trump will be indicted using this code

You guys are always willing to happily illustrate my points for me. You are fine assistants, I will give you that.
I still think it's a long shot. The DOJ is acutely aware of the magnitude of this situation, and if they indict and then swing & miss in court, the long term ramifications may be even worse than if they hadn't indicted him at all.

This is a no-win situation. The constitution is just not built for a mafia-like group such as this.
The DOJ is a weaponized agency and completely useless when it comes to real justice.
You guys are always willing to happily illustrate my points for me. You are fine assistants, I will give you that.
You and your ilk just don't appreciate pointed humor even a little bit....Sad you are.

Oh but please go on about how we should take the OP seriously.....I mean really flesh it out for us in 2K words or so.....Who knows, it might be good for a wall of text meme. ;)
I'm still here you leftist American hating swine. If you hate this country than please leave it. We don't need you.
Nah, your avatar is here. Your intellectual capability and ethics checked out long ago. I am sure you were never an intellectual, but Trump really sealed the deal and turned your brains to mush.
You and your ilk just don't appreciate pointed humor even a little bit....Sad you are. ;)

Oh but please go on about how we should take the OP seriously.....I mean really flesh it out for us in 2K words or so.....Who knows, it might be good for a wall of text meme.
Haha, yeah, I remember this tactic from the 7th grade.

"Just kidding!, please don't beat me up and take my lunch money now"
We know your just kidding man. You never made it to the 7th grade.
Internet thread about the criminal orange pile of shit is posted.

Cultists start bleeding from their wherevers and prostrate themselves for their orange God.

This must be a day that ends in "y".
And that's another element in this. It would be a certainty that at least one Trumpster will be on any given jury, and they'll do as expected.
Maybe y'all should have a secret trial in a basement somewhere, declare him guilty, and execute him. Leftists love that shit.

Hell, you don't even need the trial. You've already determined he's guilty.
Hmm, I feel like that would only make it worse. (But hey, what wouldn't? We are not talking about rational people, here)

Look at their treatment of the Republican special prosecutor, requested and appointed by Republicans (Mueller).

Now imagine a Democrat appointed by democrats.
Y'all have made it plain you don't want justice. You want revenge.

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