Trump will call for 2 national emergencies .. Because he has THE MEN !

Pelosi Warns Republicans: Next President Could Declare National Emergency on Guns

Foolish democrats cannot understand that only if the men are on your side you can declare an emergency and make it stick

President Andrew Jackson had the men on his side and said no to the congress and courts

He took the military against congress and courts to make the Indians go to reservations

Trump seeing how the unwise and crazies are electing crooks will bring logic tests for voting

Trump will copy the wise founders who would not let the unwise vote or be on juries

Trump had Obama's pen and phone. Maybe he can claw back some of the $150 Billion Barack gave to his brothers in Jihad in Iran
Pelosi Warns Republicans: Next President Could Declare National Emergency on Guns

Foolish democrats cannot understand that only if the men are on your side you can declare an emergency and make it stick

President Andrew Jackson had the men on his side and said no to the congress and courts

He took the military against congress and courts to make the Indians go to reservations

Trump seeing how the unwise and crazies are electing crooks will bring logic tests for voting

Trump will copy the wise founders who would not let the unwise vote or be on juries

Trump had Obama's pen and phone. Maybe he can claw back some of the $150 Billion Barack gave to his brothers in Jihad in Iran

Oh, you misinformed Rush child. That 150 billion was funds that the US seized that belonged to Iran. It never belonged to the US.
Pelosi Warns Republicans: Next President Could Declare National Emergency on Guns

Foolish democrats cannot understand that only if the men are on your side you can declare an emergency and make it stick

President Andrew Jackson had the men on his side and said no to the congress and courts

He took the military against congress and courts to make the Indians go to reservations

Trump seeing how the unwise and crazies are electing crooks will bring logic tests for voting

Trump will copy the wise founders who would not let the unwise vote or be on juries

Trump had Obama's pen and phone. Maybe he can claw back some of the $150 Billion Barack gave to his brothers in Jihad in Iran

Oh, you misinformed Rush child. That 150 billion was funds that the US seized that belonged to Iran. It never belonged to the US.

Wrong dead wrong

Now you are getting an education on how might makes right is indeed a universal law

If one has the power their laws stick

If not their laws are worthless

Learn 50,000 years of history
Remember when President Affirmative Action said "if um uhhh Congress doesn't act um uhhhh I will"?

And he did but he didn't advocate a revolution. He did what he had to do just to keep the government running. Up until now, Trump has had to do the same thing. But if he does the National Emergency over Immigration then he just stomped all over the line.

So the ends justify the means as long as you agree with it?

Affirmative Action opened the door just like W opened the door for him illegal spying.
Pelosi Warns Republicans: Next President Could Declare National Emergency on Guns

Foolish democrats cannot understand that only if the men are on your side you can declare an emergency and make it stick

President Andrew Jackson had the men on his side and said no to the congress and courts

He took the military against congress and courts to make the Indians go to reservations

Trump seeing how the unwise and crazies are electing crooks will bring logic tests for voting

Trump will copy the wise founders who would not let the unwise vote or be on juries

Trump had Obama's pen and phone. Maybe he can claw back some of the $150 Billion Barack gave to his brothers in Jihad in Iran

Oh, you misinformed Rush child. That 150 billion was funds that the US seized that belonged to Iran. It never belonged to the US.

Wrong dead wrong

Now you are getting an education on how might makes right is indeed a universal law

If one has the power their laws stick

If not their laws are worthless

Learn 50,000 years of history
"how might makes right".....very Russian sentiment, Comrade.
Remember when President Affirmative Action said "if um uhhh Congress doesn't act um uhhhh I will"?

And he did but he didn't advocate a revolution. He did what he had to do just to keep the government running. Up until now, Trump has had to do the same thing. But if he does the National Emergency over Immigration then he just stomped all over the line.

So the ends justify the means as long as you agree with it?

Affirmative Action opened the door just like W opened the door for him illegal spying.

It's the men that decides

Andrew Jackson proved that

It is not the congress or the courts

It's the men

And the deep state have lied and tricked to get the men away from trump

But the polls shows other wise

Again the real decider is the men
Remember when President Affirmative Action said "if um uhhh Congress doesn't act um uhhhh I will"?

And he did but he didn't advocate a revolution. He did what he had to do just to keep the government running. Up until now, Trump has had to do the same thing. But if he does the National Emergency over Immigration then he just stomped all over the line.

So the ends justify the means as long as you agree with it?

Affirmative Action opened the door just like W opened the door for him illegal spying.

It's the men that decides

Andrew Jackson proved that

It is not the congress or the courts

It's the men

And the deep state have lied and tricked to get the men away from trump

But the polls shows other wise

Again the real decider is the men
Poor insecure Comrade....:itsok: Sorry to hear that you have had your lunch money taken from you by girls all the time.
Pelosi Warns Republicans: Next President Could Declare National Emergency on Guns

Foolish democrats cannot understand that only if the men are on your side you can declare an emergency and make it stick

President Andrew Jackson had the men on his side and said no to the congress and courts

He took the military against congress and courts to make the Indians go to reservations

Trump seeing how the unwise and crazies are electing crooks will bring logic tests for voting

Trump will copy the wise founders who would not let the unwise vote or be on juries

Trump had Obama's pen and phone. Maybe he can claw back some of the $150 Billion Barack gave to his brothers in Jihad in Iran

Oh, you misinformed Rush child. That 150 billion was funds that the US seized that belonged to Iran. It never belonged to the US.

Wrong dead wrong

Now you are getting an education on how might makes right is indeed a universal law

If one has the power their laws stick

If not their laws are worthless

Learn 50,000 years of history
"how might makes right".....very Russian sentiment, Comrade.

Not Russian at all

Andrew Jackson proved that as president he had the men and ignored congress and the courts

Also this is 50,000 years universal law

Might makes right

Why is that true??

Because the highest logical thinkers makes the best inventions and wins the wars.

One highest logical person can control the world with their best invention

This also makes for the best progress for a nation

Trump has these as his supporters
Remember when President Affirmative Action said "if um uhhh Congress doesn't act um uhhhh I will"?

And he did but he didn't advocate a revolution. He did what he had to do just to keep the government running. Up until now, Trump has had to do the same thing. But if he does the National Emergency over Immigration then he just stomped all over the line.

So the ends justify the means as long as you agree with it?

Affirmative Action opened the door just like W opened the door for him illegal spying.

I just love your double dribbling, slight of hand and all that. But it has nothing to do with the actual subject.
Think about what would happen if democrats ever got their slimy hands on the Constitution and declared a "national emergency on guns". The hypocrisy is laughable when Obama became the nation's most notorious gun runner when he authorized the shipment of over 3,000 illegal weapons to Mexico. Nobody in the administration was arrested or even fired and the crazy left looked the other way when one of the weapons was used in the murder of a Border Officer.
Think about what would happen if democrats ever got their slimy hands on the Constitution and declared a "national emergency on guns". The hypocrisy is laughable when Obama became the nation's most notorious gun runner when he authorized the shipment of over 3,000 illegal weapons to Mexico. Nobody in the administration was arrested or even fired and the crazy left looked the other way when one of the weapons was used in the murder of a Border Officer.

Scary,ain't it. A President without borders. One completely out of control. Obama had borders, alibi loose ones, but he had borders. He had controls, again loose ones arguably. Trump want's all those controls removed and he's willing to shut down the whole enchilada to get it. We can't allow that to happen. So you can keep bringing up Obama if you want and we get to see how it really works. Meanwhile you ignore Trump trying to do his King thing. Newsflash, cupcake: Trump has recently been demoted from King to the lowly position of the President of the United States (Oh the Horrors).
Think about what would happen if democrats ever got their slimy hands on the Constitution and declared a "national emergency on guns". The hypocrisy is laughable when Obama became the nation's most notorious gun runner when he authorized the shipment of over 3,000 illegal weapons to Mexico. Nobody in the administration was arrested or even fired and the crazy left looked the other way when one of the weapons was used in the murder of a Border Officer.

The most notorious gun runner of all US history still goes to Reagon. Hell, I helped as did about 100,000 others run those guns.
Trumps only emergency is he is worried about getting reelected

Declaring an emergency and then assuming that a wall will fix it

ignores the facts

They can climb over the wall as numerous photos on the web show

They can dig a tunnel under the wall as they have found tunnels under mountains

They have boats and planes as any DEA man will tell ya

What they need to do is build big statues of Trump and have a recording "Go Home"

In Texas the should put a big cowboy hat on him, In New Mexico too

In Nevada, he should have a rhinestone hat

California , he should have shades
People say Trump won't have a chance of winning in 2020 if he fails to build the wall. I say it will make little difference at all. He will just lie and exaggerate the truth which he does quite well. If he only gets 50 miles of wall built, He'll tell supporters that he has built a great beautiful wall along the border and Mexico is paying it. Illegal immigration no longer exist there. And when the media tears him apart, he'll say, "More false news by the lying media" as the arena rumbles with the Trump Trump Trump chant. What's going to hurt Trump in 2020 is the real Trump. More people are beginning to see him as the con man he really is, not the savior of America who going to drain the swamp and make America great again.
Trumps only emergency is he is worried about getting reelected

Declaring an emergency and then assuming that a wall will fix it

ignores the facts

They can climb over the wall as numerous photos on the web show

They can dig a tunnel under the wall as they have found tunnels under mountains

They have boats and planes as any DEA man will tell ya

What they need to do is build big statues of Trump and have a recording "Go Home"

In Texas the should put a big cowboy hat on him, In New Mexico too

In Nevada, he should have a rhinestone hat

California , he should have shades
People say Trump won't have a chance of winning in 2020 if he fails to build the wall. I say it will make little difference at all. He will just lie and exaggerate the truth which he does quite well. If he only gets 50 miles of wall built, He'll tell supporters that he has built a great beautiful wall along the border and Mexico is paying it. Illegal immigration no longer exist there. And when the media tears him apart, he'll say, "More false news by the lying media" as the arena rumbles with the Trump Trump Trump chant. What's going to hurt Trump in 2020 is the real Trump. More people are beginning to see him as the con man he really is, not the savior of America who going to drain the swamp and make America great again.


More men and more Hispanics are moving to trumps side

2 of the last few polls shows Hispanics soaring to trump

This has the deep state in a total panic
Trump has the men on his side and that is why the total panic by the crooked democrats

Barr is set to drop the hammer

The 2nd emergency declared by trump is to stop the crooks from getting elected to destroy the nation

Trump has the men to make this stick. Making a logic test for voters
Trump has the men on his side and that is why the total panic by the crooked democrats

Barr is set to drop the hammer

The 2nd emergency declared by trump is to stop the crooks from getting elected to destroy the nation

Trump has the men to make this stick. Making a logic test for voters
Just wow
Pelosi Warns Republicans: Next President Could Declare National Emergency on Guns

Foolish democrats cannot understand that only if the men are on your side you can declare an emergency and make it stick

President Andrew Jackson had the men on his side and said no to the congress and courts

He took the military against congress and courts to make the Indians go to reservations

Trump seeing how the unwise and crazies are electing crooks will bring logic tests for voting

Trump will copy the wise founders who would not let the unwise vote or be on juries

Whether you like or dislike her, she does have a point. Trump may open up one hell of a can of worms on this one.
Hopefully! The sooner we got a war in this country the better.
Pelosi Warns Republicans: Next President Could Declare National Emergency on Guns

Foolish democrats cannot understand that only if the men are on your side you can declare an emergency and make it stick

President Andrew Jackson had the men on his side and said no to the congress and courts

He took the military against congress and courts to make the Indians go to reservations

Trump seeing how the unwise and crazies are electing crooks will bring logic tests for voting

Trump will copy the wise founders who would not let the unwise vote or be on juries

Whether you like or dislike her, she does have a point. Trump may open up one hell of a can of worms on this one.
Hopefully! The sooner we got a war in this country the better.

Yep but this is just a big bluff by the weak democrats because trump is the one with the men

And the most powerful group ever he has white men in a landslide

Together they will force a change in the voting rules

Only high logic people can vote

Coming from a logic ability test

This will destroy democrats and the media and educators who were corrupt
Pelosi Warns Republicans: Next President Could Declare National Emergency on Guns

Foolish democrats cannot understand that only if the men are on your side you can declare an emergency and make it stick

President Andrew Jackson had the men on his side and said no to the congress and courts

He took the military against congress and courts to make the Indians go to reservations

Trump seeing how the unwise and crazies are electing crooks will bring logic tests for voting

Trump will copy the wise founders who would not let the unwise vote or be on juries

Whether you like or dislike her, she does have a point. Trump may open up one hell of a can of worms on this one.
Hopefully! The sooner we got a war in this country the better.

Until yesterday, I didn't take you rwnutcases too seriously. But I got into a discussion with a prominent local business person who is a known Trump supporter. I made a comment about too many people are advocating an armed revolution if Trump doesn't get his way. He said, "Glad you finally joined us". I told him there was no way I would support such an action and that it ran clearly against the oath I took 5 times in the US Military. He lit off like a roman candle. The crap that came out of that man's mouth was eye opening.

So for the people that won't support an armed revolution, that means you had better be armed at all times. WE are the first targets of that Revolution. Yes, cupcake, there are people out there right on the verge of doing exactly what you are suggesting. So the rest of us need to be armed for our own defense against you self proclaimed "Patriots".
Pelosi Warns Republicans: Next President Could Declare National Emergency on Guns

Foolish democrats cannot understand that only if the men are on your side you can declare an emergency and make it stick

President Andrew Jackson had the men on his side and said no to the congress and courts

He took the military against congress and courts to make the Indians go to reservations

Trump seeing how the unwise and crazies are electing crooks will bring logic tests for voting

Trump will copy the wise founders who would not let the unwise vote or be on juries

Whether you like or dislike her, she does have a point. Trump may open up one hell of a can of worms on this one.

Wrong. Dead wrong

Trump has the men democrats don't so democrats cannot make this stick

But trump can just like Andrew Jackson

Only if the men are on your side can you make a emergency order stick

Trump has this and will make 2 national emergency orders

Wow you are a total moron.

Military’s opinion has ZERO lean on Congress and Courts that will shove Trump’s “emergency” claims and orders up his ass.

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