Trump will leave office with a historically bad economic record

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Putting an end to the lie that there was a Trump economic miracle. Trump entered office with dropping unemployment and a steadily rising market. He leaves the country in shambles.

Red states are doing great, the stock market is on fire. It's not Trump's fault stupid shit Dems wrecked their economies.

Its Trumps economy
It sure was when he was bragging about it

Trump didn't shut down the businesses in your Dem blue states so stop lying and talking nonsense. Take a break from being an imbecile.
As a matter of record, Trumps inept response to COVID shut down businesses unnecessarily.
In his haste to keep business open at all costs, he allowed COVID to spread where it had been previously contained
Funny stuff......
300,000 dead is anything but funny

Lotta blood on the hands of Trumpy Bear seeing as how we've now exceeded the total death count from WWII and of 9/11 on a daily basis! :icon_rolleyes:
Putting an end to the lie that there was a Trump economic miracle. Trump entered office with dropping unemployment and a steadily rising market. He leaves the country in shambles.

Red states are doing great, the stock market is on fire. It's not Trump's fault stupid shit Dems wrecked their economies.

Its Trumps economy
It sure was when he was bragging about it

Trump didn't shut down the businesses in your Dem blue states so stop lying and talking nonsense. Take a break from being an imbecile.
As a matter of record, Trumps inept response to COVID shut down businesses unnecessarily.
In his haste to keep business open at all costs, he allowed COVID to spread where it had been previously contained
Funny stuff......
300,000 dead is anything but funny

Lotta blood on the hands of Trumpy Bear seeing as how we've now exceeded the total death count from WWII and of 9/11 on a daily basis! :icon_rolleyes:
Shiver in place.......
Putting an end to the lie that there was a Trump economic miracle. Trump entered office with dropping unemployment and a steadily rising market. He leaves the country in shambles.

Alone among the 13 presidents since World War Two, Trump will exit the White House with fewer Americans employed than when he started. He will have overseen punier growth in economic output than any of the previous 12 presidents.

His throwback "America First" agenda has failed to restore the old economic engine that powered an earlier era's prosperity. On Trump's watch, industrial production has fallen. The Federal Reserve says the manufacturing sector fell into recession in 2019 even before the coronavirus pandemic hit.
how many of those presidents had a virus problem like he has?...before it hit we were doing pretty good.....
Some of them had wars, actual attacks by foreign terrorists and natural disasters, long term curtailing of petroleum supply by trump's Saudi Buddies. The dealt with it and produced net gain over circumstance. They did not put off addressing their and the country's probem in order to vainly attempt to make themselves look good, while publicly saying the problem did not exist, was not a serious problem, or otherwise attempting to fool their followers (in his case successfully, though they are admittedly easy to fool) by the gravity of the real world problems.
He is the man in the big chair. Whether he likes it or not, it was his responsibility and he failed the test. As RW is saying, the buck stops there. In this case, a lot of bucks for a lot of people stopped because of what was done and not done, there, a lot of lives (far too many) also. History is an unforgiving appraiser, but facts and numbers do tell the story.
Obama had to take over the most complicated financial disaster in the history of this country. Did the Trumpsters acknowledge that? Nope.

So, regarding Trump's weak numbers? Tough shit. He's a loser.
This thread....and the likes of the OP......

Are exactly the shit sandwich the Conservative Right will continue to be forced to swallow until they grow a spine and realize freedom was never free.

....and Thomas Jefferson was correct

You gonna act out now Trumptard? Hopefully the FBI and CIA are keeping an eye out!

LOL....these Demoblobs don't hate Trump.......

They hate themselves and each other ! :hello77:

300,000 dead is anything but funny
Who's laughing?

Do we have an example of a President who served, that didn't have deaths during his term?

Are they all responsible for the deaths under their leadership? or is it just Trump?

Democrats are liars and will have to live with the fact that the shutdowns they orchestrated killed our economy, destroyed people's lives and businesses. And, it continues..........
300,000 dead is anything but funny
Who's laughing?

Do we have an example of a President who served, that didn't have deaths during his term?

Are they all responsible for the deaths under their leadership? or is it just Trump?

Democrats are liars and will have to live with the fact that the shutdowns they orchestrated killed our economy, destroyed people's lives and businesses. And, it continues..........

One of the personality traits of moral narcissists (like the OP) is that they have no guilt.

Whatever makes them "feel good" prevails in their minds as Justice. No matter what it is. Abortion for example.

They couldn't care less as long as it makes them feel good. It's why so many conservatives are attacked every day by Leftists.
It's why the jails a loaded with Leftists.

Which is why it's so important for people to wake up and realize the dangerous type of human beings they're allowing to steal elections and power.
Hitler was also a moral narcissist just like most Democrats and Leftists.
Putting an end to the lie that there was a Trump economic miracle. Trump entered office with dropping unemployment and a steadily rising market. He leaves the country in shambles.

Alone among the 13 presidents since World War Two, Trump will exit the White House with fewer Americans employed than when he started. He will have overseen punier growth in economic output than any of the previous 12 presidents.

His throwback "America First" agenda has failed to restore the old economic engine that powered an earlier era's prosperity. On Trump's watch, industrial production has fallen. The Federal Reserve says the manufacturing sector fell into recession in 2019 even before the coronavirus pandemic hit.
The market is a record levels, Halfwit.
300,000 dead is anything but funny
Who's laughing?

Do we have an example of a President who served, that didn't have deaths during his term?

Are they all responsible for the deaths under their leadership? or is it just Trump?

Democrats are liars and will have to live with the fact that the shutdowns they orchestrated killed our economy, destroyed people's lives and businesses. And, it continues..........
Good point
A President can’t stop an infection. But he can handle a crisis. Trump made it worse

Based on our population, we should have had 60,000 deaths
Under Trumps inept leadership, we have 300,000
Putting an end to the lie that there was a Trump economic miracle. Trump entered office with dropping unemployment and a steadily rising market. He leaves the country in shambles.

Alone among the 13 presidents since World War Two, Trump will exit the White House with fewer Americans employed than when he started. He will have overseen punier growth in economic output than any of the previous 12 presidents.

His throwback "America First" agenda has failed to restore the old economic engine that powered an earlier era's prosperity. On Trump's watch, industrial production has fallen. The Federal Reserve says the manufacturing sector fell into recession in 2019 even before the coronavirus pandemic hit.
The market is a record levels, Halfwit.
So is our debt, Halfwit
300,000 dead is anything but funny
Who's laughing?

Do we have an example of a President who served, that didn't have deaths during his term?

Are they all responsible for the deaths under their leadership? or is it just Trump?

Democrats are liars and will have to live with the fact that the shutdowns they orchestrated killed our economy, destroyed people's lives and businesses. And, it continues..........
Good point
A President can’t stop an infection. But he can handle a crisis. Trump made it worse

Based on our population, we should have had 60,000 deaths
Under Trumps inept leadership, we have 300,000
They predicted over 2 million dead. Anyway if you go by covid only deaths, it would be under 60,000.
. . . as if presidents have anything to do with economic performance of the economy.



If Trump had taken this virus seriously from the start, the shutdowns probably wouldn't have been necessary. He had a prime opportunity to limit the damage but chose to not take any responsibility and instead spent his time blaming Obama and Hillary and anybody else that helped him feel better.
But everything is a conspiracy with him.
Everybody is out to get him.
The whole Covid-19 thing is a big hoax perpetrated by the DNC and Deep State.
300,000 dead is anything but funny
Who's laughing?

Do we have an example of a President who served, that didn't have deaths during his term?

Are they all responsible for the deaths under their leadership? or is it just Trump?

Democrats are liars and will have to live with the fact that the shutdowns they orchestrated killed our economy, destroyed people's lives and businesses. And, it continues..........
Good point
A President can’t stop an infection. But he can handle a crisis. Trump made it worse

Based on our population, we should have had 60,000 deaths
Under Trumps inept leadership, we have 300,000
They predicted over 2 million dead. Anyway if you go by covid only deaths, it would be under 60,000.
Wrong again skippy
They told Trump that if nothing were done, there could be 2 million. So are you bragging Trump is better than nothing when he has 300,000 dead instead of 60,000?
Putting an end to the lie that there was a Trump economic miracle. Trump entered office with dropping unemployment and a steadily rising market. He leaves the country in shambles.

Alone among the 13 presidents since World War Two, Trump will exit the White House with fewer Americans employed than when he started. He will have overseen punier growth in economic output than any of the previous 12 presidents.

His throwback "America First" agenda has failed to restore the old economic engine that powered an earlier era's prosperity. On Trump's watch, industrial production has fallen. The Federal Reserve says the manufacturing sector fell into recession in 2019 even before the coronavirus pandemic hit.
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