Trump will cost millions of jobs before the end of the first year. And then what?

You've been destroying jobs for 8 years and now you care????

interesting given that millions of jobs were created over the past 8 years.

anything else you want to lie about?
What millions of jobs?
There is no evidence of that.
The only thing that matters is the GDP. That is one number the administration cannot manipulate.
And with the GDP we have the whole story. IN the 8 years served by Obama, just three quarters exceeded 4.75% annualized GDP growth.
Essentially, the economy was flat for 8 years.
Liberals take that and toss the blame Bush card. Then in the next sentence are extolling the virtues of the Chosen One's seemingly uncanny ability to force employers to hire people. Magically, the Obamessiah has singlehandedly created anywhere from three to 50 million new jobs.
Meanwhile the economy crawled along.
Now, if there is someone out there who can explain how with such massive job growth, we had an economy that was fairly stagnant.
How? Do we have detention facilities in those other countries? Do you realize what you are saying?
Turn on your TV. People are being detained at airports in the USA.
The don't have the proper paperwork to enter the county....turn on your TV to non-fake news....
Some are U.S. citizens who have citizenship in other named countries where Donald Trump has no business interests, some have green cards showing that they are residents of the USA, and some are visitors with visas.
Green cards and Visa's are revocable.
Green cards and visas cannot be invalidated based on a person's religion or nationality.
None of which is being done.
Why do you want them here so much? What's in it for you?
Looks like Trump's on a tear.

Millions of American jobs depend on the half trillion in trade between the US and Mexico. Now Mexico is looking to China to deepen trade. They are talking to Argentina for corn:

Argentina's Macri scraps corn and wheat export quotas

They are targeting cheese imports:

Guajardo noted that Mexico had good relations with China and said Beijing was a "big concern" for the Trump administration.

Mexico issued an ultimatum to the Trump administration

Nearly 5 Million U.S. Jobs Depend on Trade With Mexico

New research from the Mexico Institute at the Wilson Center, a nonpartisan think tank based in Washington, D.C., found that trade with Mexico creates approximately 4.9 million jobs in the United States. In other words, one out of 29 American jobs depends on preserving an economic relationship with the U.S.’s southern neighbor. Researchers came up with this 4.9 million figure by calculating three economic shifts that would likely occur if trade with Mexico ended: the number of American jobs that are involved in producing exports to Mexico, which would be lost; the number of jobs that would return to the United States to produce the previously imported goods; and the number of jobs that would disappear if the money American consumers and companies saved from buying lower-cost imports were gone.

As US pulls back from Pacific trade deal, countries look to China

“The United States isn’t an island. It can’t just sit there and say it’s not going to trade with the rest of the world,” a “disappointed” prime minister, John Key, told reporters Tuesday. “At some point they’re going to have to give some consideration to that.”


No study. No data. No understanding. Just throwing it all out there and seeing what blows up.

If Trump destroys millions of jobs in his first year, what will he do in his next three?

i guess donald doesn't understand that the whole point of the TPP was to block china.

oh well...
That was the con they were trying to put over on us.
Looks like Trump's on a tear.

Millions of American jobs depend on the half trillion in trade between the US and Mexico. Now Mexico is looking to China to deepen trade. They are talking to Argentina for corn:

Argentina's Macri scraps corn and wheat export quotas

They are targeting cheese imports:

Guajardo noted that Mexico had good relations with China and said Beijing was a "big concern" for the Trump administration.

Mexico issued an ultimatum to the Trump administration

Nearly 5 Million U.S. Jobs Depend on Trade With Mexico

New research from the Mexico Institute at the Wilson Center, a nonpartisan think tank based in Washington, D.C., found that trade with Mexico creates approximately 4.9 million jobs in the United States. In other words, one out of 29 American jobs depends on preserving an economic relationship with the U.S.’s southern neighbor. Researchers came up with this 4.9 million figure by calculating three economic shifts that would likely occur if trade with Mexico ended: the number of American jobs that are involved in producing exports to Mexico, which would be lost; the number of jobs that would return to the United States to produce the previously imported goods; and the number of jobs that would disappear if the money American consumers and companies saved from buying lower-cost imports were gone.

As US pulls back from Pacific trade deal, countries look to China

“The United States isn’t an island. It can’t just sit there and say it’s not going to trade with the rest of the world,” a “disappointed” prime minister, John Key, told reporters Tuesday. “At some point they’re going to have to give some consideration to that.”


No study. No data. No understanding. Just throwing it all out there and seeing what blows up.

If Trump destroys millions of jobs in his first year, what will he do in his next three?
This is what happens when you elect business to govern your country. Trump is about as ignorant on US policies than a can of empty shit beans and I shiver when I see the GOP co sign onto this madness and Pense with that fuckin smile on his face, it drives me insane...its almost as if he knows that the carnage Trump is imposing is gonna lead to an impeachment and he will then take over, its really iry watching these two monster interact.
Yes yes yes. Government GOOD.....Business BAD....
You dumb schmuck
You've been destroying jobs for 8 years and now you care????

interesting given that millions of jobs were created over the past 8 years.

anything else you want to lie about?

Seems to me if job creation was thriving so much Obama wouldn't have had the slowest rate of growth in modern history and would not have had to manipulate the unemployment numbers to look better.

He also wouldn't have lost the so called working class to trump.

Obamacare alone has costs insane amounts of jobs.
There will come a day, you stupid white mf' when you are gonna be on your knees begging for Obama to return. 4% unemployment is a good thing, repeat that a zillion times you stupid mf and you'll feel better, you Nazi blind ignorant white fool
Ah...The racist spews.....
Turn on your TV. People are being detained at airports in the USA.
No TV here. If they got here to one of our airports and they are on that list of countries that are banned they will be returned. And people without proper papers cannot enter in.
Trump said they can enter if they are Christians. This is un-American and illegal.
They will have to go through proper channels regardless of their religion but those countries citizens on that ban are banned.
The travel ban exempts Christians which is un-American and illegal.
If it is written as such prove your claim or continue with your dishonesty but I will not waste my time responding to you further.
Only Muslim-majority countries where President Trump has no business interests are on the travel ban list but exceptions are made for "minority" religions. This is means non-Muslims. The EO states:
"(b) Upon the resumption of USRAP admissions, the Secretary of State, in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security, is further directed to make changes, to the extent permitted by law, to prioritize refugee claims made by individuals on the basis of religious-based persecution, provided that the religion of the individual is a minority religion in the individual's country of nationality. ...

"(e) Notwithstanding the temporary suspension imposed pursuant to subsection (a) of this section, the Secretaries of State and Homeland Security may jointly determine to admit individuals to the United States as refugees on a case-by-case basis, in their discretion, but only so long as they determine that the admission of such individuals as refugees is in the national interest -- including when the person is a religious minority in his country of nationality facing religious persecution ..."

Muslims will not qualify.
No TV here. If they got here to one of our airports and they are on that list of countries that are banned they will be returned. And people without proper papers cannot enter in.
Trump said they can enter if they are Christians. This is un-American and illegal.
They will have to go through proper channels regardless of their religion but those countries citizens on that ban are banned.
The travel ban exempts Christians which is un-American and illegal.
If it is written as such prove your claim or continue with your dishonesty but I will not waste my time responding to you further.
Only Muslim-majority countries where President Trump has no business interests are on the travel ban list but exceptions are made for "minority" religions. This is means non-Muslims. The EO states:
"(b) Upon the resumption of USRAP admissions, the Secretary of State, in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security, is further directed to make changes, to the extent permitted by law, to prioritize refugee claims made by individuals on the basis of religious-based persecution, provided that the religion of the individual is a minority religion in the individual's country of nationality. ...

"(e) Notwithstanding the temporary suspension imposed pursuant to subsection (a) of this section, the Secretaries of State and Homeland Security may jointly determine to admit individuals to the United States as refugees on a case-by-case basis, in their discretion, but only so long as they determine that the admission of such individuals as refugees is in the national interest -- including when the person is a religious minority in his country of nationality facing religious persecution ..."

Muslims will not qualify.
Hmm....And you libs have been screeching about alleged bad treatment of minority religions here in the US.
So what's the difference between the US and the countries on the banned list?
Donald Trump is closer to a fascist Leader than anyone in American history. He is using Executive Orders to instruct various federal departments to break the law such as detaining visitors including refugees from entering the USA and denying them legal council while they are in detention. This is based on their religion which is un-American.
How? Do we have detention facilities in those other countries? Do you realize what you are saying?
Turn on your TV. People are being detained at airports in the USA.
The don't have the proper paperwork to enter the county....turn on your TV to non-fake news....
Some are U.S. citizens who have citizenship in other named countries where Donald Trump has no business interests, some have green cards showing that they are residents of the USA, and some are visitors with visas.
Again child, they do not have the paperwork needed to enter the country....
Green cards and visas are the needed paperwork.
This policy will be fought in the courts. The madman is on the loose.
Ask yourself, why was Saudi Arabia where the 9/11 killers came from not put on the list.
Trump said they can enter if they are Christians. This is un-American and illegal.
They will have to go through proper channels regardless of their religion but those countries citizens on that ban are banned.
The travel ban exempts Christians which is un-American and illegal.
If it is written as such prove your claim or continue with your dishonesty but I will not waste my time responding to you further.
Only Muslim-majority countries where President Trump has no business interests are on the travel ban list but exceptions are made for "minority" religions. This is means non-Muslims. The EO states:
"(b) Upon the resumption of USRAP admissions, the Secretary of State, in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security, is further directed to make changes, to the extent permitted by law, to prioritize refugee claims made by individuals on the basis of religious-based persecution, provided that the religion of the individual is a minority religion in the individual's country of nationality. ...

"(e) Notwithstanding the temporary suspension imposed pursuant to subsection (a) of this section, the Secretaries of State and Homeland Security may jointly determine to admit individuals to the United States as refugees on a case-by-case basis, in their discretion, but only so long as they determine that the admission of such individuals as refugees is in the national interest -- including when the person is a religious minority in his country of nationality facing religious persecution ..."

Muslims will not qualify.
Hmm....And you libs have been screeching about alleged bad treatment of minority religions here in the US.
So what's the difference between the US and the countries on the banned list?
Lots of people around the world will be watching this change in what America stands for.
Turn on your TV. People are being detained at airports in the USA.
The don't have the proper paperwork to enter the county....turn on your TV to non-fake news....
Some are U.S. citizens who have citizenship in other named countries where Donald Trump has no business interests, some have green cards showing that they are residents of the USA, and some are visitors with visas.
Green cards and Visa's are revocable.
Green cards and visas cannot be invalidated based on a person's religion or nationality.
None of which is being done.
Why do you want them here so much? What's in it for you?
America represented freedom for people all over the world. Refugees were welcomed and America was a country made-up of immigrants. Donald Trump is something else.
My fellow americans...we have got to stop white people from far their record isn't very good.....
If this little piss pool had any integrity it would ban all racists. Because racists like you are left wingers, you get a free pass from the mods.
How in the hell is that statement racist? Your votes got us a congress, senate and white house that is literly destroying this country as we speak and I'm the racist???? Pot meet mf kettle and shut the fuck up!!
The don't have the proper paperwork to enter the county....turn on your TV to non-fake news....
Some are U.S. citizens who have citizenship in other named countries where Donald Trump has no business interests, some have green cards showing that they are residents of the USA, and some are visitors with visas.
Green cards and Visa's are revocable.
Green cards and visas cannot be invalidated based on a person's religion or nationality.
None of which is being done.
Why do you want them here so much? What's in it for you?
America represented freedom for people all over the world. Refugees were welcomed and America was a country made-up of immigrants. Donald Trump is something else.

Do you feel the same with FDR who closed borders to people of certain races, or his forcing them into prison camps?
The don't have the proper paperwork to enter the county....turn on your TV to non-fake news....
Some are U.S. citizens who have citizenship in other named countries where Donald Trump has no business interests, some have green cards showing that they are residents of the USA, and some are visitors with visas.
Green cards and Visa's are revocable.
Green cards and visas cannot be invalidated based on a person's religion or nationality.
None of which is being done.
Why do you want them here so much? What's in it for you?
America represented freedom for people all over the world. Refugees were welcomed and America was a country made-up of immigrants. Donald Trump is something else.

Especially when all his business dwellings deal with foreign entities and all his women are effin imports
Some are U.S. citizens who have citizenship in other named countries where Donald Trump has no business interests, some have green cards showing that they are residents of the USA, and some are visitors with visas.
Green cards and Visa's are revocable.
Green cards and visas cannot be invalidated based on a person's religion or nationality.
None of which is being done.
Why do you want them here so much? What's in it for you?
America represented freedom for people all over the world. Refugees were welcomed and America was a country made-up of immigrants. Donald Trump is something else.

Do you feel the same with FDR who closed borders to people of certain races, or his forcing them into prison camps?
BIG BIG BIG BIG difference...first off, the US lacked the intelligence we have today, lacked the technology we have today and and and and did so out of ignorance and fear because of this lack of sources. Trump on the other hand is creating this fear and ignorance based on racist shit for his right winged supporters
Some are U.S. citizens who have citizenship in other named countries where Donald Trump has no business interests, some have green cards showing that they are residents of the USA, and some are visitors with visas.
Green cards and Visa's are revocable.
Green cards and visas cannot be invalidated based on a person's religion or nationality.
None of which is being done.
Why do you want them here so much? What's in it for you?
America represented freedom for people all over the world. Refugees were welcomed and America was a country made-up of immigrants. Donald Trump is something else.

Do you feel the same with FDR who closed borders to people of certain races, or his forcing them into prison camps?
FDR sending American-Japanese to concentration camps is one of America's shameful episodes.
You've been destroying jobs for 8 years and now you care????

interesting given that millions of jobs were created over the past 8 years.

anything else you want to lie about?
What millions of jobs?
There is no evidence of that.
The only thing that matters is the GDP. That is one number the administration cannot manipulate.
And with the GDP we have the whole story. IN the 8 years served by Obama, just three quarters exceeded 4.75% annualized GDP growth.
Essentially, the economy was flat for 8 years.
Liberals take that and toss the blame Bush card. Then in the next sentence are extolling the virtues of the Chosen One's seemingly uncanny ability to force employers to hire people. Magically, the Obamessiah has singlehandedly created anywhere from three to 50 million new jobs.
Meanwhile the economy crawled along.
Now, if there is someone out there who can explain how with such massive job growth, we had an economy that was fairly stagnant.
Why is it so hard for ingrates like you to put on facts...when spending is down, our GDP suffers and because for the last 8 years congress and our states refuse to address income inequality and wages, yes we staggered and will continue to stagger along under Trump, with this so called Labor secretary. The elephant in the room will not go away, Trump knows this, that's why his goods are still manufactored offshore. Stop trying to put this shit on Obama and find a fuckin voting mirror you moronic simp

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