBI told the DNC IT guy to be on the lookout for hacking and he did nothing either.

Some damned strange things went on before, during and after that election.
I don't think the House will take it up. I'm beginning to think though that Mueller may have so much in emails that he will actually indict not just Trump's campaign staff and kid, but Trump himself, and just let the courts decide if a potus can be indicted.

You are going to be crying when Mueller indicts half of Hillary's staff instead!
If that were to happen I would accept it completely.

I highly doubt it will though
I don't think the House will take it up. I'm beginning to think though that Mueller may have so much in emails that he will actually indict not just Trump's campaign staff and kid, but Trump himself, and just let the courts decide if a potus can be indicted.

You are going to be crying when Mueller indicts half of Hillary's staff instead!

I'm just wondering is Mueller is actually been investigating that whole crew.

Sure hope so.

I am somewhat skeptical about that, but I do think Hillary and the Dems oughta be investigated over their conduct during the 2016 election just as vigorously as Trump has been. With particular attention to the Clinton Foundation and the dossier thing.
I think the Foundation was investigated to death, and she got a pass, legally. I think in spirit she sold access to the SoS, and didn't vote for her. But she's pretty retired now. We don't generally imprison people who lost elections.
In order to smear him for history. Democrats have the House. Priority number one...get Trump! Glad they have their priorities straight. Budget process will come to a halt when they try to defund the Wall and ICE. Enjoy your two years in charge of House liberals.
What will happen if Democrats retake the House?
Senate holds the trial after House indictment. Trump is safe.
His name and republican scum will go down in infamy

He's not a N$%%^ it is impossible for him to hit rock bottom.
In order to smear him for history...
In order to smear him for history remove a threat and embarrassment to The People and their Republic and their Constitution.

President Trump will never be convicted and removed from office. The Republicans have a Senate majority. The House can impeach and the impeachment papers can see the bottom of the circular file if Sen. McConnell doesn't want to put it to a vote.

Or McConnell might put it to a vote. to get the leftists "on the record" on the issue.
In order to smear him for history. Democrats have the House. Priority number one...get Trump! Glad they have their priorities straight. Budget process will come to a halt when they try to defund the Wall and ICE. Enjoy your two years in charge of House liberals.
What will happen if Democrats retake the House?
Senate holds the trial after House indictment. Trump is safe.
Only Republicans are that Petty and hyper partisan. Unless the Democrats have more than gossip and a bj, a crime! Here's another secret for you super duper, they are for good government. Government helping people
Only Republicans are that Petty and hyper partisan
its a good thing you never lived in California franco......
Republicans are ridiculously hyper-partisan or should I say fox Rush and quite a few of their representatives in Congress. They have a whole different universe of alternate facts. A disgrace in short.
Republicans are ridiculously hyper-partisan
and Democrats are just a bunch of Moderates?...come on franco....
Democrats are pragmatic centrist in the world view dot-dot. Republicans are scumbags Liars and dupes, many Independents and even Democrats are also duped by the gigantic GOP BS propaganda machine. Like you's more than overdue for Democrats and journalists around the world to call out Fox Rush etc etc. The rich do not pay enough in taxes, Democrats are not corrupt or criminals until they are found guilty of something, saying any different undermines our country's institutions... And are conspiracy theories without evidence.the dupes go on about due process but I've already convicted Hillary Soros Obama holder learner Etc of crimes that have been totally discredited in the real world.
In order to smear him for history. Democrats have the House. Priority number one...get Trump! Glad they have their priorities straight. Budget process will come to a halt when they try to defund the Wall and ICE. Enjoy your two years in charge of House liberals.
What will happen if Democrats retake the House?
Senate holds the trial after House indictment. Trump is safe.
Only Republicans are that Petty and hyper partisan. Unless the Democrats have more than gossip and a bj, a crime! Here's another secret for you super duper, they are for good government. Government helping people
Only Republicans are that Petty and hyper partisan
its a good thing you never lived in California franco......
franco if you dont think there are hyper partisan lefties in California....than you aint as smart as you think you are,or you are being stifled by that party you love....
Cut the b******* and give me some examples...
In order to smear him for history...
In order to smear him for history remove a threat and embarrassment to The People and their Republic and their Constitution.

President Trump will never be convicted and removed from office. The Republicans have a Senate majority. The House can impeach and the impeachment papers can see the bottom of the circular file if Sen. McConnell doesn't want to put it to a vote.

Or McConnell might put it to a vote. to get the leftists "on the record" on the issue.
Wait until Mueller's report comes out for crying out loud, super duper dupe.
If they do go through with this, it would be a very bad move for the Democrats.

Which is why they will probably do it.

Sometimes, the only thing that makes me more nauseated than Republicans............. is Democrats.
Sometimes, the only thing that makes me more nauseated than Republicans............. is Democrats.
nice one candy....thats true for many and im sure many on the right say the same only with the parties switching places...sometimes you fly with your own wings....

Just a case in point to illustrate what I mean; their nomination of Pelosi yet again to be speaker. Its totally lost on them how many good people in the ideological center detest her brand of liberalism as much as they detest Ted Cruz’s brand of conservatism.
Examples of pelosi's horrible ideas?all democrats should go full out on the amount of garbage spewing from the GOP propaganda machine that have no basis in fact...
In order to smear him for history...
In order to smear him for history remove a threat and embarrassment to The People and their Republic and their Constitution.

President Trump will never be convicted and removed from office. The Republicans have a Senate majority. The House can impeach and the impeachment papers can see the bottom of the circular file if Sen. McConnell doesn't want to put it to a vote.

Or McConnell might put it to a vote. to get the leftists "on the record" on the issue.
Wait until Mueller's report comes out for crying out loud, super duper dupe.

If there was anything bad in Mueller's report, it would have been released in October for the surprise factor.

Mueller is a good soldier for the far left, he would know what to do.

My expectation is that Mueller's report will be sent in January 2025
I hope he is not impeached. However, if Mueller's report exposes enough crimes, there will be no choice but to impeach him. No president should ever be impeached unless there is no other choice.

Pretty good post....but I expect they can fabricate all the crimes they want. We ALL break laws and rules. It's actually impossible NOT you know ALL the laws and every facet of those laws? I'd bet you your party affiliation you (like everyone else) breaks at least one or two laws every day. Even criminal. You just aren't aware of it and no one caught you (or cared).
We are indeed a "Regulation nation".

As far as "crimes"....never heard of an innocent man going to prison? Happens ALL the time.

Impeachment can't be for some tiny infraction. It is only for major crimes. It would take an unethical partisan idiot to impeach over something silly, like a blowjob or some other tiny thing like that.

Thank goodness we never did that. That would be bad.
In order to smear him for history...
In order to smear him for history remove a threat and embarrassment to The People and their Republic and their Constitution.

President Trump will never be convicted and removed from office. The Republicans have a Senate majority. The House can impeach and the impeachment papers can see the bottom of the circular file if Sen. McConnell doesn't want to put it to a vote.

Or McConnell might put it to a vote. to get the leftists "on the record" on the issue.
Wait until Mueller's report comes out for crying out loud, super duper dupe.

If there was anything bad in Mueller's report, it would have been released in October for the surprise factor.

Mueller is a good soldier for the far left, he would know what to do.

My expectation is that Mueller's report will be sent in January 2025
Horse patoot, Mueller has leaked absolutely nothing and all protocol says law enforcement should not report just before an election. Only James Comey is such a stupid ass hole.
If there was anything bad in Mueller's report, it would have been released in October for the surprise factor.

You're projecting scummy Republican tactics on Mueller...who is neither scummy nor "far left"
Impeachment can't be for some tiny infraction. It is only for major crimes. It would take an unethical partisan idiot to impeach over something silly, like a blowjob or some other tiny thing like that.

There's that
In order to smear him for history. Democrats have the House. Priority number one...get Trump! Glad they have their priorities straight. Budget process will come to a halt when they try to defund the Wall and ICE. Enjoy your two years in charge of House liberals.
What will happen if Democrats retake the House?
Senate holds the trial after House indictment. Trump is safe.
Only Republicans are that Petty and hyper partisan. Unless the Democrats have more than gossip and a bj, a crime! Here's another secret for you super duper, they are for good government. Government helping people
Only Republicans are that Petty and hyper partisan
its a good thing you never lived in California franco......
Republicans are ridiculously hyper-partisan or should I say fox Rush and quite a few of their representatives in Congress. They have a whole different universe of alternate facts. A disgrace in short.
Republicans are ridiculously hyper-partisan
and Democrats are just a bunch of Moderates?...come on franco....
Democrats are pragmatic centrist in the world view dot-dot. Republicans are scumbags Liars and dupes, many Independents and even Democrats are also duped by the gigantic GOP BS propaganda machine. Like you's more than overdue for Democrats and journalists around the world to call out Fox Rush etc etc. The rich do not pay enough in taxes, Democrats are not corrupt or criminals until they are found guilty of something, saying any different undermines our country's institutions... And are conspiracy theories without evidence.the dupes go on about due process but I've already convicted Hillary Soros Obama holder learner Etc of crimes that have been totally discredited in the real world.
In order to smear him for history. Democrats have the House. Priority number one...get Trump! Glad they have their priorities straight. Budget process will come to a halt when they try to defund the Wall and ICE. Enjoy your two years in charge of House liberals.
What will happen if Democrats retake the House?
Senate holds the trial after House indictment. Trump is safe.
Only Republicans are that Petty and hyper partisan. Unless the Democrats have more than gossip and a bj, a crime! Here's another secret for you super duper, they are for good government. Government helping people
Only Republicans are that Petty and hyper partisan
its a good thing you never lived in California franco......
franco if you dont think there are hyper partisan lefties in California....than you aint as smart as you think you are,or you are being stifled by that party you love....
Cut the b******* and give me some examples...
how about 70% of the fucking about the majority of the State legislature....geezus franco quit playing that good little democrat and wake the fuck up....
Only Republicans are that Petty and hyper partisan. Unless the Democrats have more than gossip and a bj, a crime! Here's another secret for you super duper, they are for good government. Government helping people
Only Republicans are that Petty and hyper partisan
its a good thing you never lived in California franco......
Republicans are ridiculously hyper-partisan or should I say fox Rush and quite a few of their representatives in Congress. They have a whole different universe of alternate facts. A disgrace in short.
Republicans are ridiculously hyper-partisan
and Democrats are just a bunch of Moderates?...come on franco....
Democrats are pragmatic centrist in the world view dot-dot. Republicans are scumbags Liars and dupes, many Independents and even Democrats are also duped by the gigantic GOP BS propaganda machine. Like you's more than overdue for Democrats and journalists around the world to call out Fox Rush etc etc. The rich do not pay enough in taxes, Democrats are not corrupt or criminals until they are found guilty of something, saying any different undermines our country's institutions... And are conspiracy theories without evidence.the dupes go on about due process but I've already convicted Hillary Soros Obama holder learner Etc of crimes that have been totally discredited in the real world.
Only Republicans are that Petty and hyper partisan. Unless the Democrats have more than gossip and a bj, a crime! Here's another secret for you super duper, they are for good government. Government helping people
Only Republicans are that Petty and hyper partisan
its a good thing you never lived in California franco......
franco if you dont think there are hyper partisan lefties in California....than you aint as smart as you think you are,or you are being stifled by that party you love....
Cut the b******* and give me some examples...
how about 70% of the fucking about the majority of the State legislature....geezus franco quit playing that good little democrat and wake the fuck up....
What about 70% of California? How about an example of California Democrats lying and going totally overboard hyper-partisan policy? California's problem is too many damn people too much success, our national policy of no good national ID card thank you GOP, + global warming which Republicans refuse to acknowledge, only party in the world that believes that as well as all kinds of other garbage propaganda...
Only Republicans are that Petty and hyper partisan
its a good thing you never lived in California franco......
Republicans are ridiculously hyper-partisan or should I say fox Rush and quite a few of their representatives in Congress. They have a whole different universe of alternate facts. A disgrace in short.
Republicans are ridiculously hyper-partisan
and Democrats are just a bunch of Moderates?...come on franco....
Democrats are pragmatic centrist in the world view dot-dot. Republicans are scumbags Liars and dupes, many Independents and even Democrats are also duped by the gigantic GOP BS propaganda machine. Like you's more than overdue for Democrats and journalists around the world to call out Fox Rush etc etc. The rich do not pay enough in taxes, Democrats are not corrupt or criminals until they are found guilty of something, saying any different undermines our country's institutions... And are conspiracy theories without evidence.the dupes go on about due process but I've already convicted Hillary Soros Obama holder learner Etc of crimes that have been totally discredited in the real world.
Only Republicans are that Petty and hyper partisan
its a good thing you never lived in California franco......
franco if you dont think there are hyper partisan lefties in California....than you aint as smart as you think you are,or you are being stifled by that party you love....
Cut the b******* and give me some examples...
how about 70% of the fucking about the majority of the State legislature....geezus franco quit playing that good little democrat and wake the fuck up....
What about 70% of California? How about an example of California Democrats lying and going totally overboard hyper-partisan policy? California's problem is too many damn people too much success, our national policy of no good national ID card thank you GOP, + global warming which Republicans refuse to acknowledge, only party in the world that believes that as well as all kinds of other garbage propaganda...
franco when was the last time you were in california?......AND you said...Republicans are ridiculously hyper-partisan...thats what i was commenting on...just as i dont know about the local politicians were you live,you know shit about the ones were i lived you dumb dupe....California did not get into some of the shit they have been going through because of good governance....
Republicans are ridiculously hyper-partisan or should I say fox Rush and quite a few of their representatives in Congress. They have a whole different universe of alternate facts. A disgrace in short.
Republicans are ridiculously hyper-partisan
and Democrats are just a bunch of Moderates?...come on franco....
Democrats are pragmatic centrist in the world view dot-dot. Republicans are scumbags Liars and dupes, many Independents and even Democrats are also duped by the gigantic GOP BS propaganda machine. Like you's more than overdue for Democrats and journalists around the world to call out Fox Rush etc etc. The rich do not pay enough in taxes, Democrats are not corrupt or criminals until they are found guilty of something, saying any different undermines our country's institutions... And are conspiracy theories without evidence.the dupes go on about due process but I've already convicted Hillary Soros Obama holder learner Etc of crimes that have been totally discredited in the real world.
franco if you dont think there are hyper partisan lefties in California....than you aint as smart as you think you are,or you are being stifled by that party you love....
Cut the b******* and give me some examples...
how about 70% of the fucking about the majority of the State legislature....geezus franco quit playing that good little democrat and wake the fuck up....
What about 70% of California? How about an example of California Democrats lying and going totally overboard hyper-partisan policy? California's problem is too many damn people too much success, our national policy of no good national ID card thank you GOP, + global warming which Republicans refuse to acknowledge, only party in the world that believes that as well as all kinds of other garbage propaganda...
franco when was the last time you were in california?......AND you said...Republicans are ridiculously hyper-partisan...thats what i was commenting on...just as i dont know about the local politicians were you live,you know shit about the ones were i lived you dumb dupe....California did not get into some of the shit they have been going through because of good governance....
I've been asking you for an example of democratic hyper-partisanship and lying propaganda all day now and you just keep bullshiting.... Meanwhile, GOP voters believe all kinds of garbage about criminal Hillary and lying Obama without any actual evidence or any respected media or law enforcement agree ing. California is the victim of too much success too many people, GOP National immigration policy, and global warming. GOP voters live in a imaginary world of garbage propaganda the last 30 years.
No, the Dems will not make the bonehead change that the GOP made with Bill Clinton. They will make lifer miserable for the orange king. But I don't see Impeachment....yet. If Mueller's report is as many think it is....then the Dems may consider it. Let's see, conspiracy with a foreign government, money laundering, obstruction of justice, abuse of power, and just being the dumbest SOB in Washington is a good start.
Only Republicans are that Petty and hyper partisan. Unless the Democrats have more than gossip and a bj, a crime! Here's another secret for you super duper, they are for good government. Government helping people
Only Republicans are that Petty and hyper partisan
its a good thing you never lived in California franco......
Republicans are ridiculously hyper-partisan or should I say fox Rush and quite a few of their representatives in Congress. They have a whole different universe of alternate facts. A disgrace in short.
Republicans are ridiculously hyper-partisan
and Democrats are just a bunch of Moderates?...come on franco....
Democrats are pragmatic centrist in the world view dot-dot. Republicans are scumbags Liars and dupes, many Independents and even Democrats are also duped by the gigantic GOP BS propaganda machine. Like you's more than overdue for Democrats and journalists around the world to call out Fox Rush etc etc. The rich do not pay enough in taxes, Democrats are not corrupt or criminals until they are found guilty of something, saying any different undermines our country's institutions... And are conspiracy theories without evidence.the dupes go on about due process but I've already convicted Hillary Soros Obama holder learner Etc of crimes that have been totally discredited in the real world.
Only Republicans are that Petty and hyper partisan. Unless the Democrats have more than gossip and a bj, a crime! Here's another secret for you super duper, they are for good government. Government helping people
Only Republicans are that Petty and hyper partisan
its a good thing you never lived in California franco......
franco if you dont think there are hyper partisan lefties in California....than you aint as smart as you think you are,or you are being stifled by that party you love....
Cut the b******* and give me some examples...
how about 70% of the fucking about the majority of the State legislature....geezus franco quit playing that good little democrat and wake the fuck up....
In 2016 when Trump beat Billary cabal I lived after midnight and rocked til the dawn!

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