Trump will declare war on Antifa !

Does it really matter what Trump does at this point?

He is a lame duck and everything he does will be reversed next year


How many deaths can be attributed to ANIFA?
I am not condoning ANIFA but an organisation on the terrorist list who have killed no one and ignoring orgaisations who killed hundreds...

But the big question is, How does making ANIFA a terrorist organisation help bring the 103k people death back?

Why is Trump golfing while over a 1000 people a day are dying?

You don't even know that the group is called "ANTIFA" with a t. You don't even know what that stands for do you? Where are you from ? You surely aren't from the US. Are you a paid troll? This doesn't have anything to do with COVID dumbs.

The guy who joined in November calls me a paid troll...

I have heavy business ties to the US and employ people in the US...

By the way I do know ANIFA and I have said I don't agree with there methods while I do think what they were originally pro-suing was worthwhile.

ANIFA are for less violent than White Supremacists (who we have been told have some very fine people)... This is the usual distraction tactic for trump whos behaviour has been littered with finger pointing...

So you comments about me personally, well you can fuck off about them... Are you so little of a person that you can't make an argument and have to go for me personally... By the way joining in the last few months and insulting members of this board is troll behaviour...
ANIFA are for less violent than White Supremacists (who we have been told have some very fine people)...

hardly less vioent, and no one referred to White Supremacists as 'very fine peopole'.

But, continue with the propaganda.

it proves what you are.

(a deluded parrot)

"Right-wing extremists, including white supremacists, were responsible for the majority of extremist-related murders in the U.S. in 2019, according to data collected by the anti-hate advocacy group Anti-Defamation League. That's a continuation of a disturbing trend, with right-wing extremists committing more than three-fourths of extremist-related murders in the country since 2010, according to the group's annual Murder and Extremism report.

The report says 42 people were killed by domestic extremists in 2019 — 38 of them by assailants who subscribe to extreme right-wing ideologies. There were 17 fatal incidents, the group found. Of those, the deadliest was the mass shooting at a Walmart in El Paso, Texas, that killed 22 and wounded two dozen more in August 2019. Authorities have said the alleged shooter, Patrick Crusius, targeted Hispanics and posted a racist, anti-immigrant manifesto online before the rampage that railed against what he called a "Hispanic invasion of Texas."

The deadly incidents also included the shooting at a synagogue in Poway, California that killed one woman and wounded three other people in April 2019. The suspect opened fire on a crowd of about 100 and fled when his rifle jammed. He later called 911 and told a dispatcher he had just "shot up" a synagogue, speaking about his hatred of Jews.""
Black people are shooting each other in Minneapolis, Chicago, Detroit, St. Louis, Baltimore, New Orleans, Washington DC, Oakland, etc, at the rate of hundreds a week. Who is responsible for that?
Ahhh yes, Fat Billy Barf made the claim yesterday (with NO evidence) that AntiFa is behind the torching and looting in Minnesota.
That made Donnie Dotard VERY happy! :rolleyes:

You have no idea if they have evidence or not. Do you. Link?

They don't. Local officials know a LOT more than Fat Billy and even they have made no determination.

Like I said. You have no link to prove there is no evidence. NONE. You know nothing.
Here is a mysterious 3rd pile of bricks that showed. Dallas, Manhattan and I believe also in Minneapolis, or maybe it was in Denver. Love to see this investigated. Who dropped them and who allowed theem to be put there, and video from where bricks are sold.

Not for sure where, actually in Washington


several of the cities are reporting piles of brick laying around these riot areas.

we need to smarten up and realize we're being setup and devote all energy into finding out who (cough soros cough) is doing it.

Trump is going to declare Twitter is a terrorist organization
False equivalence is false.

Do you know who those fuckers are?

This just demonstrates to me what a clueless motherfucker you are.



Anti Fascism ?

How dare they?
They aren’t Anti-fascist, they are anti-capitalism.

Trump is going to declare Twitter is a terrorist organization
False equivalence is false.

Do you know who those fuckers are?

This just demonstrates to me what a clueless motherfucker you are.



Anti Fascism ?

How dare they?
They aren’t Anti-fascist, they are anti-capitalism.

Republicans protect fascism at all costs

Trump is going to declare Twitter is a terrorist organization
False equivalence is false.

Do you know who those fuckers are?

This just demonstrates to me what a clueless motherfucker you are.



Anti Fascism ?

How dare they?
They aren’t Anti-fascist, they are anti-capitalism.

Republicans protect fascism at all costs
You seem to have Republicans confused with Democrats. You’re projecting again.


How many deaths can be attributed to ANIFA?
I am not condoning ANIFA but an organisation on the terrorist list who have killed no one and ignoring orgaisations who killed hundreds...

But the big question is, How does making ANIFA a terrorist organisation help bring the 103k people death back?

Why is Trump golfing while over a 1000 people a day are dying?
That is exactly what they are! They are domestic terrorists. And it's about time!
What terrorist acts have they committed?

Berkley California




And today


How many deaths can be attributed to ANIFA?
I am not condoning ANIFA but an organisation on the terrorist list who have killed no one and ignoring orgaisations who killed hundreds...

But the big question is, How does making ANIFA a terrorist organisation help bring the 103k people death back?

Why is Trump golfing while over a 1000 people a day are dying?
That is exactly what they are! They are domestic terrorists. And it's about time!
What terrorist acts have they committed?

Berkley California




And today

More graffiti? Cool I guess :rolleyes:
Wrexham Antifa - terrifying !!

View attachment 343499

One antifa group out of hundreds. Nice job finding this picture. And it's in another country.

I am anti-fascist. Antifa in the US is a terrorist organization. They have proven it by their actions. I'm against them.
I know most of those guys and they are good people with a strong sense of civic duty. We should never accept nazis in our community, polluting our streets with their hate.
Here is a pic of the last time nazis tried to march in our town. The police kettled them up in a local pub, for their own safety, before they scuttled off through the back door. Job done.
We have a diverse community that works well, our neighbours should not have to put up with trash.

We support Trump because he calls things as they are and he's effective. What do PROGS have? Well, their idea of leadership is a man with dementia and a vice president selected because she's a woman and probably "of color" too.

Trump wins, it's what he does.
Wrexham Antifa - terrifying !!

View attachment 343499

One antifa group out of hundreds. Nice job finding this picture. And it's in another country.

I am anti-fascist. Antifa in the US is a terrorist organization. They have proven it by their actions. I'm against them.
I know most of those guys and they are good people with a strong sense of civic duty. We should never accept nazis in our community, polluting our streets with their hate.
Here is a pic of the last time nazis tried to march in our town. The police kettled them up in a local pub, for their own safety, before they scuttled off through the back door. Job done.
We have a diverse community that works well, our neighbours should not have to put up with trash.

View attachment 343511
Tommy, the 21st Century is still young. This may be the bloodiest in human history. We are due.......again!
Ahhh yes, Fat Billy Barf made the claim yesterday (with NO evidence) that AntiFa is behind the torching and looting in Minnesota.
That made Donnie Dotard VERY happy! :rolleyes:

Fuck off ANTIFA buttress. Consider ANTIFA lucky, there's been talk of people organizing to head them off. That would be bad news for them, because every one of them are pussies, and most are extremely dumb.
That is exactly what they are! They are domestic terrorists. And it's about time!
What terrorist acts have they committed?

You don't even have the decency to read the OP link. You're useless, as usual and definitely on the wrong side of this shit. Even some of the left have problems with ANTIFA. Anyone with common decency has a problem with ANTIFA. hum.... That's right, you don't have any. My bad. Carry on.

From the link:

"A person engages in domestic terrorism if they do an act “dangerous to human life” that is a violation of the criminal laws of a state or the United States, if the act appears to be intended to: (i) intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination or kidnapping."
Let’s see

Show me specifically what acts of terror they have committed. How many people has Antifa killed?

The antifa (/ænˈtiːfə, ˈæntiˌfɑː/)[1] movement in the United States is a militant[2], left-wing, anti-fascist political activist movement[8][12] which comprises autonomous activist groups that aim to achieve their political objectives through the use of direct action rather than through policy reform.[13][14][15] Activists engage in varied protest tactics, including digital activism, property damage, physical violence and harassment against those whom they identify as fascist, racist or on the far-right.[23]

Individuals involved in the movement tend to hold anti-capitalist views,[24] and subscribe to a range of ideologies such as anarcho-communism, socialism, communism, liberalism and social democracy.[30]

terror is not just killing people.
Who have they killed?
What buildings have they blown up?

The Trump administration has blocked the investigation and reporting of actions from right wing and Altright groups who have blown up buildings, attacked abortion clinics and killed thousands.

ANTIFA pales by comparison
Who have they killed?

Here ya go, Moron.

Dayton shooter Connor Betts may be antifa’s first mass killer

Right-wing extremists killed 38 people in U.S. in 2019, Anti-Defamation League finds

Were they an organized group or simply 38 individuals that the ADL deemed”extremists”?

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