Trump Will be Impeached

In order to smear him for history. Democrats have the House. Priority number one...get Trump! Glad they have their priorities straight. Budget process will come to a halt when they try to defund the Wall and ICE. Enjoy your two years in charge of House liberals.
What will happen if Democrats retake the House?
Senate holds the trial after House indictment. Trump is safe.

Funny. Unlike when NaziCon Teanderthals impeached Clinton for BJs while they totally ignored Osama bin Laden and everything else - Democrats can walk and chew gum at the same time - meaning that they can pursue legislation while investigating Trump at the same time.
clinton wasn’t impeached because he had oral sex, nobody cares, he lied about it while under oath during a trial. That’s why he was impeached. If sex was an impeachable act kennedy wouldn’t have been President long enougt to be assinated.
Clinton was impeached for a blowjob

Lying about a blowjob is the same thing
It is not just that Trump ignores his legal advice but his lawyers do not seem to be setting up an effective legal firewall
Trump's fire wall is The Turtle, who's bet everything on getting a sixth Justice seat. Trump's not going anywhere.

And the dems would be much better off passing a House bill restoring deductions for state and local taxes and cutting taxes for the 75-120K folks, and make McConnell deep six that.

But how much water can McConnell carry?

Stormy Daniels is no big deal. But once Mueller drops the whole package, even Mitch can’t hide
He only needs 39 senators who fear they'd be primaried if they voted to convict.
Can he find 39 cowardly Senators?
He will find common sense in the Senate. Anyone who would vote to impeach Trump does not believe in our democratic process.
Let’s see Muellers findings first

The Senate May have no choice
he needs to spend the rest of his life behind bars for being a russian asset. if this were during a declared war, (it is a cyber war that russia is conducting) then trump would be charged with treason & hung if found guilty, like benedict arnold.
Then fucking impeach him now. You have the House Majority so impeach him. The Senate will overturn it just like they did with Bill Clinton. Then we can get back to focusing on what matters and not this childish Democrat/Media obsession with Impeaching Trump.
Then fucking impeach him now. You have the House Majority so impeach him. The Senate will overturn it just like they did with Bill Clinton. Then we can get back to focusing on what matters and not this childish Democrat/Media obsession with Impeaching Trump.
We first need Mueller report to also expose the crime of congressional GOP leadership.
Many people probably think that "High Crimes and Misdemeanors" is just an 18th century way of saying “felonies and misdemeanors.” But this interpretation is mistaken.

The term does go back to English law and was used to remove officials in colonies. In fact it was a fairly common term in 18 the century. Most of the framers of the constitution knew the phrase well.

Officials accused of “high crimes and misdemeanors” were accused of offenses as varied as misappropriating government funds, appointing unfit subordinates, not prosecuting cases, not spending money allocated by Parliament, promoting themselves ahead of more deserving candidates, threatening a grand jury, disobeying an order from Parliament, arresting a man to keep him from running for Parliament, losing a ship by neglecting to moor it, helping “suppress petitions to the King to call a Parliament,” granting warrants without cause, and bribery. Some of these charges were crimes. Others were not. The one common denominator in all these accusations was that the official had somehow abused the power of his office and was unfit to serve.

High Crimes and Misdemeanors - Constitutional Rights Foundation
All go to subverting the office to which elected. I'm not sure about the context of "appointing unfit subordinates." "Unfit" is an ambiguous or broad adjective. We can argue about judges we don't like, but qualifications are a more objective standard, for example. But the link also indicates that whatever wrong the person being impeached has done is so sever that it cannot wait to be addressed until another election. I think that's correct. One test I've seen is that the infraction itself must result in the official being made incapable of carrying out his/her duty.
It is clear from the link, that the founders were far from being united on the issue of impeachment or the grounds for impeachment. I think the term high crimes and misdemeanors was a catch all used to define a multitude offenses some legal infractions and some not.

When a president faces the strong possibility of impeachment he begins to loose support from his own party making it difficult to carry out the duties of his office. Trump was never the choice of the leadership within his party. They only begrudgingly gave him their support after it was clear he would be nominated. I suspect much of his support in congress would disappear upon passage of a bill of impeachment.

You expect more from the "spineless" Republicans than I do...
I don't think it would take a lot for republicans in congress to turn on Trump. They never liked him but had no choice but to support him once he was nominated. If you noticed, a lot of them are starting to distance themselves from him.
Republicans want Trump to nominate Conservative judges

They will milk that cow as long as they can
Yes, controlling the courts is of primary importance to republicans in the 21st century because they see that they are going to be winning fewer and fewer national elections as minorities become the majority. What they should be doing is moderating their rather racist xenophobic philosophies to become more inclusive as oppose to exclusive but that doesn't seem to be in the cards.
Trump's fire wall is The Turtle, who's bet everything on getting a sixth Justice seat. Trump's not going anywhere.

And the dems would be much better off passing a House bill restoring deductions for state and local taxes and cutting taxes for the 75-120K folks, and make McConnell deep six that.

But how much water can McConnell carry?

Stormy Daniels is no big deal. But once Mueller drops the whole package, even Mitch can’t hide
He only needs 39 senators who fear they'd be primaried if they voted to convict.
Can he find 39 cowardly Senators?
He will find common sense in the Senate. Anyone who would vote to impeach Trump does not believe in our democratic process.
Let’s see Muellers findings first

The Senate May have no choice
Gee...when are they going to be released? 2025? Stop wasting my taxpayer dollars and let’s get this thing out there. We will find...although liberal media will play it up as a crime...nothing of illegal substance happened.
If Socialist/ Democrats want to overturn millions of people’s votes and steal an election and thus silence the voice of the people, they will have a Constitutional crisis on their hands only comparable by the Civil War. You will have bloodshed in this country. I’m 100% serious for all you inner city liberals who are delusional. The people won’t stand for Trump impeachment. You leftist are fucking nuts.
Then fucking impeach him now. You have the House Majority so impeach him. The Senate will overturn it just like they did with Bill Clinton. Then we can get back to focusing on what matters and not this childish Democrat/Media obsession with Impeaching Trump.
The Senate did not overturn the Clinton impeachment. They did not find him guilty but the bill of impeachment remained and Clinton became the second president to be impeached.

Each day it seems more likely that the House will pass a bill of impeachment against Trump. The Mueller investigation still has a long way to go. There are 16 people close to Trump who have had contacts with the Russian during the campaign and most of them have not been interviewed. If any of those people reveal that Trump had any knowledge and in any way coordinated activities or deals, his goose is cooked.

People tend to dismiss the obstruction charge against Trump because there was little court activity, few leaks, and no indictments. However, it is quite possible that Mueller got all the evidence he needed for an obstruction charge against Trump so he moved on.

Trump is not a person to sit by and just watch things happen. He is proactive. He would jump in with both feet, to hinder an investigation against him, get help winning the election even its from the Russians, and certainly ignore elections laws. He compares them peanuts. This is exactly why he got elected, his supporters expect bold action even it means violating a few laws. In other words, the end justifies the means in the Trump camp.
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All go to subverting the office to which elected. I'm not sure about the context of "appointing unfit subordinates." "Unfit" is an ambiguous or broad adjective. We can argue about judges we don't like, but qualifications are a more objective standard, for example. But the link also indicates that whatever wrong the person being impeached has done is so sever that it cannot wait to be addressed until another election. I think that's correct. One test I've seen is that the infraction itself must result in the official being made incapable of carrying out his/her duty.
It is clear from the link, that the founders were far from being united on the issue of impeachment or the grounds for impeachment. I think the term high crimes and misdemeanors was a catch all used to define a multitude offenses some legal infractions and some not.

When a president faces the strong possibility of impeachment he begins to loose support from his own party making it difficult to carry out the duties of his office. Trump was never the choice of the leadership within his party. They only begrudgingly gave him their support after it was clear he would be nominated. I suspect much of his support in congress would disappear upon passage of a bill of impeachment.

You expect more from the "spineless" Republicans than I do...
I don't think it would take a lot for republicans in congress to turn on Trump. They never liked him but had no choice but to support him once he was nominated. If you noticed, a lot of them are starting to distance themselves from him.
Republicans want Trump to nominate Conservative judges

They will milk that cow as long as they can
Yes, controlling the courts is of primary importance to republicans in the 21st century because they see that they are going to be winning fewer and fewer national elections as minorities become the majority. What they should be doing is moderating their rather racist xenophobic philosophies to become more inclusive as oppose to exclusive but that doesn't seem to be in the cards.
Republicans know they will be a minor party in the future
Their gerrymandering and ability to win the electoral college will be gone

By stacking the courts with conservatives they can overturn Democratic laws with challenges over petty issues

More ruling from the minority
Then fucking impeach him now. You have the House Majority so impeach him. The Senate will overturn it just like they did with Bill Clinton. Then we can get back to focusing on what matters and not this childish Democrat/Media obsession with Impeaching Trump.
The Senate did not overturn the Clinton impeachment. They did not find him guilty but the bill of impeachment remained and Clinton became the second president to be impeached.

Each day it seems more likely that the House will pass a bill of impeachment against Trump. The Mueller investigation has a long way to go. There are 16 people close to Trump who have had contacts with the Russian during the campaign and most of them have not been interviewed. If any of those people reveal that Trump had any knowledge and in any way coordinated activities are deals, his goose is cooked.

People tend to dismiss the obstruction charge against Trump because there was little court activity, few leaks, and no indictments. However, it is quite possible that Mueller got all the evidence he need for an obstruction charge against Trump so he moved on.

I think there is a good chance that Mueller is going to accuse Trump of election law violations, colluding with the Russian, obstruction of justice, and possibly other charges we have yet to hear hear about.
Had business contacts. Is that against the law? These contacts were before Trump announcement that he would seek Presidency. Is that against the Law? Obstruction of justice? Your main witness is a worm like Cohen? Whatever. It’s all about overturning election 2016. That simple. The people won’t stand for it.
Then fucking impeach him now. You have the House Majority so impeach him. The Senate will overturn it just like they did with Bill Clinton. Then we can get back to focusing on what matters and not this childish Democrat/Media obsession with Impeaching Trump.
The Senate did not overturn the Clinton impeachment. They did not find him guilty but the bill of impeachment remained and Clinton became the second president to be impeached.

Each day it seems more likely that the House will pass a bill of impeachment against Trump. The Mueller investigation still has a long way to go. There are 16 people close to Trump who have had contacts with the Russian during the campaign and most of them have not been interviewed. If any of those people reveal that Trump had any knowledge and in any way coordinated activities or deals, his goose is cooked.

People tend to dismiss the obstruction charge against Trump because there was little court activity, few leaks, and no indictments. However, it is quite possible that Mueller got all the evidence he needed for an obstruction charge against Trump so he moved on.

Trump is not a person to sit by and just watch things happen. He is proactive. He would jump in with both feet, to hinder an investigation against him, get help winning the election even its from the Russians, and certainly ignore elections laws. He compares them peanuts. This is exactly why he got elected, his supporters expect bold action even it means violating a few laws. In other words, the end justifies the means in the Trump camp.
Are you really that partisan and delusional to think that Russia and Putin won the election for Trump? Hillary was a shit worthless candidate who traveled through Rust Belt telling people how she would lose them more jobs. Clinton impeachment was idiotic and this is even worse.
It is clear from the link, that the founders were far from being united on the issue of impeachment or the grounds for impeachment. I think the term high crimes and misdemeanors was a catch all used to define a multitude offenses some legal infractions and some not.

When a president faces the strong possibility of impeachment he begins to loose support from his own party making it difficult to carry out the duties of his office. Trump was never the choice of the leadership within his party. They only begrudgingly gave him their support after it was clear he would be nominated. I suspect much of his support in congress would disappear upon passage of a bill of impeachment.

You expect more from the "spineless" Republicans than I do...
I don't think it would take a lot for republicans in congress to turn on Trump. They never liked him but had no choice but to support him once he was nominated. If you noticed, a lot of them are starting to distance themselves from him.
Republicans want Trump to nominate Conservative judges

They will milk that cow as long as they can
Yes, controlling the courts is of primary importance to republicans in the 21st century because they see that they are going to be winning fewer and fewer national elections as minorities become the majority. What they should be doing is moderating their rather racist xenophobic philosophies to become more inclusive as oppose to exclusive but that doesn't seem to be in the cards.
Republicans know they will be a minor party in the future
Their gerrymandering and ability to win the electoral college will be gone

By stacking the courts with conservatives they can overturn Democratic laws with challenges over petty issues

More ruling from the minority

In the future? When would that be, when you let in another 20 M illegals and let them vote?
You people that want to to usurp the Constitution are delusional in your little world of the View, MSNBC, CNN, and your café lattes. Don’t do this thing. It will split the nation and it will be violent. Our military will be split. Trump is popular with the vast majority of military personnel. You better believe this shit.
"His actions"? What the hell is going on in the minds of the incoherent left? Trump's "actions" brought stability to the economic market with the DOW hovering around 25,000 and unemployment in the negative zone. So what are the "actions" the radical left are so concerned about? After almost two years of an "independent" investigation it seems that President Trump has been cleared of any alleged collusion charges.
It is clear from the link, that the founders were far from being united on the issue of impeachment or the grounds for impeachment. I think the term high crimes and misdemeanors was a catch all used to define a multitude offenses some legal infractions and some not.

When a president faces the strong possibility of impeachment he begins to loose support from his own party making it difficult to carry out the duties of his office. Trump was never the choice of the leadership within his party. They only begrudgingly gave him their support after it was clear he would be nominated. I suspect much of his support in congress would disappear upon passage of a bill of impeachment.

You expect more from the "spineless" Republicans than I do...
I don't think it would take a lot for republicans in congress to turn on Trump. They never liked him but had no choice but to support him once he was nominated. If you noticed, a lot of them are starting to distance themselves from him.
Republicans want Trump to nominate Conservative judges

They will milk that cow as long as they can
Yes, controlling the courts is of primary importance to republicans in the 21st century because they see that they are going to be winning fewer and fewer national elections as minorities become the majority. What they should be doing is moderating their rather racist xenophobic philosophies to become more inclusive as oppose to exclusive but that doesn't seem to be in the cards.
Republicans know they will be a minor party in the future
Their gerrymandering and ability to win the electoral college will be gone

By stacking the courts with conservatives they can overturn Democratic laws with challenges over petty issues

More ruling from the minority
They control 2/3rds of the state legislatures. They draw up districts.
You expect more from the "spineless" Republicans than I do...
I don't think it would take a lot for republicans in congress to turn on Trump. They never liked him but had no choice but to support him once he was nominated. If you noticed, a lot of them are starting to distance themselves from him.
Republicans want Trump to nominate Conservative judges

They will milk that cow as long as they can
Yes, controlling the courts is of primary importance to republicans in the 21st century because they see that they are going to be winning fewer and fewer national elections as minorities become the majority. What they should be doing is moderating their rather racist xenophobic philosophies to become more inclusive as oppose to exclusive but that doesn't seem to be in the cards.
Republicans know they will be a minor party in the future
Their gerrymandering and ability to win the electoral college will be gone

By stacking the courts with conservatives they can overturn Democratic laws with challenges over petty issues

More ruling from the minority

In the future? When would that be, when you let in another 20 M illegals and let them vote?
Try again

Illegals can’t vote
You expect more from the "spineless" Republicans than I do...
I don't think it would take a lot for republicans in congress to turn on Trump. They never liked him but had no choice but to support him once he was nominated. If you noticed, a lot of them are starting to distance themselves from him.
Republicans want Trump to nominate Conservative judges

They will milk that cow as long as they can
Yes, controlling the courts is of primary importance to republicans in the 21st century because they see that they are going to be winning fewer and fewer national elections as minorities become the majority. What they should be doing is moderating their rather racist xenophobic philosophies to become more inclusive as oppose to exclusive but that doesn't seem to be in the cards.
Republicans know they will be a minor party in the future
Their gerrymandering and ability to win the electoral college will be gone

By stacking the courts with conservatives they can overturn Democratic laws with challenges over petty issues

More ruling from the minority
They control 2/3rds of the state legislatures. They draw up districts.
Lost some in 2018

2020 will be a referendum on Trump the way 2010 was a referendum on Obamacare

Those state legislatures wil flip
I don't think it would take a lot for republicans in congress to turn on Trump. They never liked him but had no choice but to support him once he was nominated. If you noticed, a lot of them are starting to distance themselves from him.
Republicans want Trump to nominate Conservative judges

They will milk that cow as long as they can
Yes, controlling the courts is of primary importance to republicans in the 21st century because they see that they are going to be winning fewer and fewer national elections as minorities become the majority. What they should be doing is moderating their rather racist xenophobic philosophies to become more inclusive as oppose to exclusive but that doesn't seem to be in the cards.
Republicans know they will be a minor party in the future
Their gerrymandering and ability to win the electoral college will be gone

By stacking the courts with conservatives they can overturn Democratic laws with challenges over petty issues

More ruling from the minority

In the future? When would that be, when you let in another 20 M illegals and let them vote?
Try again

Illegals can’t vote
But they do all the time. Inner city Democratic political machines are corrupt and have been for over 100 years.

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