Trump Will Be Impeached

Ukraine president knew Trump wanted Biden probe back in May: report


Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky was worried about how to deal with pressure from the Trump administration to investigate Joe Biden in early May — about two weeks before he was inaugurated, a new report said Wednesday.

Zelensky had gathered a small group of advisers on May 7 in Kiev for a meeting that was supposed to be about his nation’s energy needs.

Instead, the group spent most of the three-hour discussion talking about how to navigate President Trump’s and his personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani’s calls for a probe into Biden, The Associated Press reported, citing a trio of sources familiar with the details of the meeting.

The meeting came about two weeks after Trump called to offer his congratulations on the night of the Ukrainian leader’s April 21 election.

The full details of what the two leaders discussed in that Easter Sunday phone call have never been publicly disclosed, and it is not clear whether Trump asked for an investigation of the Bidens.

The sources’ memories differ on whether Zelensky specifically cited that first call with Trump as the source of his unease.

But their accounts all show the Ukrainian president-elect was wary of Trump’s push for an investigation into the former vice president and his son Hunter’s business dealings with Burisma Holdings, an energy giant in Ukraine.
When they decide to impeach Trump it won't be because of any of these phony investigations. They were looking for any reason to impeach since the day Trump was inaugurated. Actually, they're to the point where they don't even need a reason So when they do get around to impeaching him it will be more because Democrats have the majority and are devoid of all integrity, morals or sense of country. In the end, Democrats will impeach without cause and demean the office of the Presidency even further than they already have.
And Clinton wasn't impeached because of any Whitewater land deal -- he was impeached for lying about an affair under oath.....

If Trump ever went under oath for 5 minutes, he would perjure himself 22 times and this is why Trump would commit suicide before he ever testifies under oath....
Clinton also obstructed the investigation
Not really. And let's not compare some blowjobs in the oval office with asking foreign countries to help you win elections.

Talk about globalism.
If the Ukraine transcript is enough then stop playing Gilbert Grape never (seen the movie) and hold the vote and let’s get this trial under way

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
The house impeachment process is like a grand jury, deciding and secret weather and indictment is called for. Then the trial takes place in the Senate. Why is our media so stupid? why isn't it explain that there are Republicans on all these committees so they are hardly being held in secret. Yes pathetic media in this country. We need much more news from around the world and less pundits arguing garbage propaganda. That would be GOP garbage propaganda of course.

"The house impeachment process is like a grand jury"

If that were true there would another investigation into the leaks, it's illegal to leak Grand Jury testimony.
If dems had something on Trump leaks would have already made it to the media.
Well you have seen what they said, and there are plenty of Republicans on those committees, so your entire conspiracy is once again total garbage. He is so mobbed-up he should be thrown out of office... you can't pressure foreign leaders especially ones fighting Russia for favors and dirt on opponents. Wake up and smell the coffee. it has all reached the media, just not your GOP propaganda machine dumbass.
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The time has come for Trump.

Trump Will Be Impeached
Ambassador William Taylor’s testimony sealed the deal.
October 22, 2019
John Podhoretz

Remember when I said last week that October 17 was the worst day of the Trump presidency? Well, October 22 and has now come along to break the record. This is the day that, I think, has ensured Donald Trump’s impeachment. Not his removal. But impeachment will be bad enough.

Today’s key sentence: “Ambassador Sondland said, ‘everything’ was dependent on such an announcement, including security assistance.”

It comes from the testimony of acting U.S. ambassador to the Ukraine William Taylor before House impeachment investigators, and it instantly makes all but impossible the task of anyone seeking to defend Trump against the charge that he held up American military aid to Ukraine to secure a political advantage in the 2020 election.

There were three defenses of Trump following the revelations of the “whistleblower” and the phone-call transcript of the conversation between the presidents of the United States and Ukraine. The first was that he is only interested in investigating corruption relating to the 2016 election. The second is that even though Trump himself said he wanted the Ukranian to do him a favor, there was no quid pro quo. The third is that the only thing Trump was trading for was a White House visit, which is no great shakes.

There’s no need to talk about the “whistleblower” and his findings any longer, and there’s no need for the whistleblower to be heard any further. We have a veteran U.S. diplomat on the record saying that a Trump intimate told him Trump was holding up Congressionally authorized and appropriated military aid to Ukraine because he wanted a public statement from the Zelensky government that it was investigating Joe Biden’s son.

Taylor said this of a September 1 phone call with Gordon Sondland, our ambassador to the European Union about the $275 million in U.S. security assistance to Ukraine as well as a possible meeting between Trump and Ukranian president Zelensky:

“Ambassador Sondland told me that President Trump had told him that he wants President Zelensky to state publicly that Ukraine will investigate Burisma and alleged Ukrainian interference in the 2016 U.S. election. Ambassador Sondland also told me that he now recognized that he had made a mistake by earlier telling the Ukrainian officials to whom he spoke that a White House meeting with President Zelenskyy was dependent on a public announcement of investigations—in fact, Ambassador Sondland said, ‘everything’ was dependent on such an announcement, including security assistance. He said that President Trump wanted President Zelenskyy ‘in a public box’ by making a public statement about ordering such investigations.”

Ambassador William Taylor’s Testimony Ensured Trump’s Impeachment

Trump has a guest coming to visit

And he doesn't worry about invitations

Don't they limit how much bullshit one person can post ?
If the Ukraine transcript is enough then stop playing Gilbert Grape never (seen the movie) and hold the vote and let’s get this trial under way

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
The house impeachment process is like a grand jury, deciding and secret weather and indictment is called for. Then the trial takes place in the Senate. Why is our media so stupid? why isn't it explain that there are Republicans on all these committees so they are hardly being held in secret. Yes pathetic media in this country. We need much more news from around the world and less pundits arguing garbage propaganda. That would be GOP garbage propaganda of course.

"The house impeachment process is like a grand jury"

If that were true there would another investigation into the leaks, it's illegal to leak Grand Jury testimony.
If dems had something on Trump leaks would have already made it to the media.

There leaks should be thrown out because honestly they are doing everything because they want power and god I hope that we can threaten Elizabeth Warren with impeachment

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
The time has come for Trump.

Trump Will Be Impeached
Ambassador William Taylor’s testimony sealed the deal.
October 22, 2019
John Podhoretz

Remember when I said last week that October 17 was the worst day of the Trump presidency? Well, October 22 and has now come along to break the record. This is the day that, I think, has ensured Donald Trump’s impeachment. Not his removal. But impeachment will be bad enough.

Today’s key sentence: “Ambassador Sondland said, ‘everything’ was dependent on such an announcement, including security assistance.”

It comes from the testimony of acting U.S. ambassador to the Ukraine William Taylor before House impeachment investigators, and it instantly makes all but impossible the task of anyone seeking to defend Trump against the charge that he held up American military aid to Ukraine to secure a political advantage in the 2020 election.

There were three defenses of Trump following the revelations of the “whistleblower” and the phone-call transcript of the conversation between the presidents of the United States and Ukraine. The first was that he is only interested in investigating corruption relating to the 2016 election. The second is that even though Trump himself said he wanted the Ukranian to do him a favor, there was no quid pro quo. The third is that the only thing Trump was trading for was a White House visit, which is no great shakes.

There’s no need to talk about the “whistleblower” and his findings any longer, and there’s no need for the whistleblower to be heard any further. We have a veteran U.S. diplomat on the record saying that a Trump intimate told him Trump was holding up Congressionally authorized and appropriated military aid to Ukraine because he wanted a public statement from the Zelensky government that it was investigating Joe Biden’s son.

Taylor said this of a September 1 phone call with Gordon Sondland, our ambassador to the European Union about the $275 million in U.S. security assistance to Ukraine as well as a possible meeting between Trump and Ukranian president Zelensky:

“Ambassador Sondland told me that President Trump had told him that he wants President Zelensky to state publicly that Ukraine will investigate Burisma and alleged Ukrainian interference in the 2016 U.S. election. Ambassador Sondland also told me that he now recognized that he had made a mistake by earlier telling the Ukrainian officials to whom he spoke that a White House meeting with President Zelenskyy was dependent on a public announcement of investigations—in fact, Ambassador Sondland said, ‘everything’ was dependent on such an announcement, including security assistance. He said that President Trump wanted President Zelenskyy ‘in a public box’ by making a public statement about ordering such investigations.”

Ambassador William Taylor’s Testimony Ensured Trump’s Impeachment

Trump has a guest coming to visit

And he doesn't worry about invitations
Well it Has to make it through the Senate, and if it does every single one of those Republicans will be primaried out... lol

No. Impeachment is only done by congress. The senate convicts. When the evidence is shown to the American people, if the senate does not convict, they very well may be voted out of the majority.

Yep. 55% now want him impeached and removed.

55% of emotional liberal democrats? Who hates the country

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If the Ukraine transcript is enough then stop playing Gilbert Grape never (seen the movie) and hold the vote and let’s get this trial under way

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
The house impeachment process is like a grand jury, deciding and secret weather and indictment is called for. Then the trial takes place in the Senate. Why is our media so stupid? why isn't it explain that there are Republicans on all these committees so they are hardly being held in secret. Yes pathetic media in this country. We need much more news from around the world and less pundits arguing garbage propaganda. That would be GOP garbage propaganda of course.

"The house impeachment process is like a grand jury"

If that were true there would another investigation into the leaks, it's illegal to leak Grand Jury testimony.
If dems had something on Trump leaks would have already made it to the media.
Well you have seen what they said, and there are plenty of Republicans on those committees, so your entire conspiracy is once again total garbage. He is so mobbed-up he should be thrown out of office... you can't pressure foreign leaders especially ones fighting Russia for favors and dirt on opponents. Wake up and smell the coffee. it has all reached the media, just not your GOP propaganda machine dumbass.

But it’s acceptable to buy a research opt edit that is ok? Ok so loser is innocent? You people are a joke

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
If the Ukraine transcript is enough then stop playing Gilbert Grape never (seen the movie) and hold the vote and let’s get this trial under way

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
The house impeachment process is like a grand jury, deciding and secret weather and indictment is called for. Then the trial takes place in the Senate. Why is our media so stupid? why isn't it explain that there are Republicans on all these committees so they are hardly being held in secret. Yes pathetic media in this country. We need much more news from around the world and less pundits arguing garbage propaganda. That would be GOP garbage propaganda of course.

"The house impeachment process is like a grand jury"

If that were true there would another investigation into the leaks, it's illegal to leak Grand Jury testimony.

If you people want to get mid evil? Let’s play but when we make a decision you people are quickly covering with impeachment bunches of cowards oh hey btw I’m thinking of selling coloring books so liberals let me know if you getting low on books

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
If the Ukraine transcript is enough then stop playing Gilbert Grape never (seen the movie) and hold the vote and let’s get this trial under way

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
The house impeachment process is like a grand jury, deciding and secret weather and indictment is called for. Then the trial takes place in the Senate. Why is our media so stupid? why isn't it explain that there are Republicans on all these committees so they are hardly being held in secret. Yes pathetic media in this country. We need much more news from around the world and less pundits arguing garbage propaganda. That would be GOP garbage propaganda of course.

Did the house did it with Clinton? I’m just curious because I honestly can tell you if I was a senator and I was the person that in charge I would laugh at this embarrassing wack out speaker and I honestly would question her mental health because she is a unfit person

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky was worried about how to deal with pressure from the Trump administration to investigate Joe Biden in early May — about two weeks before he was inaugurated, a new report said Wednesday.
More fake news.
About those polls: The Fox poll from two weeks ago said 51% of people were in favor of impeaching and removing, and a CNN poll yesterday said 50%. Not quite 55, but the numbers are steadily climbing and I imagine they will continue to climb.

By contrast, Nixon's climbed from 15 to 57 (I think) over the course of a year and a half, but Clinton's stayed in the low 30's through his whole process. Read into that what you will.
Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky was worried about how to deal with pressure from the Trump administration to investigate Joe Biden in early May — about two weeks before he was inaugurated, a new report said Wednesday.
More fake news.
The reports are coming from reputable news outlets, and this one mentions three different sources telling the same story. It looks legit.

Ukrainian leader felt Trump pressure before taking office
About those polls: The Fox poll from two weeks ago said 51% of people were in favor of impeaching and removing, and a CNN poll yesterday said 50%. Not quite 55, but the numbers are steadily climbing and I imagine they will continue to climb.

By contrast, Nixon's climbed from 15 to 57 (I think) over the course of a year and a half, but Clinton's stayed in the low 30's through his whole process. Read into that what you will.
55% according to Quinnipiac...

QU Poll Release Detail

... and that doesn't reflect the public's reaction to Taylor's explosive testimony.
About those polls: The Fox poll from two weeks ago said 51% of people were in favor of impeaching and removing, and a CNN poll yesterday said 50%. Not quite 55, but the numbers are steadily climbing and I imagine they will continue to climb.

By contrast, Nixon's climbed from 15 to 57 (I think) over the course of a year and a half, but Clinton's stayed in the low 30's through his whole process. Read into that what you will.
55% according to Quinnipiac...

QU Poll Release Detail

... and that doesn't reflect the public's reaction to Taylor's explosive testimony.
XXXXXXXXXXXXXX-Meister Trump will not be removed from office. And a good portion of this nation will never renew trust in much of its government, in much of its media, in much of its entertainment industry again.
Last edited by a moderator:
When they decide to impeach Trump it won't be because of any of these phony investigations. They were looking for any reason to impeach since the day Trump was inaugurated. Actually, they're to the point where they don't even need a reason So when they do get around to impeaching him it will be more because Democrats have the majority and are devoid of all integrity, morals or sense of country. In the end, Democrats will impeach without cause and demean the office of the Presidency even further than they already have.
And Clinton wasn't impeached because of any Whitewater land deal -- he was impeached for lying about an affair under oath.....

If Trump ever went under oath for 5 minutes, he would perjure himself 22 times and this is why Trump would commit suicide before he ever testifies under oath....
Clinton also obstructed the investigation
Not really. And let's not compare some blowjobs in the oval office with asking foreign countries to help you win elections.

Talk about globalism.
obstruction is obstruction try again.
If the Ukraine transcript is enough then stop playing Gilbert Grape never (seen the movie) and hold the vote and let’s get this trial under way

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
The house impeachment process is like a grand jury, deciding and secret weather and indictment is called for. Then the trial takes place in the Senate. Why is our media so stupid? why isn't it explain that there are Republicans on all these committees so they are hardly being held in secret. Yes pathetic media in this country. We need much more news from around the world and less pundits arguing garbage propaganda. That would be GOP garbage propaganda of course.

"The house impeachment process is like a grand jury"

If that were true there would another investigation into the leaks, it's illegal to leak Grand Jury testimony.
If dems had something on Trump leaks would have already made it to the media.
Well you have seen what they said, and there are plenty of Republicans on those committees, so your entire conspiracy is once again total garbage. He is so mobbed-up he should be thrown out of office... you can't pressure foreign leaders especially ones fighting Russia for favors and dirt on opponents. Wake up and smell the coffee. it has all reached the media, just not your GOP propaganda machine dumbass.
oh Frankay stop with the blowing smoke up your own ass so you don't have to view the lies that the rest of us see
If the Ukraine transcript is enough then stop playing Gilbert Grape never (seen the movie) and hold the vote and let’s get this trial under way

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
The house impeachment process is like a grand jury, deciding and secret weather and indictment is called for. Then the trial takes place in the Senate. Why is our media so stupid? why isn't it explain that there are Republicans on all these committees so they are hardly being held in secret. Yes pathetic media in this country. We need much more news from around the world and less pundits arguing garbage propaganda. That would be GOP garbage propaganda of course.

Did the house did it with Clinton? I’m just curious because I honestly can tell you if I was a senator and I was the person that in charge I would laugh at this embarrassing wack out speaker and I honestly would question her mental health because she is a unfit person

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Every impeachment that has happened they conducted a vote for an inquiry for impeachment
They are also forced to have a vote to impeach
If the Ukraine transcript is enough then stop playing Gilbert Grape never (seen the movie) and hold the vote and let’s get this trial under way
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
The house impeachment process is like a grand jury, deciding and secret weather and indictment is called for. Then the trial takes place in the Senate. Why is our media so stupid? why isn't it explain that there are Republicans on all these committees so they are hardly being held in secret. Yes pathetic media in this country. We need much more news from around the world and less pundits arguing garbage propaganda. That would be GOP garbage propaganda of course.
Did the house did it with Clinton? I’m just curious because I honestly can tell you if I was a senator and I was the person that in charge I would laugh at this embarrassing wack out speaker and I honestly would question her mental health because she is a unfit person
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Every impeachment that has happened they conducted a vote for an inquiry for impeachment
They are also forced to have a vote to impeach

What I don't get is are the democrats holding these "investigations" all by themselves? Are there any republicans involved or is this a private party? And if the democrats decide they want to try to impeach and they decide to then let the rest of the world in on their shimmy sham, what will they do, rehash all the same evidence and witnesses all over from scratch again? Or will they simply say "This is what we found and claim, just take our word for it?"

And when do they roll out the rack of confession and thumbscrews to get Trump to confess? I want to be sure to tape that part.

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