Trump Will be Impeached

Democrats (Leftists) seem to have a real problem with the process for criminal prosecution.

First, there has to be a "crime" (...high crimes and misdemeanors...), THEN you can start to think about prosecuting it.

It's not that complicated.
So what is a high crime? It is something from England. Impeachment is not a criminal trial but a political process.
Many people probably think that "High Crimes and Misdemeanors" is just an 18th century way of saying “felonies and misdemeanors.” But this interpretation is mistaken.

The term does go back to English law and was used to remove officials in colonies. In fact it was a fairly common term in 18 the century. Most of the framers of the constitution knew the phrase well.

Officials accused of “high crimes and misdemeanors” were accused of offenses as varied as misappropriating government funds, appointing unfit subordinates, not prosecuting cases, not spending money allocated by Parliament, promoting themselves ahead of more deserving candidates, threatening a grand jury, disobeying an order from Parliament, arresting a man to keep him from running for Parliament, losing a ship by neglecting to moor it, helping “suppress petitions to the King to call a Parliament,” granting warrants without cause, and bribery. Some of these charges were crimes. Others were not. The one common denominator in all these accusations was that the official had somehow abused the power of his office and was unfit to serve.

High Crimes and Misdemeanors - Constitutional Rights Foundation
All go to subverting the office to which elected. I'm not sure about the context of "appointing unfit subordinates." "Unfit" is an ambiguous or broad adjective. We can argue about judges we don't like, but qualifications are a more objective standard, for example. But the link also indicates that whatever wrong the person being impeached has done is so sever that it cannot wait to be addressed until another election. I think that's correct. One test I've seen is that the infraction itself must result in the official being made incapable of carrying out his/her duty.
It is clear from the link, that the founders were far from being united on the issue of impeachment or the grounds for impeachment. I think the term high crimes and misdemeanors was a catch all used to define a multitude offenses some legal infractions and some not.

When a president faces the strong possibility of impeachment he begins to loose support from his own party making it difficult to carry out the duties of his office. Trump was never the choice of the leadership within his party. They only begrudgingly gave him their support after it was clear he would be nominated. I suspect much of his support in congress would disappear upon passage of a bill of impeachment.

You expect more from the "spineless" Republicans than I do...
I hope he is not impeached. However, if Mueller's report exposes enough crimes, there will be no choice but to impeach him. No president should ever be impeached unless there is no other choice.
I have no doubt that Trump deserves to be removed from office but that would only divide the country even more than it is today. If Trump was removed from office, the goal of the opposition to the party in power would not be just to block all proposed legislation but to remove the president. That is not how the founders intended government to function.
I actually agree with that, and would even if it is shown with documents that Trump took money from Russians that the Russians obtained illegally. Imo the test for impeachment should be stiff, and the wrong act should be so bad that the official/Trump is not even capable of carrying out his duties.

Putin is building up his ground forces again possibly for a new offensive from occupied Ukranian territory to join that territory to Crimea. But even if Trump is so compromised he cannot prevent that illegal aggression .... is that so bad that we have to give Trump's supporters even an illegitimate complaint that "democracy is compromised" by kicking the guy out.
Democrats (Leftists) seem to have a real problem with the process for criminal prosecution.

First, there has to be a "crime" (...high crimes and misdemeanors...), THEN you can start to think about prosecuting it.

It's not that complicated.
So what is a high crime? It is something from England. Impeachment is not a criminal trial but a political process.
Many people probably think that "High Crimes and Misdemeanors" is just an 18th century way of saying “felonies and misdemeanors.” But this interpretation is mistaken.

The term does go back to English law and was used to remove officials in colonies. In fact it was a fairly common term in 18 the century. Most of the framers of the constitution knew the phrase well.

Officials accused of “high crimes and misdemeanors” were accused of offenses as varied as misappropriating government funds, appointing unfit subordinates, not prosecuting cases, not spending money allocated by Parliament, promoting themselves ahead of more deserving candidates, threatening a grand jury, disobeying an order from Parliament, arresting a man to keep him from running for Parliament, losing a ship by neglecting to moor it, helping “suppress petitions to the King to call a Parliament,” granting warrants without cause, and bribery. Some of these charges were crimes. Others were not. The one common denominator in all these accusations was that the official had somehow abused the power of his office and was unfit to serve.

High Crimes and Misdemeanors - Constitutional Rights Foundation
All go to subverting the office to which elected. I'm not sure about the context of "appointing unfit subordinates." "Unfit" is an ambiguous or broad adjective. We can argue about judges we don't like, but qualifications are a more objective standard, for example. But the link also indicates that whatever wrong the person being impeached has done is so sever that it cannot wait to be addressed until another election. I think that's correct. One test I've seen is that the infraction itself must result in the official being made incapable of carrying out his/her duty.
It is clear from the link, that the founders were far from being united on the issue of impeachment or the grounds for impeachment. I think the term high crimes and misdemeanors was a catch all used to define a multitude offenses some legal infractions and some not.

When a president faces the strong possibility of impeachment he begins to loose support from his own party making it difficult to carry out the duties of his office. Trump was never the choice of the leadership within his party. They only begrudgingly gave him their support after it was clear he would be nominated. I suspect much of his support in congress would disappear upon passage of a bill of impeachment.

You expect more from the "spineless" Republicans than I do...

The gop senators wives should file for divorce immediately because they could become sellable chattel if necessary to keep Trump in office. Collins is moving to a nunnery and Murkowski probably depends on a third party. LOL.
To gain immunity from impeachment President Trump must immediately coerce a pretty young female intern to give him a blow job on the Oval Office desk.

Then it's game-set-match. Instant immunity.

So proven.
In order to smear him for history. Democrats have the House. Priority number one...get Trump! Glad they have their priorities straight. Budget process will come to a halt when they try to defund the Wall and ICE. Enjoy your two years in charge of House liberals.
What will happen if Democrats retake the House?
Senate holds the trial after House indictment. Trump is safe.
But he's guilty? You finally admit that? Then don't blame us for what's about to happen.
Democrats (Leftists) seem to have a real problem with the process for criminal prosecution.

First, there has to be a "crime" (...high crimes and misdemeanors...), THEN you can start to think about prosecuting it.

It's not that complicated.
You guys wanted to drop this months ago. Now we see Trump was involved and broke the law. Now what? You want to let it go? Ignore it? Of course you do ya partisan hack.
In order to smear him for history. Democrats have the House. Priority number one...get Trump! Glad they have their priorities straight. Budget process will come to a halt when they try to defund the Wall and ICE. Enjoy your two years in charge of House liberals.
What will happen if Democrats retake the House?
Senate holds the trial after House indictment. Trump is safe.
His name and republican scum will go down in infamy

Worst president ever. He rode Obama's wave, got a small bump from tax breaks we didn't need, then tanked the stock market.

It's good this is happening now. The crash that would be coming 4-7 years from now would be mch worse. Let's brexit this loser quickly.
To gain immunity from impeachment President Trump must immediately coerce a pretty young female intern to give him a blow job on the Oval Office desk.

Then it's game-set-match. Instant immunity.

So proven.
Nah.....All you have to do is let four Americans get killed, lie about it and then build a secret server in a bathroom, have the president and all his staff lie about emailing you on it, then lie about all the unsecured devices you used, then violate two federal court orders and bleach bit 33,000 emails on it..and then have the head of The FBI to come out publicly to say you are too stupid to know you broke the law........then buy Russian Propaganda and distribute it through The State Department, FBI, DOJ and FISA...then you and your entire staff gets immunity.
Interesting. I think Don Jr and Kushner may get indicted and although Trump might well throw Kushner under the bus...he might resign to save his son...but who knows
When Trump's narcissistic bubble breaks, there's no telling what he will do or for that matter to what extremes he will go to perverse it.
It will only get worse for Trump
His lawyers seem very inept
And many of that claim to be Trumps supporters, particular those that were considering a presidential run are distancing themselves from him, Rubio, Cruz, Giuliani, Paul Ryan, and even Pence. Nobody wants to go down with this ship

It is not just that Trump ignores his legal advice but his lawyers do not seem to be setting up an effective legal firewall
Trump's fire wall is The Turtle, who's bet everything on getting a sixth Justice seat. Trump's not going anywhere.

And the dems would be much better off passing a House bill restoring deductions for state and local taxes and cutting taxes for the 75-120K folks, and make McConnell deep six that.

But how much water can McConnell carry?

Stormy Daniels is no big deal. But once Mueller drops the whole package, even Mitch can’t hide
When Trump's narcissistic bubble breaks, there's no telling what he will do or for that matter to what extremes he will go to perverse it.
It will only get worse for Trump
His lawyers seem very inept
And many of that claim to be Trumps supporters, particular those that were considering a presidential run are distancing themselves from him, Rubio, Cruz, Giuliani, Paul Ryan, and even Pence. Nobody wants to go down with this ship

It is not just that Trump ignores his legal advice but his lawyers do not seem to be setting up an effective legal firewall
Trump's fire wall is The Turtle, who's bet everything on getting a sixth Justice seat. Trump's not going anywhere.

And the dems would be much better off passing a House bill restoring deductions for state and local taxes and cutting taxes for the 75-120K folks, and make McConnell deep six that.

But how much water can McConnell carry?

Stormy Daniels is no big deal. But once Mueller drops the whole package, even Mitch can’t hide
He only needs 39 senators who fear they'd be primaried if they voted to convict.
It will only get worse for Trump
His lawyers seem very inept
And many of that claim to be Trumps supporters, particular those that were considering a presidential run are distancing themselves from him, Rubio, Cruz, Giuliani, Paul Ryan, and even Pence. Nobody wants to go down with this ship

It is not just that Trump ignores his legal advice but his lawyers do not seem to be setting up an effective legal firewall
Trump's fire wall is The Turtle, who's bet everything on getting a sixth Justice seat. Trump's not going anywhere.

And the dems would be much better off passing a House bill restoring deductions for state and local taxes and cutting taxes for the 75-120K folks, and make McConnell deep six that.

But how much water can McConnell carry?

Stormy Daniels is no big deal. But once Mueller drops the whole package, even Mitch can’t hide
He only needs 39 senators who fear they'd be primaried if they voted to convict.
Let it be known that I (and all loyal Americans) will Never vote for anyone that votes to impeach Trump. The crime of paying a hooker to shut up is a minor crime in Washington and Congressmen have their special bank account that pays off their hookers with our tax dollars. Hypocrisy runs wild in Washington.
And many of that claim to be Trumps supporters, particular those that were considering a presidential run are distancing themselves from him, Rubio, Cruz, Giuliani, Paul Ryan, and even Pence. Nobody wants to go down with this ship

It is not just that Trump ignores his legal advice but his lawyers do not seem to be setting up an effective legal firewall
Trump's fire wall is The Turtle, who's bet everything on getting a sixth Justice seat. Trump's not going anywhere.

And the dems would be much better off passing a House bill restoring deductions for state and local taxes and cutting taxes for the 75-120K folks, and make McConnell deep six that.

But how much water can McConnell carry?

Stormy Daniels is no big deal. But once Mueller drops the whole package, even Mitch can’t hide
He only needs 39 senators who fear they'd be primaried if they voted to convict.
Let it be known that I (and all loyal Americans) will Never vote for anyone that votes to impeach Trump. The crime of paying a hooker to shut up is a minor crime in Washington and Congressmen have their special bank account that pays off their hookers with our tax dollars. Hypocrisy runs wild in Washington.

I think it's time President Trump orders the AG to open an investigation in to Congress' slush fund to pay off hookers and mistresses, and victims of sexual assault using the taxpayer's money.
In order to smear him for history. Democrats have the House. Priority number one...get Trump! Glad they have their priorities straight. Budget process will come to a halt when they try to defund the Wall and ICE. Enjoy your two years in charge of House liberals.
What will happen if Democrats retake the House?
Senate holds the trial after House indictment. Trump is safe.

Bush92 if they want to pay for this media circus dog and pony show,
can we the taxpayers sue to get the Democrats behind this to foot the bill?

Can we demand for every tax dollar spent on this process,
equal matching funds and efforts should be put into holding Clinton
and Obama equally to account for unconstitutional violations and breach of public duty?

Let's set up a Grand Jury for all citizens to vote for what grievances and abuses
we want investigated, corrected and reimbursement collected on behalf
of taxpayers in terms of credits paid back to us through the Federal Reserve.

Let's vote on this, and see who is willing to pay for what.
If more Democrats would rather pursue reimbursement for illicit war spending,
in order to pay for health care, and if more Republicans want reimbursement
for Obama's fiasco's at taxpayer expense from Solyndra to the ACA mandates and handouts,
why not police causes that will get taxpayers paid back billions if not trillions in misspent taxes?
I hope he is not impeached. However, if Mueller's report exposes enough crimes, there will be no choice but to impeach him. No president should ever be impeached unless there is no other choice.
I have no doubt that Trump deserves to be removed from office but that would only divide the country even more than it is today. If Trump was removed from office, the goal of the opposition to the party in power would not be just to block all proposed legislation but to remove the president. That is not how the founders intended government to function.

That is why I oppose impeachment, knowing what we know now. After Mueller's report is released, that might change. I wouldn't be surprised to find Trump's transgressions leave no choice but to impeach him.
Hyper partisanship is a problem, not being willing to look at your own side of the isle & work to keep it honest. not for impeachment much prefer if Trump just gets voted out, as don't see things getting better, the media are money whores honest no spin information is hard to get. still we cant hide the fact that those close to Trump are pleading guilty to crimes.
To gain immunity from impeachment President Trump must immediately coerce a pretty young female intern to give him a blow job on the Oval Office desk.

Then it's game-set-match. Instant immunity.

So proven.

Wrong....Clinton was impeached....just not removed....besides

Who you gonna find that wants orange on their lips?
Hyper partisanship is a problem, not being willing to look at your own side of the isle & work to keep it honest. not for impeachment much prefer if Trump just gets voted out, as don't see things getting better, the media are money whores honest no spin information is hard to get. still we cant hide the fact that those close to Trump are pleading guilty to crimes.

If there is "nothing" there....why have so many people around trump lied? And now Stone has his lawyer send Congress a letter stating his intention to plead the 5th.

Using the orange King's words....."WHAT ARE THEY TRYING TO HIDE!"
To gain immunity from impeachment President Trump must immediately coerce a pretty young female intern to give him a blow job on the Oval Office desk.

Then it's game-set-match. Instant immunity.

So proven.
Nah.....All you have to do is let four Americans get killed, lie about it and then build a secret server in a bathroom, have the president and all his staff lie about emailing you on it, then lie about all the unsecured devices you used, then violate two federal court orders and bleach bit 33,000 emails on it..and then have the head of The FBI to come out publicly to say you are too stupid to know you broke the law........then buy Russian Propaganda and distribute it through The State Department, FBI, DOJ and FISA...then you and your entire staff gets immunity.
4 Americans got killed and you tried to make it political. The same thing happened to Trump 5 times since he's been president we didn't have the balls to try and make it political because everyone with a brain would know we were making it political.

Reminds me of how you cried about Hillary's private emails and phones but then you don't care Ivanka is doing the exact same thing.

Impeach the bum.
To gain immunity from impeachment President Trump must immediately coerce a pretty young female intern to give him a blow job on the Oval Office desk.

Then it's game-set-match. Instant immunity.

So proven.
Too bad for you, Trump prefers felonies.

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