Trump Will Be Impeached

Republicans stormed a private hearing on impeachment, here’s why the proceedings are behind closed doors

On Wednesday, more than two dozen House Republicans disrupted a closed-door deposition on Capitol Hill regarding the impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump.

Laura Cooper, a senior Defense Department official who oversees Ukraine policy, was appearing before the House panels - intelligence, foreign affairs and oversight - conducting the investigation. Shortly after the deposition began, members of the House GOP held a news conference outside the secure room in the Capitol where the deposition was taking place.

The Republicans complained that the deposition was happening behind closed doors and said Americans should be able to read the transcripts of any interviews being conducted as part of the impeachment inquiry. Several Republicans then walked into the meeting unannounced and the deposition was put on hold. Some of them brought their cellphones into the secure room where electronics are not allowed, several lawmakers said.

Rep. Jim Jordan, of Ohio, said the Republicans are fed up with the secrecy surrounding the investigation, even though several of his GOP colleagues were on the panel of committees.

"It's finally reached a boiling point where members just said they are so frustrated at the idea that they can't be a part of this and can't see what's going on," said Jordan, who is the top Republican on the House oversight committee. "We're at a standstill here."

"The members have just had it and they want to be able to see and represent their constituents and find out what's going on," he said.

Despite Jordan’s claim that Republican House members are at a standstill and a boiling point on the closed-door meetings regarding impeachment, they are not the only ones in the dark.

Neither Republicans nor Democrats who do not serve on the committees conducting the impeachment inquiry are allowed in the room during closed door hearings. Republican members on those committees are allowed equal time to their Democratic counterparts to question witnesses.

This has been practiced countless times since the creation of Congress, most notably and recently, in the Benghazi hearings.

Trey Gowdy, the former South Carolina congressman who headed the Benghazi hearings in the House, once said: “The private ones [hearings] always produce better results.”

The Washington Post reports a Democratic congressional aide who is working on the impeachment inquiry, emailed those comments to show Republicans had no problem with closed-door hearings when they were in the House majority.

Republicans stormed a private hearing on impeachment, here’s why the proceedings are behind closed doors

Republicans do not get to play by one set of rules then try bullying people who are using those same rules because it is about republican criminality.


Republicans stormed a private hearing on impeachment, here’s why the proceedings are behind closed doors

On Wednesday, more than two dozen House Republicans disrupted a closed-door deposition on Capitol Hill regarding the impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump.

Laura Cooper, a senior Defense Department official who oversees Ukraine policy, was appearing before the House panels - intelligence, foreign affairs and oversight - conducting the investigation. Shortly after the deposition began, members of the House GOP held a news conference outside the secure room in the Capitol where the deposition was taking place.

The Republicans complained that the deposition was happening behind closed doors and said Americans should be able to read the transcripts of any interviews being conducted as part of the impeachment inquiry. Several Republicans then walked into the meeting unannounced and the deposition was put on hold. Some of them brought their cellphones into the secure room where electronics are not allowed, several lawmakers said.

Rep. Jim Jordan, of Ohio, said the Republicans are fed up with the secrecy surrounding the investigation, even though several of his GOP colleagues were on the panel of committees.

"It's finally reached a boiling point where members just said they are so frustrated at the idea that they can't be a part of this and can't see what's going on," said Jordan, who is the top Republican on the House oversight committee. "We're at a standstill here."

"The members have just had it and they want to be able to see and represent their constituents and find out what's going on," he said.

Despite Jordan’s claim that Republican House members are at a standstill and a boiling point on the closed-door meetings regarding impeachment, they are not the only ones in the dark.

Neither Republicans nor Democrats who do not serve on the committees conducting the impeachment inquiry are allowed in the room during closed door hearings. Republican members on those committees are allowed equal time to their Democratic counterparts to question witnesses.

This has been practiced countless times since the creation of Congress, most notably and recently, in the Benghazi hearings.

Trey Gowdy, the former South Carolina congressman who headed the Benghazi hearings in the House, once said: “The private ones [hearings] always produce better results.”

The Washington Post reports a Democratic congressional aide who is working on the impeachment inquiry, emailed those comments to show Republicans had no problem with closed-door hearings when they were in the House majority.

Republicans stormed a private hearing on impeachment, here’s why the proceedings are behind closed doors

Republicans do not get to play by one set of rules then try bullying people who are using those same rules because it is about republican criminality.

The Republicans just objected to the idea of trying to lynch the President behind closed doors. Mr. Schiff needs to be open about it, and not just selectively leaking bullshit.
When they decide to impeach Trump it won't be because of any of these phony investigations. They were looking for any reason to impeach since the day Trump was inaugurated. Actually, they're to the point where they don't even need a reason So when they do get around to impeaching him it will be more because Democrats have the majority and are devoid of all integrity, morals or sense of country. In the end, Democrats will impeach without cause and demean the office of the Presidency even further than they already have.

October 23, 2019 - Approval Of Impeachment Inquiry Reaches 55 Percent, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; Voters Disapprove Of Trump's Decision On Syria 2-1

QU Poll Release Detail
So when is THE HOUSE going to vote on it? I saw another poll that said only 43% favored impeachment and removal.

Death Watch 2020
Maybe for the same reason republicans voted 5984868 times to repeal Obamacare and failed....

Speaking of Obamacare -- when is that Trumpcare gonna take effect??

Trumpcare failed by a single vote, that of the late John McCain. Personally, I liked Trump's ideas. Fantastic healthcare at tremendous saving, healthcare provide at an almost unbelievable level of quality.

But the Democrats didn't want it, so it didn't pass. Now its up to Chuck and Nancy.

Trumpcare was worthless. That's why McCain voted no.

McCain had previously made a sacred vow to support Trumpcare with his vote, and in fact promised his support for the program to his voters in Arizona.

The real reason why McCain voted "no" was because of his hatred for and jealousy of, Donald J. Trump.
How come 14% of people supported Trumpcare??

Is that a reason why we never ever heard talk about Trumpcare again??
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When they decide to impeach Trump it won't be because of any of these phony investigations. They were looking for any reason to impeach since the day Trump was inaugurated. Actually, they're to the point where they don't even need a reason So when they do get around to impeaching him it will be more because Democrats have the majority and are devoid of all integrity, morals or sense of country. In the end, Democrats will impeach without cause and demean the office of the Presidency even further than they already have.
And Clinton wasn't impeached because of any Whitewater land deal -- he was impeached for lying about an affair under oath.....

If Trump ever went under oath for 5 minutes, he would perjure himself 22 times and this is why Trump would commit suicide before he ever testifies under oath....
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When they decide to impeach Trump it won't be because of any of these phony investigations. They were looking for any reason to impeach since the day Trump was inaugurated. Actually, they're to the point where they don't even need a reason So when they do get around to impeaching him it will be more because Democrats have the majority and are devoid of all integrity, morals or sense of country. In the end, Democrats will impeach without cause and demean the office of the Presidency even further than they already have.
Democrats aren't like republicans. We don't make shit up and keep investigating no matter how many times we're shown what we're investigating didn't happen.
The time has come for Trump.

Trump Will Be Impeached
Ambassador William Taylor’s testimony sealed the deal.
October 22, 2019
John Podhoretz

Remember when I said last week that October 17 was the worst day of the Trump presidency? Well, October 22 and has now come along to break the record. This is the day that, I think, has ensured Donald Trump’s impeachment. Not his removal. But impeachment will be bad enough.

Today’s key sentence: “Ambassador Sondland said, ‘everything’ was dependent on such an announcement, including security assistance.”

It comes from the testimony of acting U.S. ambassador to the Ukraine William Taylor before House impeachment investigators, and it instantly makes all but impossible the task of anyone seeking to defend Trump against the charge that he held up American military aid to Ukraine to secure a political advantage in the 2020 election.

There were three defenses of Trump following the revelations of the “whistleblower” and the phone-call transcript of the conversation between the presidents of the United States and Ukraine. The first was that he is only interested in investigating corruption relating to the 2016 election. The second is that even though Trump himself said he wanted the Ukranian to do him a favor, there was no quid pro quo. The third is that the only thing Trump was trading for was a White House visit, which is no great shakes.

There’s no need to talk about the “whistleblower” and his findings any longer, and there’s no need for the whistleblower to be heard any further. We have a veteran U.S. diplomat on the record saying that a Trump intimate told him Trump was holding up Congressionally authorized and appropriated military aid to Ukraine because he wanted a public statement from the Zelensky government that it was investigating Joe Biden’s son.

Taylor said this of a September 1 phone call with Gordon Sondland, our ambassador to the European Union about the $275 million in U.S. security assistance to Ukraine as well as a possible meeting between Trump and Ukranian president Zelensky:

“Ambassador Sondland told me that President Trump had told him that he wants President Zelensky to state publicly that Ukraine will investigate Burisma and alleged Ukrainian interference in the 2016 U.S. election. Ambassador Sondland also told me that he now recognized that he had made a mistake by earlier telling the Ukrainian officials to whom he spoke that a White House meeting with President Zelenskyy was dependent on a public announcement of investigations—in fact, Ambassador Sondland said, ‘everything’ was dependent on such an announcement, including security assistance. He said that President Trump wanted President Zelenskyy ‘in a public box’ by making a public statement about ordering such investigations.”

Ambassador William Taylor’s Testimony Ensured Trump’s Impeachment

Trump has a guest coming to visit

And he doesn't worry about invitations
If he's impeached it will not be a nonpartisan impeachment that will show the voters that it's a political impeachment to change the vote of 2016. Why impeach with one year away from the 2020 election? I'll tell you why because democrats know they can't beat him. And guess what if somehow impeachment does happen in the house the Senate will see the vote for what it is a political impeachment to change the vote from 2016 and will acquit AS PRESIDENT TRUMP STEAMROLLS HIS WAY INTO THE WHITEHOUSE.
So I say let the impeachment begin.
When they decide to impeach Trump it won't be because of any of these phony investigations. They were looking for any reason to impeach since the day Trump was inaugurated. Actually, they're to the point where they don't even need a reason So when they do get around to impeaching him it will be more because Democrats have the majority and are devoid of all integrity, morals or sense of country. In the end, Democrats will impeach without cause and demean the office of the Presidency even further than they already have.
Democrats aren't like republicans. We don't make shit up and keep investigating no matter how many times we're shown what we're investigating didn't happen.

That's exactly what Schiff is doing.
When they decide to impeach Trump it won't be because of any of these phony investigations. They were looking for any reason to impeach since the day Trump was inaugurated. Actually, they're to the point where they don't even need a reason So when they do get around to impeaching him it will be more because Democrats have the majority and are devoid of all integrity, morals or sense of country. In the end, Democrats will impeach without cause and demean the office of the Presidency even further than they already have.
And Clinton wasn't impeached because of any Whitewater land deal -- he was impeached for lying about an affair under oath.....

If Trump ever went under oath for 5 minutes, he would perjure himself 22 times and this is why Trump would commit suicide before he ever testifies under oath....
Clinton also obstructed the investigation
If the Ukraine transcript is enough then stop playing Gilbert Grape never (seen the movie) and hold the vote and let’s get this trial under way

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
The house impeachment process is like a grand jury, deciding and secret weather and indictment is called for. Then the trial takes place in the Senate. Why is our media so stupid? why isn't it explain that there are Republicans on all these committees so they are hardly being held in secret. Yes pathetic media in this country. We need much more news from around the world and less pundits arguing garbage propaganda. That would be GOP garbage propaganda of course.

"The house impeachment process is like a grand jury"

If that were true there would another investigation into the leaks, it's illegal to leak Grand Jury testimony.
When they decide to impeach Trump it won't be because of any of these phony investigations. They were looking for any reason to impeach since the day Trump was inaugurated. Actually, they're to the point where they don't even need a reason So when they do get around to impeaching him it will be more because Democrats have the majority and are devoid of all integrity, morals or sense of country. In the end, Democrats will impeach without cause and demean the office of the Presidency even further than they already have.
Democrats aren't like republicans. We don't make shit up and keep investigating no matter how many times we're shown what we're investigating didn't happen.
Keep repeating that lie
If the Ukraine transcript is enough then stop playing Gilbert Grape never (seen the movie) and hold the vote and let’s get this trial under way

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
The house impeachment process is like a grand jury, deciding and secret weather and indictment is called for. Then the trial takes place in the Senate. Why is our media so stupid? why isn't it explain that there are Republicans on all these committees so they are hardly being held in secret. Yes pathetic media in this country. We need much more news from around the world and less pundits arguing garbage propaganda. That would be GOP garbage propaganda of course.

"The house impeachment process is like a grand jury"

If that were true there would another investigation into the leaks, it's illegal to leak Grand Jury testimony.
If dems had something on Trump leaks would have already made it to the media.
The time has come for Trump.

Trump Will Be Impeached
Ambassador William Taylor’s testimony sealed the deal.
October 22, 2019
John Podhoretz

Remember when I said last week that October 17 was the worst day of the Trump presidency? Well, October 22 and has now come along to break the record. This is the day that, I think, has ensured Donald Trump’s impeachment. Not his removal. But impeachment will be bad enough.

Today’s key sentence: “Ambassador Sondland said, ‘everything’ was dependent on such an announcement, including security assistance.”

It comes from the testimony of acting U.S. ambassador to the Ukraine William Taylor before House impeachment investigators, and it instantly makes all but impossible the task of anyone seeking to defend Trump against the charge that he held up American military aid to Ukraine to secure a political advantage in the 2020 election.

There were three defenses of Trump following the revelations of the “whistleblower” and the phone-call transcript of the conversation between the presidents of the United States and Ukraine. The first was that he is only interested in investigating corruption relating to the 2016 election. The second is that even though Trump himself said he wanted the Ukranian to do him a favor, there was no quid pro quo. The third is that the only thing Trump was trading for was a White House visit, which is no great shakes.

There’s no need to talk about the “whistleblower” and his findings any longer, and there’s no need for the whistleblower to be heard any further. We have a veteran U.S. diplomat on the record saying that a Trump intimate told him Trump was holding up Congressionally authorized and appropriated military aid to Ukraine because he wanted a public statement from the Zelensky government that it was investigating Joe Biden’s son.

Taylor said this of a September 1 phone call with Gordon Sondland, our ambassador to the European Union about the $275 million in U.S. security assistance to Ukraine as well as a possible meeting between Trump and Ukranian president Zelensky:

“Ambassador Sondland told me that President Trump had told him that he wants President Zelensky to state publicly that Ukraine will investigate Burisma and alleged Ukrainian interference in the 2016 U.S. election. Ambassador Sondland also told me that he now recognized that he had made a mistake by earlier telling the Ukrainian officials to whom he spoke that a White House meeting with President Zelenskyy was dependent on a public announcement of investigations—in fact, Ambassador Sondland said, ‘everything’ was dependent on such an announcement, including security assistance. He said that President Trump wanted President Zelenskyy ‘in a public box’ by making a public statement about ordering such investigations.”

Ambassador William Taylor’s Testimony Ensured Trump’s Impeachment

Trump has a guest coming to visit

And he doesn't worry about invitations
Well it Has to make it through the Senate, and if it does every single one of those Republicans will be primaried out... lol

No. Impeachment is only done by congress. The senate convicts. When the evidence is shown to the American people, if the senate does not convict, they very well may be voted out of the majority.

Yep. 55% now want him impeached and removed.
The time has come for Trump.

Trump Will Be Impeached
Ambassador William Taylor’s testimony sealed the deal.
October 22, 2019
John Podhoretz

Remember when I said last week that October 17 was the worst day of the Trump presidency? Well, October 22 and has now come along to break the record. This is the day that, I think, has ensured Donald Trump’s impeachment. Not his removal. But impeachment will be bad enough.

Today’s key sentence: “Ambassador Sondland said, ‘everything’ was dependent on such an announcement, including security assistance.”

It comes from the testimony of acting U.S. ambassador to the Ukraine William Taylor before House impeachment investigators, and it instantly makes all but impossible the task of anyone seeking to defend Trump against the charge that he held up American military aid to Ukraine to secure a political advantage in the 2020 election.

There were three defenses of Trump following the revelations of the “whistleblower” and the phone-call transcript of the conversation between the presidents of the United States and Ukraine. The first was that he is only interested in investigating corruption relating to the 2016 election. The second is that even though Trump himself said he wanted the Ukranian to do him a favor, there was no quid pro quo. The third is that the only thing Trump was trading for was a White House visit, which is no great shakes.

There’s no need to talk about the “whistleblower” and his findings any longer, and there’s no need for the whistleblower to be heard any further. We have a veteran U.S. diplomat on the record saying that a Trump intimate told him Trump was holding up Congressionally authorized and appropriated military aid to Ukraine because he wanted a public statement from the Zelensky government that it was investigating Joe Biden’s son.

Taylor said this of a September 1 phone call with Gordon Sondland, our ambassador to the European Union about the $275 million in U.S. security assistance to Ukraine as well as a possible meeting between Trump and Ukranian president Zelensky:

“Ambassador Sondland told me that President Trump had told him that he wants President Zelensky to state publicly that Ukraine will investigate Burisma and alleged Ukrainian interference in the 2016 U.S. election. Ambassador Sondland also told me that he now recognized that he had made a mistake by earlier telling the Ukrainian officials to whom he spoke that a White House meeting with President Zelenskyy was dependent on a public announcement of investigations—in fact, Ambassador Sondland said, ‘everything’ was dependent on such an announcement, including security assistance. He said that President Trump wanted President Zelenskyy ‘in a public box’ by making a public statement about ordering such investigations.”

Ambassador William Taylor’s Testimony Ensured Trump’s Impeachment

Trump has a guest coming to visit

And he doesn't worry about invitations
Well it Has to make it through the Senate, and if it does every single one of those Republicans will be primaried out... lol

No. Impeachment is only done by congress. The senate convicts. When the evidence is shown to the American people, if the senate does not convict, they very well may be voted out of the majority.

Yep. 55% now want him impeached and removed.
55% of a fake poll that most understand
All progressives want Trump impeached, no conservatives do… There we have it LOL

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