Trump Will be Impeached

"His actions"? What the hell is going on in the minds of the incoherent left? Trump's "actions" brought stability to the economic market with the DOW hovering around 25,000 and unemployment in the negative zone. So what are the "actions" the radical left are so concerned about? After almost two years of an "independent" investigation it seems that President Trump has been cleared of any alleged collusion charges.
Crooked Donnie sold out to Russia
I don't think it would take a lot for republicans in congress to turn on Trump. They never liked him but had no choice but to support him once he was nominated. If you noticed, a lot of them are starting to distance themselves from him.
Republicans want Trump to nominate Conservative judges

They will milk that cow as long as they can
Yes, controlling the courts is of primary importance to republicans in the 21st century because they see that they are going to be winning fewer and fewer national elections as minorities become the majority. What they should be doing is moderating their rather racist xenophobic philosophies to become more inclusive as oppose to exclusive but that doesn't seem to be in the cards.
Republicans know they will be a minor party in the future
Their gerrymandering and ability to win the electoral college will be gone

By stacking the courts with conservatives they can overturn Democratic laws with challenges over petty issues

More ruling from the minority

In the future? When would that be, when you let in another 20 M illegals and let them vote?
Try again

Illegals can’t vote

Sure, it's illegal for them to's also illegal to come into the country....dumbass.
I don't think it would take a lot for republicans in congress to turn on Trump. They never liked him but had no choice but to support him once he was nominated. If you noticed, a lot of them are starting to distance themselves from him.
Republicans want Trump to nominate Conservative judges

They will milk that cow as long as they can
Yes, controlling the courts is of primary importance to republicans in the 21st century because they see that they are going to be winning fewer and fewer national elections as minorities become the majority. What they should be doing is moderating their rather racist xenophobic philosophies to become more inclusive as oppose to exclusive but that doesn't seem to be in the cards.
Republicans know they will be a minor party in the future
Their gerrymandering and ability to win the electoral college will be gone

By stacking the courts with conservatives they can overturn Democratic laws with challenges over petty issues

More ruling from the minority
They control 2/3rds of the state legislatures. They draw up districts.
Lost some in 2018

2020 will be a referendum on Trump the way 2010 was a referendum on Obamacare

Those state legislatures wil flip
The grassroots of the United States are conservative.
In order to smear him for history. Democrats have the House. Priority number one...get Trump! Glad they have their priorities straight. Budget process will come to a halt when they try to defund the Wall and ICE. Enjoy your two years in charge of House liberals.
What will happen if Democrats retake the House?
Senate holds the trial after House indictment. Trump is safe.

Funny. Unlike when NaziCon Teanderthals impeached Clinton for BJs while they totally ignored Osama bin Laden and everything else - Democrats can walk and chew gum at the same time - meaning that they can pursue legislation while investigating Trump at the same time.
clinton wasn’t impeached because he had oral sex, nobody cares, he lied about it while under oath during a trial. That’s why he was impeached. If sex was an impeachable act kennedy wouldn’t have been President long enougt to be assinated.
Clinton was impeached for a blowjob

Lying about a blowjob is the same thing

No he was impeached for LYING to a Grand Jury.

From Wikipedia

"The impeachment of Bill Clinton, the 42nd President of the United States, was initiated in December 1998 by the House of Representatives and led to a trial in the Senate on two charges, one of perjury and one of obstruction of justice."

But I think the whole thing was pure partisan Politics, since it was just a blow job. It NEVER should have been investigated in the first place!
Republicans want Trump to nominate Conservative judges

They will milk that cow as long as they can
Yes, controlling the courts is of primary importance to republicans in the 21st century because they see that they are going to be winning fewer and fewer national elections as minorities become the majority. What they should be doing is moderating their rather racist xenophobic philosophies to become more inclusive as oppose to exclusive but that doesn't seem to be in the cards.
Republicans know they will be a minor party in the future
Their gerrymandering and ability to win the electoral college will be gone

By stacking the courts with conservatives they can overturn Democratic laws with challenges over petty issues

More ruling from the minority

In the future? When would that be, when you let in another 20 M illegals and let them vote?
Try again

Illegals can’t vote

Sure, it's illegal for them to's also illegal to come into the country....dumbass.
Home Run!
In order to smear him for history. Democrats have the House. Priority number one...get Trump! Glad they have their priorities straight. Budget process will come to a halt when they try to defund the Wall and ICE. Enjoy your two years in charge of House liberals.
What will happen if Democrats retake the House?
Senate holds the trial after House indictment. Trump is safe.


In doing so, they lose all three elected bodies in 2020.

Trump winning reelction is inevitable, even the radical left press has acknowledged as much. IF the Stalinist majority in the house makes their one goal to impeach Trump. they will be shown the door in 2002. If the Stalinists in the Senate vote in lockstep, though losing, against Trump, the demofucks will be decimated in the Senate in 2020.
In order to smear him for history. Democrats have the House. Priority number one...get Trump! Glad they have their priorities straight. Budget process will come to a halt when they try to defund the Wall and ICE. Enjoy your two years in charge of House liberals.
What will happen if Democrats retake the House?
Senate holds the trial after House indictment. Trump is safe.

Funny. Unlike when NaziCon Teanderthals impeached Clinton for BJs while they totally ignored Osama bin Laden and everything else - Democrats can walk and chew gum at the same time - meaning that they can pursue legislation while investigating Trump at the same time.
clinton wasn’t impeached because he had oral sex, nobody cares, he lied about it while under oath during a trial. That’s why he was impeached. If sex was an impeachable act kennedy wouldn’t have been President long enougt to be assinated.
Clinton was impeached for a blowjob

Lying about a blowjob is the same thing

No he was impeached for LYING to a Grand Jury.

From Wikipedia

"The impeachment of Bill Clinton, the 42nd President of the United States, was initiated in December 1998 by the House of Representatives and led to a trial in the Senate on two charges, one of perjury and one of obstruction of justice."

But I think the whole thing was pure partisan Politics, since it was just a blow job. It NEVER should have been investigated in the first place!
I editorialized in several newspapers (invited guest of staff) that the Clinton impeachment was not merited. Starr went outside the scope of his investigatory powers. Mueller has done said same. I don’t like “Special Investigation Officers” to attempt to overturn elections.
In order to smear him for history. Democrats have the House. Priority number one...get Trump! Glad they have their priorities straight. Budget process will come to a halt when they try to defund the Wall and ICE. Enjoy your two years in charge of House liberals.
What will happen if Democrats retake the House?
Senate holds the trial after House indictment. Trump is safe.

I doubt if the Senate starts a trial, they gotta vote on even that first, right? It won't happen, even if the House does impeach him.
Yes. According to the Constitution the House acts as a grand jury and hears evidence, then issues an indictment. An “impeachment.” The Senate acts as a jury during the trial and the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court presides.

Actually, the Senate is free to reject the impeachment.
"His actions"? What the hell is going on in the minds of the incoherent left? Trump's "actions" brought stability to the economic market with the DOW hovering around 25,000 and unemployment in the negative zone. So what are the "actions" the radical left are so concerned about? After almost two years of an "independent" investigation it seems that President Trump has been cleared of any alleged collusion charges.
Crooked Donnie sold out to Russia
What did he sell them? Uranium?
Then fucking impeach him now. You have the House Majority so impeach him. The Senate will overturn it just like they did with Bill Clinton. Then we can get back to focusing on what matters and not this childish Democrat/Media obsession with Impeaching Trump.
The Senate did not overturn the Clinton impeachment. They did not find him guilty but the bill of impeachment remained and Clinton became the second president to be impeached.

Each day it seems more likely that the House will pass a bill of impeachment against Trump. The Mueller investigation still has a long way to go. There are 16 people close to Trump who have had contacts with the Russian during the campaign and most of them have not been interviewed. If any of those people reveal that Trump had any knowledge and in any way coordinated activities or deals, his goose is cooked.

People tend to dismiss the obstruction charge against Trump because there was little court activity, few leaks, and no indictments. However, it is quite possible that Mueller got all the evidence he needed for an obstruction charge against Trump so he moved on.

Trump is not a person to sit by and just watch things happen. He is proactive. He would jump in with both feet, to hinder an investigation against him, get help winning the election even its from the Russians, and certainly ignore elections laws. He compares them peanuts. This is exactly why he got elected, his supporters expect bold action even it means violating a few laws. In other words, the end justifies the means in the Trump camp.
The Democrats are demonstrating the worst that America can be right now. To embark on a 'Take Down Trump' campaign from day one based on nothing except their throbbing backsides is pathetic. So by all means do it! That's what's you and your leaders dream about every night so do it, impeach him.
If Socialist/ Democrats want to overturn millions of people’s votes and steal an election and thus silence the voice of the people, they will have a Constitutional crisis on their hands only comparable by the Civil War. You will have bloodshed in this country. I’m 100% serious for all you inner city liberals who are delusional. The people won’t stand for Trump impeachment. You leftist are fucking nuts.
The reaction of the people will be determined by the bill of impeachment. It's a good bill supported by evidence the people will support it. Of course there will be Trump supporters who not accept any impeachment regardless of the evidence. They have been trained to only listen the their master.
In order to smear him for history. Democrats have the House. Priority number one...get Trump! Glad they have their priorities straight. Budget process will come to a halt when they try to defund the Wall and ICE. Enjoy your two years in charge of House liberals.
What will happen if Democrats retake the House?
Senate holds the trial after House indictment. Trump is safe.
I doubt if the Senate starts a trial, they gotta vote on even that first, right? It won't happen, even if the House does impeach him.
Yes. According to the Constitution the House acts as a grand jury and hears evidence, then issues an indictment. An “impeachment.” The Senate acts as a jury during the trial and the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court presides.

Actually, the Senate is free to reject the impeachment.
No, they can't reject a bill impeachment. They can only bring it to trial and vote for or against removal from office.
Democrats (Leftists) seem to have a real problem with the process for criminal prosecution.

First, there has to be a "crime" (...high crimes and misdemeanors...), THEN you can start to think about prosecuting it.

It's not that complicated.
The left is now Marxist and Marxists don't believe in proper process for criminal prosecution. To the left (Marxists), the accused is simply guilty if accused. The left has been screaming that under Trump, the Constitution is in danger. The truth is that the left is now the danger to the Constitution (end free speech, end 2nd Amendment, guilty if accused, New World Order, Globalism, free flow of peoples, thus no borders, ending sovereignty, no civility if their party doesn't rule). Under the new left it'll be, let the gulags begin.
Trump will be impeached when and if Republicans are convinced to not do so will cause the electorate, to completely reject them and put Democrats in supermajority control of both the House and Senate in the 2020 elections.
In order to smear him for history. Democrats have the House. Priority number one...get Trump! Glad they have their priorities straight. Budget process will come to a halt when they try to defund the Wall and ICE. Enjoy your two years in charge of House liberals.
What will happen if Democrats retake the House?
Senate holds the trial after House indictment. Trump is safe.

Until he is defeated on election night, November 3, 2020.
In order to smear him for history. Democrats have the House. Priority number one...get Trump! Glad they have their priorities straight. Budget process will come to a halt when they try to defund the Wall and ICE. Enjoy your two years in charge of House liberals.
What will happen if Democrats retake the House?
Senate holds the trial after House indictment. Trump is safe.

You don't think the Senate Republicans would like to be rid of Trump more than Democrats would? You are delusional.

Trump will be impeached because he committed actual crimes. His own lawyer ratted him out.
The Democrats are demonstrating the worst that America can be right now. To embark on a 'Take Down Trump' campaign from day one based on nothing except their throbbing backsides is pathetic. So by all means do it! That's what's you and your leaders dream about every night so do it, impeach him.

Oh, absolutely. We have him dead to rights on the Stormy Daniels stuff... and given you guys impeached Clinton for something even more trivial, you really don't have a leg to stand on.
Then fucking impeach him now. You have the House Majority so impeach him. The Senate will overturn it just like they did with Bill Clinton. Then we can get back to focusing on what matters and not this childish Democrat/Media obsession with Impeaching Trump.
The Senate did not overturn the Clinton impeachment. They did not find him guilty but the bill of impeachment remained and Clinton became the second president to be impeached.

Each day it seems more likely that the House will pass a bill of impeachment against Trump. The Mueller investigation still has a long way to go. There are 16 people close to Trump who have had contacts with the Russian during the campaign and most of them have not been interviewed. If any of those people reveal that Trump had any knowledge and in any way coordinated activities or deals, his goose is cooked.

People tend to dismiss the obstruction charge against Trump because there was little court activity, few leaks, and no indictments. However, it is quite possible that Mueller got all the evidence he needed for an obstruction charge against Trump so he moved on.

Trump is not a person to sit by and just watch things happen. He is proactive. He would jump in with both feet, to hinder an investigation against him, get help winning the election even its from the Russians, and certainly ignore elections laws. He compares them peanuts. This is exactly why he got elected, his supporters expect bold action even it means violating a few laws. In other words, the end justifies the means in the Trump camp.
The Democrats are demonstrating the worst that America can be right now. To embark on a 'Take Down Trump' campaign from day one based on nothing except their throbbing backsides is pathetic. So by all means do it! That's what's you and your leaders dream about every night so do it, impeach him.
Quote: The Democrats are demonstrating the worst that America can be right now. To embark on a 'Take Down Trump' campaign from day one based on nothing except their throbbing backsides is pathetic.
I think that's too bad. I used to have this ideal perception that we needed a little liberalism to ensure that everybody got a slice of the American pie. But when it leads liberals to intimidating not only each other for being open to improvement if it's even suggested by conservatives, and escalates into nonstop character assassination and suggested intimidation (as in the dowager Maxine Watters' order to minions to harass members of the Executive Branch) of conservatives who were elected by the people of the United States, it is nearing treason and disregarding the Constitution entirely which supports the separation of powers between legislative, judicial, and executive branches of the government.
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The Democrats are demonstrating the worst that America can be right now. To embark on a 'Take Down Trump' campaign from day one based on nothing except their throbbing backsides is pathetic. So by all means do it! That's what's you and your leaders dream about every night so do it, impeach him.

Oh, absolutely. We have him dead to rights on the Stormy Daniels stuff... and given you guys impeached Clinton for something even more trivial, you really don't have a leg to stand on.
Biting a hole into a woman's lip after raping her is trivial? Shaming accusers - until DNA on a blue dress proves that the accusers are right on the mark - is trivial? Serial hiring of very young paramours - on presidential orders - onto the payroll as interns and using them as sex slaves is trivial?

JoeB, :bigboy:

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