Trump Will Be Impeached

The time has come for Trump.

Trump Will Be Impeached
Ambassador William Taylor’s testimony sealed the deal.
October 22, 2019
John Podhoretz

Remember when I said last week that October 17 was the worst day of the Trump presidency? Well, October 22 and has now come along to break the record. This is the day that, I think, has ensured Donald Trump’s impeachment. Not his removal. But impeachment will be bad enough.

Today’s key sentence: “Ambassador Sondland said, ‘everything’ was dependent on such an announcement, including security assistance.”

It comes from the testimony of acting U.S. ambassador to the Ukraine William Taylor before House impeachment investigators, and it instantly makes all but impossible the task of anyone seeking to defend Trump against the charge that he held up American military aid to Ukraine to secure a political advantage in the 2020 election.

There were three defenses of Trump following the revelations of the “whistleblower” and the phone-call transcript of the conversation between the presidents of the United States and Ukraine. The first was that he is only interested in investigating corruption relating to the 2016 election. The second is that even though Trump himself said he wanted the Ukranian to do him a favor, there was no quid pro quo. The third is that the only thing Trump was trading for was a White House visit, which is no great shakes.

There’s no need to talk about the “whistleblower” and his findings any longer, and there’s no need for the whistleblower to be heard any further. We have a veteran U.S. diplomat on the record saying that a Trump intimate told him Trump was holding up Congressionally authorized and appropriated military aid to Ukraine because he wanted a public statement from the Zelensky government that it was investigating Joe Biden’s son.

Taylor said this of a September 1 phone call with Gordon Sondland, our ambassador to the European Union about the $275 million in U.S. security assistance to Ukraine as well as a possible meeting between Trump and Ukranian president Zelensky:

“Ambassador Sondland told me that President Trump had told him that he wants President Zelensky to state publicly that Ukraine will investigate Burisma and alleged Ukrainian interference in the 2016 U.S. election. Ambassador Sondland also told me that he now recognized that he had made a mistake by earlier telling the Ukrainian officials to whom he spoke that a White House meeting with President Zelenskyy was dependent on a public announcement of investigations—in fact, Ambassador Sondland said, ‘everything’ was dependent on such an announcement, including security assistance. He said that President Trump wanted President Zelenskyy ‘in a public box’ by making a public statement about ordering such investigations.”

Ambassador William Taylor’s Testimony Ensured Trump’s Impeachment

Trump has a guest coming to visit

And he doesn't worry about invitations

You really are a pathetically gullible thing, ain't ya? Taylor testified that Ukraine had no idea anything was being withheld until 29 Aug, so tell the class how the aid was held over his head, when he knew nothing about it? Come on commie, enlighten us. LMAO

Learn how to read.

Read what, second, third and fourth hand accounts, I referred to what he said, not what he wrote.

Not yet

Nah, Republicans are in the hearing too. Nothing unusual about Closed Door hearings. Where have you been? Congress does it all the time. SOP. Investigations are suppose to be secret, lest the subject become prejudiced. Why did the Trumpybear want a public announcement from the President of the Ukraine about starting investigation into Trumpybears political opposition.
BULL SHIT. What you just said is PURE BULL SHIT.

ALL impeachments have ALWAYS been OPEN, and the opposition party was FULLY ALLOWED ALL forms of DEFENSE.

You LYING ASS CLOWNS are so full of SHIT it's PATHETIC.
007 don't let blind baby get to you. he ain't got shit and he knows it. he's a spinner. spin baby spin is his motto. just give him facts or ask him for his. Facts aren't his friend. but don't lose it.

So you're trying to say the Republicans didn't hold close door hearings or they never interview any witnesses without the Democrats present?

Suck to be you and ignorant of recent history.

Since you're implying they did, why don't you give example when they did it?

Cummings has been leading the charge against what Democrats argue is Republican over-reach into the Obama administration. He and Issa infamously quarreled over the California Republican’s investigation in the Internal Revenue Service and the Fast and Furious gun-running controversy.

Recently Cummings has sparred with Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.), the chairman of the House’s Benghazi Committee over how the GOP lawmakers governing the panel failed to include Democrats in key interviews with witnesses. Cummings has also clashed with Issa’ successor, Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) over the rules for the Oversight panel.

Dems blast House GOP subpoena rules change

Do you need me to find you some articles on the feud Cummings had over the closed hearings and the leaking of selective information by the GOP too?
Unfortunately that was not an Impeachment Inquiry. These were Committee Hearings which do have some investigatory power, but they are limited in scope.

Impeachment is different and requires a vote in The House because it is a Bi-Partisan Process, involving the entire House.

Your post is off-topic and has nothing to do with Impeachment.

Death Watch 2020
meme removed---you're spamming the thread with it.
Last edited by a moderator:
Russia was the left's Benghazi.
Ukraine will be the lefts.. well idk but it will be up there too.
Partisanship does horrible things to people.
Only difference....Benghazi was completely manufactured bullshit....

the Russia thing ended up with felony convictions....

and this Ukraine thing is ending up with felony convictions and a possible impeachment

Other than that, yea...both sides do it....if that makes you feel better

Yeah,.... It's all manufactured, nobody died there, and I heard it all started because of Youtube video. Am I right?
Yes, people died there....but Obama nor Hillary ordered it, caused it or celebrated it like you dumb asses claim.....

Now, do the 65 Americans who died in embassy attacks not matter because they happened during your former cult leader's tenure?? Why don't you care about them??

View attachment 285892

You mentioned Benghazi, not me.

You said it's manufactured, therefore my comment.

Now, about previous admin incidents? Did anyone claimed it was because of video, or try to cover it up?
Yes it is manufactured -- do you know understand that??

No, Obama nor Hillary ordered anyone to you understand that??

The republican claim that Obama and Hillary ordered their deaths and how they were going to end up in prison because of this -- that is manufactured bullshit....

But I don't think I aint noticed how you avoided the rest of what I to recap...

Why do the lives of these 66 Americans not matter to you??
Trump's impeachment depends on how stupid and totalitarian the Democrats want to get.
No. It will be determined by the facts.
$40 Million Dollars and a report thicker than a Telephone book said No Russian Collusion.
Are those the kind of Facts you are interested in?

Death Watch 2020

Wow, $40 Million. Are you sure? That's a ton of money. I'm glad Donald is a fiscal conservative, aren't you?

Oh, and BTW:

The Government Shutdown Cost The U.S. Economy $11 Billion [Infographic]

"Even though the five-week partial government shutdown is over for now, it has cost the economy $11 billion due to lost output from federal workers, delayed government spending and reduced demand. That's according to an analysis from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office released earlier this week which estimated that total delayed federal spending due to the impasse stands at about $18 billion."
Russia was the left's Benghazi.
Ukraine will be the lefts.. well idk but it will be up there too.
Partisanship does horrible things to people.
Only difference....Benghazi was completely manufactured bullshit....

the Russia thing ended up with felony convictions....

and this Ukraine thing is ending up with felony convictions and a possible impeachment

Other than that, yea...both sides do it....if that makes you feel better

Yeah,.... It's all manufactured, nobody died there, and I heard it all started because of Youtube video. Am I right?
Yes, people died there....but Obama nor Hillary ordered it, caused it or celebrated it like you dumb asses claim.....

Now, do the 65 Americans who died in embassy attacks not matter because they happened during your former cult leader's tenure?? Why don't you care about them??

View attachment 285892

You mentioned Benghazi, not me.

You said it's manufactured, therefore my comment.

Now, about previous admin incidents? Did anyone claimed it was because of video, or try to cover it up?
So now its the "they claimed it was a video so that means they killed them" deflection...there was no cover up you moron

Remember when the Bush admin PURPOSELY LIED about Pat Tilman just for the sake of using him for recruiting purposes --- that is what you called a cover up of the highest order.....did that bother you? Doubt it...

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Not yet

Nah, Republicans are in the hearing too. Nothing unusual about Closed Door hearings. Where have you been? Congress does it all the time. SOP. Investigations are suppose to be secret, lest the subject become prejudiced. Why did the Trumpybear want a public announcement from the President of the Ukraine about starting investigation into Trumpybears political opposition.
BULL SHIT. What you just said is PURE BULL SHIT.

ALL impeachments have ALWAYS been OPEN, and the opposition party was FULLY ALLOWED ALL forms of DEFENSE.

You LYING ASS CLOWNS are so full of SHIT it's PATHETIC.
007 don't let blind baby get to you. he ain't got shit and he knows it. he's a spinner. spin baby spin is his motto. just give him facts or ask him for his. Facts aren't his friend. but don't lose it.

So you're trying to say the Republicans didn't hold close door hearings or they never interview any witnesses without the Democrats present?

Suck to be you and ignorant of recent history.

Since you're implying they did, why don't you give example when they did it?

Cummings has been leading the charge against what Democrats argue is Republican over-reach into the Obama administration. He and Issa infamously quarreled over the California Republican’s investigation in the Internal Revenue Service and the Fast and Furious gun-running controversy.

Recently Cummings has sparred with Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.), the chairman of the House’s Benghazi Committee over how the GOP lawmakers governing the panel failed to include Democrats in key interviews with witnesses. Cummings has also clashed with Issa’ successor, Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) over the rules for the Oversight panel.

Dems blast House GOP subpoena rules change

Do you need me to find you some articles on the feud Cummings had over the closed hearings and the leaking of selective information by the GOP too?

Still no example of Reps doing it.

Now, was rule change unprecedented or illegal? Care to explain why subpoena rules were changed?
Trump's impeachment depends on how stupid and totalitarian the Democrats want to get.
No. It will be determined by the facts.
$40 Million Dollars and a report thicker than a Telephone book said No Russian Collusion.
Are those the kind of Facts you are interested in?

Death Watch 2020

Wow, $40 Million. Are you sure? That's a ton of money. I'm glad Donald is a fiscal conservative, aren't you?

Oh, and BTW:

The Government Shutdown Cost The U.S. Economy $11 Billion [Infographic]

"Even though the five-week partial government shutdown is over for now, it has cost the economy $11 billion due to lost output from federal workers, delayed government spending and reduced demand. That's according to an analysis from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office released earlier this week which estimated that total delayed federal spending due to the impasse stands at about $18 billion."
That's just one Hoax investigation started by The Do Nothing DemNazis. There were 23 different investigations started costing over $100 Million Dollars.

Think how much Infrastructure we could build with that. Oh Nancy is opposed to voting on that.....or anything else, like the Anti-Lynching Legislation, allowing people to buy Healthcare across state lines, Bringing down the cost of drugs and much much more.

Death Watch 2020
Last edited by a moderator:
Russia was the left's Benghazi.
Ukraine will be the lefts.. well idk but it will be up there too.
Partisanship does horrible things to people.
Only difference....Benghazi was completely manufactured bullshit....

the Russia thing ended up with felony convictions....

and this Ukraine thing is ending up with felony convictions and a possible impeachment

Other than that, yea...both sides do it....if that makes you feel better

Yeah,.... It's all manufactured, nobody died there, and I heard it all started because of Youtube video. Am I right?
Yes, people died there....but Obama nor Hillary ordered it, caused it or celebrated it like you dumb asses claim.....

Now, do the 65 Americans who died in embassy attacks not matter because they happened during your former cult leader's tenure?? Why don't you care about them??

View attachment 285892

You mentioned Benghazi, not me.

You said it's manufactured, therefore my comment.

Now, about previous admin incidents? Did anyone claimed it was because of video, or try to cover it up?
Yes it is manufactured -- do you know understand that??

No, Obama nor Hillary ordered anyone to you understand that??

The republican claim that Obama and Hillary ordered their deaths and how they were going to end up in prison because of this -- that is manufactured bullshit....

But I don't think I aint noticed how you avoided the rest of what I to recap...

Why do the lives of these 66 Americans not matter to you??View attachment 285896

Right... as opposed to examples you posted, they all ordered anyone to die?

It's not about attacks, imbecile, its about cover up of administration negligence.

Barry, Hillary and whole administration ordered cover up and blamed it on Youtube video.
So the rules say : Secret Hearings, Secret Accusers, Secret Evidence, Secret Transcripts, Secret Leaks to The Media, and No Access to Due Process?

The Hearings are not secret. The witnesses are not secret. It is improper for an investigator to revel partial information about an investigation and we will wait until they reach a conclusion before we can examine the evidence they have.

I know, I know, that's not how the game is supposed to be played according to Trumpybear rules, but tough shit, this is Nancy's House.
Only difference....Benghazi was completely manufactured bullshit....

the Russia thing ended up with felony convictions....

and this Ukraine thing is ending up with felony convictions and a possible impeachment

Other than that, yea...both sides do it....if that makes you feel better

Yeah,.... It's all manufactured, nobody died there, and I heard it all started because of Youtube video. Am I right?
Yes, people died there....but Obama nor Hillary ordered it, caused it or celebrated it like you dumb asses claim.....

Now, do the 65 Americans who died in embassy attacks not matter because they happened during your former cult leader's tenure?? Why don't you care about them??

View attachment 285892

You mentioned Benghazi, not me.

You said it's manufactured, therefore my comment.

Now, about previous admin incidents? Did anyone claimed it was because of video, or try to cover it up?
Yes it is manufactured -- do you know understand that??

No, Obama nor Hillary ordered anyone to you understand that??

The republican claim that Obama and Hillary ordered their deaths and how they were going to end up in prison because of this -- that is manufactured bullshit....

But I don't think I aint noticed how you avoided the rest of what I to recap...

Why do the lives of these 66 Americans not matter to you??View attachment 285896

Right... as opposed to examples you posted, they all ordered anyone to die?

It's not about attacks, imbecile, its about cover up of administration negligence.

Barry, Hillary and whole administration ordered cover up and blamed it on Youtube video.
Hillary and Obama should have been brought up on International War Crimes.

They used Benghazi as an Illegal Weapons Depot to arm Al Queda for an Assassination and COUP in Libya.

Not only that, they tipped off their friends to pull out of investments in Libyan Oil fields.

This is the kind of crap they were doing on Clinton's Secret Server and why she had to Bleach Bit it, because it implicated President Obama, her and all of her corrupt friends.

This is why she said, "We'll all hang together if Trump becomes President".

They were running a criminal operation to enrich themselves.

Death Watch 2020
Last edited by a moderator:
Only difference....Benghazi was completely manufactured bullshit....

the Russia thing ended up with felony convictions....

and this Ukraine thing is ending up with felony convictions and a possible impeachment

Other than that, yea...both sides do it....if that makes you feel better

Yeah,.... It's all manufactured, nobody died there, and I heard it all started because of Youtube video. Am I right?
Yes, people died there....but Obama nor Hillary ordered it, caused it or celebrated it like you dumb asses claim.....

Now, do the 65 Americans who died in embassy attacks not matter because they happened during your former cult leader's tenure?? Why don't you care about them??

View attachment 285892

You mentioned Benghazi, not me.

You said it's manufactured, therefore my comment.

Now, about previous admin incidents? Did anyone claimed it was because of video, or try to cover it up?
Yes it is manufactured -- do you know understand that??

No, Obama nor Hillary ordered anyone to you understand that??

The republican claim that Obama and Hillary ordered their deaths and how they were going to end up in prison because of this -- that is manufactured bullshit....

But I don't think I aint noticed how you avoided the rest of what I to recap...

Why do the lives of these 66 Americans not matter to you??View attachment 285896

Right... as opposed to examples you posted, they all ordered anyone to die?

It's not about attacks, imbecile, its about cover up of administration negligence.

Barry, Hillary and whole administration ordered cover up and blamed it on Youtube video.
That did not happen. 9 investigations proved that.
Only difference....Benghazi was completely manufactured bullshit....

the Russia thing ended up with felony convictions....

and this Ukraine thing is ending up with felony convictions and a possible impeachment

Other than that, yea...both sides do it....if that makes you feel better

Yeah,.... It's all manufactured, nobody died there, and I heard it all started because of Youtube video. Am I right?
Yes, people died there....but Obama nor Hillary ordered it, caused it or celebrated it like you dumb asses claim.....

Now, do the 65 Americans who died in embassy attacks not matter because they happened during your former cult leader's tenure?? Why don't you care about them??

View attachment 285892

You mentioned Benghazi, not me.

You said it's manufactured, therefore my comment.

Now, about previous admin incidents? Did anyone claimed it was because of video, or try to cover it up?
Yes it is manufactured -- do you know understand that??

No, Obama nor Hillary ordered anyone to you understand that??

The republican claim that Obama and Hillary ordered their deaths and how they were going to end up in prison because of this -- that is manufactured bullshit....

But I don't think I aint noticed how you avoided the rest of what I to recap...

Why do the lives of these 66 Americans not matter to you??View attachment 285896

Right... as opposed to examples you posted, they all ordered anyone to die?

It's not about attacks, imbecile, its about cover up of administration negligence.

Barry, Hillary and whole administration ordered cover up and blamed it on Youtube video.
Please show me where in the 9 different investigations did those reports find that Obama and Hillary engaged in a cover-up....

I'll wait while you keep babbling more dumb shit
Barry, Hillary and whole administration ordered cover up and blamed it on Youtube video.

What crime were they trying to cover up?

Do you think that week of riots in 22 countries was a coordinated attack on America or were the Islamic upset about another cartoon like movie that denigrated their holy of holiest.
  • Thanks
Reactions: IM2
Russia was the left's Benghazi.
Ukraine will be the lefts.. well idk but it will be up there too.
Partisanship does horrible things to people.
Only difference....Benghazi was completely manufactured bullshit....

the Russia thing ended up with felony convictions....

and this Ukraine thing is ending up with felony convictions and a possible impeachment

Other than that, yea...both sides do it....if that makes you feel better

Yeah,.... It's all manufactured, nobody died there, and I heard it all started because of Youtube video. Am I right?
Yes, people died there....but Obama nor Hillary ordered it, caused it or celebrated it like you dumb asses claim.....

Now, do the 65 Americans who died in embassy attacks not matter because they happened during your former cult leader's tenure?? Why don't you care about them??

View attachment 285892

You mentioned Benghazi, not me.

You said it's manufactured, therefore my comment.

Now, about previous admin incidents? Did anyone claimed it was because of video, or try to cover it up?
So now its the "they claimed it was a video so that means they killed them" deflection...there was no cover up you moron

Remember when the Bush admin PURPOSELY LIED about Pat Tilman just for the sake of using him for recruiting purposes --- that is what you called a cover up of the highest order.....did that bother you? Doubt it...

View attachment 285897

They did claimed attacks were because of video. I did not say that means they killed them, that's what you said.

By blaming it on video, they were trying to cover up their negligence and wash away their responsibilities.
Yeah,.... It's all manufactured, nobody died there, and I heard it all started because of Youtube video. Am I right?
Yes, people died there....but Obama nor Hillary ordered it, caused it or celebrated it like you dumb asses claim.....

Now, do the 65 Americans who died in embassy attacks not matter because they happened during your former cult leader's tenure?? Why don't you care about them??

View attachment 285892

You mentioned Benghazi, not me.

You said it's manufactured, therefore my comment.

Now, about previous admin incidents? Did anyone claimed it was because of video, or try to cover it up?
Yes it is manufactured -- do you know understand that??

No, Obama nor Hillary ordered anyone to you understand that??

The republican claim that Obama and Hillary ordered their deaths and how they were going to end up in prison because of this -- that is manufactured bullshit....

But I don't think I aint noticed how you avoided the rest of what I to recap...

Why do the lives of these 66 Americans not matter to you??View attachment 285896

Right... as opposed to examples you posted, they all ordered anyone to die?

It's not about attacks, imbecile, its about cover up of administration negligence.

Barry, Hillary and whole administration ordered cover up and blamed it on Youtube video.
That did not happen. 9 investigations proved that.

Right, so investigations proved it was because of the video, right?
Barry, Hillary and whole administration ordered cover up and blamed it on Youtube video.

What crime were they trying to cover up?

Do you think that week of riots in 22 countries was a coordinated attack on America or were the Islamic upset about another cartoon like movie that denigrated their holy of holiest.

Who said they cover up the crimes?
So the rules say : Secret Hearings, Secret Accusers, Secret Evidence, Secret Transcripts, Secret Leaks to The Media, and No Access to Due Process?

The Hearings are not secret. The witnesses are not secret. It is improper for an investigator to revel partial information about an investigation and we will wait until they reach a conclusion before we can examine the evidence they have.

I know, I know, that's not how the game is supposed to be played according to Trumpybear rules, but tough shit, this is Nancy's House.
When are you going to post The Rules THE HOUSE voted on for THE IMPEACHMENT INQUIRY?

Death Watch 2020
Last edited by a moderator:
Yeah,.... It's all manufactured, nobody died there, and I heard it all started because of Youtube video. Am I right?
Yes, people died there....but Obama nor Hillary ordered it, caused it or celebrated it like you dumb asses claim.....

Now, do the 65 Americans who died in embassy attacks not matter because they happened during your former cult leader's tenure?? Why don't you care about them??

View attachment 285892

You mentioned Benghazi, not me.

You said it's manufactured, therefore my comment.

Now, about previous admin incidents? Did anyone claimed it was because of video, or try to cover it up?
Yes it is manufactured -- do you know understand that??

No, Obama nor Hillary ordered anyone to you understand that??

The republican claim that Obama and Hillary ordered their deaths and how they were going to end up in prison because of this -- that is manufactured bullshit....

But I don't think I aint noticed how you avoided the rest of what I to recap...

Why do the lives of these 66 Americans not matter to you??View attachment 285896

Right... as opposed to examples you posted, they all ordered anyone to die?

It's not about attacks, imbecile, its about cover up of administration negligence.

Barry, Hillary and whole administration ordered cover up and blamed it on Youtube video.
Hillary and Obama should have been brought up on International War Crimes.

They used Benghazi as an Illegal Weapons Depot to arm Al Queda for an Assassination and COUP in Libya.

Barry, Hillary and whole administration ordered cover up and blamed it on Youtube video.

What crime were they trying to cover up?

Do you think that week of riots in 22 countries was a coordinated attack on America or were the Islamic upset about another cartoon like movie that denigrated their holy of holiest.
Using a Diplomatic Outpost (Benghazi) for a Weapons Depot is a Violation of The Geneva Convention.

So is sharing classified information about planning a COUP and Assassination in Libya with your friends so they can engage in INSIDER TRADING is also Illegal.

Add to that that Obama and Clinton were arming and financing Al Queada through The Benghazi Outpost to carry out COUPS and Assassinations?

F'n disgusting. Illegal as Hell.

A violation of International Law, US Law and qualifies as TREASON and a WAR CRIME under The Geneva Convention.

Death Watch 2020
Last edited by a moderator:
Yes, people died there....but Obama nor Hillary ordered it, caused it or celebrated it like you dumb asses claim.....

Now, do the 65 Americans who died in embassy attacks not matter because they happened during your former cult leader's tenure?? Why don't you care about them??

View attachment 285892

You mentioned Benghazi, not me.

You said it's manufactured, therefore my comment.

Now, about previous admin incidents? Did anyone claimed it was because of video, or try to cover it up?
Yes it is manufactured -- do you know understand that??

No, Obama nor Hillary ordered anyone to you understand that??

The republican claim that Obama and Hillary ordered their deaths and how they were going to end up in prison because of this -- that is manufactured bullshit....

But I don't think I aint noticed how you avoided the rest of what I to recap...

Why do the lives of these 66 Americans not matter to you??View attachment 285896

Right... as opposed to examples you posted, they all ordered anyone to die?

It's not about attacks, imbecile, its about cover up of administration negligence.

Barry, Hillary and whole administration ordered cover up and blamed it on Youtube video.
That did not happen. 9 investigations proved that.

Right, so investigations proved it was because of the video, right?
I heard Obama say it was a terrorist attack in the rose garden shortly after the attack. But that has nothing to do with Trump getting impeached for his crimes and violations.

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