Trump Will Be Impeached

Trump administration sought major cuts to efforts to fight corruption in Ukraine, elsewhere

The Trump administration has sought repeatedly to cut foreign aid programs tasked with combating corruption in Ukraine and elsewhere overseas, White House budget documents show, despite recent claims from President Donald Trump and his administration that they have been singularly concerned with fighting corruption in Ukraine.

Those claims have come as the president and his administration sought to explain away a July phone call between Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy, during which Trump pressured his counterpart to open investigations into former Vice President Joe Biden and his son, Hunter, and into a debunked conspiracy theory involving a hacked Democratic National Committee computer server.

“There were two reasons that we held up the aid. We talked about this at some length. The first one was the rampant corruption in Ukraine,” Mulvaney said Sunday on Fox News Sunday. “Corruption is a big deal, everyone knows it,” he said. (The second reason was to ensure that other nations contributed to Ukraine’s defense, Mulvaney said.)

The administration’s professed interest in fighting corruption in Ukraine has not been reflected in its annual budget requests to Congress.

For example, the administration sought to cut a program called “International Narcotics Control and Law Enforcement.” Among the goals of the program, as described in White House budget documents, is “helping U.S. partners address threats to U.S. interests by building resilience and promoting reform in the justice and law enforcement sectors through support to new institutions and specialized offices, such as Ukraine’s National Anti-Corruption Bureau and Special Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office.”

Trump administration sought major cuts to efforts to fight corruption in Ukraine, elsewhere

The Time has come for Trump

Do you dumb fuck Trump lovers understand?
Because this ain't about wishing death on Trump Unoriginal Tree, you stump stupid mother fucker..

It's about time being up for this presidency. DO YOU UNDERSTAND!




He's coming for Trumps ass and there ain't a damn thing Trump or you cult members can do about it.
I'm thinking God takes Nancy like He took Cummings.
I re-entered and have gotten now over 100 alerts. Most of them from Trump supporters and apparently off topic since warnings have been issued about closing the thread. This is a prime example of basic lunacy and cult worship of Trump. And that is dangerous. You guys are trying to walk us into a dictatorship and once that happens you will all wonder why. This impeachment is not about losing an election. It is about saving this republic.

And if senators who we elect refuse to save the constitution they swore to uphold, then they need to be replaced.
I was protecting the topic of your thread, IM2. I deleted some off topic posts and warned that there would be thread bans if they continued.
Never even hinted that I would close your thread.
^^^^^^^^^Russian Asset^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
it is pretty obvious that Trump is the Russian asset along with anyone who supports him. And people who helped Democrat lose, including Democrats. Everybody in the real world knows the Russians hacked Democratic servers and wrecked the election. Trump campaign met with Russians over 100 times lied about it and never wrote down anything. Just a tad suspicious super dupers. The Russians have something on him and he wants to build a tower in Moscow and get in on the corrupt oligarchy action even more.
I re-entered and have gotten now over 100 alerts. Most of them from Trump supporters and apparently off topic since warnings have been issued about closing the thread. This is a prime example of basic lunacy and cult worship of Trump. And that is dangerous. You guys are trying to walk us into a dictatorship and once that happens you will all wonder why. This impeachment is not about losing an election. It is about saving this republic.

And if senators who we elect refuse to save the constitution they swore to uphold, then they need to be replaced.
I was protecting the topic of your thread, IM2. I deleted some off topic posts and warned that there would be thread bans if they continued.
Never even hinted that I would close your thread.
I changed my signature just for IM2 so I would not be accused of spamming threads with a meme.
Whatever your little Red Russian Heart Tells you to say in defense of Dah Mudderland!
^^^^^^^^^Russian Asset^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
it is pretty obvious that Trump is the Russian asset along with anyone who supports him. And people who helped Democrat lose, including Democrats. Everybody in the real world knows the Russians hacked Democratic servers and wrecked the election. Trump campaign met with Russians over 100 times lied about it and never wrote down anything. Just a tad suspicious super dupers. The Russians have something on him and he wants to build a tower in Moscow and get in on the corrupt oligarchy action even more.
I also changed my Underwear To Russian Red in honor of IM2
You understand that the Russians hacked computers and wrecked the 2016 election right? Every Republican on every committee investigating it agrees with all the Democrats and all the journalists and all the law enforcement in the world. How about you dumbass?
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The time has come for Trump.

Trump Will Be Impeached
Ambassador William Taylor’s testimony sealed the deal.
October 22, 2019
John Podhoretz

Remember when I said last week that October 17 was the worst day of the Trump presidency? Well, October 22 and has now come along to break the record. This is the day that, I think, has ensured Donald Trump’s impeachment. Not his removal. But impeachment will be bad enough.

Today’s key sentence: “Ambassador Sondland said, ‘everything’ was dependent on such an announcement, including security assistance.”

It comes from the testimony of acting U.S. ambassador to the Ukraine William Taylor before House impeachment investigators, and it instantly makes all but impossible the task of anyone seeking to defend Trump against the charge that he held up American military aid to Ukraine to secure a political advantage in the 2020 election.

There were three defenses of Trump following the revelations of the “whistleblower” and the phone-call transcript of the conversation between the presidents of the United States and Ukraine. The first was that he is only interested in investigating corruption relating to the 2016 election. The second is that even though Trump himself said he wanted the Ukranian to do him a favor, there was no quid pro quo. The third is that the only thing Trump was trading for was a White House visit, which is no great shakes.

There’s no need to talk about the “whistleblower” and his findings any longer, and there’s no need for the whistleblower to be heard any further. We have a veteran U.S. diplomat on the record saying that a Trump intimate told him Trump was holding up Congressionally authorized and appropriated military aid to Ukraine because he wanted a public statement from the Zelensky government that it was investigating Joe Biden’s son.

Taylor said this of a September 1 phone call with Gordon Sondland, our ambassador to the European Union about the $275 million in U.S. security assistance to Ukraine as well as a possible meeting between Trump and Ukranian president Zelensky:

“Ambassador Sondland told me that President Trump had told him that he wants President Zelensky to state publicly that Ukraine will investigate Burisma and alleged Ukrainian interference in the 2016 U.S. election. Ambassador Sondland also told me that he now recognized that he had made a mistake by earlier telling the Ukrainian officials to whom he spoke that a White House meeting with President Zelenskyy was dependent on a public announcement of investigations—in fact, Ambassador Sondland said, ‘everything’ was dependent on such an announcement, including security assistance. He said that President Trump wanted President Zelenskyy ‘in a public box’ by making a public statement about ordering such investigations.”

Ambassador William Taylor’s Testimony Ensured Trump’s Impeachment

Trump has a guest coming to visit

And he doesn't worry about invitations

Yes, Trump will be impeached by the House but will the Senate Convict and Remove?

It seem you believe the impeachment is all you need to oust a sitting President but without the Conviction and Removal by the Senate you have nothing but just the House Impeaching.

Now I am not saying the Senate would not Convict and Remove but no sitting President has had it happen in the History of our Republic!

Also as you and fringe left Democrats scream America want this I would advise all of you to listen to Michael Smerconish and Chris Cuomo on POTUS or listen toCSpan and listen to what swing voters are saying about this impeachment process because if Democrats fail to get the Senate to Convict and Remove and the Economy is strong in 2020, well I am betting Democrats will be crying in November of 2020 because Trump will win another term especially against someone like Warren or Harris!

So as you scream Impeachment you better hope the Senate Convicts or your political party wasted it only silver bullet against the monster Trump will become!
I also changed my Underwear To Russian Red in honor of IM2
You understand that the Russians hacked computers and wrecked the 2016 election right? Every Republican on every committee investigating it agrees with all the Democrats and all the journalists and all the law enforcement in the world. How about you dumbass?
No Russians Hacked Any Computers. That is a product of Your Putin Poop Soaked Mind.

Show us where a single US Intelligence Agency Inspected that Server.

And why was Crowd Strike forced to retract all of their earlier statements?


Just another DemTard, DemNazi Hoax and Big Lie there Joseph Goebbels.

We are not stupid, and that's why no one believed you and we voted for President Trump.

October 23, 2019 - Approval Of Impeachment Inquiry Reaches 55 Percent, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; Voters Disapprove Of Trump's Decision On Syria 2-1

QU Poll Release Detail
So when is THE HOUSE going to vote on it? I saw another poll that said only 43% favored impeachment and removal.

Death Watch 2020
Maybe for the same reason republicans voted 5984868 times to repeal Obamacare and failed....

Speaking of Obamacare -- when is that Trumpcare gonna take effect??

Trumpcare failed by a single vote, that of the late John McCain. Personally, I liked Trump's ideas. Fantastic healthcare at tremendous saving, healthcare provide at an almost unbelievable level of quality.

But the Democrats didn't want it, so it didn't pass. Now its up to Chuck and Nancy.

Trumpcare was worthless. That's why McCain voted no.
I also changed my Underwear To Russian Red in honor of IM2
You understand that the Russians hacked computers and wrecked the 2016 election right? Every Republican on every committee investigating it agrees with all the Democrats and all the journalists and all the law enforcement in the world. How about you dumbass?
No Russians Hacked Any Computers. That is a product of Your Putin Poop Soaked Mind.

Show us where a single US Intelligence Agency Inspected that Server.

And why was Crowd Strike forced to retract all of their earlier statements?


Just another DemTard, DemNazi Hoax and Big Lie there Joseph Goebbels.

We are not stupid, and that's why no one believed you and we voted for President Trump.
Yep, you are brainwashed to the point of insanity. Get some more tin foil back on the meds read something not published by Rupert Murdoch. Try USA today and BBC. You are nuts good luck to you.
I also changed my Underwear To Russian Red in honor of IM2
You understand that the Russians hacked computers and wrecked the 2016 election right? Every Republican on every committee investigating it agrees with all the Democrats and all the journalists and all the law enforcement in the world. How about you dumbass?

You do understand what Wikileaks leaked was factual and not a lie, so you should be more upset with the DNC than anyone else but alas you hate those that let the world know your political party is ran by corrupt assholes just like the GOP...
I also changed my Underwear To Russian Red in honor of IM2
You understand that the Russians hacked computers and wrecked the 2016 election right? Every Republican on every committee investigating it agrees with all the Democrats and all the journalists and all the law enforcement in the world. How about you dumbass?
No Russians Hacked Any Computers. That is a product of Your Putin Poop Soaked Mind.

Show us where a single US Intelligence Agency Inspected that Server.

And why was Crowd Strike forced to retract all of their earlier statements?


Just another DemTard, DemNazi Hoax and Big Lie there Joseph Goebbels.

We are not stupid, and that's why no one believed you and we voted for President Trump.

You are stupid. There was no Crowdstrike.
I also changed my Underwear To Russian Red in honor of IM2
You understand that the Russians hacked computers and wrecked the 2016 election right? Every Republican on every committee investigating it agrees with all the Democrats and all the journalists and all the law enforcement in the world. How about you dumbass?

You do understand what Wikileaks leaked was factual and not a lie, so you should be more upset with the DNC than anyone else but alas you hate those that let the world know your political party is ran by corrupt assholes just like the GOP...

francoHFW ,

You think it is hilarious that Democrat Leadership never denied their dirty laundry?

You were warned for decades that cyber terrorism was on the rise and that Russia, China and Eastern Europe was doing this, so stop blaming your party failure to protect itself.

In the end Trump will be impeached but Convicted is not happening, as of yet...

October 23, 2019 - Approval Of Impeachment Inquiry Reaches 55 Percent, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; Voters Disapprove Of Trump's Decision On Syria 2-1

QU Poll Release Detail
So when is THE HOUSE going to vote on it? I saw another poll that said only 43% favored impeachment and removal.

Death Watch 2020
Maybe for the same reason republicans voted 5984868 times to repeal Obamacare and failed....

Speaking of Obamacare -- when is that Trumpcare gonna take effect??

Trumpcare failed by a single vote, that of the late John McCain. Personally, I liked Trump's ideas. Fantastic healthcare at tremendous saving, healthcare provide at an almost unbelievable level of quality.

But the Democrats didn't want it, so it didn't pass. Now its up to Chuck and Nancy.

Trumpcare was worthless. That's why McCain voted no.

McCain had previously made a sacred vow to support Trumpcare with his vote, and in fact promised his support for the program to his voters in Arizona.

The real reason why McCain voted "no" was because of his hatred for and jealousy of, Donald J. Trump.

October 23, 2019 - Approval Of Impeachment Inquiry Reaches 55 Percent, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; Voters Disapprove Of Trump's Decision On Syria 2-1

QU Poll Release Detail
So when is THE HOUSE going to vote on it? I saw another poll that said only 43% favored impeachment and removal.

Death Watch 2020

You should provide a link to that poll.

Here are over 20 that have at least plurality support.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Trump Impeachment Inquiry: Support/Oppose

Why won't The Democrats vote a 4th time on Impeachment then when they failed three times?

Polls are Retarded. You ask about 20-30 people in a state a loaded question....and Nobody with a brain should find that reliable.

All you have to do to rig an impeachment poll is to do your surveys in Blue Areas.

Poll: Majority of Americans don't want Trump to be impeached and removed from office

The data point -- with 59% of those surveyed responding that Trump should not be impeached and compelled to leave office

In the poll, there is a clear partisan divide on whether the House Judiciary Committee should pursue an impeachment inquiry. While 72% of Democrats believe such an inquiry is a good idea, only 39% of independents and 8% of Republicans share that belief.

Death Watch 2020


Why not look at what USA Today is reporting since the Ukraine shit hit the fan?

Support for Trump impeachment rises as 59% say he pursued personal interests in Ukraine, poll finds

Support for Trump impeachment rises as 59% say he pursued personal interests in Ukraine, poll finds

WASHINGTON – Support for the impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump's dealings in Ukraine continue to grow, as does support for his removal from office, a Quinnipiac University poll released Wednesday found.

A 55% majority of registered voters said they approved of the inquiry, while 43% said they disapproved. A week ago, 51% of voters said they approved and 45% disapproved. Quinnipiac has found support for the inquiry to be in the low-50% range since it was announced at the end of September.

The poll found that slightly less than half of Americans support impeaching Trump and removing him from office, though support for such a move has been rising since the inquiry began.

Currently, 48% support Trump's removal. That is 2 percentage points higher than last week and 11 points higher than on Sept. 25.
I see No Demographics with this Poll. What did they do, interview 1,000 people and that gave you a boner?

Are you fucking blind?

DEMOGRAPHICS (weighted) Self-Reported 25% Republican 45% Independent 30% Democrat 48% Male 52% Female 30% 18-34 33% 35-54 36% 55+ 64% White 12% Black 16% Hispanic 9% Asian/Other 68% No degree 32% 4 year degree
I also changed my Underwear To Russian Red in honor of IM2
You understand that the Russians hacked computers and wrecked the 2016 election right? Every Republican on every committee investigating it agrees with all the Democrats and all the journalists and all the law enforcement in the world. How about you dumbass?

You do understand what Wikileaks leaked was factual and not a lie, so you should be more upset with the DNC than anyone else but alas you hate those that let the world know your political party is ran by corrupt assholes just like the GOP...
The investigation has been dropped in the last few days and it found it she did nothing that general Powell and condoleezza Rice did not do. And our ridiculous punditocracy media spent more time on Hillary's emails etc than everything else in total. Absolute garbage. The DNC was next to powerless and what their staff bullshitted about is irrelevant to anything. But Fox Rush spun it out of all reality and CNN MSNBC argued about it with assholes all the time. None of these channel show news, it's all garbage babbling. But at least CNN and MSNBC don't lie and propagandize and just give out total misinformation all the time. Shep was the last hope.
So when is THE HOUSE going to vote on it? I saw another poll that said only 43% favored impeachment and removal.

Death Watch 2020

You should provide a link to that poll.

Here are over 20 that have at least plurality support.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Trump Impeachment Inquiry: Support/Oppose

Why won't The Democrats vote a 4th time on Impeachment then when they failed three times?

Polls are Retarded. You ask about 20-30 people in a state a loaded question....and Nobody with a brain should find that reliable.

All you have to do to rig an impeachment poll is to do your surveys in Blue Areas.

Poll: Majority of Americans don't want Trump to be impeached and removed from office

The data point -- with 59% of those surveyed responding that Trump should not be impeached and compelled to leave office

In the poll, there is a clear partisan divide on whether the House Judiciary Committee should pursue an impeachment inquiry. While 72% of Democrats believe such an inquiry is a good idea, only 39% of independents and 8% of Republicans share that belief.

Death Watch 2020


Why not look at what USA Today is reporting since the Ukraine shit hit the fan?

Support for Trump impeachment rises as 59% say he pursued personal interests in Ukraine, poll finds

Support for Trump impeachment rises as 59% say he pursued personal interests in Ukraine, poll finds

WASHINGTON – Support for the impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump's dealings in Ukraine continue to grow, as does support for his removal from office, a Quinnipiac University poll released Wednesday found.

A 55% majority of registered voters said they approved of the inquiry, while 43% said they disapproved. A week ago, 51% of voters said they approved and 45% disapproved. Quinnipiac has found support for the inquiry to be in the low-50% range since it was announced at the end of September.

The poll found that slightly less than half of Americans support impeaching Trump and removing him from office, though support for such a move has been rising since the inquiry began.

Currently, 48% support Trump's removal. That is 2 percentage points higher than last week and 11 points higher than on Sept. 25.
I see No Demographics with this Poll. What did they do, interview 1,000 people and that gave you a boner?

Are you fucking blind?

DEMOGRAPHICS (weighted) Self-Reported 25% Republican 45% Independent 30% Democrat 48% Male 52% Female 30% 18-34 33% 35-54 36% 55+ 64% White 12% Black 16% Hispanic 9% Asian/Other 68% No degree 32% 4 year degree
Yes he is. Fundamentalist ignoramus brainwashed functional moron. Doesn't know the Russians hacked servers. The poor dupes like tree get about 10% of the news.
I re-entered and have gotten now over 100 alerts. Most of them from Trump supporters and apparently off topic since warnings have been issued about closing the thread. This is a prime example of basic lunacy and cult worship of Trump. And that is dangerous. You guys are trying to walk us into a dictatorship and once that happens you will all wonder why. This impeachment is not about losing an election. It is about saving this republic.

And if senators who we elect refuse to save the constitution they swore to uphold, then they need to be replaced.
I was protecting the topic of your thread, IM2. I deleted some off topic posts and warned that there would be thread bans if they continued.
Never even hinted that I would close your thread.
My mistake. My point was meant to be that I got over 100 alerts from this thread most by Trump supporters and they were so many off topic that you had to intervene. I do appreciate what you have done.

Now having said that, lets get back to arguing. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

October 23, 2019 - Approval Of Impeachment Inquiry Reaches 55 Percent, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; Voters Disapprove Of Trump's Decision On Syria 2-1

QU Poll Release Detail
So when is THE HOUSE going to vote on it? I saw another poll that said only 43% favored impeachment and removal.

Death Watch 2020
Maybe for the same reason republicans voted 5984868 times to repeal Obamacare and failed....

Speaking of Obamacare -- when is that Trumpcare gonna take effect??

Trumpcare failed by a single vote, that of the late John McCain. Personally, I liked Trump's ideas. Fantastic healthcare at tremendous saving, healthcare provide at an almost unbelievable level of quality.

But the Democrats didn't want it, so it didn't pass. Now its up to Chuck and Nancy.

Trumpcare was worthless. That's why McCain voted no.

McCain had previously made a sacred vow to support Trumpcare with his vote, and in fact promised his support for the program to his voters in Arizona.

The real reason why McCain voted "no" was because of his hatred for and jealousy of, Donald J. Trump.
Like most of trump's supposed plans, they are just incoherent babbling. Trumpcare does not exist, brainwashed functional moron. Nor does any plan for infrastructure or anything else. Wake up and smell the coffee dumbass. All the GOP cares about is cutting taxes on the rich and services and perks for everyone else. That is what the GOP reconciliation rule is for.
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