Trump Will Be Impeached

The loons are out in force today.

And they are quite desperate, as you can see.
No desperation is trying to impeach with 1 year away from the 2020 election.
No, desperation has been obstructing all investigations so you don't get impeached before the 2018 mid terms.

No, desperation is you nuts who choose to believe everything you hear from your Rulers despite the fact that you've seen no evidence.
We've seen plenty of evidence. Almost 3 years worth.

The loons are out in force today.

And they are quite desperate, as you can see.
No desperation is trying to impeach with 1 year away from the 2020 election.
No, desperation has been obstructing all investigations so you don't get impeached before the 2018 mid terms.

No, desperation is you nuts who choose to believe everything you hear from your Rulers despite the fact that you've seen no evidence.
We've seen plenty of evidence. Almost 3 years worth.

Then they need to take the vote. They got him this time.
They can't wait until after the election because they will have their asses handed to them
And they are quite desperate, as you can see.
No desperation is trying to impeach with 1 year away from the 2020 election.
No, desperation has been obstructing all investigations so you don't get impeached before the 2018 mid terms.

No, desperation is you nuts who choose to believe everything you hear from your Rulers despite the fact that you've seen no evidence.
We've seen plenty of evidence. Almost 3 years worth.

Then they need to take the vote. They got him this time.
They can't wait until after the election because they will have their asses handed to them

They will vote when they are ready. If whites in America are so strung out on racism that they help give Trump a second term, then they will be responsible for the destruction of our republic.
No desperation is trying to impeach with 1 year away from the 2020 election.
No, desperation has been obstructing all investigations so you don't get impeached before the 2018 mid terms.

No, desperation is you nuts who choose to believe everything you hear from your Rulers despite the fact that you've seen no evidence.
We've seen plenty of evidence. Almost 3 years worth.

Then they need to take the vote. They got him this time.
They can't wait until after the election because they will have their asses handed to them

They will vote when they are ready. If whites in America are so strung out on racism that they help give Trump a second term, then they will be responsible for the destruction of our republic.
IM2, don't bring racism into this good thread. Why don't the democrats put up a viable candidate instead of a socialist/communist?
They would be better served in doing so.
About those polls: The Fox poll from two weeks ago said 51% of people were in favor of impeaching and removing, and a CNN poll yesterday said 50%. Not quite 55, but the numbers are steadily climbing and I imagine they will continue to climb.

By contrast, Nixon's climbed from 15 to 57 (I think) over the course of a year and a half, but Clinton's stayed in the low 30's through his whole process. Read into that what you will.
55% according to Quinnipiac...

QU Poll Release Detail

... and that doesn't reflect the public's reaction to Taylor's explosive testimony.
Your drooling like a predator locked in a room of children. Trump will not be removed from office. And a good portion of this nation will never renew trust in much of its government, in much of its media, in much of its entertainment industry again.
So what? He's still going to be impeached. And if most American feel he should be impeached and removed from office, then Senate Republicans running in the 35 Senate races next year will have to explain to voters why they refused to kick him out.
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If the Ukraine transcript is enough then stop playing Gilbert Grape never (seen the movie) and hold the vote and let’s get this trial under way
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The house impeachment process is like a grand jury, deciding and secret weather and indictment is called for. Then the trial takes place in the Senate. Why is our media so stupid? why isn't it explain that there are Republicans on all these committees so they are hardly being held in secret. Yes pathetic media in this country. We need much more news from around the world and less pundits arguing garbage propaganda. That would be GOP garbage propaganda of course.
Did the house did it with Clinton? I’m just curious because I honestly can tell you if I was a senator and I was the person that in charge I would laugh at this embarrassing wack out speaker and I honestly would question her mental health because she is a unfit person
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Every impeachment that has happened they conducted a vote for an inquiry for impeachment
They are also forced to have a vote to impeach

What I don't get is are the democrats holding these "investigations" all by themselves? Are there any republicans involved or is this a private party? And if the democrats decide they want to try to impeach and they decide to then let the rest of the world in on their shimmy sham, what will they do, rehash all the same evidence and witnesses all over from scratch again? Or will they simply say "This is what we found and claim, just take our word for it?"

And when do they roll out the rack of confession and thumbscrews to get Trump to confess? I want to be sure to tape that part.
"Are there any republicans involved or is this a private party?"

Another dumbass birther cuck ^^^ reveals what a moron he is. :badgrin:
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This reminds me of the Russia probe, nothing but yak yak yak
If the Ukraine transcript is enough then stop playing Gilbert Grape never (seen the movie) and hold the vote and let’s get this trial under way
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
The house impeachment process is like a grand jury, deciding and secret weather and indictment is called for. Then the trial takes place in the Senate. Why is our media so stupid? why isn't it explain that there are Republicans on all these committees so they are hardly being held in secret. Yes pathetic media in this country. We need much more news from around the world and less pundits arguing garbage propaganda. That would be GOP garbage propaganda of course.
Did the house did it with Clinton? I’m just curious because I honestly can tell you if I was a senator and I was the person that in charge I would laugh at this embarrassing wack out speaker and I honestly would question her mental health because she is a unfit person
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Every impeachment that has happened they conducted a vote for an inquiry for impeachment
They are also forced to have a vote to impeach

What I don't get is are the democrats holding these "investigations" all by themselves? Are there any republicans involved or is this a private party? And if the democrats decide they want to try to impeach and they decide to then let the rest of the world in on their shimmy sham, what will they do, rehash all the same evidence and witnesses all over from scratch again? Or will they simply say "This is what we found and claim, just take our word for it?"

And when do they roll out the rack of confession and thumbscrews to get Trump to confess? I want to be sure to tape that part.
I would like the names of the ones behind the closed door Inquisition's
Go look at Congress' website, PussyBitch. It lists all committees and current members.
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Typical GOP voter who watches Fox Rush Limbaugh etc etc. Know less than nothing.of course there are Republicans on the committee and they ask questions and can cross-examine. Everything you know is wrong, of course 75% you've never heard on your ridiculous propaganda machine....

Except Jackass:
  • I'm not a GOP voter.
  • I don't even get cable much less Fox in many years.
  • Haven't heard Rush in many years since they took him off the radio around here except that rare occasion someone links us to some video of his here.
  • There is no etc., etc.
  • You haven't any idea what other people know so obviously much that you THINK you know is wrong.
  • I have no propaganda machine, ridiculous or otherwise.
Other than that, I agree 100% with you.

If you were half as smart as you think, you'd understand that until something official happens and the Dems COMMIT to something final rather than all this secret parade behind closed doors, they might as well be debating which burger joint serves the best shake. Meantime, they can hold all the hearings they want, no skin off my nose. When they actually grow a pair and actually CHARGE Trump with a crime and formally and publicly seek to vote to impeach him with a chance for me to follow and for Trump to see the evidence against him and be allowed to defend himself and face his accusers, I couldn't care less.

Democrats: like that annoying little dog that never shuts up yapping.

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If the Ukraine transcript is enough then stop playing Gilbert Grape never (seen the movie) and hold the vote and let’s get this trial under way

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
The house impeachment process is like a grand jury, deciding and secret weather and indictment is called for. Then the trial takes place in the Senate. Why is our media so stupid? why isn't it explain that there are Republicans on all these committees so they are hardly being held in secret. Yes pathetic media in this country. We need much more news from around the world and less pundits arguing garbage propaganda. That would be GOP garbage propaganda of course.

Did the house did it with Clinton? I’m just curious because I honestly can tell you if I was a senator and I was the person that in charge I would laugh at this embarrassing wack out speaker and I honestly would question her mental health because she is a unfit person

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Every impeachment that has happened they conducted a vote for an inquiry for impeachment
They are also forced to have a vote to impeach
Not in Johnson's.

And in Nixon and Clinton they had INVESTIGATIONS done BEFORE impeachment charges were done and full House vote....

But in those cases they had independent Counsel investigations...

This time, congress is having to do their own investigating and gathering of evidence, before they decide on impeachment articles.... the respective committees are the investigative prosecutors and grand juries of sorts.... there is no special counsel handing them evidence
This isn't an investigation it's an impeachment inquiry which is what happened during Clinton and Nixion
The precendent is set
There's no precedent, PussyBitch. There's no Hiuse rule mandating a full House vote. And there have been several impeachments in the past where an impeachment inquiry was initiated by nothing more than the House Speaker authorizing it.
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Take a vote in the House, have those democrats on record with their vote.
Hell, next years an election year and it will still be fresh in the minds of the voting public.
There will be a vote, Meister, on the Articles of Impeachment. The Senate can do the trial and Trump can do all the 'splainin' he wants at that time.. Republicans hollering for a vote just want to obstruct the process of the investigation and a vote will give them that opportunity. No way.
Show me the rules for seem to have this down, just show me the rules.
Is there a reason you couldn't find this without help from a Liberal?

The Impeachment Process in the House of Representatives
No they are not holding these investigations "all by themselves". The Committees are made up of Republicans and Dems. They are all in the room and they all have the opportunity to ask questions of the witnesses.
So the democrats are calling witnesses and asking questions and the republicans are asking questions of the whole thing and complaining about the proceedings?
What pictures do you have of the affair?
List of witnesses?
And I'd like to see what questions have been asked as well as the answers.
still no explanation for the secrecy! why?

If they were secret how do you know about them?
because the republicans tell me so because they are secret even to them. let alone the people who they represent. it's like a child telling a parent to stay out. hahahahahahaaha, too fking funny dude.

I bet if the Republicans told you President Obama isn't a US citizen you'd believe them wouldn't you?
I don't have to. I investigated from the news sources that said they had no actual birth certificate of record. BTW, the person that eventually produced a copy of some information died in a plane crash right after that delivery. I'm not a suspicious man, but coincidences I go hmmmm at.
Health director who approved Obama birth certificate dies in plane crash

Now you on the other hand with absolutely no information about trump and russia, believe anyone from the demofks side that screams russia helped trump. now that's scary. you have no desire to actually understand the facts on that. nope, you're all in on the koolaid their hypocrite.
"I investigated from the news sources that said they had no actual birth certificate of record."

Liar, idiot, or both?

"I, and Dr. Alvin Onaka have personally seen and verified that the Hawaii State Department of Health has Sen. Obama's original birth certificate on record in accordance with state policies and procedures." ~ Chiyome Fukino, Hawaii's Director of Health
The loons are out in force today.

And they are quite desperate, as you can see.
No desperation is trying to impeach with 1 year away from the 2020 election.
No, desperation has been obstructing all investigations so you don't get impeached before the 2018 mid terms.

No, desperation is you nuts who choose to believe everything you hear from your Rulers despite the fact that you've seen no evidence.
We've seen plenty of evidence. Almost 3 years worth.

Your personal crack pipe
The house impeachment process is like a grand jury, deciding and secret weather and indictment is called for. Then the trial takes place in the Senate. Why is our media so stupid? why isn't it explain that there are Republicans on all these committees so they are hardly being held in secret. Yes pathetic media in this country. We need much more news from around the world and less pundits arguing garbage propaganda. That would be GOP garbage propaganda of course.
Did the house did it with Clinton? I’m just curious because I honestly can tell you if I was a senator and I was the person that in charge I would laugh at this embarrassing wack out speaker and I honestly would question her mental health because she is a unfit person
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Every impeachment that has happened they conducted a vote for an inquiry for impeachment
They are also forced to have a vote to impeach

What I don't get is are the democrats holding these "investigations" all by themselves? Are there any republicans involved or is this a private party? And if the democrats decide they want to try to impeach and they decide to then let the rest of the world in on their shimmy sham, what will they do, rehash all the same evidence and witnesses all over from scratch again? Or will they simply say "This is what we found and claim, just take our word for it?"

And when do they roll out the rack of confession and thumbscrews to get Trump to confess? I want to be sure to tape that part.
I would like the names of the ones behind the closed door Inquisition's
Go look at Congress' website, PussyBitch. It lists all committees and current members.
And pussy bitch is triggered
No, desperation has been obstructing all investigations so you don't get impeached before the 2018 mid terms.

No, desperation is you nuts who choose to believe everything you hear from your Rulers despite the fact that you've seen no evidence.
We've seen plenty of evidence. Almost 3 years worth.

Then they need to take the vote. They got him this time.
They can't wait until after the election because they will have their asses handed to them

They will vote when they are ready. If whites in America are so strung out on racism that they help give Trump a second term, then they will be responsible for the destruction of our republic.
IM2, don't bring racism into this good thread. Why don't the democrats put up a viable candidate instead of a socialist/communist?
They would be better served in doing so.

I'm bringing racism into a thread I started because racism is the only reason people are supporting Trump as they are. The democrats have all kinds of good candidates. Republicans need to find a better candidate than the fascist you have now. Maybe people need to start wising up to the lies by the republican party. So I will wait and see who the democrats have and then watch them chew Trump up on his record. Don't be an impeached president trying to run for a second term.
This reminds me of the Russia probe, nothing but yak yak yak
Except the Russia investigation produced evidence that Trump is still obstructing.
Typical GOP voter who watches Fox Rush Limbaugh etc etc. Know less than nothing.of course there are Republicans on the committee and they ask questions and can cross-examine. Everything you know is wrong, of course 75% you've never heard on your ridiculous propaganda machine....

Except Jackass:
  • I'm not a GOP voter.
  • I don't even get cable much less Fox in many years.
  • Haven't heard Rush in many years since they took him off the radio around here except that rare occasion someone links us to some video of his here.
  • There is no etc., etc.
  • You haven't any idea what other people know so obviously much that you THINK you know is wrong.
  • I have no propaganda machine, ridiculous or otherwise.
Other than that, I agree 100% with you.

If you were half as smart as you think, you'd understand that until something official happens and the Dems COMMIT to something final rather than all this secret parade behind closed doors, they might as well be debating which burger joint serves the best shake. Meantime, they can hold all the hearings they want, no skin off my nose. When they actually grow a pair and actually CHARGE Trump with a crime and formally and publicly seek to vote to impeach him with a chance for me to follow and for Trump to see the evidence against him and be allowed to defend himself and face his accusers, I couldn't care less.

Democrats: like that annoying little dog that never shuts up yapping.

View attachment 286078
You aren't going to like what's coming.
And they are quite desperate, as you can see.
No desperation is trying to impeach with 1 year away from the 2020 election.
No, desperation has been obstructing all investigations so you don't get impeached before the 2018 mid terms.

No, desperation is you nuts who choose to believe everything you hear from your Rulers despite the fact that you've seen no evidence.
We've seen plenty of evidence. Almost 3 years worth.

Your personal crack pipe
Never smoked crack. But after reading the shit you Trump lovers post, I figure you guys are crackheads.
Every impeachment that has happened they conducted a vote for an inquiry for impeachment

So what? It was SOP to vote give subpoena power to any Committee not just an Impeachment Inquiry. At that time no Committee chairman had standing subpoena power. You can thank Darrell Issa and the 114th Congress for giving the Chairs that standing power.

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